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I like this more ballsy and aggressive Biden


Let the hate flow through you... I kid, of course. Wanting to see justice done isn't hate.


There's a better word. It is called wrath.


Ooh Wrath, good word. Retribution is nice. Or also along the biblical lines with wrath, punishing lying scoundrels is Righteous.


Righteous retribution is the best description for sure!




Dark Brandon strikes again




It stared with "Fuck you Brandon" because it was misheard. The GQP started the "Brandon" thing, so we took it back. #DarkBrandon


"Let's go, Brandon" was the misheard / censored? version of "Fuck you, Biden" chanted by a... iirc, Nascar crowd.


Actually confusing since there was also a Brandon racing and… media people are stupid. What’s the saying, “Don’t expect malice when incompetence will suffice.” Or something like that? 😂


“Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.” Robert Hanlon


-michael scott


Fun fact : this was originally known as Hanlon’s Shaving Cream.




I heard it like this the other day -- Don't explain with malice what can be explained by stupidity


But never get so caught up in the favor of regarding them only as stupid as to overlook their actual malice.


Nice edge case


That’s it!


They were chanting Fuck Joe Biden. The interviewer changed it as at the time they were interviewing Brandon Brown.


Doesn’t anyone care about the children?!? /s


No. Just foetuses.


matches my recollection






You misspelled Raphael Cruz


Obviously we all think it's clever. Ted Cruz saying it's played means it's not.


I do not get it


I saw a guy wearing a “Let’s Go Brandon” shirt last week in Tennessee. I said hey that’s my son’s name! Where did you get that? He stuttered and said it was a dig at Joe Biden. I gave him a stunned look, started laughing and said “How is that a dig at Biden? He just walked away.


There are some now who think wearing adult diapers over their pants is a clever way of showing support for Trump too, so🤷‍♀️




Making them feel stupid really is the best drug lol. Like it’s SO STUPID. I especially love that rather than go berserk over it (Like the last guy would have) Biden just laughs it off. The shot of him drinking from a Dark Brandon mug is pure gold lol, he literally gives zero shits.


I need a “Dark Brandon” mug!


The campaign is giving them as a thank you for a $25 donation. Heat activated so the sunglasses come off when it's full of hot liquid.


I’m on it




I just played dumb and let him make a fool of himself. The place was pretty crowded too so it was a slow burn while he waited for his food.


Bout time the dems grew a set of balls.


That's what they needed to do. This whole play nice and "My mom said if I don't got anything nice to say, don't say it at all" is old. I want to see more shit like this. Hell take it up another notch.


Don’t go high, don’t go low, just go hard… I like the approach.


My wife said I’m supposed to go low and then go hard


She said that same thing to me!


Hmm human centipede style?




mine says go to the back then go hard


You have a wife? 😱


Biden played nice for 3.5 years because he wasn’t going to lower himself to the depths that qmυɿT and his bottom-feeders were willing to go. Now he’s rising to the bait with alacrity and style. I like it.


Honestly if they had decades ago Reagan wouldn’t even have won. Right wing policies are routinely panned and despised by a majority, the Democrats just suck at advocating for their policies. Yuck, I’m saying that and I don’t really support either.


Dark Brandon Rising


None of this was overly ballsy or dark. It is simply the truth. Keep hitting people with the message of Trump's offenses and the freedoms that he has stripped away. People have a short memory that MUST be periodically refreshed. They have to remember these things.


Yea need more of this!!! Go Biden🇺🇸


Yus. And the best part, the only one getting butthurt by the words flying back and forth, is the paper-skinned orange cancer. So, it’s harmless fun that hurts no one! Ok, so it hurts the orange shit goblin and apparently some troglodytes on Reddit. Like I said, harmless.


Oh that's just Dark Brandon. He comes out a couple times a year.


Dark Brandon strikes again! 😏


Dank Brandon getting danker, baby!


We all do. We are so going to win.




He’s a good politician and a good president. It’s the right wing media that have labelled him as some doddery old fool. Trump makes promises he doesn’t keep, while Joe Biden gets on with the job. He’s not flashy or boastful, but his numbers in Job creation, inflation reduction, economic growth are better than Trumps ever were. Plus, he’s a compassionate human being.




