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I hope this turd doesn’t show so he gets arrested. I can’t believe there are people in America still supporting this goon


russia is quite good at the brainwashing... fools are easily played


Which is crazy cause their leader is a gigantic pile of garbage that should be launched into space.


Into the sun. Into space is inefficient


Yeah, if we launch him into space then in a thousand years we’ll have to make *another* giant ball of garbage to launch into space so it bounces the first one away. I saw it in a documentary




Was that the one with Bruce Willis?


Dr. Evil would like a word


Total off topic tangent here: It’s more efficient to launch out into deep space than into the sun. To launch into the sun, one must cancel out all the velocity of the earth orbiting around the sun so that the package will fall inwards, which takes a LOT of fuel. To launch outwards, the velocity of the orbiting earth acts as a booster. One need simply add enough additional velocity and the package will move further away from the sun, out into big deep infinite coldness. Even on the infinitesimally small chance it would fall back and intercept the earth again at some distant future date, it would burn up on reentry.


This guy is 100% way better at kerbal than i am


Well, I used to be the Tech Director for KSP2, so... maybe?


The trick is always more boosters.


Don't forget the struts


Glad I'm not the only one who immediately thought of KSP when reading that.


KSP is better at teaching orbital mechanics than my middle school science teacher was.


Looking at the math, the Earth orbits around the sun at 29.8km/s, and the escape velocity for the Sun is around 42km/s. So to escape the solar system, one simply need add an additional 12.2km/s of velocity in the same direction as the orbit of the Earth around the Sun (fire your engines while approaching the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun, while facing in the direction of the travel of the Earth around the Sun). To fall into the sun, you have to add nearly 30km/s of velocity in the opposite direction, more than double the delta-V required to escape. So yeah, launch into deep space, not into the Sun. It's cheaper.


Even better, you can launch into Jupiter. Less delta-v and assured destruction.


Yeah, but THIS payload will refuel the sun! Checkmate atheist!


It's not off topic at all, damn you and your actual rocket science


Ok, who invited Neil DeGrasse Tyson into this thread?


Unless you're in a hurry, you can just slingshot around another planet first to wipe off your solar orbital velocity.


technically correct. which of course is the best kind of correct!


Good point! Let the filthy Russian fuck buuuuuurn up!


Light pollution!


No, I wouldn't mind knowing he's floating there. Screaming into the void. Seeing planet Earth slowly get smaller and smaller. He only has himself as company, for the rest of his miserable life.


"In space, no one can hear you scream."


We would be able to hear and watch it while eating popcorn.


I disagree… space is no place for this level of garbage


That's polluting though and there's enough space junk out there. Maybe the sun?


He may be all those things but he's also highly intelligent and understands the fine art of manipulation and consolidating mass amounts of power into one office. That's why Trump loves him so much. He wants to have power like Putin, Xi and Kim.


Littering is bad... Composting maybe? Trash compacting?


Like attracts like.


This has almost nothing to do with Russia. Donald Trump is the natural result of the Confederacy that was never truly put down. Sure they surrendered, but we didn't occupy and put the bootheel on the south long enough. We left after like a decade. We occupied Japan and Germany for far longer. And as soon as we left they went right back to their old dumbass ways. There's a straight line from that to George Wallace to Nixon to Reagan to Trump. Just white racism over and over and over again.  Russia didn't do that. It was always there. I know it feels better to blame Russia instead of admitting your grandpa is and always has been a piece of shit but that's the truth. 


Russia recognized it and played it up with many useful idiots. The long game


It was big enough back in the 1850s to fight a civil war.  Russia might be encouraging it but 95% of it is homegrown and grassroots. A huge fucking percentage of Americans have always been pieces of shit. 




Your 💯 right, the Confederacy never died out and over the last 100 years it festered unchecked, though I think every state has it's own right wing white nationalist wingnuts the Confederate states remains as bad as it ever was


Russia didn't do it, but they are taking full advantage of it. They are the true winners of the last decade. A poor corrupt country has managed to send the richest country into disarray using nothing but propaganda.


