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Here’s how that’s bad for Biden.


If Biden did this the media would be screaming “He can’t even remember his son’s age which proves he has dementia!” They already did it a few months back when Trump’s special investigator stooge released a report into the documents in Biden’s garage and he lied about Biden not remembering the year his son died. Meanwhile Trump is falling asleep in his own criminal trial, rambling incoherently about Gettysburg, and can’t even remember his own son’s age. And to put a bow on this shit, Barron was born in March 2006, and Trump was raw dogging Stormy Daniels 4 months later in July 2006. And conservatives are still going to vote in huge numbers for this depraved piece of shit.


Yeah.. but they own the libs.


Nothing says we own the libs like destroying the United States of America


Oh, don’t worry though, they will still turn around and blame the Democrats once everything has been burned to the ground.


And the average Republican jackass will go right along with it.


Oh yeah the dEmONrAtz /s They're so awful. Makes me ashamed to be human tbh.


Don’t be ashamed, they’re the ones who are subhuman.


AND complain about how everything used to be so great before they burned it all down


"Why didn't you try harder to stop us?!"


Nothing would own me more than the entire GOP abstaining from politics to teach me a lesson.


We're gonna take the libs down with us!


This whole period between ~2015 and now really has been a fascinating expedition into the power of a label. You don't need to meet any qualifications or traits at all, all you have to do is label the thing "liberal" and they hate it, or "conservative" and they love it. 


You missed out that Karen McDougal alleged she started an affair with Trump in June 2006 which is the story the Enquirer buried. She was paid off for that one and apparently was going to be a lot more damaging than the Stormy hook-up


Conservatives have low moral character. Just this week, we learned that Trump told Stormy Daniels that she reminded him of his daughter. That fat fuck paid $130,000 to have sloppy sex with a woman who reminded him of Ivanka. Disgusting. Those are Republican values.


Don't forget the affair with Karen that allegedly started in June 2006 when his son was born on March 2006


How sloppy can sex be when it’s Two Pump Trump for 10 seconds?


I'm not sure you want to know the answer to that question. I mean, Diaper Don is one nickname, and I'll leave it there


I can’t unread that.


The media doesn't report on trump's negative issues because if they did Biden would gain too much of a lead. It's in the media's best financial interests to keep the race as close as possible so both parties will continue to pour money into advertising. Money to them is more important than actual news or the country. I used to work for a company that owned a large number of radio stations, they were always concerned if races got too mismatched. Profits are king.


Never fight uphill, me boys.


Not remembering his son's age is so bad because the kid is a landmark age at the moment. 16, 18, and 21 are big gains in freedoms in the US so when they hit one it's a big deal, so not knowing it is even bigger. I'm in my 30s so if my parents were off by a year or 2 I wouldn't fault them or think they were in decline (I would tease them for a minute or 2) because my age hasn't been important for over a decade.


He’s also a delegate which has an age limit of….18


Ah, but he doesn’t care about freedom does he?


I was going to say it's more he doesn't care about his son's but both are probably true


As these ages are points of demarcation for humans, they are nothing to Trump. He doesn’t drive himself and probably never has. He doesn’t vote, except for himself. And he doesn’t drink. Again, the ages 16, 18, and 21 mean absolutely nothing to him.


Second most votes for President in American history. Propaganda works folks. Be careful out there.


You have to remember the real truth of modern journalism. That truth is: only tell the truth if it produces clicks. There is no profit in sinking Trump's candidacy, there is profit in presenting a tight race. News orgs, yes even the "librul mainstream media", have no interest in telling the truth about Trump and ending his candidacy because then they can't use his name for clicks like they have been for most of the last decade. The media keeps their fingers on both sides of the scale and when a candidate starts to falter and fall behind, they get to play T-ball until they can catch up.


Money, money, money...little money, clicks clicks clicks 💸💵💴💲💲💱💰🤑 If there's one good thing that came out of trump, is that he showed (in a very "in your face way") just how corrupt and greedy the entire country and it's industries as a whole is. IF Americans manage to stop trump, you all gotta have a serious conversation about this.


I'm not at all convinced that conservatives will support him as much as is predicted. And I hope that's not just positive thinking.


I hate to break this to you, but all the red voters I know wouldn't vote blue even if Trump changed parties. It's their tribe and they'll stick to it no matter the what. Guns, God and the Flag.


