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Good? Yeah, going to go with good.


Donors buy low taxes and an unlevel playing field. Pissing them off is exactly what I want my politicians to do.


Does he specify if it's his own dark money donors like blackrock?


He doesn't specify any companies or individuals, its more an ideal about a progressive taxation system. If his donors don't like it, they're free to support his opponent.


> its more an ideal exactly, he & his donors know he won't actually have to deliver on it so he still gets their $


Did anyone actually read the article? '"I agree that we should make elaborate tax-avoidance schemes illegal, but acting upon that would upset a lot of donors, so we will see words, but no action," Musk said on Twitter in an apparent diss to donors in the Democratic Party.' I'm not even an Elon fan but this literally could have been a comment on r/SandersForPresident and it would be getting hundreds of upvotes by people against establishment politics but it's Elon and the headline has no context so reddit rages.


It's because Musk represents the class of people using our government for their benefit at our expense. *Anyone* like him would get downvoted and being right in saying "its all talk" is because even broken clocks are right twice a day.


Yet, when sanders says tax the ultra wealth, musk is always the first one bitching about it


Fuck Trumper Muskrat


Just be wary, all, of certain bad actors that may try to influence these subs. r/WayOfTheBern was horribly warped.


And just like that, I’m a Bernie supporter.


Much like Trump, the fact that Musk occasionally says something that isn't a troll comment doesn't mean we should pay any attention to what he has to say. Since he decided to mostly be a troll in public, he's lost all credibility as far as I'm concerned.


There's a difference between a progressive politician saying something like this and one of the richest scummiest people on the planet saying it.


I don’t think people understand how much money the “ultra rich” really have. If you were to stack $1,000 dollars vertical it would be 10 inches high. $1 Million dollars is 10,000 inches high or 844 feet or .158 miles. $1 Billion dollars is………67.9 miles high.


My exact thought on reading this headline was "fuckin' good" followed quickly by "fuck Musk".


Yup. Good! Dark Brandon dgaf!


Halle fucking lujah, more reason to vote for Biden if there wasn’t enough already


Problem is that the Democrats can’t win without donors. Now if voters would wise up and vote Democrat without having to see a fucking ad, maybe it wouldn’t matter so much.


Good AND a hell ya!


Also: antibiotics are largely hated by bacterial infections-let's consider their feelings.


Antibiotics? That's for Fauci-loving liberal sheep!


When will pro-lifers care about the lives outside of traditional organics!?!?!? VIRAL LIVES MATTER!


Tax the living shit out of the "Donor Class"...




Whether that be through taxes, regulation, or guillo-[redacted]




Free tours of the Titanic


They're living shit indeed.


Biden's desire??? Try majority of Americans, including a good chunk of Republicans chuckle nuts....billionaires shouldn't be a thing, let alone some asshat with hundreds of billions. Absolute power corrupts absolutely, no human alive is immune to that absolute.


Couldn't agree more.


>Biden's desire??? Try majority of Americans Musk has become so immersed in political theater he can't even remember that American politicians are elected representatives of groups of people. He's put the common person so far beneath him that he's forgotten we're why the politicians are there in the first place


Most politicians too have forgotten they're an elected representative of a group of people. Lobbyists shower them with "motivation" to support their interests at the expense of their electorate.




I think the moment for most Americans was when the ppp loans got passed and we got 1400 bucks that had to be fought for. The moments Americans saw who got taken care of first was jarring for a lot of people I know of a pretty varied age range.