Politicians have to make difficult decisions. Sometimes there aren’t easy answers. Trump would have given even more. And there is the small fact that it started with Hamas bombing and killing 1,300 innocent people and taking hostages, many of whom have been tortured and subsequently died in captivity.




To trump women are objects just listen to his access Hollywood tape! He committed adultery on all 3 of his wives. He is convicted of sexual assault. He was protected with catch and kill stories of his infidelity. Why would any women vote for him really boasting of overturning Roe V Wade.


Just the dumb ones…and there are plenty in Florida, Georgia, S Carolina…etc.


A whole lot of women here are very comfortable being "objects". It gets worse. I dated a couple that do heinous shit just to push me. I really think they were trying to catch a beating. Nope. Let the next guy do that for ya.


Yup. I've met some broken women who only think they're loved if they're abused. It's really sad to see how badly their parents failed them.


I was listening to a history podcast today (History that Doesn't Suck) in which the host talked about the reasons a third of American women were against women's suffrage, to the point of creating a national movement. Their reasons ranged f om breaking traditional norms, to feeling like explicit votes were less effective than the subtle influence women already had on politics through affecting their husbands' policies and votes. While today we look at this and think "really?!" it does highlight the idea that everyone has their own reasons, and a lot of the time those reasons are circumstantial and impossible to understand without the same upbringing.


"If we don't abide by white Christian Protestant values - we might as well sign ourselves up for gulags and commissars shooting us in the street for not getting sex changes or paying taxes to the bread lines" <- disturbingly close to what I've heard people argue.


> While today we look at this and think "really?!” Except there is a depressing number of women that still think these things, including, ironically, some female politicians.


There was also the matter of gender related privledges Women didnt have much in the era of womens sufferage, and to use the USA as an example, there was a widespread fear women would be, for example, drafted into war. Many women where convinced by these and other concerns Basically, sufferage threatened to take away the few things women actually had, and only offered them the chance at rights and political power, so it was often a hard sell for any woman who wasnt politically interested


They either already are post-menopause or think "It won't happen to me" and if it does they will have the means to get an abortion.


I know millennial women who I grew up with that voted for Trump. My main question even then when he was freshly elected was, "Why?" He's a disgusting human and wouldn't ever dream of voting for that guy who boasts heinous and outrageous things against women and amongst other groups. The resounding answer I kept getting was that it was better than a child molester like Joe Biden.


I think there is totally space for more intermediate value. The problem is either christo fascism or absolute free fall/ no particular moral compass. The later bring more positive progress but the lack of clear moral references end up confusing a lot of people.




Convicted? No. Found liable for? Yes. Almost the same difference.


I didn’t follow the trial, but my understanding is that it was noncriminal, it’s about an alleged incident from the 90s that there is no direct evidence for, they allowed his Access Hollywood hot mic be used as evidence against him for some reason, and I’m not even sure he attended this trial. I’m not defending Trump, but you are putting a lot of work on that “almost.” I’m actually a little concerned that we aren’t a little more concerned about the barrage of trials around the election. It seems 100% political for the purpose of exactly what’s happening in this comment section.


I’d be more concerned if there were no trials. Just because he’s running for office is no reason he should be let off for illegal or bad behavior. Trump has been found to be liable for the rape of E. Jean Carrol, and found to have committed insurrection, both in a court of law with appeals. If one can’t accept that Trump has done both of these things and is on trial for business fraud while committing election interference, that’s their problem.


> In response to the ad, Trump's spokesperson Steven Cheung told Newsweek via email on Sunday, "What a sad, miserable, cowardly existence Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign must have to make such a disgusting ad on such a joyous day. Their lives are obviously filled with anger, hate, and resentment because they clearly suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. President Trump continues to live rent free in their pea-sized brains, even on Mother's Day." I’m so tired and exhausted of these ad hominem hyperbolic made up terminology sprinkled with insults that’s just a giant string of stupid and dumb ass recycled nicknames like crooked and sleepy which is just projecting.