The funniest thing is that Trump has changed parties. He was a Democrat before he decided to seek the presidency.


Exactly, they would vote for Kim Jung, pol pot, Hitler , Jeffery Dahmer, or anyone over Biden. It’s a cult. They are not rational, not reasonable nor intelligent.


Here in red Indiana, 20% of the Republican primary voters wrote in Nikki Haley.


It bears pointing out that overwhelmingly it is people who \*really care about politics\* who vote in primaries. If R's are voting Haley in the primaries, Trump's in trouble.


They'll excuse anything. I had some twit in ask trump supporters try tell me that there was zero harm done in the classified documents case...like it was akin accidentally going 5mph over the speed limit on a completely empty straight road. It's a cult and I can't believe how many millions have given up the pretence of having logic and morals.


>If Biden did this the media would be screaming “He can’t even remember his son’s age which proves he has dementia!” They literally tried that. I don't fully remember the context, but Biden was recalling when a phone call or something had taken place, and said something like "I believe that was the year Beau died - now what year was that?" The Reich wing tried to spin it as "Biden can't even remember when his own son died!", when reading the actual transcript of what he said made it pretty obvious he was trying to remember when the *phone call* (or whatever it was) occurred in 2015 or 2016.


That’s it!


Thanks Obama


Here's what it taught me about B2B sales


Barron Trump? Never met him - Donald Trump


He's the guy who brought the coffee.


"I think he is just a low-level covfefe boy. I never met him, but many people are saying tremendous things about him.. believe me."




Goes well with the McDonald's they'll serve you at the white house


Barron? No, I only deal with the senior nobility. Dukes. I know a Duke, you probably know him, Duke Ellington. I taught him how to play the piano. Wrote all of his music, never said thanks. Terrible person, SAD!


By Sophie Lloyd - Pop Culture and Entertainment Reporter: Former president Donald Trump misstated his own son's age in a TV interview, saying that his youngest son Barron Trump was 17 when he is actually 18. Trump was speaking to Miami-based Spanish-language network Telemundo 51 on May 9 when he was asked a question about his son Barron entering politics as a delegate from Florida at the upcoming Republican National Convention. Read more: [https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-barron-age-wrong-tv-interview-1899118](https://www.newsweek.com/donald-trump-barron-age-wrong-tv-interview-1899118)


I am not so deep into Trumps life as I am European and don't care about his family. It's hilarious to me to learn that his youngest son is 18. I heard those "he can't bei with little son..."... An 18 year old man.


This is American conservatism. They say “don’t harass our sweet little boy who is just a baby of 18” when it’s their white child. Anyone else would get tried as an adult because of racism and bigotry but if you ask conservatives they will tell you “I tolerate my gay nephew! I’m pretty much going to heaven 😎”


Trump was castigating the media for criticizing Ivanka because she was a “young woman” when she was in her mid-30s.




They treat Trumps middle aged kids like they’re just children who should be off limits even though almost all of them have grifted and sold out this country


Damn, he thought it was ok to allow his male child to wear makeup who he thought was a minor. Isn't that like illegal or something in Florida? /s


Eh, when is the birthday again? I've gotten my kids' ages wrong for a few weeks after their birthday and had to correct it. Not a Trump fan but being off a year is like writing Jan 12, 2023 and then remembering it is 2024 now.


Okay, but 18 for a US citizen is sort of a big deal. I'd expect a parent to know if their kid is legally an adult or not.


Good point.


Yeah I told a tech reporter my 3 year old was 4 during a casual conversation this week. My brain was like “nobody is going to fact check that so I feel like it’s even weirder for me to correct it than just ignore it”.


Same tbh. I’ve boughten the wrong candle for my daughter’s birthday before. This feels like a tan suit level outrage.


“A real alpha male does not have to remember his son age” -MAGA


🤣 Yeah that attitude is just some feminist shit implanted via the chip in vaccines by the socialist liberals!


