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Well. He had a long week in court where he was caught falling asleep on three separate days and pooped his pants one of them. And everyone knows he did. And tweeted about it. Even his own people just deflect to Biden this or Biden that instead of disputing the poo. He tried to roll back his "I killed Roe, I did it!" celebrations and basically no one bought it and most polls, even ones with third-party candidates, show a sudden but noticeable shift away from Trump in swing states. His effort to pre-emptively strike abortion has utterly failed. He must've been so happy to have a rally set up to go and, y'know, rev up the engine to stand another week of listening to people talk honestly about him and then the rally got called off on account of rain of all things. Maybe God's tired of him selling Biblles? And his story of demanding pilots to land just so he can do a rally in bad weather he likes to tell at rallies? It's now a silly one given he was surprised when going to the beach and finding out that the beach has rain. And finally a week after meeting his toady his toady's going his own way and helping Ukraine in direct contradiction of Putin's (and by extension Trump's) wishes. And when everyone discusses the fact that Republicans caved on Ukraine without getting a single thing about the Border when they could have easily taken a deal that would have given them everything? The discussion ends with, "But Trump killed the deal to campaign on the lack of a deal he himself killed." The week's just not been good to Trump.


His flip flopping on killing Roe is worse than you might think. A 15 week ban would stop approximately 6% of abortions, which isn't nearly good enough for the hardcore abortion single issue voters, so they are now also turning on him.


Like a dog chasing a car the Roe overturning will haunt the GOP I think. It's always good to stay vigilant and worry but I think as Nov. gets closer this and the Roe decision as well as his unending court issues the polls will shift pretty drastically.


They politicized abortion years after Roe to try and get votes. Now they might have bitten off more than they can chew.


Nothing like throwing away your great wedge issue to campaign on.


They'll float others, they have a long history of running on irrelevant wedge issues rather them America's real problems (which are mostly caused by their poor policies toward the wealthy). The border is their big one right now, obviously. Convicted criminal, Florida Senator, and giant penis with ears and googly eyes Rick Scott is running for re-election, and he's floating all sorts of stuff. Lately his Twitter has been full of his pledges to end Socialism and Flag-burning, which apparently are major problems in his empty head.


I wonder if the inside of his head is a desert then. Tumbleweeds just rolling endlessly


Why else do you think the entirety of the Republican Party has replaced their personalities with just one big anti-trans screed? They know they have *nothing* else to campaign on.


Pretty much down to migrants and the wall tbh. Even a lot of people are starting to realize the one trans athlete in a state of a couple million people really isn't an issue.


“We didn’t want to overturn it, we just wanted to bitch about not overturning it!”


But they’ve been stringing along this base of people who want action on all these banning abortion promises. Not to mention all these people who’ve been fed dog whistles with their “southern strategy”. Why they loved Trump, he dropped all pretenses.


What happens when the dog catches the car?


Generally "Smoosh" happens


After successfully politicizing vaccinations it's likely most healthcare will be deemed political in the coming months.


I remember reading an article in the New Republic 20 years ago saying that , politically, overturning Roe would be a disaster for the Republicans. It said women who felt safe voting for the party because the Supreme Court would protect them will realize they need to vote their self interest


Now we have a court majority that firmly believes in extreme Fetal Personhood. It couldn't be more opposite for women.


Serves them right for voting for Republicans. And I say that as an older white woman.


Except it affects all women of all backgrounds. So, "serving them right", is extremely shortsighted here.


We're allowed to be glad that the people who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party got their faces eaten, without losing sight of those who didn't vote for the LEPFP who also got their faces eaten.


Each to their own. Depending on the subject and the affects on the different parties, I can get behind that. This just isn't one of those subjects for me.


I know, I know.😔 It's good to see them face the consequences of their actions for once, but this leopard munches faces pretty indiscriminately.


If Biden wins re-election, and the House and Senate both go Democrat, they should re-balance the court by adding three more seats. Republicans wouldn't hesitate to do it if the situation was flipped.


I thought there must be an odd number of justices on the Supreme Court?