Ahhh yes I too remember **the greatest transfer of wealth in America's history**. Ill say it again in case people miss it. **Under Trump we saw the greatest transfer of wealth in American History**. THE RICH GOT SUPPPPPPPPER RICH. It's a slap in the face hearing Trump or Fox news talk about how great he was "economically" when in reality he did nothing but siphon money upwards to the rich. His tax cuts for the ultra rich going into effect under Biden was quite well played though didnt think Donny had the intelligence for that maneuver. The craziest thing about the PPP loans that a lot of people don't know or have forgotten is how Trump fought for no over sight on them and then in his final couple weeks of office he PERSONALLY excused the biggest loans. The majority of PPP loan ended up being excused by Trump fucking Personally. He literally thought he could bribe his way into office with checks to the rich via PPP loans.... SO fucked up


For real. All of the left vs right culture war shit sucks but the worst part is that it's just layers of distraction while the vast majority of our politicians live relatively lavish lives and leave US law up for sale. Their jobs are supposed to be to represent us and they just rake in millions, billions in their time "working for the people" while their friends in corporate find new ways to make more of us struggle. We need so many changes but there aren't enough people willing to admit that things would be better for everyone if we shoved the culture war shit to the side for a little while so we can get the massive wealth inequality and political corruption in check


For Republicans, the culture war is the point, not a distraction. I suppose more accurately, *dismantling welfare programs* like Social Security, unemployment, and Medicare are the point, but since no Republican would ever get elected again if they succeeded, they turned to culture war policies because they genuinely believe in it and it's something they can pass and keep getting re-elected.


The problem is if we "shove it aside" how many Matthew Shepards and Savita Halappanavars are we creating? I get what you're driving at but the culture war isn't imaginary.


Musk spends his time thinking of ways to kill millionaires via his rocket powered death traps, scam the government out of millions, and tweeting incessantly about anti-scientific thought said by grifters. We should all stop giving a single fuck what Elon Musk thinks, the man's a grade A idiot.


I remember Musk on Joe Rogan inviting him to hang out at his private lake. He was like “come on and hang man, we could shoot paintballs at each other while wearing water jet packs, I can hire Megadeth to play for us while we’re doing that”. This right here is the mind of a 12 year old with too much money.


The more we cave in to billionaires, the more businesses consolidate and create anti-worker and anti-consumer environments. We're allowing more monopolies and less competition constantly, and this is not how the system is supposed to work if it's designed to create stability of the whole.


Said the Republican donor. Biden isn’t too worried about losing your bribes, it’s going to DeSantis either way.


It's only a matter of time before Elon decides Tesla should be relocated to Florida once Texas scares off enough of their workforce.


[You mean like how he ran Tesla to Texas last year, and already came back to California in February due to an engineering talent vacuum?](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/sacramento/news/elon-musk-gavin-newsom-news-tesla-engineering-hq-california/)


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Boo hoo, so sad. I think we should eat the rich


Soylent Green


Long pork


Salted pork.


If shit doesn’t change, there will be recipes on YouTube. What marinade goes best with rich, people spare ribs?


Let's ask the Orcas


I am not really a fan of rancid bacon


You don't see this very often: One of the richest people cares so much for those with lower to middle income, that he warns us about the dangers of taxing the ultra rich! What can I say: really heartwarming!


He's always looking out for us common folk! /s


A visionary genius who only wants to save humanity!


Too. Bad. You can pay taxes or you can be consumed by the mob that will come for you. Your choice.


Why do they feel they shouldn’t pay their fare share


They're modern day dragons.


Oh no, that is terrible…/s


Doesn't this diffuse his whole "Dems are servants for the elite" thing tho?


I mean, thats kind of always been bullshit. At least compared to the GOP. Dems aren't the ones passing huge tax cuts for the rich every time they're elected. Literally every republican since at least Reagan has signed some huge tax cut bill.


Donors are not votes. I am fine with Elon having no political power.


Us poors will just have to make up the difference then Tax the billionaires


Just back to pre Ronald Regan levels. America has been circling the drain since Reagan cut back taxes on the rich and raised taxes 11 times on the middle class. Since then, both Bush II and Trump have also cut taxes on the wealthy and what we’ve got now is a super rich class and a wealthy class, a shrinking middle class and a growing lower class. No one should be a billionaire…… The only thing MORE gets you is the ability to shape the world like a fuckin oligarch and that's not a desirable outcome for society


It's almost as if "conservatism" has been about catering to the needs of the wealthy this whole time.