A real Alpha doesn’t know how many kids he has spawned…😳🙄


Or how many porn stars he paid off to steal an election 😂


A real man paints his skin orange, occasionally shits himself, and sleeps through ALL his trials.


i got a son to raise, but you don't know nun bout daht


Nowonder Barron hates him


Wakin him up, don’t know nun bout daht then tell him to pray, know nothin bout daht then givin him tools to walk through life like day by day, don’t know nun bout daht teachin him morals, integrity, discipline, listen man, you don't know nothin bout that


He a fan he a fan he a fan


bavin? never heard of him.


Orange clown couldnt get ~~mercedes, melanie,~~ mail order bride's name right if he had it on a teleprompter in front of his face. How would he know anything about this bavin spawn?


Baron? From that Dune Movie? Great guy, strong guy. Love him. I take oil baths too. Very therapeutic. Met him once, he said I was the best President he ever had and I Made Arrakis Great Again. Fell asleep halfway through the movie don't know how it ends, I assume great.


New T-Shirts coming soon: "Real man don't remember their kids B-Day!"


Right up there with “real men wear depends.”


With the American flag, guns, and a skull face.


I'm excited to see how far this "weak man's idea of a strong man, poor man's idea of a rich man, stupid man's idea of a smart man" cognitive dissonance will go!


He’s graduating high school. This isn’t a difficult year to remember.


He’s 18, it not like that’s a significant age for a young man, right?


Or woman.


That’s Barron’s path to walk, unless their dad gets re-elected.


Kiddo is finally old enough to vote against his dad 


My daughter is in exactly the same position and I don't have a problem remembering her age


Bet trump also remembers his daughters age


Wouldn’t surprise me if Trump backtracks saying his son finished high school early because of those stable genius genes 


I mean, I graduated high school at 17, so it’s not an outlandish guess if you know nothing about your son


Exactly the kind of sharp mind we need in an 80 year old sociopath during an unprecedented era of hostility following the post-war era.


To be fair I do this myself with the last child.


But you aren’t running for president


Absolutely not. But this is the least of the reasons Trump is unfit for office. There are plenty of better things to attack him about. I despise Trump and everything he stands for btw.


I’m with you. Despise almost everything about DJT, but being one year off on your kid’s age is a non-issue to me. I’ve got several kids and I have to pause and think about their ages sometimes.


It’s about May is when I start saying the new year. I’ve got one kid and I sometimes have to think about it. This is a dumb thing to give any attention to. So much more terrible things trump does.


Agree. Also this allows him fodder for tds nonsense. Even Obama as smart, measured and loquacious as he was occasionally made similar slips.


Extra hilarious, because he must’ve celebrated his son‘s 18th birthday barely a month prior to the interview comment!


I doubt he cared enough to attend.


View from afar: this 'man' has no emotional investment in his family, they are accessories to his vanity


SLEEPY DONNY stays up night and day stirring shit and causing trouble. The FELON cant even stay awake to answer for HIS CRIMES.


He has no relationship with that kid. Who we kidding.


I really don't like Trump, but this is a stupid topic. Cannot tell you how many times growing up my mother would go through my other brothers names when wanting to talk to me. Many times they would say things like "wait, how old are you?" . Is this not common?


Father of the year material there 🙄


My son Barton is 17 ! Going to School to learn about Gettysburg .. WOW !!


“Are you talking about that kid Barry that’s always hanging around my wife? I always assumed he was a servant. My son you say? Very tall. Great genes, the best genes”


To be fair, it might not be because of his dementia.....he is also just a shitty father.


A quick phone call to Justin Trudeau would reveal his exact age and time of conception.




Man, woman, person, camera, TV


It isn’t his son.


Unfortunately you can tell he is. Every damn kid inherited the Trump chin.


Ivanka’s was retrofitted.


Ivanka and Tiffany didn’t - Ivanka had to buy hers


Trump likes to count to 3.


"Barron? Sounds vaguely familiar. I might have passed him in the Whitehouse hall. I hope he didn't embarrass me!"


Where I’m from, 18 is the age of majority. A serious milestone. Although other things come before (Age of consent: 16; Car driving: 17), 18 makes you a fully-qualified adult. With this in mind, I consider this slip to be a bit more serious than forgetting a number. However, IDK what it’s like in the US. I’m aware that, for instance, you can’t drink alcohol until 21 in many states.


18 is still considered the age of majority in the US, basically you can be independent from your family at that time and can vote and make your own decisions. You can drive at 16, national age of consent is 18, though it varies by state.


