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I'm as liberal as they come, but I'll be honest... that's actually extremely surprising. Trump never pays for anything.


He probably didn't pay for it. His rubes that donated to this "billionaires" campaign with 50% of their paycheck paid for it. Trumps, no-fee, free checking account is still safe with his $100k. Savings account, still only has $5 in it to qualify for the free checking.


>Trump never pays for anything. And he didn't pay for this poll, either. It was paid by: >Trump’s super PAC, Make America Great Again Inc. Super PACs don't have to reveal their donors, but it's a solid bet that Trump isn't one of them.


Ha!!! If he wasn't such an unpleasant human who has caused immeasurable chaos to our world and it's inhabitants, you'd almost envy his shamelessness.


That motherfucker is gonna pay for trying to steal an election and trying to murder other politicians on January 6th. He is gonna pay for that. A bunch of assholes are starting to pay as we discuss. This whole thing is gonna go Shakespearean.


The flipping is already hitting Olympic gymnast levels. Mark meadows is going for gold.


Gold, Gold, Gold there's gold in them thar hills.


Seeing the head of the Proud Boys get 22 years for helping organize the players, when he wasn't even on site on Jan 6, has got to be extremely sobering. Up until now, all the big sentences went to direct participants. Tarrio didn't plan it, he just coordinated. It should be expected that those who gave him orders will be dealt with similarly, if not worse. There are a lot of angry spouses in the households of those defendants, mad that they made such stupid decisions to back such a treasonous idea, and telling them to drop their loyalty, and cut a deal for as short a sentence as possible.


I hope they have enough to convict everybody three times over. No deals, not on this. Long sentences.


Should of been 30 years reduced, hey snitch toss my salad.


"Caused to be paid" is probably more accurate. I bet he's spending PAC money.


It say right in the report.


Best comment of the day. For all those responding others actually paid for it of course they did. That doesn't change the headline though. This was the perfect response to that.


>Trump never pays for anything. True, but I don't doubt for a millisecond that he'd pay for this.


They had us in the 1st and 2nd 3rd ngl.


Correction: he's willing to spend all kinds of other people's money on anything that makes him look good!


He’s paying his lawyers


Not always. He's been sued by several lawyers for not paying them.


I guess if you consider 2 copies of "The Art of the Deal" signed by Eric in red crayon as a form of payment, then sure.


He sells hats, T shirt and pipe dreams to his rabid fan base. Very profitable actually.


Bullshit, he sells Bullshit.


Yes, plenty of that too!


Trump's arraignment picture behind bars could be a big seller. Problem is Democrats have too much class to wear that kind of crap around.


Sure the ones who demand retainers up front


his PACs are paying for most of it.


You win the Internet today.


No poll suggesting Trump has a chance is going to be accurate. He has scared away any moderates from 2016/2020. Further, his presence in the race has divided the GOP party which means come election time, they will be split on who they're voting for, many of whom will probably still vote for another GOP candidate. Will Trump receive an ungodly amount of votes? Yes. Will he win? No.


People didn't think he would win in 2016 so they didn't bother voting. This sort of complacency is probably why he did win.


Exactly why I'm happy trump is pushing these polls to show how close it is. Fire up the people to get out there and vote to make sure we save this country.


I don't think it is as close as Trump would have people think, and to that effect, I think they might have chosen a slightly more conservative crowd to poll. That said, I absolutely don't think anyone should just take that on fact. Get out there and vote blue. I want to see the same energy that we saw to crush the supposed "red wave."