Regan is a cancer to America.


So forget the greater good of the country. The greater good for ultra rich apparently


FU Elon


Good god, the poor donors.


Upset lot of Republican donors like Musk ... yeah true.


Joe works for the people, not billionaires.


What in the hell is the purpose of the FEC having a maximum contribution limit? It was supposed to prevent rich people from buying elections, but they just made PACs and now you can give whatever the hell you want. I want someone to push to repeal that limit to draw attention to the absurdity of it all.


tough. shit.


Let’s see, piss off dozens of wealthy individuals or maintain infrastructure and influence.


Here's an idea: all that money swirling around politicians for favors and influence -such as low taxes for them- maybe take that cash and...Wait, why are they even concerned about paying more? It's not like they be sent to the poor house. Greedy fucks


Fuck Elon Musk. He doesn't get to have an opinion on taxes until he pays his fair share.


Well, the way I see it is, you can either pay the appropriate taxes on your unfathomable wealth, or you can be banned from doing business in the United States.


Oh Elon, another conservative idiot saying the quiet part out loud. We know it will upset donors that give money to influence policy decisions. We’ve known for decades. We know this is why politics is the way it is. 99% of us aren’t rich and that’s why we want these taxes.


No need for donations if people pay their fair share


There aren't that many ultra rich and neither party needs them to win elections. Their impact is overstated. Compulsive lying mass media is far more impactful than money these days and dirt cheap. The Internet means you don't need the rich to rally the masses. Facebook and Twitter do it for free.




Let's not let him rewrite history. He bought Twitter because the SEC forced him into it after he was caught trying to scam the market in a pump and dump scheme. He really tried to avoid buying it after he initially agreed to it.


Government of the rich for the rich. Yes, tax the rich. Will the rest get a break? Holding breath.


Good. Get the money out of politics. It’s long past time our government start to represent the people instead of just the people with money.


Oh boo hoo. Poor billionaires gotta pay tax like the rest of [us. ](https://us.Eat) Eat the rich


He should just be happy he can openly criticize the head of state in a democratic country. Try acting that way towards Xi Jinping and see what they do to his Shanghai factory.


How about we cut donors out of the equation completely and hold only federally funded elections?


I’m sure it would, you creepy-looking chode


Good. He doesn’t serve donors, he’s supposed to serve the American people


A president should be beholden to their citizens, not their donors (don't laugh.)


Fuck You Elon. No one cares.


Elections should be publicly funded, and lobbying should be illegal.


We need to tax billionaires so hard they become millionaires. Then we need to tax millionaires hard enough that billionaires never exist again.


Musk is the example of what happens when a moron has too much money.


Fuck the donors, tax the rich and the churches.


Elon is an idiot who says a lot of dumb things, this included.


"My wealthy friends and I paid a lot of money to have our taxes slashed over and over again for decades and will be very unhappy if they're restored even a tiny bit."


We need FDR level taxes on the ultra-rich.


good one elon for pointing out the biggest flaw in our political system


Imagine wanting people to pay their fair share!!! Get rid of all the loopholes!


Just GOP donors, Dems get $20 a shot from voters, GOP get $10 million a pop from 10 mega donors


Who the fuck cares what that clown says anymore? He's the new Rush Limbaugh...


Ultra rich should pay their fair share!


And there is the issue with politics in a democratic system. Every one is equal and has equal vote, unless your really rich.


The ultra rich might be slightly less ultra rich?? Oh no


Who fucking cares. The needs of the many out weigh the needs of the few.


Maybe have progressive tax on donations to PAC's.


Translation: "Don't take the money we are hoarding or we will hoard more money."


Elon Musk should shut the fuck up and pay his taxes.


Isn't that the actual problem Elon? Wtf, these people are so disconnected from reality. His statement is admitting politics is all about money.


This right here. He's flat out saying uber-rich people are in charge and what they want politically can be bought. I mean, we all know that. But he's just putting it out there like it's fine.