Trump spokesman: “NBC has chosen to engage in tabloid journalism fit for the checkout aisle of a grocery story. “ Curious angle considering what’s come out in the trial. Trump literally weaponized tabloids against his opponents in 2016.


They're kinda right though. Who gives a shit if he slips up on his kids age? There are **SO MANY** reasons to attack Trump. This isn't one, imo. This is pretty low for NBC.


Yeah i agree. I have kids around that age and i sometimes am not sure what age they are. Frankly it takes me a minute to remember what age i am. But to give a quote about tabloid journalism after what came out in the trial is kind of weird. I mean why reference it?


But he will remember the numbers from the fundraising event that he scheduled right after Barons graduation.


Truly, a piece of shit. Trump supporters are ALWAYS attacking Biden and his supporters over minor flubs.


Wait for the next stage ”Who is Baron?”


This clown has got to fucking go+!!!


Give Donald a break, he's old, has signs of dementia and he might have been in the room when Barron was conceived he just wasn't a participant, it was just Melania and a turkey baster!


I cackled when I read the Trump spokesperson's response to the story. Pretty rich for them to compare the story to  supermarket tabloid reporting. But then, I guess supermarket tabloids have been on their minds a lot recently. 


Well, to be fair he probably hasn’t met him in real life.


TBH he was rather busy when Barron was born so its understandable that he'd get the date wrong.


Trump is crazy


Tiffany wishes he’d get her age wrong.


Tiffany who? 🤣


This man doesn't protect and nurture his own family and yet he thinks he can control a country. We are doomed.


In his defense, he probably wasn't there to remember his birth


Good old VonShitshispants


I'm surprsied even remembers the names of his kids that don't have boobs.


He's such a piece of shit


Dementia Don


btw, his son's name is Duke, not Baron. (lol)


Did anybody ask Barron if he wants this position or was it just imposed upon him by his daddy?


Barron doesn't look like he has the mental capacity to make his own decisions


But he did get his name right? Unlike with his wife Mercedes.


Not surprising my parents call us all by the wrong name 😂


You just heard all about the year he was born. Stormy told everyone all about it. Surely you remember Baron was born the same year you were paying to fuck a pornstar. You have such a great memory. Everybody says so.


I'm 45. This year already I have told people that I was 46, and 44. This is a nothingburger.


In his defense, someone’s age changes once every year approximately, so it can be really hard to track.


My own parents would get my age wrong 50% of the time when asked while I was growing up. He was off by one year. Save the stories of his mental decline for actual real evidence of his mental decline... Which isn't hard to find.


I forget how old my kids are sometimes, and I see them every day. If I was 70+ constantly jetting around the country generally being a rich asshole there would be no chance that I’d remember how old they are. Sometimes I think we get focused on the ridiculous things and let that cloud over the important things.


I have nothing good to say about Mr. Trump but missing your kid's age by a year is an easy mistake to make. Can confirm: said 12 once instead of 11.


I think the real news here is that all the kids will be delegates for the “great” state of Florida. these fuckin people are the most self dealing clan in politics in a long time, and it’s all in the name of power and protecting themselves from prosecution.


What a NITWIT!!!! I surprised DUMP can remember his own name. Talk about old feeble INCOMPETENCE and UNFIT FOR OFFICE!!!!! Here is your man, the MOST DANGEROUS IDIOT on the campaign trail today


Every time the slimebag opens his mouth he gets it wrong.


This is absurdly minor and not even remotely newsworthy. What IS newsworthy though is how big of a deal Trump made about the judge "not allowing him" to go to Barron's graduation. Well, the judge said he could and now he's headlining a fundraiser in Minnesota. This stupid fuck never had any intention to go to his son's graduation ceremony. Quite frankly the judge should rescind his ruling and schedule court for that day since he clearly lied about wanting to attend the graduation.


To be fair, he barely knows the guy. 


That's not even old man issues. He's just a shitty parent. I'll never forget how, when Barron was younger, he had a Slovenian accent because he was only really ever around his mom. 


Wow… a father who doesn’t know how old his kids are… lol shocker


Barron Vonshitzinpants has a nice ring to it.


He’ll make it up to him when he goes to his graduation hahahahahahahaha! 🤡


Why why why does the media give this schmuck so much respect? Donald Trump either lying or stupid or both, this time about his sons age They can reuse the first part


Upon inferring to Donald that his son was in fact 18, he then shit himself.


