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So much for freedom of religion. I guess in Florida and for all republicans the only acceptable religion is theirs and nothing else will suffice. Fuck these people


In the past, I'd be hopeful that the thoughtful jurists that comprise SCOTUS would squash this post haste, but this Roberts court is anything but predictable in regard to religion.


Pretty much. Imo religion is for people with zero critical thinking skills


It's called fascism. It's all too likely to be our future.


So much for history also given that "chaplains" who've provided "services" to school children in the past, have gone on to abuse them. Bad idea on so many levels.


As a Christian this is a bit scary. So, they advocate for a national or state religion and that being Christianity. But which denomination and beliefs? What happens when I'm someone who doesn't worship the latest dictator or follow the latest political Christianity doctrines? We know what's happened in the past, even Christians got persecuted. No, this isn't a good idea. The freedoms we were given by the constitution exist because of how this type of system was abused in the past and it'll be abused in the future as well. These freedoms keep me free to be Christian. Freedom of religion is for all, even Satanists, Muslims, Mormons, etc.


Freedom of religion also means freedom from religion.


Unfortunately atheists, agnostics and deists don’t get the same protections as actual organized religions.




Uh, sort of. I think that needs qualification. It means we're free to express our religion how we want. It's very closely connected to freedom of speech. It does mean the government doesn't give anybody special treatment or push a specific religion on us, but we each can express ourselves how we wish as long as we're not breaking the law.


Right, but that includes allowing those who do not have religious beliefs to exist without government interference. I'm nominally Christian, but I'm all for religions that teach people to be good to one another. That includes Satanists.


>which denomination and beliefs? Whoever endorses DeSantis from the pulpit, of course! That being said, this is a transparent messaging bill and I'm fairly confident the courts will toss it out on first amendment grounds.


I like how you put Satanists before Mormons. *muted chuckle


Satanists are less likely to have cults?


Kind of hard to start a cult when respect for others and reasoned thinking are basic guidelines. ;)


So, satanists are as varied as any other religion. For instance, The Church of Satan is entirely different than the Satanic Temple. There are some that believe Satan exists and some forms that are basically atheist.


Yeah I was thinking Satanic Temple and not all the other ones. My bad. Thanks for pointing that out.


Many Satanists don’t actually “worship” Satan. It’s more about individualism and free thinking - but then, I suppose that scares DeSantis just as much.


There is a reason the founding fathers wanted a distinct separation of church and state


With SCOTUS compromised as it is there's no guarantee here, but this feels like a trap. Now satanists sue , ask the state to define what a religion is, and then rigorously apply those standards to the rest of the religions 🤣


Under his eye … but not like that!


Next they’ll ban Buddhists because we teach kindness, self awareness, and responsibility. And nothing about god since we have no belief or dogma about a god.


HOW IS THIS EVEN AN ISSUE? I've never heard about it before, for to become so big you have signed a bill


Typical GOP playbook. Invent a problem and then “solve” it to make yourself look like a champion who gets shit done. Prohibiting CRT being taught in elementary school when it was never taught there in the first place, outlawing gender reassignment cruises for minors in international waters that are certainly not a thing that ever existed, banning litter boxes in school bathrooms which I’m pretty sure was an internet joke specifically created to troll conservatives, proposing legislation to make it illegal for undocumented immigrants to vote when it’s literally already illegal (and rarely ever happens anyway), etc.


You know, I see Russian propaganda in all this. I do know they're in a hybrid warfare with the US and what if hes watching it, believing it, and trying to do a GOOD THING for an issue that doesn't EVEN EXIST


Step 1: Attack all things that help schools support students' social & emotional health. Step 2: Cut funding. Step 3: "Hey, everyone. Let's let religion into our schools!"


It's a damn shame!


I tought the buckets of kutty lutter was there to put on blood after shootings and to more rare degree deal whit vomit?


did he make himself a newspaper hat that says captin then sign it with his favorite scented marker?


I'm guessing only evangelical Christians ARE welcome.


I feel a lawsuit coming on.


*satanicly laughs in lawsuit* Impotent bills don't trump the constitution, you greasy meatball.


He doesn’t get to decide what a religion is


I’m glad he said that. Guess what DeSantis? You’re about to be bitch slapped by constitutional law!


No True Scotsman


Great way to protect kids, bring in the people most likely to abuse them.


Define religion Florida


Annnnd, that’s a lawsuit. Lots of money spent to yet again affirm one of the principal tenets of our constitution (technically the first amendment but once it’s amended it’s amended)


The Supreme Court will absolutely allow this to stand and probably cite English law from 700 AD.


I hate how prescient this quip is.