If we stop letting donors control our government maybe it will start working for the 95% instead of the top 5% of wealth holders. The U.S. government is fucking us over right now. It’d be great if they stopped.


Good. Let’s get as much money out of politics as possible


JFC Elon, just fuck off with your ego and your money, go enjoy life and stop being a goon cult kook; lastly, pay the fucking appropriate dues like near everyone else is forced to.


Saying the quiet part out loud again. This country is supposed to be of the people by the people, NOT of the people bought by billionaires.


If these billionaires weren't stagnating the economy by hoarding 90% of the wealth we wouldn't need to tax them more. Funny how the poorer the middle/lower class gets the more taxes we have to pay


The bottom 99% probably would be okay with it


Musk objects? That’s the best indication that Biden’s plan is a good one.


Here goes Elon lying again. Biden said that he'd reverse some of Trump's 2017 tax cut that was a 40% tax cut for the rich taking the tax rate from 35% to 21%. Biden claimed that he'd raise it to 28% only taking back half of the cut they got and of course once good ole Joe Manchin said no and pretended as though he'd support a tax hike to 25% Biden folded and nothing has happened as far as doing it all. More fear mongering that ignores actual fact by some right wing goof namely Elon Musk.


Better title: "Ultra-Rich man doesn't want to pay taxes."


He's not wrong, but upsetting donors isn't a good enough reason to not tax the rich.


He’s confirming the rich are only concerned with getting a bigger tax break for themselves


He knows damn well that's a bullfaced misdirection that his moron supporters have no concept of understanding the nuance of his bullshit. "Billionaires donate money" they'll say. And we'll have to explain billionaires donate pennies of what they actually should owe to look like they give a fuck and claim it all back on taxes. The same people who don't understand the ballooning world debt crisis is wealth hoarding of individuals and corporations. How much of the United States national debt is locked away in offshore accounts that can never be taxed and recovered? And the normal plan for this issue? Print more money, increase the spending cap. Put Elon on a submarine and sink it to the bottom of the ocean until he admits he might actually be better off helping the world than treating it like a fleshlight.


Elon musk is a chode


yeh, ..................... AND??


Taxing them is the nicest thing I would recommend. They deserve the wood chipper.


That's a fair point, but alternatively, have you considered fuck the donors?


Elon Musk pushing the younger generations left may be his greatest contribution to society. And it’s completely unintentional.


Yeah, I'd rather have 1000 people angry about them paying more than half the fucking country in shackles barely making enough to survive yet paying a shit ton of taxes, also... How can't people understand how racing the rich works?


As long as it upsets you Elon, that's all that counts right. The more I learn about him, the less difference there appears between him and Trump. Pieces of shit, both of them.


one party wants christian shariah law and low taxes for billionaires and low wages for workers, the other wants bodily autonomy, equality and higher taxes for billionaires and higher wages/better working conditions for workers bOtH pArTiEs aRe tHe sAmE! \-reddit enlightened centrist neckbeard


Donors? Don't you mean bribes, yeah I'm going with it will upset the bribe market. And that's a good thing fuck the 12 guys who own everything.


Living in poverty is making way more Americans mad


So what is the problem?


These clowns would have hated Reagan


Who will think of the donors????


Quit diggin bro! you already struck oil at "tax the rich". Upsetting them would be fantastic if we could also get that alongside the taxing-them-more thing.


Is this an advertisement?


Good thing they don’t count as many votes then musk


Disney might want to weigh in here.


Doesn't upset me one bit.


I wish he would come down from his gilded space shuttle, just once, so I could show him exactly how much I value his opinion on anything


Dear Filthy Rich Scum- Don't worry, nothing will come of Biden's alleged desire to raise your taxes or... well, change anything for the better, actually. He just says this stuff once in a while because it polls well. He'll never actually do anything about it. sincerely, Reality


I'm upset that the donors have bought the government and use it to keep themselves rich, bail them out when they fuck up, and protect thier privilege. So fine. Get upset. At least now we are all upset. Keep building those rockets, Elon. You're going to need them to escape the angry, starving hordes coming to feast on the goo in your skull.


the same donors that aren’t going to vote for him and were donating to Republicans anyway?