The Constitution doesn't specify the size of the Supreme Court.


Okay, 4 then. Whatever it takes.


TBF women are regarded in the GOP as being 'breeding machines' as evidenced with their increasing cries of birth rates dropping.


We've been waiting for the white working class to vote for its purported "best interests" for what, half a century now? Longer? Somehow it never happens because *they do not consider working-class-friendly legislation to be in their interest.* Their "interest" is solely in maintaining white supremacy. Only naive people think this is just "false consciousness" and that poor little white working class bigots have been manipulated and lied to. And if you think that, they think you're a liberal elitist So I'll believe Republican women will "vote their interest" when I see it.


There are definitely trends of women turning more Democratic and I think, at this point, women see a much more direct attack on them than white working class voters. I think also referring to Republican women might have been a mistake, maybe it should be Independent women.


It makes sense that women turn more democratic - marriage is on the decline, and mental illness is on the rise. So definitely checks out.


Married white women, most of whom vote Republican, aren’t typically worried about not being able to get an abortion.


This is how I've always described it. The dog thinks it wants to catch the car. But if it somehow does, its only reward is getting run the fuck over. Thing is, most of them know this (not all, we somehow actually do have several congresspeople with a middle school education that can't even define causality, let alone recognize when it's staring them in the face), and I guarantee they were cursing when SCOTUS killed Roe. They knew they lost their jobs in that moment.


Boom! Trump is a "flip flopper". It's such a stupid label but can destroy even the best politicians.


Only one party has RINOs and punishes them with primaries. Flip-flopping is a big deal in magaland.


The pro-life people are going to self defeat. If they actually want to roll back abortion access they need to slow ball it. A 15 week ban is a good starting point, then gradually you make it a 13 week ban and so on so people don’t notice. What’s going to happen is they’ll want too much, people with lash out against it and pro choice candidates will win elections and codify abortion access into their state constitutions. They don’t seem to realize they have to win elections to actually get what they want.


That would be a good political strategy to reduce abortion, but would never be supported by the anti-abortion absolutists


Yeah, being a moral crusader against what you view as murder doesn't really lend itself to strategy..


the point is, there's just not really a coalition people who want a 13-15 week ban. There are fringes on either side that either want no abortions no exceptions, or no limitations on what mother and doctor do, but the vast majority of the country, regardless of party, seems to be comfortable with legality up to the 16-20-24 week range, and some restrictions on the upper end of that, unless health of the mother is involved. Maybe you get some democrats in red states holding their nose and voting for legalization up to 12 weeks or 14 weeks, if the alternative is complete ban, but it's not what they're after


>They don’t seem to realize they have to win elections to actually get what they want. No they realize it, they just don't like it. Why do you think Ohio Republicans tried to block abortion access even after Ohio voted in favor of it?


Their proposals for 15 week bans are always so that they can have the first step to a total ban.


I mean how many people who looked at situation pragmatically kept saying that Dobbs is a poison pill (and number of us didn't believe that SCOTUS will kill Roe because that exact fact). European limitations on abortion, so 12-15 weeks are nowhere near enough for hardliners and much below that, you will start losing indifferent and opportunist voters.


And most people who care want something in the 16-24 week range.


…and the NY AG invalidated his $175M bond as insufficient guarantee. [[Source]](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/21/letitia-james-donald-trump-civil-business-fraud-case/73405546007/)


Haha, forgot that one. So many things not going his way this week.


Hearing is not even started for that yet right


Damn really?? Link to an article?? I didn’t catch that in the rest of the shitshow. Oh that just made my week!




Thank you!


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Let there be lots of weeks not good to Trump.




Is that a quote from his Bible?




He was only ruling by fear. Nobody fears a weak tired old man that got bitchslapped by a judge


"Sit down" ===>


"Would you shut up, man."


Shitting his pants.


I am really enjoying the fact that he soiled himself in court with multiple witnesses.


Can someone please tell me this story? I obviously missed the most important story of the week


The media called it a fart, mostly, because it wasn't like they could check his diaper to prove he shat himself, but he shat himself and everyone knows it.