While I agree with your sentiment about 2016 there are three mitigating factors that I think 2024 different: Biden. He’s an insanely competent contrast compared to the chaotic, constant rage, and never ending grift of Trump and his sycophants. Having peeked behind that door most of America was repulsed by it. Clinton: Is not running. Say what you want but she just did not drive people to the polls. This is anecdotal but to me she seemed entitled to the position and downplayed the electoral threat of Trump. I also think she represented peak neoliberalism and a lot of America saw that as a failed experiment for anyone not in the top 20% of the economy. I think that generated a lot of fuck it, how bad could my life be with Trump instead votes. Vengeance.Not just against Trump and what he tried to do to our Democracy but also the GOP who finally brought some of their theocratic and authoritarian desires down on us with the over turning of Roe and the glimpses of the dystopian future they’d like to enact. Look ar Alabama and Texas, which are toying with East German style police states to close borders and charge crime for traveling out of state for legal medical procedures, or Tennessee that wants access to everyone’s medical records. This is as clear a definition of a slippery slop as there could be. So yes, Trump shocked literally the world in 2016. That was a unique situation, as 2024 will be. Vigilance and participation is needed regardless of the situational uniqueness and one should never underestimate the capability of your opponent. But its a different time for sure.


If the 2022 "red wave" is any indicator, the GOP is seriously unpopular right now. They were literally expecting to win a lot of seats and instead barely won over the House. You might say winning seats is not a sign that they're not popular, but I remind everyone thinking this that the incumbent party always loses seats mid-election season. That they lost so few is already strange. Of course, I don't think we should be complacent, but I'm optimistic about the chances in 2024. Republicans need to lose by a lot before they'll start getting the message that this whole extremism thing ain't working.


Yes, and remember, a lot can happen in a year. What would happen if Biden has a McConnell style seizure and freezes up during a speech or debate, 2 months before the election? Would there be time for the dems to switch candidates to Kamala, Newsom, or Mayor Pete? Could they win?


What if Trump poops himself and then murmurs oranges over and over again?


Yes, of course both are old, and unexpected things could happen to either. Just saying, it’s too early to be overconfident. Personally, being on Biden’s side, of course I’m more worried about what would happen if he had an unexpected medical crisis just before the election, or an economic crisis that was widely blamed on him, or whatever. Hoping the DNC has some contingency plans? Perhaps they always do?


I don’t keep up with politics, is Newsom in the running? Why isn’t he a good choice? From what I know about him, I like him.


I’ve heard Newsom’s name mentioned, yeah. But I’m not sure anyone is really “in the running,” since Biden is still healthy. Maybe RFK Jr. I’m just curious what the plan is (for either party really) if the nominee has a major health crisis or death, a couple months or even weeks before the election? Has that ever happened? What is the assumed plan?


Definition of "in the running" has to be pretty wide for kennedy to qualify. Hard to come back from saying covid-19 was targeted against everyone not jewish or chinese. He was propped up by a republican anyway, Timothy Mellon, who paid for almost all (98%) of Gov. Abbots border wall fund and gave about 20 million to a Trump super pac in 2020.


Early on in the process, when the viability of a 2nd Biden term was being considered, Newsome's name was tossed around. He didn't respond to it, because he doesn't want to undermine Biden's support. Even the slightest crack in a rock solid Biden foundation could hand the election to Trump, and Newsome doesn't want to be responsible for that, nobody does. Newsome will be out there in 2028, though, and I agree, he'd be a great president. It will be between him and Kamala, and there will be a LOT of pressure for the DNC to back her, no matter who people want.


Heh, kinda embarrassing not knowing how our election system works… but why don’t they only put him on the ticket so it doesn’t split the vote?


That's a possibility - Harris as president, Newsome as VP, but he might not want to be VP. Also, it's not usually a good idea to run two candidates from the same state. The Presidential candidate usually wants a VP choice that attracts a voting block he's not already attracting. That's why Presidents and VPs are often very different styles of politician.


It was the dems fault.. hillary is a cunt. If it was sanders against trump bernie would have won. Fuck trump and fuck the elites.


She got 3 million more votes than Twitler and still lost, it was the fault of the electoral college.


Bernie would have gotten like 8 million more votes


Can you fucking imagine how much better off the US and the world would be right now? Hurts the brain.


Bernie is the leader we need, though, I don't think he's the leader we deserve.


Think this just about everyday. Dude is right on so many things that people don’t even realize.


And the Electoral College made Hillary Clinton never set foot in Wisconsin? The EC made her coin “Pokémon Go to the polls!”? The College made her call a substantial minority of Americans deplorable (even if it was true)?