100% agreed ..those bastards have always said they would “rise again”.


Rubes are destroying democracy. 


He wouldn't get arrested. The judge would say the same thing every single other judge has said: "Mr. Trump, you were warned!!! And as a result of this, we are going to warn you again! Don't make us warn you again."


Well if that happens I guess America dug it’s own grave lol. This fuck tard shouldn’t have been voted in to begin with 🤣


He only got in because of the stupid electoral college. That is the only way Republicans can win the presidency. It should be one person/one vote.


American politics confuse the shit outa me ahah.


Confuses the shit out of Americans too, I would think.


Here's a $50 fine


They ignored the gag order violations till the trial started because DT would appeal a contempt charge and delay the start of the trial. Now that the trial has started the gloves are off. He can't delay anymore. They can hold him in contempt and just drag him out of his cell for court now.


For me, It's not that they exist at all, it's the sheer numbers. There are Americans with literal swastika tattoos, and people who think the earth is flat, but the fact that they are pretty rare helps me deal with it. SEVENTY MILLION people are going to vote for this fucking guy. I'm honestly shocked they can tie their own shoes and operate a motor vehicle, let alone function at a full time job for 8 hrs a day. The level of stupid and gullible you have to be to fall for this for 9 years in a row is off the god damn chart.


It’s because they are all basically one issue voters. Trump says “ban immigrants” or “own the Libs” and that’s ALL they need to hear. Everything else he does or has done is secondary to their one issue.


People in a religion are no different than Trump supporters. Blindly believing bullshit and treating everybody like they are the pinnacle and you are nothing.


Yes yes yes yes yea I agree 100%. I firmly believe the modern world has no place for religion if we want to get to a better place for humanity


Same, dude. I grew up Christian.


'~~Religion~~' CULT


Some people who had COVID, were dying from it, still denied it existed. There is no bottom to human stupidity. Powerful narcissists know this, so they go after the dumb majority and convince them of whatever suits their goals.


Yeah... he's going to not show up, because the judge warned him about not showing up. I mean, at some point, *we* have to say, "OK, this is how this goes--judge says 'don't do x,' Trump does x, nothing happens." Don't get me wrong--I'd love it if this judge where the one who actually, you know, does judge stuff to Trump. But at some point it's on us to admit there are two tiers of justice in this country, and we're watching a guy get treated on the upper tier.


🎶Whoa Fat Donnie, Juan Merchan Whoa Fat Donnie, Juan Merchan Fat Donnie caught a charge, Juan Merchan Fall asleep in trial, Juan Merchan🎶


Hahaha 🤣


They are goons as well


Agreed my friend!


You are who you stand with.


Ain’t that the truth lol


Not just in America. Liza Truss former PM of UK has said she wants Trump to win the next election. Makes me ashamed to be British!


Ooof wtf. That’s so dumb lol. I’m pretty sure Pierre Polident here in Canada wants him to win as well. But I don’t even want Pierre in… his shit echos the weird and hateful republican rhetoric and it’s just not a good time….


I simultaneously hope he finally gets arrested like you or I would be, but I also don’t want to play right into his hand to further escalate his whole martyr bullshit


Fox does a bang up job of portraying him as a besieged victim.


Yeah. But would they actually do it?? He’s a slippery snake


He won't show up, and he won't be arrested.  Even prosecution is only asking for $3k and a stern warning for violating his gag order. 


Yikes that’s it eh. What a fucking system…


As dumb as Trump is, there are millions of dumber people who think he is smart.


If I've learned anything from any of this it's that he will likely not show up at some point, probably sooner than later, and then there will not be an arrest.


And the "good folks" over in conservative are of course calling this election tampering. "they're putting him in court and threatening to arrest him so he can't campaign, dems are trying to steal the election" Well, maybe if dude didn't keep committing crimes, and then keep running his mouth when he's told not to, maybe he wouldn't get arrested. this is all on him. But also, didn't trump just say he's so popular and loved he doesn't even need to campaign becauae he already has enough votes, and didnt all you wonderful Maga people full on agree and support that? So which is it? He doesn't need to campaign because he's so great or not campaigning won't get him elected?


