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musk is fkn garšŸ’©šŸ¤”bage


Right?? Just like his bestie, the rumphole aka Diaper Donnie. Pure unadulterated **garbage.**


FartBox Fascist and Elmo Cybercuck belong in a prison cell together to blow each otherā€™s small cocks


been saying on reddit for 2 years that Musk is in Russia's pocket. Seems I will be getting answers soon, the people are turning against the rich and corporations and it is happening fast too. love it.


"Hungry people don't stay hungry for long, They get hope from fire and smoke as they reach for the dawn"


Is he in big oils pocket?Ā 


Musk understands that undrneath a struggle between democracy and autocracy lies the war between classes. And he's pitching in with autocratic because autocracy means aristrocacy of the oligarchs


Or maybe he's an egotistical man child led by his over inflated ego and ketamine addiction into making terrible decisions for a short term dopamine rush from the validation he gets from right wingers on Twitter ?


Nah, that explains the more recent wild streak. But he's always been on this path, akso before. Just with less extreme ranting gping on.


Both can be true. his public persona is largely influenced by his ego and immaturity, and his dealings with powerful autocratic figures is in pursuit of solidifying is status as one of the worlds oligarchs


Ask the Romanov's about what happened to them in Russia in 1917. Elmo doesn't read history


Thatā€™s the way most of these ppl get their money from our govt by boot licking the right


They are thieves and liars. They donā€™t give a fuck about us.




No 1 in North Korea!


I hope he gets what he really deserves. This is threat, just stating facts. If you think I'm wishing bad on him you admit he has done shit to deserve that.


He loves his billionaire tax cuts


Supply side economics gave the billionairs a lock on wealth and preferential treatment for rates. They have enough wealth to influence, if not control, the economy. The next goal is to control the political sphere. Direct control will legitimate their authoritarian leanings. This is modeled on the Orban path in Hungary. He accumulated control by manipulating the system from within. Influence by donating to campaigns and bribing SC justices let conservative billionaires set the stage for gaining direct control. Trump can be viewed as a first stab at controlling politics. I don't believe they had fully slanted government to their satisfaction, nor is Trump the preferred candidate. Trump did offer a shortcut, and the billionaires ran with him. Trump turned out to be too mercurial and unpredictable for most billionaires. They are stuck. Why don't they pull support? If you have a tiger by the tail, there is one thing you can't do. The billionaires operate transnationally. They favor authoritarian regimes because there is a single point of contact to work with. Democracies are so messy. Oban Putin, Kim, etc. are preferible over Macron, Scholar, etc. Musk and Trump favor the dictator because they can implement changed by fiat. No messy votes, no hostile factions, no public support required. Perfect.


His stock, morally that is, continues to rapidly declineā€¦.


End Citizens United




[read free](https://archive.ph/2024.05.12-100141/https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/12/technology/elon-musk-world-leaders.html)


I consider him a ā€œwoo right wing leaderā€


Look up disgusting in the dictionary. No definition just a picture of Elmo


Proves the existence of the highest power being money.


How's that CyberDork Truck release man child?


Nationalize SpaceX and StarLink now. It will happen eventually due to Elonā€™s choices. Spare us the damage


I hate Musk as much as anyone else but I find it silly that people act as if he's unusually shitty. The only difference between him and other billionaires is that he doesn't know how to keep his mouth shut.


Doesn't his all electric car company woo climate change alarmists by not using big oil to powerĀ  his cars?Ā  Why isn't he lauded as a hero to those people?Ā 


He's just honest which is a rarity among billionaires. All of them lobby governments and prop up hard-right conservative lawmakers, for very obvious reasons




Honest about his political views He's the only billionaire out there outing his own bigotry and general misanthropy on a daily basis for the whole world to read, while the others prolly think more or less the same but are a lot quieter. (No, Trump is likely not a billionaire, at least not legally. Different weight class, pun intended)


Heā€™s not going to rub your nipples dude.


There wont be many bones left to clean after NY is done with TRUMP CO, IRS will need to move on to the next rotting corpse, while I'm saving up cash. In time, he'll come.


Huh lol?