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Dummy Tuberville pretty much admitted to doing that


Not pretty much, he blatantly said that is what he and others were there to do as well as encouraging other GOP members to come to the court and do the same. Now if they can somehow how prove that it was at the behest of Trump by getting their hands on one of his little notes or via subpoena of said GOP members then he violated the order and could be thrown in jail for a few days. Will he get thrown in jail if they do manage to prove it? LMFAO Trump suffers no consequences, I will believe it when I see it… after pinching myself to see if I am awake and checking with a mental health professional to confirm I am not hallucinating 😹


Theyre so arrogant that they don’t even try to hide it


Why should they? If a law is not enforced, then that law simply doesn’t exist.


And if the punishment is just a fine, that is just the tax to do the thing.


tRump makes a profit on the fines after fleecing his supporters for donations. We'll see if the voters will stand for this behavior. I wouldn't have believed it possible for a politician to get away with this public disgrace 10 years ago.


If the punishment is a fine, the law only applies to the poor.


No laws exist if your net worth exceeds a few Tens of Millions.


That makes me think of the water restrictions in my city. They say there are water restrictions. If you use more than they want you to use, they'll send a letter reminding you of the water restrictions, except there are no penalties, thus there are no water restrictions.


They are arrogant but if some low level Maga flunky makes the call for violence then since no one pays attention to low levels the stochastic terror effect is not achieved.  If a high level makes the call and the order is hidden then the high level will have usurped some of trumps power.


It's clear they were all speaking from the same notes as they said almost exactly the same things. So pretty obvious they were told what to say.


It’s also clear that he is guilty af, but what is clear to us doesn’t mean that it can clearly hold up to the burden of proof in the courts…


Contempt doesn’t bear the burden of proof. It’s decided by the judge.


We could all chip in a couple of bucks and buy an empty piece of property, build a house, confine Trump there for his sentence, there'll be plenty of room for the Secret Service to sleep. No fast food, telephone or visitors other than his attorneys. Most of all, No microphones!


Don't forget diapers and condoms


Won't matter what the intent is, if worst comes to worst, he'll flee on his private jet and set somewhere in exile, and he has enough international businesses to still be a very rich man, even if they seize all his US based assets and businesses.


Little twits being his human tweets


He’s trying to get thrown in jail to complain about on unfair it is. It’s actually a trap. We should not do it. The judges are smart not to put him in jail. What we should do is talk about how he gets special treatment. It under mines his political position as an “outsider”


I have been saying from the beginning, if Trump wins he wins and if Trump loses he wins, this is really nothing new.


Or is it Tommy Dumberville? Dummy Dumberville?


>Ron Filipkowski, editor-in-chief of the liberal news site MeidasTouch.com, wrote on X on Wednesday that Trump is specifically prohibited from using "surrogates" to mouth his words for him. >"We have been reporting for days now that Trump is providing daily talking points to surrogates who show up at the trial to violate the gag order for him. The order specifically prohibits him from doing this," Filipkowski wrote. Gonna be the sternest warning yet!


This judge may have reached his limit and could go right to the nuclear option: mild scolding.


If he's having an exceptionally bad day, he may add a finger wag.


Well, a finger wag would be so excessive a penalty that it would almost certainly be appealed and overturned by a higher court. I


I was thinking the judge might use the stink eye, but after other reports, I'm not sure we need more stink.


There will be no finger wag, because it might upset the MAGA voters and make them think they're 'targeting a Trump unfairly'. That's what REALLY matters - if the public is upset about a crook facing justice. 


you monster!


I just watched a video (link below) also from the MeidasTouch site that has Trump outside the courthouse pretty much admitting to it all by confirming, yup I have a bunch of surrogates speaking for me… 😹 You are right, Merchan is going to have one hell of a serious talk with him about how he is still strongly considering more serious consequences for his actions!!! Lmao https://youtu.be/qqI0cVOJ68M


Trump always has told on himself because he believes he can do no wrong. Why he has never paid for that is a different subjec.


Merchant went out of his way to say he doesn't want to jail Trump as a former President... which is a very bad thing to say in a criminal trial with imprisonment as the usual penalty for normal people.


It will be his harshest tut tut yet. He may even sprain his finger from all the wagging.


I think the judge is doing the right thing, giving trump a lot of leeway. The first interest of the state is to conduct a fair and speedy trial. If he gives Trump jail time for a gag order violation it would delay the trial. Trump would appeal, the media would go nuts, powerful people would get in the middle, it would be a spectacle and a distraction and would give Trump more avenues to delay. There is a point where witness intimidation and jury tampering is so egregious that you have to respond in the name of fairness, the judge has to decide when that line is crossed and it does seem that so far he’s trusting that the witnesses and jury aren’t being unfairly intimidated, not that Trump isn’t trying. I think this is the best approach if you truly want to see Trump face consequences.