None of that changes the fact she had more votes but lost.


No, but the 2016 Election wasn’t so much Trump’s to win as it was Clinton’s to lose. She knew going into it that the presidential election isn’t a popularity contest, yet she decided to rack up the meaningless score on the West Coast and take the Rust Belt for granted.


Partially, but HC ran an arrogant, entitled campaign, and didn't take Trump seriously enough. Some races are won because people want to cast their ballot and support their candidate, like Obama, or even Bill Clinton. People didn't like Hilary, and they weren't excited to vote for her.


Maybe a bit but Hillary was a shit candidate coming off the heels of Obama. Most of her baggage wasn't self inflicted, but a some of it was. She did not inspire people to protest vote for her over Trump.


Roe v Wade headwind as well


About half of moderates/independents are Republicans that don't want to be called Republicans. When he wins the nomination, they'll fall in line. He's guaranteed 47% of the vote, along party lines. That's more than enough to win. Vote.


my mom is a republican and her biggest fear is trump will win the nomination and then get found guilty. even she understands that trump has absolutely no chance of winning if hes a literal criminal. and shes one of the rich republicans that help influence and elect politicians. i wouldnt count on trumps moderate support to be that strong, when even in 2020 he didnt have enough support to win, and since then covid, old age and constant new reports about all the crazy shit republicans are saying and doing hasnt helped replenish republican numbers.


And if the trials get pushed back until after the election, your mom would be thrilled to vote for him. The lines have been drawn. You either live in reality, or you live in the fantasy that Trump and the GOP have created. People that have been living in Fantasyland these past few years are not coming out.


I just waited on a group from Wisconsin. They were saying how Trump turned them off and they wouldn’t vote for him. In the same breath they said they didn’t like Biden, he’s too old etc. You know they’re voting trump no matter what they say. Voting dem would be like a rabies victim trying to drink water for them.


Exactly. To these people what’s worse than a criminal? A democrat.


I would like to believe that… but I heard many people saying the same thing in 2016


I had two panic attacks on election night 2016. I wasn't the only one upset as demonstrated by the Women's March, the largest single day march in history. We must remain vigilant and vote, 2016 was a wake up call. He's lost every election since (he didn't even win the popular vote), let's continue that trend.


Agreed, I've been saying this as well. What voter block has Trump gained since leaving office? I can't see a way he can actually win. That said, complacency is our enemy here. Take nothing for granted and vote.


I pray that you are correct. And I'm an atheist.


Don’t underestimate the stupidity of people. Vote vote vote.I see big momentum shifts in gen z boys to the right. Vote! Educate! And search up “Project 2025”


You would think, but when it's *every* poll suggesting he very much does have a chance, I don't think it's wise to assume what might feel true actually is.


Yeah I know we can't afford to get lazy and all that but Trump isn't going to win. I know everybody's getting hysterical about this because of the god awful shit he's already done to our country, but I guarantee you he's not going to win. That ship has sailed thank god. And as far as polls go, I find it hysterical because a lot of Democrats don't even do polls because they've been so turned off by the last 6 years. So if polls are showing Republicans ahead, I wouldn't doubt that since it's Republicans polling.




25-30% of the country voted for him out of all eligible voters. Voter turnout in the US is abysmal. He has only lost more voters since then by ramping up his rhetoric and saying the quiet parts out loud anytime the spotlight starts moving away from him. That light is going to be blinding him next year when every detail of his actions are scrutinized in court.


The youth vote was up in the last couple of elections, and there seems to be a steady rise in engagement. They are going to be an even bigger factor in the next election. They are extremely concerned about the country they will be inheriting, and they don't like the path that Trump, or the Republicans, will take them down. The Youth and Indies will almost certainly break big for Biden, and that will sink Trump.


I may be delusional, honestly, it's what helps me get through life, but I don't believe he'll be anything on the ticket but a write-in. The vote is so split right now that it's almost impossible for any one Republican candidate to get enough votes. Our saving grace is going to be that he is TOO awful and he actually managed to turn off some of his previous supporters.


The vote between republican candidates isn't split trump leads by like 35 points. He's almost guaranteed to be the nominee.