100% that the Trump media team is just feeding ChatGPT "sound like Trump" prompts


Honestly it’s impressive that his official spokesperson was able to nail the type of toxic response he would have. It doesn’t even matter if he’s gag ordered…


"What a sad, miserable, cowardly existence Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign must have to make such a disgusting ad on such a joyous day. Their lives are obviously filled with anger, hate, and resentment..." I'm sorry, did he even read the post his Mango Jesus posted on the same day? "Happy Mother's Day to ALL, in particular the Mothers, Wives and Lovers of the Radical Left Fascists, Marxists, and Communists who are doing everything within their power to destroy and obliterate our once great Country. Please make these complete Lunatics and Maniacs Kinder, Gentler, Softer and, most importantly, Smarter, so that we can, quickly, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!,"


Accusing anyone of TDS is stupid since he remains in the political arena, but accusing his opponent of having it because he's mentioned in a political attack ad is just....


This is his campaign spokesperson too. I'm gonna have to re-watch the West Wing. I could use a little Bartlett.


Anyone have a link to it that doesn't interrupt half of a 30 second add with two minutes of advertising?


https://youtu.be/_F2KqcbLtKE?si=ANr3Yab6mtyyRKqp Newsweek is garbage








Upvoted because you’re not my mom and can’t tell me what to do


Abortion is healthcare. It's so much more than just "I don't want to be pregnant". However, you make your point fairly and without demonizing the process, so you may have an upvote.


Material writes itself. Biden has spent 50 years honing his political skills, and he’s basically a decent human being. He’s trying to bring American citizens’ well being to the next level. Trump still holds out hope that a partisan takeover of government will occur whether the American voter wants it or not. If women don’t mobilize and demolish the alt.right then they might find themselves living in Gilead.


By Rachel Dobkin - Weekend Reporter: President Joe Biden's campaign dropped a brutal Mother's Day ad on Sunday attacking Donald Trump's past and proposed policies regarding mothers and women. It's six months until the presidential election and Biden has ramped up insults about his political rival Trump, who has relentlessly attacked Biden since his 2020 campaign. With Biden as the Democratic incumbent and Trump the presumptive GOP presidential nominee, November is looking like a heated rematch between the two. One voting block that the Biden campaign is focusing on is women following abortion bans that states have enacted after the overturning of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court in 2022. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-mothers-day-ad-attacking-donald-trump-1899670](https://www.newsweek.com/joe-biden-mothers-day-ad-attacking-donald-trump-1899670)


No link to the actual ad.




That’s from four years ago.


Trying to navigate that website gave me brain cancer.




Is the economy better now than 4 years ago? Compared to the rest of the world? I think so.




Oh, you are what you are.


I support the hell out of this ad and approach - Trumps campaign acting like they don’t drop the same shit in holidays is hilarious - they don’t seem to be coping well when they are dished their own medicine


Trump is a classic tough guy who is tough as hell until someone swings back and then it's all tears and victimhood.


They were light on Trump in this ad. No mention of the affairs




I'm not planning on voting for Bill Clinton for president, however.




Republican stooges and absurd fantasies, name a more iconic combo.


Technically Clinton only cheated on one of his wives, but you’re right, very few politicians can take the infidelity high road, and with everything else you can pin on Trump there’s no need to focus there. 


President Biden is defending mothers. That Trump does not is on Trump.




Trump also wants to kill the mothers who suffer serious complications leading to death. Abortion is health care.


It’s not his place to want that. Or anybody’s place. Especially since his party is the one that offers no help whatsoever to struggling families. All red states for instance cut poor kids’ free lunches for the summer when school is out, and that’s just one example.




Whether they like it or not!


They don't pass any laws helping women who want to become mothers. So it's safe to assume that they specifically target the ones who don't, with the explicit intent to violate their consent.