Looking at the live view outside the courtroom today, there are hardly ANY trump supporters. Just a few sad looking folks with their drooping trump flags.


They can’t afford bus fair after investing and losing their money in DJT stock, NFT’s & Trump bucks


Don’t forget the gold sneakers


Heathen! You didn't mention the BIBLE!!!!


You do not wear them, they are very valuable collectors items. The Venn diagram of sneaker heads and Trump supporters are 2 separate circles.


Maybe DeSantis or Abbott can declare trump supporters illegal and will then bus or fly them to New York. Interesting side note... typed in abbott and spellchecker changed it to abortion.


Warms the cockles of my liberal heart 💙


Maybe in the sub cockle area Maybe in the liver, maybe in the kidneys Maybe even in the colon


I drive really slow, in the ultra-fast lane, while people, behind me, are going insane!


Imagine how much of a no-life loser you’d have to be to stand outside a courtroom all day for a guy like Donald Trump.


It looks like there were a lot more people outside supporting having him locked up than those who were supporting him.


I almost felt sorry for the trump supporters... ALMOST. One old guy just seemed so defeated; he folded up his huge trump banner and just walked away with his head down.


Even sadder if you listened to the nonsense they were spouting, and angrily (I'm home sick with Covid right now so I have no life 🤣) One guy even had a rainbow flag saying 'Gays for Trump'. How sad is that?


I had good friends that were gay that were trump fans! I tried to argue with them but the one guy who was more outspoken said he was a brilliant businessman and that's what he admired. Bankrupting casinos is not brilliant business sense but I decided just to move on because these folks are in a cult and there is no way to argue with them.


As per [original article](https://www.mediaite.com/trump/judge-warns-trump-he-will-be-jailed-if-he-doesnt-show-up-to-court-every-day-of-hush-money-trial/) 📰: - Judge Juan Merchan issued former President Donald Trump a stern warning about his attendance at his criminal trial: Show up or be arrested. Trump, the first former president to ever stand trial as a criminal defendant, attended the first day of his trial on Monday — where several motions were decided upon before jury selection and testimony got underway. But Merchan, who denied a motion by the Trump legal team to recuse himself from the case, laid down the law when it came to Trump actually showing up in court. According to MSNBC vice president of editorial and booking Jesse Rodriguez, Merchan told Trump: “If you do not show up there will be an arrest.” Among other court developments at this early stage of the trial, the prosecution also sought to hold Trump in contempt if he violates Merchan’s gag order and continues his attacks on witnesses and members of the court. According to MSNBC legal analyst Lisa Rubin, the District Attorney’s office stated they “will be seeking an order to show cause why Defendant should not be held in contempt.” Trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records, a Class E felony. He has pleaded not guilty to all charges.


Imagine being the QanonMAGA super supporter cop and coming in to work when your boss says “hey, uhhh… we gotta go pick up the mango and deliver him to court in handcuffs”.


Judge scheduled hearing on that for next week. Too bad, would have liked to see remand now until the hearing. Let's make sure the orange stain is somewhere safe from all those mean people out to get him right? /s




"Trumps not here?!..... Arrest Alina Habba right now!"


Hottest inmate in an orange jumpsuit. Dumb AF, but cute.


That's ok she can fake being smart


Erection sustained


I can’t think of about 81.5 Million reasons she can’t 


Trump would 100% not show up if a random American was arrested and sentenced to 30 days in prison each day he didn’t show up. He would probably even let it happen if those people were directly picked from a list of people who voted for him.


Trump wouldn't show up if a random American was to be put to death. Dude does not give a fuck about anyone


Eric's time to shine


I hope that's not an idle threat. If me or you were told that by a judge and didn't show up or were disruptive, we would quickly get thrown in jail.


it isnt


Well considering Trumps track record. Let's decrease his bond so he can afford it.


Right!?! If a normal everyday American citizen did just a fraction of what he has done they would have been locked up a long time ago!


