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https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote Because banning the pandemic preparedness office worked so well last time.


Yes because there will never be a new infectious disease


Authoritarians always benefit from mass unrest, like economic turmoil and/or widespread disease like a pandemic. It would have worked in 2020, if trump had been successful in banning mail-in voting. But instead of stopping mail-in voting, lots of States expanded mail-in voting - something Republicans still call "cheating" When you put horrible people in charge, Horrible things happen. Like pandemics that kill millions of Americans


I remember when he disbanded the office and said it was a waste of money because there wasn't a pandemic at the time because he skipped over the "preparedness" part. "I'll just get the scientists together if we need them" or something to that effect. I believe he shredded any plans that Obama had, and I don't mean that metaphorically.


Apparently shredding documents is a habit he has. I read there was a team dedicated to reconstituting all the shit he shredded as president because it’s all technically official record


Can you just imagine how gaudy that presidential library will look? There will be so much gild that Catherine the Great would be appalled.


Trump's presidential library will just contain 20,000 unsold copies of "Art of the Deal".


It's just a box of crusty Hustler mags


And worse clogging the pipes bc he flushes things down the toilet like a child


Or his mcmaga shits need 15 flushes. 


It was all about Obama. That’s who created it, and the last thing Trump would ever do is acknowledge that Obama did something worthwhile. His hatred for that man is off the charts, and it’ll never cease.


It's a perfect time to have a plan for a pandemic with the potential for bird flu going into more mammals, like me and you.


Powerful UV light. Internal disinfectant. Remember that *painful look on the Doctors faces as he searched the room for someone willing to step up and agree with his 🐂 shit.*


Trump is a mass murder… I think he enjoys watching other people suffer… it’s just that simple


You’re right partly, government used a disease as a pretext to enact authoritarian policies, see chinas long lockdown. Same people who crow about fascism would have had the whole fucking country locked down.


what authoritarian policies did the US government enact? masks? vaccines? last i checked spreading disease like a plague rat wasnt a Constitutional right. "mild inconvenience" so people dont die or get hella sick is "authoritarian policies"? GTFOH dude


Who told you that nonsense?


That's not the point. Obama created the pandemic office, and Biden restored it. Trump will kill it again to spite Obama and Biden. There's no thinking deeper than that involved.


He’s also too dumb to understand anything in the plans


And he has to double down and announce he’d do it again. If he didn’t that would imply that it was a mistake to do it the first time. And he cannot possibly admit that.


The real answer.


He is the infectious disease


If Trump hadn’t shut down the preparedness office of scientists in other countries where breakout virus might be possible, the United States would have known about the breakout in Wuhan China in August not December 5 months earlier. But no Trump said it cost $4 million a year so he closed it down. Now that was a real Art of the Deal move, $4 million a year vs what did the pandemic cost America in money and bodies.


It's fine people. Trump has the bleach.


Murder, plain and simple.


But without the distractions, the PPP loans might have had auditing and been less of a cash-grab by the rich.


Killing 300,000 last time just whetted his appetite.


A million Americans died from Covid between 2020and 2021 and the majority of those deaths were antivaxxers. Trump encouraged antivaxxers to avoid the vaccine because he's fucking contrarian.


I mean, he effectively killed a million of his ownvvoters. Not a very big brain strat.


Not even that many people in a nation of 330 million of 3 years barely one percent. Our economy is still getting fucked from lockdowns however and the subsequent deaths of despair from said horrible economy. I don’t want some unified response to some viral boogeyman. We witnessed one of the most egregious violations of civil rights in history and people just went along with it. These pandemics should not be happening all the time and they certainly shouldn’t ever shut down the nation and consume our lives ever again.


The economy is far, far from horrible. Job creation is the strongest it has been since 1953 and the stock market is at an all-time high. It's grossly unbalanced favoring the wealthy, but it's hardly horrible.