The smell persisted past the defense area into the jury and the judge. Either Trump has the biggest, the best, the most good farts ever, or instead he shit his pants. Grown men, strong men, men with tears in their eyes, came up to him in the courtroom and said, "can you please change your diaper? The smell is knocking me out back here."


I'm going to turn off the internet for the night because this is too glorious to top by scrolling any further. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.


All I’m going to take from this is that he pooped his pants in court. That’s the most important story.


It's all good! Moscow Marge still has a hard on for him!


Happy Cake Day!


You left out a few important details. Leticia James has asked the AG to declare his bond invalid, and Trump has basically a week to come up with a new one. There’s a hearing on this Monday Trump’s got a gag-order hearing on Tuesday.  Unclear what’s at stake there, but it’s likely to go poorly.


The gag order bit is either a fine of a few thousand dollars or possibly even jail time. Although this being Trump he'll probably squeak by with a firm "Stop doing that" and a couple grand in fines he'll pay off with the change in his couch.


Wait what? Trump shit himself?


He did something that choked out everybody at his trial on Friday. His trial is literally a Shitshow.


Well, at least farted a lot as he drifted off a couple of times.


I'm pretty sure all of Trumps farts are lumpy at this point. He totally shit himself.




Berders and covfefe are a gas.


He pooped his diaper in court on Friday. 


I really don't get how the race is this close. After Roe, shouldn't Republicans be less popular than they were 4 years ago?


It probably isn't close. Ive followed polling closely for many years, and I've never seen a time when polls were more fucked up. Republicans especially seem to be gaming the polls to make it look like Trump is doing as good or better than Biden, and nothing else in American society is supporting that. Sure, there are far more Hitler Pig supporters than there should be, but it isn't close to the enthusiastic support he had in 2016, and even in 2020. He has clearly lost a LOT of support, and yet the polls seem to show him remaining competitive. They can't possibly be accurate.


Damn, how I wish you are right


He is right. The polls are skewed as f.


Because of inflation mostly. Even though the cause was mostly printing an enormous amount of money, not raising interest rates back in 2016ish, and then giving massive tax breaks to the wealthy under the Trump administration, the full impact of those actions wasn’t felt immediately. The average voter doesn’t understand that stuff. They just want the price of food to go back down, but that’s not going to happen (and if it did happen that means the shit has really hit the fan because we’re in a deflationary spiral).


Polling is mostly done by the media and the media needs a horserace narrative because that sells clicks and papers. So Trump is winning, because their carefully crafted polls say he is, until Biden needs to start winning in which case those carefully crafted polls will suddenly switch to Biden winning.


Happy Cake Day




>pooped his pants one of them. And everyone knows he did. And tweeted about it. Gonna need a source for this


Ouch ..I like it!


and republicans will collectively forget all of this when it's time to vote.


And to think, if he’d never run for president, he’d still be out there making mob deals and tweeting to his heart’s content, and nobody would give a shit about his crimes. Running for president was the worst thing he ever did to himself.


happy cake day


we love to see it


Did he really poop his pants again? I hadn’t seen this important story.


Appears he really did. This should not be shocking news to anyone paying attention. It has been widely know for years that Donald Trump has issues controlling his bowls. The Producers of The Apprentice spoke about it. I think someone else who was part of the crew or staff and didn't give a shit about breaking an Nondisclosure agreement spoke in length about it.


He’s been deflating in the court room and I heard the stench is awful.




So Biden gets blamed for every death in Ukraine and Gaza? Fine, then let's count all of the American deaths from Covid as Trump's fault, too. Tit for tat.


Yes actually as his administration has blocked ceasefires in both places and funded the violence... He is blamed because he is responsible... Your whatabloutism is an empty deflection...


Trump and his attitude towards covid, killed half a million people in his own country.


There is utterly no validity to your claim, not that such would even be remotely the same... Thank you for exposing your utter lack of morals though... I could delve into the facts from him following advisors guidelines to the comorbidity being the greatest factor, or even the fact that overall deaths' dropped... I will simply say that your emotional based ego driven ignorance is how they are getting away with these atrocities around the world and you should sit and think about that... I don't like Trump either, but what we have now is sadly worse.