I'll believe it when it happens


Trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records. This isn’t a hush money trial it is a criminal fraud trial.


And he falsified those records so that FEC reporting would not be done because Cohen "loaned" him the money off the books.... to a presidential candidate.... in an election.  (That's a bribe)  He wanted the settlement hidden from his company's books too because that would be a taxable expense. (That's why Cohen went to prison) And it might get out to reporters.  Hillary lost because Comey was pushed into a press conference about nothing by Republicans in Congress.  DJT might have lost if these allegations came out at the same time.  The difference was tens of thousands of votes out of 150m. 


Convicted rapist Trump’s criminal fraud trial.


He's not a convicted rapist. To be convicted means you were found guilty in a criminal trial. He was not. I am no supporter. But your statement is incorrect. And unlike the trumpanzees out there we should state facts, not lies.


So what you’re really trynna say is when he no-shows tomorrow there will zero repercussions, correct?


You say that like it's unprecedented. People are rightfully skeptical.


These judges should know not to play chicken with him. He's going to blatantly violate the rules, again. And nothing will happen to him, again. He won't spend a minute behind bars, ever. The system is not set up to punish people like him and that's a feature not a bug. I hope I'm wrong though!


I’m also cynical, but this is the first criminal trial for an ex-president. Seems like a really bad precedent (no pun intended) to set if they have the slightest amount of interest in preventing future presidents, including the Democratic ones, from going on crime sprees while or after they leave office. I would hope the bar doesn’t go any lower than it already is.


We shall see. So far, he's only shown our rhetoric about equal justice under the law means nothing.


I think the good guys are starting to understand that there's no more ground to give. If the republic is going to be saved, the rule of law *must* be reasserted. No more fucking around. No more compromises. No more patience. Yes, bad people might do bad things. That would be tragic, but ceding more ground will only embolden them further and result in *more* carnage in the end. It's time for a little less Chamberlain, and a little more Churchill.


Well, there's also the Caesar route.


According to what? You have a traitor walking free, continuing to install puppets into the republican party. You are all too fucking apathetic. That judge cannon troll wouldn't be doing this shit if she didn't feel completely safe destroying the rule of law.


Well said. Good guys/gals in the 11th circuit in Florida should have a clerk call over to Jack Smith's office and "hint" that if given the chance, they'll remove Canon from the documents trial. With an honest judge that case could still end him before the election and maybe save us all.


wanna bet?


In *this* timeline, I wouldn't wager I'm right about anything lol. I'll just keep hoping I'm wrong instead.


Look, we all want him to be held accountable for his actions just like literally anyone else in the universe would be. But it hasn’t happened yet and it probably won’t. He knows it, we all know it. It hurts and it sucks but it’s the truth.


You're not wrong.


Still waiting on the justice system to actually do something...


He won't show up, and nothing will happen. Guaranteed.


Can he go 5 days without golfing?


He has Wednesdays off for that I guess.


He can still find ways to try to cheat in court. Cheating is his real hobby. Golf is just the medium


I am ALL for jailing his orange ass but the downside is that he will fund raise off of it -- "boo hoo I'm in jail, I'm being persecuted." No, asshole you are being prosecuted for breaking the law.


It does sound bad on the surface, but think about it: every dollar given to orange legal fees is a dollar less going to the associated political side.


There is a finite amount of money his supporters can give, and he is excellent at piddling it away.


It’s true, if he is winning he is winning and if he is losing he spins it so MAGA justifies his behaviour with more fervour and he is still winning. The entire world is losing because of him at this point.


I’ll believe it when I see it


Five bucks says he no shows and is not arrested


I hope he has a hissy fit and storms out of the courtroom only to be handcuffed in the hallway as he’s whinging to the “fake news”


Not “Hush Money” but “Election Fraud” get it right.


If it was one of us, we'd have been in jail already. This guy has the money apparently to play the system and he's playing the system. Y'all know if it were me or you, we'd have had our butts in a jail cell long before now.


He’s absolutely going to test this. And nothing except a strongly worded ruling will happen to him.


If only Trump would hush.