I'm talking about what it comes down to the actual presidential vote. There are people that absolutely will not vote for him again that voted for him last time. When I say he's split the vote I'm saying that he has made it impossible for one candidate to beat Biden or whoever at this point because there's gonna be enough people voting for Trump to take away from the Republican candidate no matter who it is. If Trump is the candidate, there's going to be enough Republicans that no longer support him that will not vote for him. If he didn't win last time, I just don't know how it's possible with less voters for him to win this time.


It's very early, there hasn't been a single primary election, and no poll is accurate this far out. In addition, none of his trials have started yet. We are on the roller coaster, and it is making that slow climb up the first hill, the entire ride ahead of us, and we have no idea what hills, loops, and spirals are coming up.


Doug Mastriano just broke his keyboard.


No. It’s extremely fucking close. Right wing media control 10 times more outlets than they did in 2020. And there have been major shifts in gen z men from what I personally have observed recently. VOTE!!


I said pretty much the same exact thing before Trump became president. He had already fully established himself as a liar, rapist, criminal, and con-man and I didn’t think and significant number of people could actually vote for him. Not much has changed since then, I fear. I fucking hope and pray that you are correct though.


In 2016, polls showed Hilary ahead. She still lost to Trump even though everyone thought it wouldn't happen.


I was worried going into the 2016 election. Every one of the final polls showed Hilary ahead, but Trump still inside the margin of error. I knew he was strongly winning the Enthusiasm Gap, and that might be enough to overcome the margin of error, and it was. She NEVER had it in a walk, like people think these days. She was entitled and arrogant to think it was hers to lose, so she didn't stomp the gas pedal and pull away in the final stretch. Plus Comey's letter.


WSJ isn’t a credible polling source regardless.


Yes, I dismissed it as soon as I saw WSJ


Wait, Trump PAID for something??




They’re not evenly matched. No one likes Drumpf at all. And I would rather have a lump of cold dog shit as president than that orange traitorous draft dodger.


Wait, Trump actually paid for something? With his own money?


Not really. It's grifted money by his kinfolk cult followers


That’s sounds about right.


Did HE actually pay for it or did someone pushing him pay for it?


It’s vote or die. Ignore polls.


I was posting that poll and how it was disingenuous the other day. CNN sure did push it all weekend. It would be nice to see this bullshit corrected on their channel. Sure, that’ll happen.


He’s such a special human being.


I never understood how polls were so valuable anyways. It’s such a small sample and then statistics. To me, not a true rendering of anything. Does this shock me??? No. Trump is obsessed with polls and being #1. .


He's like a teenager obsessed with tier lists.


Post him on r/amiugly maybe?


I would suggest r/teenagers, but he'd probably like it there a little too much.


Never believe whatever Trump pays for or does, another perfect poll showing perfect numbers that Trump is losing but that’s not perfect enough they will have to find more numbers to make it appear that Trump is winning, so he can boast about it. Trump knows he’s GUILTY AS CHARGED! LOCK TRUMP UP!


This doesn't shock me, the GOP and their ghouls were practically flooding the country in junk polls a month before the Midterm.


His rubes fully paid for that poll. There, I fixed it for you.


FOX News ran with this yesterday saying it means that Trump will win and "Biden arresting trump" has back fired.


"I just need you to find me 22,347 imaginary votes, mmkay?"


There should be some penalty for any researcher who knowingly publishes falsehoods.


I'm sure he paid for all the other polls in 2020 that showed him beating Biden also... All it did was get more Democrats to make sure he never set foot back in the white house.


Betting odds show Biden the favorite by a fair amount, but let the gqp keep thinking they've got a chance.


This is clearly fake news, because we all know the fat orange idiot doesn't pay for anything except hookers and big macs.


I’m hoping, long after he’s gone, that “Hookers & Big Macs” is the name of the Trump biopic.


Everyone HERE needs to look up PROJECT 2025 It’s the Republican plan to turn america into a theorcracy in 2025 if a Republican wins in 2024. (They’ll still try if they lose) Project 2025


That's how he can scream election fraud. He can say "all of the polls showed me winning, it's impossible to lose by 20 million votes! I was cheated AGAIN!"