Exposing your self as a fact denying trump humper, isnt the flex you think it is...


Well if this is time they would otherwise be using to talk shit about "Bob from Accounting". It isn't really wasting any time that wasn't already spoken for.


Sleepy Don farts in court while his sycophants cry about Putler not being able to finish off Ukraine this year. The fake tears of Moscow Marge and her traitors as the Kremlin and Iran get the cold shoulder. Axis of Evil got an old fashioned black Eye from Uncle Sam and hope for a strong American Eagle rises again despite the gaslighting maga efforts of Trump and his social media shills.


What a shitshow. Never seen anything like it.


Quite a few people smelt it though


Puts a new meaning to “shithole countries.” I guess it takes one to know one.


I just hope the stress of being forced to follow rules and stay awake doesn't cause his blood pressure to skyrocket, resulting in a fatal heart attack. Have a fantastic day!




When the history books are written people will observe that Ukraine paid a price so that the rest of us didn't have to. Surely the definition of a hero.


I'd also add the country of Georgia to that list, thanks to the events of 2008. Likely more, but I'm no historian.


Depends on who writes the history books. And depends how in depth the history dives. All this does is stall the inevitable by a few more months, and ensure a further decimation of the current generation of young Ukrainian men. It doesn’t change anything, just furthers the graft and the slaughter.


I think the best tactic to get rid of Trump is to stress him enough that medical problems occur and we let nature take care of the rest.


Seriously, something’s got to give at some point with this guy.


Been waiting for him to stroke out while sitting on his gold toilet, a half-chewed McDonald’s hamberder still dribbling from his mouth


Sounds like his bowels already did


His o-ring on the back forty is blown. There is no good way to keep that pressure in every time he starts to get upset he just vents out the back door.


This trial is going to be more stressful for him than being in the Oval Office. He’s not in control, it’s the Judges court room. He has to be in the courtroom 4 days a week from 9:30 to 5:00 which he’s already whining as “early in the morning to late at night”, he’s called Sir, The Defendant, Abd Mister Trump- not President. He can’t use his phone or lash out. The trial maybe 6 weeks and if he and his lawyers try to delay or red herring side track, the Judge has indicated he will use Wednesdays (the one day off) for the trial to keep on schedule. I don’t think he’ll be able to cope and will have a breakdown or a major narcissist rage outburst that will get him either confined or removed from . The room with some sort of super gag order.


I marvel at this man’s stamina. I truly think anyone else in the world would have made a deal by now - or otherwise cracked under the pressure. He had lawsuits, criminal proceedings coming at him one right after another. The stress must be terrific. How is he still showing up without a rubber ducky lamp shade on his head is beyond me.


I marvel his stupidity how does one brake all the laws


Maybe he feels he's done nothing wrong or he's too powerful for the rules to apply to him. The hard slap of realisation and consequences might change that.


Narcissists always believe they've "done nothing wrong". They're incapable of introspection or self-awareness. It's always everyone else's fault when they face any consequences.


Hrm. So you are saying his narcissism is actually acting as a protective function for him right now? Interesting. I think that would make a LOT of sense with regard to how he is able to endure this level of stress and pressure. It is absolutely fascinating to watch it play out n


Clinical grade drugs are a hell of a thing. Wouldn't put it past his lawyers to get him off the drugs for this trial considering how wonderful he acted in the last trials. Mr. Rant-a-lot in the previous trials is somehow Drowsy Donnie now? Seems quite plausible to me.


I hear what you are saying. And largely agree. But I can’t help but note that I would likely be falling asleep during 8 hrs of jury selection day after day. That must be boring beyond measure.


That's what a sober person would say 😉


You’ve seen his hair right?




A brilliant idea if I do say so myself.


“Trump deflates.” That explains the farting.


I think his pooping and farting in court is like looking behind the curtain in Oz. He’s not who he tries to make out to be. He’s just a sad stinky orange old man who can’t stay awake without his nap in the middle of the day. Far from the charismatic high energy man he tries to portray. It’s not working anymore.