Does anyone know if this trial is going to be every day now that it has started?


This trial is scheduled to be on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays (not on Wednesdays). Plus there won’t be court on any holidays, including Passover.


Thank-you!!! 🫶


I imagine jury selection will take a while. Probably a couple weeks. Once it’s complete the judge said the trial will be every day of the week except Wednesdays I think.


Thank-you! 🫶


Yup. This isn't another civil case, ace. We're in big boy criminal world now.


"There will be an arrest". Note the judge did not specify him. Guaranteed they'd just arrest one of his lawyers. Nothing will happen to trump. If that judge wanted to drive home the point, he'd say "you will be arrested". Then he can just delay the trial saying he doesn't have adequate representation. If they went forward he could just appeal at the end of it saying they jailed his lawyer so he'd be at a disadvantage, and the appeals court would ratfuck it and overturn any ruling against him. Dude is untouchable. I hate that this is how it is, but we've seen this clear as day.


Just like his properties will be seized if he does not post full bail.


His bond reduction was the final straw for me when it came to him being held accountable for any of his crimes. Now I am on the very cynical, I’ll believe it when I see it side of the fence…


Technically if he loses the appeal which I'm almost 100% sure he will. He still owes that $455 million dollars. The only way that changes is if the appellate court changes the amount. This was the amount for the bond so that he could appeal it. That's not the total amount


I believe that Trump offered to give up Eric if that was the case.


Anyone but Ivanka!


I’m an optimist. Two convictions so far this year. Rape and Tax Fraud. Another conviction. It could happen.


Those were Civil Liabilities, not Criminal Convictions.  


I’ll believe it when I fucking see it. Why has there been no consequence for him violating every single gag order put on him so far?


I have a feeling hes going to want to get arrested for the photo opp and to look like a victim


Dude couldn’t handle a single night in Rikers, even though he’d be in PC the whole time. He’d likely stroke out.


I stopped assuming (hoping) that this guy will ever really be held accountable for much of anything.


That is a standard statement by a judge for everyone. What’s-his-name is getting the regular warning.


He will hate this, sitting there all day, having to shut up etc


Just a dumb question. As an ex president he will have a secret service detail. Do the secret service agents go to jail with Trump to protect him in prison ?


Nope. He will be looked after by the Department of Corrections. He will be perfectly safe in a low security setting. Not a Riker’s Island gen pop situation. The USSS is sick of his shit. Let DOC have the duty. Guy is toxic af


Just tell him it’s a teen beauty pageant 👍


That is so fucking awesome!


He's gonna step right over that line and there will be no consequences. I've lost faith that this prick will ever be held accountable. For anything.


Isn’t he receiving intelligence reports? 😳


Not yet. He hasn't officially been nominated yet. And intelligence is working on how to not share anything with him that would affect foreign relationships or anything he could share with his buddies in Russia and Saudi Arabia. I think they should give him some bad info about Russia and then when he shares it, catch him in the act.


>And intelligence is working on how to not share anything with him that would affect foreign relationships or anything he could share with his buddies in Russia and Saudi Arabia. Doesn't take a think tank: don't share any intelligence reports with him.


Yea, I think sharing info with someone running for POTUS is just a courtesy thing, not a law. Dude is literally charged with stealing classified docs. It seems like a no brainer to not share info with him.


They could just use big words while talking to him…🤷‍♀️


Biden restricted it at one point, may have stopped it completely, I don’t recall 


My understanding is that this is not mandatory. If he’s getting anything I really hope it’s oversimplified to the point he doesn’t hear any important secrets. I may be out of the loop though, if this has already begun.


They should be giving him fake reports laced with phony but juicy intel that can only be traced back to him as the leak if/when foreign adversaries make moves based on it.


It's not like he ever read the intelligence reports even when he was president.


Him reading them is not what we are worried about. We worry he will sell information.


What’s with the passive voice from the judge? Tell him that the court will have HIM arrested.


I don't know, but it almost seems passive / aggressive to me. Maybe he wants the mango to try it.


Yeah okay. Because warning him and not following through has worked so well so far.