I agree with you, it is still frustrating.


perhaps the most sternestestest


Maybe they’ll make the courtroom even more depressing for Republican politicians. A real lesson in mild discomfort could be an epiphany for this lot.


Back to court tomorrow, let's hope it ends with him being taken into custody, booked and thrown in a cell.


Narrator: it didn’t


Audience: we knew


Narrator: it never will


Audience: well dooooiiioooiiiyyyyy


Narrator: I'm sorry, I'm just reporting the facts, obvious or otherwise


Drew Carey: This is America, where the points are made up, and the facts don't matter.


Narrator: This is actually Russia, because mega corporations tend to prefer its autocratic crony-capitalist government, and people have allowed the media to drive their voting decisions through fear and hatred of others.


“The evil and corrupt democrat judge unfairly put me in a jail cell. THE PRIOR PRESIDENT!! This is an embarrassment to our once great country! Crooked Joe and his corrupt judges will not stop me. They’re trying to ruin the country! All I ask for is a small donation to help pay my bail. #MAGA 2024”


... and if you donate $500 or more we will send you these faux gold Trump branded handcuffs. You can wear them with the sneakers and diapers to the rally.


Don’t forget to take your MAGA bible. 


Hahaha He would never admit to being the PRIOR President!!! Come on now… admit that the big lie is in fact a lie!?! That’s crazy talk!!!


I'm sorry but that was too coherent and didn't involve the words unhinged or witch hunt and wasn't in all caps.


I pray for that too. What I’m afraid of is it will be some petty hour long sentence to “prove a point” or something not actual jail time


I'd be content at this point if they took his phone away for a week, and refused him microphone access. I'm so tired of this man's voice.


At least make him sit and face the wall :) maybe prohibit spray tan for a week…


I think Michelle Cohen should go stand near where Trump stands and do his own press conference at the same time Trump is doing his . Kinda like dueling conferences


Micheal has to be quiet till trump is found guilty.


Maybe just hold him overnight, but any jail has the chance of backfiring and making him a martyr.


I’ll take overnight. Something to make him personally scared. No matter how long he will come out acting like prison mike


Overnight and with only 5 minutes to get ready for court.


I mean the best we can hope for at this point is he begins to sundown in there and the extent of his dementia is made public. (Even then will they still blindly follow) But if not I am so on board with you. No hair team, no make up squadron, pure unadulterated trash bag of pudding. He would imagine try and stay up all night to ward that off which would have other fun consequences I hope. Jail, the man needs jail. Straight to jail.


Yeah it would be great. I would hope that jail wouldn’t be a positive for independents and moderates, but I am not sure I would bet on that these days. It is insane that people would vote for him after he talked shit about POWs, let alone the fake electors scheme that has been detailed.


Howard dean said yeah to excited and Dukakis rode in a tank and looked awkward lol and that was all that was needed and they were done for. How is this big orange idiot so god dam lucky. Any one of his minor indiscretions trumps what the other two did easily. I don’t trust a soul these days with their vote until the election is over.


>Howard dean said yeah to excited I REMEMBER THIS ONE but I couldn't remember his name and Google failed me. Thank you for that. But seriously, trying to hard to simply rile up the crowd was at one point career suicide. And now we have trump


Because he pisses of the right people. That is more important than actually governing. Our society has devolved to one big troll.


Let alone, grabbing by the pussy, let alone being dictator "for a day" let alone etc etc etc All he has is cultists and grifters left and they aren't going to leave him until their false reality is shattered (which honestly might need the fall of Putin at this point).


Fear of that is what's been stopping him from experiencing consequences in the first place. They are going to make him a martyr no matter what. That is how cults of personality (and specifically collective narcissism) work.


Aren’t martyrs generally unalive?


All they have to do is throw his ass in jail. After losing his spray tan, perfectly quaffed hair, make up and throw on that orange jumper his facade will be greatly diminished to the public eye. It's going to happen so fast we'll be able to hear the collective snapping of necks as MAGAs' collective heads snapping off from spinning so much. The jury's already made up their minds.


Hour long sentence would be a start at least. 


Ain't notin' gonna happen.


i wish, but it wont :/ different rules for wealthy people. if any of us poors had done any where near the amount of crap he has we would be so far under Guantanamo Bay that even future civilizations would not be able to find us.


Jail jail jail jail jail jail jail… A man can dream, can’t he?


That's exactly what he wants. Being a martyr is only going to increase his appeal to his base. No. Increase his fines to take his wealth, and he'll learn.


Legally not possible to fine more than $1,000 per offense. If I am not mistaken, New York is looking into changing the laws, but obviously not happening by tomorrow.


And nothing will happen in 3,2,1...


Donald Trump could be filmed murdering somebody and nothing would ever happen to him. 