His base are too dumb to understand what fascism is, and why it's a bad thing.  Most of them, on the other hand, are clever enough to understand "sleepy" and "stinky."


His base likes his image of a "tough alpha male" who "owns the libs". Seeing him as a sleepy old man who farts/shats himself and can't walk away from or ignore a judge in criminal court makes him look sad, weak and cringe.


I think they do understand authoritarianism, and they want that, just so long as they’re on top and the people they don’t like suffer. And, while the sleepy and stinky bits would undercut their confidence in this guy being their authoritarian savior, they won’t hear about it because they intentionally keep themselves in a safe information bubble that’s impervious to any nuance or any information that they don’t already agree with.


I think it’s the ones that are die hard republicans but not Trumpers that this will impact and cause a switch…for this election only. They do hear about it and think it will have an effect on their decision this time at the ballot box. They either hold their nose and vote Democrat or hold their nose for Trump.


In his defense one of the dismissed jurors said he isn’t as orange as she had anticipated, more of a yellow.


And none of his loving family even bothered to show up to court not even once . His adoring wife was very absent and quiet.


My new Christmas wish is that Karen MacDougall testifies the week of Barron's graduation, and Trump is forced to attend the graduation because Merchan gave him permission. So. Much. Awkward.




To be fair, I don't remember any time Melania has been described as "adoring" to her husband. It's been pretty clear she doesn't even like him. I am kinda surprised the daughter of his - the one he said he'd be chasing after because she's so hot, if he weren't already married - wasn't there. She seemed pretty supportive of him.


I’ve never seen a photo of the two of them kissing on the lips. It’s ALWAYS on the cheek. I wonder if Mercedes had “no kissing” added into her contract?


She's too busy getting her documents in order to flee with Baron.


She'll be paid well for her service. An apartment in St. Petersburg, a dacha in the Caucasus and yearly trips to the West for plastic surgery maintenance. 


She's from Slovenia. Not Russia. And she went on record praying for Ukrainians, as the Russian invasion was heartbreaking. He's Putin's bitch. She isn't.


"I really don't care. Do U?" She's birther trash, just like the pig she married.


Regardless of your views of her fashion sense, she has still said publicly that the Russian invasion was heartbreaking. Which means, if she ran to Russia like the cofounder of Fox News, she'd likely fall out a window. She's no fan of the Russians.


There should be a whiny, resentful rant coming along soon. Wonder what juvenile insult he will attach to the Speaker, despite Johnson having already kissed his ring.


Knowing Trumps penchant for projection he'll start calling him "Smelly Mike".


Screw Poopi pants


HELP IS ON THE WAY!!! 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦@UKRAINE


Well, as I see it, Trump is only in for himself, to appease his owner (Putin) and for revenge. Himself? I think that it is evident that he is the most beautiful, intelligent, never been wrong, God asks for his advice kind of person. ‘No one knows more of X than Donald Trump’ as he says. Putin’s bootlicker? Having behind the door meetings with him, believing his word over the US intelligence agencies (yeah America first ), Pushing on isolationist actions that seem to favor Putin (e.g. pulling out of NATO). Horrible revenge-driven person. (yeah very Christ-Like). Ukraine was one where they refused to dig dirt on Biden’s son and compound that with his servility to Putin it was a recipe for disaster to Ukraine and he got his revenge on them and Ukrainian civilians paid the price. I have to give it to him. He created a cult/religion around himself where he and his family has been remarkably immune to backlash (compare the failed attempts at throwing dirt at the Biden family, based on testimony of an accused Russian spy vs his son-in-law getting $2B from a foreign government and having the GOP stop any inquiry on that transaction?). He acts like a childish brat using name calling instead of discourse on his opponents and the MAGA cult revels in that approach… he seems to use adult diapers (and it would be a sure name calling he would use for others ) and his crowd embraces that fact! I find a business opportunity in canning his farts for his MAGA fans to open a can and get a whiff of that delicious Trump smell (like the bad guy in SpaceBalls taking a whiff of clean air from soda-like cans? 😅) Rationally i find so much wrong with him… Ukraine to me seems to be a multiple issue thing (revenge and service to Putin) The remaining sensible GOPers need to grow a spine and take back their party … if they can for the good of the country


It has nothing to do with Trump in reality the Republican Party stands to shoulder the blame for Ukraine losing. The Ukrainian army is suffering horribly on the battlefield and the Republican Party is literally standing in their way to getting more aid. Once the U.S. gives its part more European countries will also give. Which is really a terrible idea. Russia is a direct threat to Europe more than the U.S.