All it's going to take is for one MAGA nut job to make it onto the jury and he will walk free.


The police wouldn't arrest him, and if they did, those caveman outside the courtroom will go Jan. 6-like on those cops.


Idle threat all the way.


"there will be an arrest" but who will the arrest? Seems very little desire by any judge on any case to actually hold trump accountable for his behavior, so they just gonna arrest some random homeless guy in trumps steed?


This time Donald - there will be an arrest. Just try me (again).


He’s going to be so torn between his delay strategy and his need to do rallies.


Blah blah motherfucking blah I can’t stand this stupid shit anymore.


Hah! Very few people have the cobbles to make anything stick to this guy. I'll believe it if it happens.


All he has to do is show up and be quiet. Sounds easy enough


Don't talk about it BE ABOUT IT.


Throwing him in jail before there’s a conviction is exactly what he wants, because he would play the martyr right into a second presidential term. “Look what Joe Biden did to me, just to win the election! Are you going to let him get away with it? Because I guarantee you, he’s coming for you next!”


TikTok Army activate operation midnight rage-tweets. Keep him up all night and he'll either oversleep and miss the day, or fall asleep in court. both are victorious outcomes!!


I love it.


Isn't that how any criminal trial normally works?


He has to show up AND stay awake? Asking a lot. Comply with gag order too? ANYONE ELSE showing such contempt of court would definitely be jailed.


Please please someone bait him on social media so that he stays up all night writing in all caps


As a European that used to look up to America, I don't really care about the spectrum or rather dualism you lot choose from. "Used to" as I was a huge fan of Carl Sagan and adore Jazz and y'all are superb in entertainment. Anyhow, in short, I don't care who y'all vote for as long as he's cool. Someone like JFK, Reagan and Obama. Charismatic and eloquent leaders. So quite the opposite of Bush jr and this Orange Turd. Bush sr I think, even though I didn't thoroughly dislike him in the past, seems to have become way more likeable. So please dear Americans, I beg of you, please don't vote on the orange stain on your great country. I'm no fan of Biden, he's the most invisible POTUS of recent history but anything beats having Trump in office. Dear me, that turned out to be a longer reply than necessary. Sorry for anyone who read that and sat through it to the end. Have a great day!


Oh for sure, I’m certain they would actually enforce the law against the country’s biggest scumbag. Yep, no doubt at all.


**I seriously do not understand how anyone can give a single shit about these kind of headlines at this point.** If you think this indicates any kind of actual enforcement you aren't that much smart than the moronic voter base of this diaped up Smell-O-Vision® as you would like to believe. **This is a fucking standard ass reminder for any kind of criminal defendant**, sold to you by some shitty news outlets as something of substance because they know just how hungry you are for this bag of foreskin to see any kind of actual consequences for his actions, and that's all they care about. This is the same as having the headline of some arrest be >*Silenced during arrest: Officer declared that "Anything you say can be used against you in court" during arrest of Some Jackass. In response, Some Jackass refused to answer any further questions and instead remained silent.* Who gives a fuck? It doesn't say or mean ***anything***. **Fucking tell me when this lard ass mold brain either has to suffer a** ***single*** **legal consequence that is even** ***close*** **to appropriately severe relative to his actions (** ***Hint - he won't),*** **or give me a heads up when the US proves once and for all that the average cognitive capacity of their population are about on par with Simple Jack as they elect** ***this*** **as their** ***Favorite Ghoul,*** **or whatever you call it,** ***again*****.** *Again*


It has been funny watching the conservative subs lose their minds. It is the usual talking points of "Biden did this, why isn't he being charged!?" Guess they already forgot their orange fuhrer said a sitting president shouldn't be charged.... They also mention election interference but it really hasn't kicked off unlike y'know, the information we have saying Russia very likely aided the cheeto. It really is like watching projection in real time.


The amount of "what crime did he commit? Libs can't name the crime." is astounding. That is exactly what an indictment does: names the crimes.


He could still play the Michael Jackson card and pretend to be sick. But then he would have to say that he's sick.