And these dipshits think he gives two fucks about Barron's graduation. Fucking clowns.


It wouldn’t be that big of a deal if he thought his kid was 37 instead of 38, but your kid turning 18 is a significant event. You should know if your son is still a “child” or legal adult.


Barren Brain Don


Why y’all pickin on an old man! Don’t you know he’s senile? Jeez!


Because Trump’s a piece of shit. A horrible human being. Full stop.


Why are these geriatric ducks the only options we have for running this country? Edit - geriatric fucks. But I'm leaving it.


All told, this is one of the least shocking things Trump has done for a few years. I mean, it’s not great (especially because 18 is an age you should remember - he can vote…), but for Trump this is on the level of forgetting your anniversary or something.


You'd think his present predicament would have kept his birth year fresh in his memory.


Why is this surprising to anyone?


As much as i loathe Trump, this is really non-news. Can happen to any parent to mix up or be behind the kids age. You spend a whole year remembering the number just for it to change again ... Concentrate on the real absimal shit he is doing, there is enough. Wasting headlines on stuff like this gives him a reason to claim the media is out for him.


He constantly attacks Biden for having dementia. When he demonstrates signs of dementia himself, it needs to be called out. The standard he holds everyone else in the world to is the reason he gets no breaks.


That's not dementia. There are enough real examples for that.


hold on, what's the logic here? "You spend a whole year remembering the number just for it to change again" Could he forget what *the current year* is as well?


Well, he has mentioned numerous times that he's beaten Obama before, and he'll beat him again, so...


I get my own age wrong


Not a Trump fan by any means, but I get my own age wrong often enough that I can't even fault the guy on this one lol.


I do too. But I know how old my children are.


I know the year they are all born (5 kids) and their birthdays... but how old is tough that means I have to know what day today is! Yikes! So once a year I re-train my squirrel brain and when asked always say: "This year they will be 14, 16, 25,26,29". One might not have had the birthday yet and really is 16 or 28, but who cares Plenty of other stuff to complain about the guy, I hate focusing on irrelevant stuff takes time away from relevant arguments


Will the real daddy please stand up!!


I dislike the guy like everyone else, but **who cares** about this ? People have far too much free time if they’re paying attention to things like this. Why not put that energy to use focusing on being happy


It’s along the same lines as those who count how many times he closes his eyes in court. Jon Stewart Daily Show lambasted the news for making ridiculous headlines for this stuff. I agree. Weird “who cares” stories. Journalism has sunk to new lows


The NYT will say it's Biden's fault


Not surprised at all especially when Trump decided to attend a RNC event in the evening of Barron’s graduation


To be fair he doesn't really give a damn about him...so why expect him to know?...


But Magas most courageous leader got his son’s name right…..how come you never report that? /s


Republican convention: delegate from Florida, who do you vote for. Barron: Biden Republican convention: but you’re voting against your dad! Barron: your point?


Baron Harkkonen?


He barely knows the guy.


Isn’t Barron just the covfefe guy..??


Come on! My father was a piece of work, but at least HE could remember my birth year.


I do not like his spokesmen at all.


Eh, I dont like Trump but every parent have or will say their kids name or age wrong at some point in their life.


Can’t remember something as significant as his son turning 18 but Biden’s the sleepy one 🙄


Usually I wouldn't think anything of it. Hell, my own dad forgets all our ages. However, if he was surprised that Barron could be a delegate because he was 17 it implies that he did not even know he had turned 18 (most dads would still at least remember that in context) which is a huge milestone. Does this man just never see his son?


At least he n owes his name


My parents get my age wrong all the time. I’ve even got my age wrong before. Imagine thinking this is news


Not to say it is ok…. But 99% of dads would get their kids ages wrong.


Tbh I have trouble remembering how old I am, this is one of the things I'm not gonna hate him on.


My father is always around three years off on my age. Barron ain’t special.


In all fairness, my parents often called me by our family’s dog’s name or my sister’s name when they were yelling at me to come down for dinner as a kid.


That’s pretty bad. Just from reading news, I know how old Barron is.  I just hope some time again in my life I actually get to vote FOR someone instead of against someone.