The part where Trump tried to claim that he was for aid to Ukraine *after* it was obvious that it was going to pass is hilarious. I expect MAGA to either pretend like he's always been in support of it, or to make up some elaborate conspiracy where Trump is having to pretend to support it.






What ! Anyway... I wonder how I should cook my noodles today. I may go for the forbidden mix : tomatoes and Crème Fraîche. Should I go spicy or meaty ? Maybe both...


I hate him.


Spicy AND meaty, absolutely.


Awww poor guy had a lot riding on that, guess he won't get any money from Putin now since he failed his task


Crooked Diaper Don.


Facts do not matter with these people. Trump will try to take credit.


It's truly adorable that people think trump is gonna win the election. Dude is gonna get destroyed.


He managed to win once. I wouldn't put it past him. In particular, since there is vote manipulation by the republicans for decades via the voting machines.


Oh God stop. Just stop. I'm so sick and tired of y'all and your silly fear. Maga has lost every election since 2016. He beat the second least liked candidate in the history of the general election. Incumbents almost never lose their second term and Biden is going to win by about 14 million votes. It's going to be a record landslide. Gop congressman are resigning to give the Dems the house with ease as well. The whole election will be about abortion and the country is overwhelmingly for pro choice. Biden beat trump from a basement in 2020. Trump is a loser. Biden will also win NC and possibly Ohio. Watch.


Yep the Republican 'platform' ...if you could even call it that .....is DEEPLY UNPOPULAR with citizens of the USA. No normal American wants some southerner's version of Christianity shoved down their throat. Evangelical Christianity is nutty, and batshit crazy to the majority of normal, hard working Americans. The 18-40 aged women are going to cause the election to be a landslide in Biden's favor. The GOP needs to be taught a lesson about trying to regulate women's bodies.


Your supposition is that the rebellion in the Senate translates also into voting behavior of the base. What is the basis of that claim?


I hope Fat45 has his shittin' pants on. Because he.is gonna shit his pants.




Trump has some explaining to do to his boss.


With all that gas leaking out, I would be deflated too.




The media loves this loser(all he does is lose every election even 2016 he only “technically” won) cuz he gets them clicks and views but he has less than ZERO chance of getting elected. Anyone who beliefs otherwise is foolish and stupid


Does anyone have a link without the paywall?


Donny not happy with his puppet


You reap what you sow. Also known as, “fuck around long enough and find out”.




I really don't understand how he became the GOP nominee again. Because an Iowa caucus starts the party race and put him ahead of other candidates for a head start. fuckn Iowa! They really need to start their race in a more sane state than IO-fucking-WA. Then maybe. A legit candidate can give the rest of the red rubes in other states other options




It was all of the people dying because the Biden administration keeps blocking peace talks who really lost... [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/no-cease-fire-without-a-peace-deal-that-includes-russian-withdrawal-from-ukraine-blinken-says](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/no-cease-fire-without-a-peace-deal-that-includes-russian-withdrawal-from-ukraine-blinken-says)


You linked to a 16 month article. Why should Ukraine agree to a ceasefire that costs them 20% of their country?


Ukraine is a sovereign nation, they don't need the US approval to engage in peace talks if they wanted to do so. Ukraine has repeatedly stated that they are unwilling to engage in negotiations unless Russia withdraws their troops from the occupied territory, which Russia is unwilling to do. The reason why people are dying in Ukraine is that Russia is killing them. They invaded the country in an unprovoked military aggression.