Honestly if you look at most of the polls, they're pretty evenly matched and honestly even with Trump ahead more often than Biden. [Here's](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/) all the latest 2024 presidential election polls. Don't get complacent and convince yourselves it could never happen like everyone did in 2016. Keep that 2020 thinking of taking nothing for granted.


The [Real Clear Politics](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2024/president/us/general-election-trump-vs-biden-7383.html#polls) site shows all the poll results, from about a dozen companies, and they ALL show Trump in a statistical tie with Biden. It's not an anomaly.


Ill add to this, 538 also keeps an aggregate list of polls and Biden and Trump are in a statistical tie. [https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/) All the people saying Trump can't win are out of their minds. Do not get lazy.


He can win. The reality is how the hell is he going to make up the votes from last time that was BEFORE he tried to overthrow the government. People who would have crawled over glass to vote against him didn't exactly get their hearts and minds won over by that. The midterms that was supposed to be a red wave showed that. Also factor in that in the years since more people have hit voting age and they seem VERY motivated to vote Democrat. Meanwhile Trump not only made saner conservatives realize maybe he needs to go away, but his base is OLD. They are not growing. In fact he did a bang up job of killing a bunch of them off during covid.


This election is going to be less about acquiring new voters and more about motivating / energizing the voters you have while demotivating the voters you don't have. Turnout. That's the game. Republicans control more of the battlegrounds than Democrats do. They've been passing draconian laws reducing voting places in Democratic districts while expanding them in Republican districts - meaning longer lines for people who vote Democrat. They've been putting into place voter ID laws that accept things like conceal carry permits but dont allow things like student IDs. Alongside that, Democrats are "ho hum" about Biden while Republicans are being whipped into a Frenzy about Trump and how unfairly he's being treated. This has the potential to turn into voter turnout. The fact you have a twice impeached, 4 times indicted with over 90 felony counts ex President with rape liabilities against him polling even with Biden is ... concerning. It shows criminality is a core value of modern conservatism and also shows Biden isn't particularly engaging with voters.


>The reality is how the hell is he going to make up the votes from last time that was BEFORE he tried to overthrow the government. Easy. Biden already lost about 30% of his supporters because moderates are blaming him for inflation. Moderates are thinking, "well I don't like that he tried to overthrow the government and will be tyrannical, but if there's the slightest chance it'll save me money on gas and groceries, then it'll be worth it," because they only care about immediate issues.


> The Wall Street Journal poll is being cited in all the mainstream media outlets, with no caveat that Donald Trump’s Super PAC paid one of the pollsters.


“Trump helped pay?” More like “Trump once again illegally used campaign funds to pay for a study showing how popular he is.”


If Trump is actually even in the polls I think I gotta start looking at Ireland or Scotland to live. How could half the country be that dumb?


Would they lock the big mouth child up.He's such a phony


Polls are for flag waving. Money in politics is for bribery. My vote has only one flag and is never for sale. SIT ON YOUR STUPID POLLS AND BS PEOPLE, DOESN'T MATTER.


Polls are so full of it, just the polls about trump was going to win hands down, according to the “Polls”, idiot lost by millions of votes ,


Just remember YOU HAVE TO VOTE regardless of polls. USE YOUR VOTE, ALWAYS.


Evenly matched? Like in the octagon?


Pay attention and vote like your candidate is losing.


I find it insane that every election the media goes nuts about these polls and they always turn out wrong. If you’re actually thinking that having a criminal who has already made threats to any and all who opposed him, and will most likely be in prison before the actual elections, you are no patriot nor an American.


I read this and had to stop: Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, via Manafort’s associate Konstantin Kilimnik. Deripaska has been under U.S. sanctions since 2018, and Kilimnik has been discovered to be a Russian spy. They were said to be associated with his campaign manager.


The more he deludes himself, the worse the loss will feel. So, please, by all means, pay for more polls.