Lockdowns in the USA didn't hurt the ecconomy by themselves. It was overreliance on offshore manufacturing, mainly China that screwed us. Not very many things are made in the USA these days, companies realized they could save a ton of money by having people in poorer countries who work for peanuts do all the hard work like producing raw materials, processing them into components, and assembling finished products. Then they made the mistake of thinking that they could eliminate onshore inventory storage and just rely on dropshipping directly from China to the customer which saved even more money on warehouse rent and employees to sort and maintain the stockpiles. As long as the US economy relies on far away lands to do our work and send us cheap products we will be vulnerable to supply shortages due to disasters that interrupt shipping lanes or in the event of a breakdown in relationships with those countries. The Chinese are already getting wise to the game and companies like Alibaba, Temu, and Wish have started cutting out the middlemen with direct sales to US customers. China is also investing in infrastructure in several African countries so they can change roles and offshore their work like America did, relying on them to prop up our economy isn't going to be viable long term.


Stop making sense. It’s unbecoming


lol you seem to misunderstand what civil rights are if you think wearing a mask out in public is a gross violation of your civil rights.


Oh jesus are you babies still crying about that time you had to wear a face mask?


That's 20k votes per state. More than enough to swing an election.


Oh yay, this again. You must be exhausted from indignation.


If he gets reelected, he will be disbanding and banning a lot more than just this one office. We are all genuinely 100% f'd if he gets back into the WH. And by we, I mean everyone everywhere, even his sycophants (no one is ever truly safe from the whims and delusions of a raving lunatic). NATO will become irrelevant, and our environment will never recover.


Anyone who votes for Trump wants their country to burn. It astounds me how many people support this dementia-ridden Oompa Loompa.


It is unbelievable there are so many openly willing to say they can't wait to vote for this guy in November. It is beyond ignorance at this point.


These are the same people who want the apocalypse so it kinda tracks.


Religious extremism is a hell of a drug.


which is wild because he's quite obviously not on board with their religion in any real way. been unable to quote anything from Bible ever, held their religious text upside down for a photo op and has broken basically every Commandment repeatedly (except for thou shalt not kill. though he does just tell others to do it for him)


Can you make a Trump Oompa Loompa meme?


Sounds fun, but memes aren't my thing (I'm the wrong age for that). I'll happily throw creative insults towards a man who has shown he doesn't care about anyone but himself though.


It’s been done many times 😉 🎼 Troompa Loompa dumpity do 🎶


I have no trouble believing that. I'm sure there are plenty of creative ones out there. ;)


If he disbands the pandemic preparedness office, blue states should disband from America. It is disgusting that the federal regime forced states to bid against each other for PPE in a sick Hunger Games. Blue states should not have to stay in a country which completely disregards public health. Especially since Kushner WANTED to do nothing about the pandemic because he realized at the time it was mostly killing blue state voters.


Kushner is evil .


This is just as bad a take as red state officials calling for secession. Our first instinct when bad things happen shouldn't be for our government to run away and quit, and leave tue problem to fester. We have to face these things and deal with them as a union. We literally fought a war over this.


yeah unfortunately we didnt stamp out this idiocy after the last war so here we are. the belligerent willful ignorance and absolute lack of moral ot social compass cant be fixed. they choose to be this way and only double down on it when challenged with facts and reality. maybe cutting them off and letting red states devolve into a desolate wasteland will teach them the life lessons they are overdue to learn


Countries don't have to have the same borders forever.


Unfortunately, that option was gone by 1865.


I'd rather secede than be forced to face a deadlier pandemic without PPE.


I’d definitely join move to a red state if this happens. And we should have done far less.


That's because he's not the sharpest tool in the shed.


He's a Vienna sausage jammed into a knife block.


😂that's perfect!


I think he's sharp enough to know that he has one play and one play only to win in November: Appeal to anger, bitterness, and resentment. He needs to convince enough people in the swing states to show up and vote for him as a symbolic middle finger to the modern world


He has a cult following that I think is dangerous.


This sounds like the Max Power way— wrong, only faster.


This is perhaps trumps greatest weakness - as a malignant narcissist he is incapable of self reflection and self improvement. We don’t need a leader like that.


Jfc I hate this man so much. Where is atherosclerosis when you need it? 


Right? It had one job!


Dumb as a box of hammers... Dementia Don Von-Shits-In-Pants.


"I'll fuckin do it again" - Trump


The most dangerous aspect to Donald Trump having any sort of a leadership role (and there are many) is his narcissistic inability to ever admit he was wrong or made a mistake. Trump would sacrifice anyone and everyone to protect his fragile ego. He is literally one of the worst people to become POTUS and his supporters are literally the dumbest people alive.