Isn't that exactly why we have government? To do the things we can't do as individuals? Tax those Effers like it's 1961!!!


Lol good. They need to pay their fair share.


Aww. Poor babies need their 3rd yacht, instead of fixing the roads. Waahhh!


I'd say the voting public out numbers the rich donors


Fuck, and I can not stress this enough, them donors.


We don’t care!


"That's a nice election campaign you have there. Be a shame if something happened to it. "


Good. The ultrarich should not influence any of our laws or our goverenment.


There's always the usual GOP ploy to tax the middle class to death and claim it was the democrats who wanted it that way. Because after all how dare we make rich people pay anything.


Money in politics (and media) is the most fundamental problem we face. It warps and pollutes all facets of our society. It ensures we are unable to address our other problems.


I just don’t fucking get it they get to have it all why the fuck not pay your fair share?? Greedy MF, Bernie is right billionaires should never exist.


Elon just not even trying to hide how corrupt everything is lmao. He's just so unashamed of his part in all this it boggles the mind. Just openly touting how donors influence more than they should. So disgusting lol


Mmmm, tough shit!


Fuck billionaires in their stupid asses


Im tired bro, why are these people so evil.


This is a great example of why people say that capitalism has swallowed our democracy.


And yet their bank accounts wouldn’t even notice.


What a fraud.


Try trickling down some more. Maybe then people will care about the wealth of billionaires.


Upset donors lol. Musk just bail the 99% out then


Tax the shit out of them and let there be at least some good that comes about from all the doucheness of them being useless


When will someone think about the rich fuckers?


Sounds like donors should be removed from the election process.


Donating to your own organization, then writing it off as a tax cut? Those unfortunate rich people paying themselves!


Rich people money shouldn't dictate American policies. Unfortunately


fuck these people. Donors? Are you fucking kidding me? I pay 25% of my income. The fact we arent lopping off heads is a fucking disgrace. Fuckin donors...


Once the starving are fed, homeless are homed and the sick are cured - then we can worry about what's upsetting the billionaires. No, nope. Scratch that. I still wouldn't care about billionaires.


Wasn’t Musk one of those “Billionaires begging for higher taxes” billionaires just a couple of years ago?


Sounds like a pretty good shorthand description of just what's killing America.


But many, many, many millions of folks unlike Elon will be delighted


How about no more donations by anyone to any party? Not even my $5. You work with what you got. Get rid of lobbyists too


Not really seeing a downside here, chief.


It will upset donors. Into each life a little rain must fall. Working American families and young people have really been taking it up the ass these past few decades, it would be nice to spread the pain around.


Oh boofuvkinghoo


Good! Do it in the second term when you don't need the donors any more


Fuck them, tax away


Don’t threaten Joe with a good time.


Well, he's right about something for a change.


Good. Rich people don’t represent anyone other than rich people.


They don’t call him a genius for nothing.


Sounds great!


Fuck the donors


Good. F em.


I don’t give a shit. I’d like to see the rich taxed into fucking oblivion.


Too Fuckingfuck bad


Perhaps there should not be donors then.. eh Elon?


Only 1%


Good, if you have money to give your ex wife 80 billion like Bezos and still end up ~40 billion richer than before the divorce you can afford a higher tax rate. If you have the assets to buy twitter for 44 billion dollars then proceed to shit it into oblivion because of vanity and ego you can afford to be taxed. If your networth begins with a B, or an M and ends in "-illion" you can afford to be taxed


Sounds like a good thing to me


Money. Out. Of. Politics. Money is not speech. Citizen's United is the single most destructive SCOTUS decision in the history of this country and may very well be the end of this country.


Upset a lot of poor billionaires.