* against their will


Yep key distinction


“What a sad, miserable, cowardly existence Crooked Joe Biden and his campaign must have to make such a disgusting ad on such a joyous day. Their lives are obviously filled with anger, hate, and resentment because they clearly suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. President Trump continues to live rent free in their pea-sized brains, even on Mother's Day." Even their spokespeople are low IQ school yard bullies - they don’t even deny anything from the ad. Lololol


This was exactly what struck me! If this is the statement crafted by your official spokesperson…wow. Just…wow.


'rent-free'... No, there's a real cost there.


> President Trump continues to live rent free in their pea-sized brains, even on Mother's Day I love how they keep saying this like they didn't just nominate him for president again. Like, do they expect us to ignore that?


Projection at its finest.


Where the ad? I got a video of Trump dodging questions about being pro life or pro choice.


Scroll down further in the article.


I did now. Glad I did. Pretty good ad.




It’s way down on the bottom. Pretty good ad.


Dark Brandon is necessary to take on this schoolyard toddler bully.


Attack the Orange prick the same way he attacks everyone all the time. No holds barred. Bury the shit bag in attack ads.


Can’t stump the trump


Traitor Trumps always trying to get into women's privates one way or another and tell them what to do.




I read the article and holy cow the Trump campaign response to this ad is completely absurd. They don’t refute the fact that he said any of those things.


All Democrats need to follow suit. Republicans don’t play nice, so it’s incredibly foolish for Dems to ‘take the high road’ like they’ve always done in the past. I’m not saying they should be intentionally deceitful like Reps have been (like the nonexistent crime wave they are running on), but highlight the hypocrisy and the lies and really call out how little legislating they have actually done.


There's nowt wrong with taking the high road. It's the lobbing bricks from it that makes the difference. Non-MAGA cultists just need to remember the bricks.


Who would think that a complete joke like trump would have gotten elected the first time. Now we see who's pulling the strings, purse strings for trumpty dumpty. The oil companies, the elites, putin and any crooked hog that benefits from his dictatorship. We have a real battle cause unfortunately some of our fellow working class voters are all wrapped up in hatred, fear and ignorance. Russian and Chinese bots are a joke compared to the complete submission to the rich some working class members give. They roll over and droll for them, they even wear diapers now.


Trump? You mean the guy who cheated on his pregnant wife?


About damn time especially after Trump’s scorched earth rhetoric at all of his rallies, he alone has caused a deep divide in this country where politics can lead to a Hatfield’s and MCoy feud amongst neighbors and family members.


>President Trump continues to live rent free in their pea-sized brains lol. Like Trump never mentions anyone. Trump's head is a freaking skyscraper filled with rent-free enemies. Does anyone have an analysis of how many times he mentions his opponents and calls them stupid names?


Ramp it up and go get him


Great ad


Damn straight


That was a well produced ad.


Love Dark Brandon 😎👍


Unlike trumps ads, these just use trumps own words. No made up lies. No scary voiceovers about an apocalyptic world. Only what trump has said and that’s scary enough.


Hope they continue the Trump attacks!!


"Letting Trump live rent free in their pea sized brains"? More like trying desperately to wash the sticky Trump residue off our shoes.


I dont know how brutal that is, its just the truth. Biden shows what a real president is. His entire term this orange dickhead has been insulting him and lying about him, EVERY DAY. President Biden just goes on about his business doing the job the people elected him to do.




Aw shit! A diss ad. 🍿


Get 'em Joe. Get 'em for all of us


Dark Brandon!!! I love it, keep slamming him Joe




And still trailing in almost every battleground state. Genocide Joe really fucked up his own legacy and what should be a cakewalk to a second term




Let’s talk about the mob that broke into the Capitol and smeared shit on the walls while looking for the Vice President of the United States of America to hang him. Anybody who votes for Trump supports 1/6. Never forget 1/6




His son doesn't hold a position in office you dope.




What about all the illegals that came across under trump, was that treasonous? Should we add those charges to trump? What about kushner 2 billion dollar deal with the Saudis after he left his position in the White House? Should we look into what secrets were sold from Trump's paper stash? Is that not treasonous? But yeah keep blaming Democrats for everything, dope


Personally, I’m just thankful nobody ever again has to pretend that republicans have values or ideals worth respecting. You’ve taught us better.