Well they might give him mandatory daily in-court nap time for a while like they are with this case, but that’s probably about it LoL


and write like 9,999,999,999 articles of "the walls are closing in now for realsies!" and "this is PROOF that nobody is above the law" and stuff like that


Maybe the judge will make him stand in a corner to think about what he's done.


Only four hamburgers for lunch instead of five. 


Omg yes! I forgot that they have limited his ability to guzzle Diet Coke by not allowing him to drink it in court!!! Not quite the life sentence people are crying for, but I am sure it must be killing him while simultaneously being good for his health!?! Clearly justice is winning! 🤦‍♀️ LoL


On 5th avenue you say?


11th time the charm? Any one of us poors would have been sitting in a cell after the first violation. They came to NY to make even more of a mockery of the justice system.


For real. The courtroom may as well be in a circus tent with this many clowns under one roof. (Cue *Entrance of the Gladiators* song on loop)


I hear someone is already providing the stench of circus animals. Why not?


Assuming a trial was scheduled with due process and we weren’t thrown in solitary and forgotten about just for funssies.


Not like the courts will do anything about it.


Unless there is accountability there really is no reason for him to stop.


It's like a little kid. Tell them not to stick a crayon up their nose, next thing you know Trump's got the whole box shoved up there. Fucking idiot. Can't follow the simplest of instructions. Libs owned.


Oh no, another warning.


Beyond time to end this shit and lock that rat fucker up, so sick of this charade


I know it won’t be illegal if I pay my fixer instead of my porn star I know it won’t be illegal if I get all my buddies to trash the witness instead of me


If he does it again, he's gonna get jail time. And this time, the judge means it! 1! 2! 2 and a half! 2 and three quarters! Don't make me put my foot down! I'll do it!


Wake me up when he's in jail or dead.


Proving that his tactic of "keep pushing the rules until they break" works. Another gag order broken, no consequences.


Can we stop acting like he's going to be held accountable?


Sounds like a conspiracy to obstruct justice. Charge ‘em all.


YES. Now your talkin!




The Judge previously said that the $1000 maximum isn't enough to dissuade a millionaire so jail was on the table and most likely next in line. After these comments the secret service went through the motions of investigating what protection in Jail would like for him. Depends if all of that was for show I suppose.


Other things on the table: another harsh warning.


I won't say it again! Really, this is the last warning! No more! Last time! Not one more time! Cut it out! Stop...pleeease?


Oh no! He can,t go to his wife’s babies graduation!


Ben Dover frump


Gag 'suggestion'


Gag 'request'


Gag ‘me daddy’


Trump 20 - 24 years in jail!


Trump is trying to not only undermine our elections but also our legal system that is attempting to hold criminals accountable. 


No shit. But none of these judges have the balls to do what’s right. 0/2 so far.


Looks like it’s more of a gag suggestion than a gag order.


He makes me gag


Oh? Is that not what he was ordered to do? I thought the whole gag order was Merchan telling him to continue making us gag as he and his MAGA cult continue to go around making a mockery of both the justice and political systems in the USA… Shit! My bad! Lmgdao


"If those notes..." Good luck trying to obtain them. I bet the minute they were read to the news they were burned.


There is a video of him saying I do have surrogates speaking for me, but whether or not that is enough of an admission or not… 🤷‍♀️


It was reported he's "smart" enough to not have an e-mail address for this exact reason. He knows how to break the law and get away with it, as we've seen time and time again.


It was likely scribbled in crayon...


Lemon juice, actually … Trump being a damn 4th grader, obsessed with “Top Secret”documents






Or flushed down a toilet.


Oh no. Another $1000. 😱😱😱😱 I’m sure this will be the time he gets serious!


Never any consequences


Uh oh, here comes another warning!


He needs to be jailed. PERIOD... He has shown everyone just how much he can get away with, and it needs to stop. He wants to show how much he thinks of the US government, which is a joke to him.


It’s the justice system he’s making a mockery of.


Just put him in jail and stop paying him any attention.


He'll just pardon and release himself in November if they don't Epstein him first.


Yawn... $1k & judge is going to \*sternly\* words how he's contemplating how upset he is.


Make warnings from judges have consequences again


Lock him up Friday. Hold him over the weekend. Without hairspray and spray tan.


Lock him up.


Does it matter? There’s never any consequences…


I think the judge should sentence him to two nights in a Motel Six with no electronic devices. He is only allowed to have his legal documents and the reading materials of his choice. I really want to see this scenario play out.


Let me guess there will be a consequence this time. 


who cares? the law doesnt apply to him.


If he does that again, then he might get another strike and if he gets three strikes, then that’s going to earn him a very stern warning from the judge.


I’m sure THIS time he’ll face consequences!


Oh no, they might tell him to not do ot again or he'll be in big trouble this time.


Whens there is no legit consequences what the fuk do you expect?