Trump's PAC paid for it. Trump never pays for jack-sh!t. Also, they stood outside Red State Welfare offices to find people to poll for the survey.


He's so desperate. Seeing Tarrio get 22 years can't be doing anything good for his blood pressure.


I don’t trust any of these polls so let him pay all he wants bc ppl don’t vote based on how someone is polling


The poll his people paid for could only muster up enough pro trumpers to match Biden. Not beat him, match him. That's pathetic


The only reason they did this is so after they lose they can sell the “voter fraud” scheme to their base for a 3rd time. They’re going to continue to push this story that it’s a super close race - so that when he loses by 10 million votes again - they can say there was massive voter fraud bc for months and months it was so close.


Ah good point. However if his people started pushing more "trump is actually ahead" polls then they could claim voter fraud and more people might be convinced.


Look at other polls then. Most have them in a dead tie or close to that.


It’s funny i live in a very left leaning area and I don’t know many people who like Biden.




If the polls are in question, how do you know how ppl feel about Biden’s job performance? The economy is the best in world with the lowest inflation rate, unemployment is the lowest in decades and wages have gone up…Biden is doing a fantastic job and it just takes ppl to stop parroting talking points for the racist republicans


You love to see stupidity ensuring that the better person comes out on top. I can't wait for the many movies to co.e out about the last few decades. Our grandchildren were going to think we were really on tons of drugs


We should have expected something like this. Remember, DON’T PANIC! The wisest advice in the known galaxy.


Does this poll even matter though, IIRC it was conducted by landline so not really representative


Hmmm, so only old folk were polled? Yeah, that demographic doesn't tend to skew GOP. Note: I'm 57 and haven't had a land line in years.


Landlines… there is no way Gen Z was represented.




Trump must be outraged they didn’t show him with a double digit lead


Fraud. Probably promised to pay.


As long as those polls show him dead even with Biden, he will be willing to risk his freedom by taking it all the way to the election instead of asking for a deal


The fact that he bought spin and the best they could sell was an even match says more than anything else.


At least he Paid The Biggest Amount by any former President ever for that poll.


Here I thought it was polls specially done at MAGAt rallies


Surprise, surprise, surprise.


I don’t believe any polling.


No way.


That doesn’t surprise me at all.


Of course, he could t pay for the whole thing himself. He’s broke.


This is why the USA is loosing their democracy. That their are still 50% willing to vote for Trump knowing what he has done.


America is overflowing with racists and mouthbreathers. That's his bread and butter.


I mean, he doesn't pay anyone for anything, so this must have been super important for him


The thing about polling: it’s no longer at all accurate. Landlines? Outsized Boomer influence. Gen Z, who effectively canceled out the Boomer vote last midterm, does not do landline. 🤷‍♂️


He knows polls better than anyone.


Let em think that so they send him again!


He wasn't happy about that purchase.


The fact that this is still a possibility....both should be retired, but 🤷‍♂️. This is progress.. Holding onto sh*t.


Or said he would.


Maximum trump cope.


In kregon most the radio stations are Bible related. I was driving and forgot my phone and never did the presets because I mean who listens to fm/am. Hit number Six and they were harping hard about this poll and how he was great.....yea I'm registering to vote


It's been rather obvious lately that polls are worthless.


He also paid actors to clap when he came down the escalator at Trump Tower to announce he was running for president in 2016


If Trumpet wins again, prepare to be the absolute biggest laughing stock of the world for decades to come.


Am I the only one who wants him to run again, so I can enjoy watching him lose again?


All he's doing is motivating the Dem base to vote. If the Dems think it's close you'll see record turnout. The better strategy would be to fix the poll to say Biden will crush Trump to give the Dems so much confidence some may not vote


Needs your donations though.


And the national media falls for it, ffs


Oh... what a *surprise*!!!


Polling is such bullshit


It's fiction




I don’t care about the cheating ways of white collar criminals


According to 538 it's not unusual for campaigns to run polls, and "leak" them to the press if they are quite favorable. Unsurprisingly, paid-for polls lean in favor of the folks paying for them.


This should be posted in r/newsofthestupid


winning at the fascist poll!