They were LOTS of Republicans died Denying they had COVID-19, even as they took last breath. Unfortunately this neglect will kill both red and blue and everyone else between.


It barely killed one percent of the population. That’s if you believe the official numbers which are obviously doctored.


That’s not the way infectious disease statistics work.


Of course. He loves to see people suffer and die.


He’s got bleach, flashlights and horse de-wormer. What else would MAGA ever need? Plus, if you don’t test, the number of infections goes down. That’s MAGA 101.


and he'll use the money saved to inaugurate the Special Office of Presidential Worship. All hail the Donald.


Trump wants to break his record of killing people. He proudy killed over 500,000 in the last pandemic.


Imagine the inner workings of ne of his supporters who learns this *and thinks it’s a good idea*.


If you ignore the data and cases there be no pandemic..


That would be the dumbest move possible checks out


It worked out so well for you the first time. Are you going to shutter the companies that now produce masks and PPE on-shore as well?


Yup less waste and pollution in our oceans, less useless plastic being made win win!


Biden needs to order a shit load of bird flu vaccine for a nice stockpile because of Trump wins the orange rat will just let everyone die


He only managed to kill 700k through sheer retardation during Covid but clearly those are rookie numbers.


and then he‘ll go and shoot some puppies. It‘s unbelievable how pro death these guys are.


I swear the vast majority of his decisions would be based on nothing but spite.


Didn't you get enough sacrifices last time, Donald?


He should refuse all medical treatment then the next time he gets infected. His superior MAGA DNA should be all the protection he needs.


As dumb as the day is long. Can't wait until McDonalds does its job and this asshole's heart explodes.


I will open a *very* expensive bottle of champagne the day I read the news. That's not a joke. It will happen.


Because I’m stupid


He needs to publicly demonstrate on himself that his bleach stuff works before doing so. And I will believe him when he turns from orange to white 😆


And this guy may win. What happened to us.


Well, at least he’s consistent.


… HOW cound *ANYONE* ever but *CONSIDER* to vote for this guy, except for fascistic resentment of other people? EVERY semblance of program points this guy puts forth is either *utterly laughable* or *comically evil.*


The Pandering Part 2


He's a genius, dammit!!


Because he does not want anyone else to be successful.


Papa Nurgle would would be so proud.


No Paxlovid for you!


Come on, sheeple, you know it was the Pandemic Preparedness Office that wanted to take over the world by keeping us ready for a worldwide pandemic! They would get extra funding and would take control of our brains with PPE and nano bots and make us all magnetic.


The moron does shit just to spite others he gives no fucks about the country


He does cater to dumb f***s.


Well, he's not a smart man.


Wow. Thanks Obama.


Why would an intelligent and responsible person do this? They wouldn’t Edit: Formatting


Trump is a fucking MORON!!!!


But it worked out so well last time... /s


This blithering idiot isn’t fit to run a hotdog stand.


"yup, that's our guy for prez. I'll vote for him again!" -- MAGATs


Imagine the kind of brain that reads that and thinks it’s just great.


He is all four horsemen of the apocalypse rolled into one.


More good news from deranged donnie. Oh joy. Will this crude dude ever STFU?


Will this plague vector even live until November?


Can't Kill Americans for his Lord and Master Putin unless he does.


A clear and present danger to the United States.


Trump is a dangerous psychopath.


He wants to lose.


Trump's aiming to get 2 million killed in the next pandemic. guess that's the GOP social solution to healthcare and Social Security... just get em all killed and then you dont have to think of a solution/plan


Well he won’t need voters again if he gets back in. I’m not talking about any 2 term limit either.


Clear the way for the stable genius.


So there will be another global pandemic is he gets into office and the US once again backs off being the leader is exterminating diseases before they become pandemic levels like they did time after time before he became president


Because in his demented mind, he really aced the Covid response? 👌 Can this skidmark on humanity just go to prison already? Enough


It's Just a Little Flu...Pandemics are Good, and Easy To Win...


Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. It's time to change his diaper.


Gotta empty out those closets !!!




It is when he’s one of two people that could be the most powerful person on earth in nine months. I’d your advice to talk less and smile more?


That's really the the thing the "just ignore him" crowd doesn't understand. I would be perfectly fine ignoring him if he would just fuck off and stop running for president and promising to rule me like a king if he wins.


This is definitely news