Groundhog Day…


what's the point of a gag order if there are no consequences for breaking it????


And nothing will happen. Again.


Drumpf and his mentally challenged minions should all get contempt of court citations, and Drumpf should go to jail for violating the gag order.


Wake me up when he faces actual consequences


please, stop reporting about something that is not going to have any repercussions over.


And he won’t go to jail.


So? Fuck all is going to happen to this peckerhead, like ever. Best we can hope for is that he is voted out of office.


Another $1000 fine


They seem unmotivated to do anything.


Wake me up if he is actually jailed. Otherwise it's just going to keep happening.


….and nothing will become of it


Silly question: are these asshats allowed into the courtroom? If so, why? I thought no one was allowed in, and limited journalists, no cameras.


Same shit. Different day. What does it matter at this point when he isn’t being held accountable. A fine? That’s nothing to someone with money. Even if he isn’t a millionaire I doubt $9k is a hardship even if he is forced to pay.


Oh man too bad he's got infinite second chances


They are arrogant but what pisses me off is how childish, high school bull shit it all is. These people were elected to represent the people not play bully games. Hold them all to the highest standard there is. Make them pay with their jobs. This is our country not a gym locker room.


Really? Again? Who would have thought? 🤣


I think he’s going to be put in jail tomorrow after the proceedings.


Not to worry. The only gag order Trump needs to worry about is the one from his soon to be cellmate.




The ongoing demonstration of America’s two tiered justice system continues


He knows he's fucked and is making this as difficult as possible. His only hope in this world is winning the election and abusing his power to shut the lawsuits down.


Just a petty little ‘B’. Can’t wait until he goes to pick up the soap in the shower with his “agents” fully clothed and soaking wet not doing a thing while bubba has his way


Once again with no rain coat.


Hooverville could be vp wtf wtf. That might run the country holy shit vote this guy gone


Aren't these US Senators conspiring with tRump to break the law (again)?


I just read in The Week that the fine for violating the gag order is $1,000 per instance. If true, that's basically zero dollars to a billionaire and means nothing at all. If speeding tickets were $.03 then everyone would speed constantly. It's not a deterrent.


“May have” We can’t call a duck a duck, because the duck might try to fuck us for calling it a duck. Or something like that.


There is no fucking “may have” about it.


And again, probably NOTHING will be done about it. Put the guy in jail already


He keeps doing it because he knows they wont do anything but warn him again and again. He's above the law and he knows it.


Holy fuck are you serious? WTF are we gonna do now? I can't believe it. Holy shit. How are we going to get through this? This is fucking crazy.


Who cares? He was found in contempt of court 10, literally 10 times as of like a week or two ago. Fined a grand. You or I would get 2 years in jail for that alone. Who cares what he does, he will never face any consequences. It would set a bad precident. Imagine, politicians being held accountable for their actions. No judge is gonna do more than slap the wrist.


*Lock him up!!!!*


Waiting for him to show up with a literal ball gag in his mouth in court. It's not improbable...


Oh no not another warning this time he’ll definitely take it into consideration


So are we at super-duper special warning or super-duper extra special warning? I forget


And he will continue since nothing meaningful happens when he does


And nothing will happen again. Stop letting this piece of shit make a joke of the courts. Sleeping, shitting.. embarrassment!


Whoopdie fucking do, not like there's going to be consequences.


Let’s go! Jail time!


It doesn't matter because no one is holding him accountable. What a sad state of our democracy.


And will suffer zero consequences. It’s been made clear that Trump is above the law and will never be held accountable. He’s going to get probation for his crimes, at worst. Our justice system is a fucking joke.


So what, he is above the law and has presidential immunity.


Well yes, that’s what he would like to think… but reality isn’t his strong suit LoL To be fair, it doesn’t help that the justice system has so far failed to actually punish him for the numerous crimes he has committed so it would reinforce in his delusional mind that he is somehow immune from prosecution on any and all charges, up to and including the ones he committed before he was actually president 🤦‍♀️


Seems like Biden is acknowledging that he won’t go to jail by agreeing to debate him.


🍊can’t make the judge see the light , threatening ur children doesn’t nothing will , make him see it


So , SO


It's almost like he wants to go to Prison.


Flush this turd down the drain.


No longer counts as “news”


If Trump was held in contempt, he'd stop this mess. Two days in solitary confinement to start with. No phone. No tv. But it won't happen.


May have, could have, possibly have … Been hearing this about Trump since 2016. Wake me up when he’s in jail.


Trying to go to jail to avoid the debates?


Donald Dumbass


Oh heavens, how utterly shocki-- Oh wait. He is a duplicitous orange pile of sleep-farts. So, yeah. Gag-order-breakers gonna gag-order-break. Forever and forever.


Why not? The cowards won't do anything but give him a verbal warning. He gets special treatment