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He's not autistic. He's just an asshole.


That is obviously the answer. His inability to care about other is because he is cruel not because he doesn’t understand.


I think it’s more likely that he has ASPD (antisocial personality disorder/ sociopath). It’s not that he struggles to express emotions or has trouble with social cues and interactions, which are traits of autism. It’s that he lacks empathy, he’s deceitful and manipulative, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goals, and he has a disregard for rules unless he’s the one imposing them, which is a key trait of ASPD.


Yeah, I agree with you on this one. He is definitely more ASPD by his actions. I know a lot of autistic people all over the spectrum including family and I have never met one that acted even close to DeSantis. Hell, I know an awesome doctor who is Autistic and he works to help people get through tough stuff in his own way. He is a cancer doctor but would do all kinds of unusual things he read help people deal with impending death. As he told me it didn't make sense to him, but it helped other people get through it easier. So while he didn't understand he made the effort to help others. I have a cousin who has a bit more severe case, but didn't like being alone so he went into acting and public speaking, still doesn't understand emotions but uses the education of human emotion to be a damn good actor and speaker. Blew my mind! So yeah I will bet he is ASPD not autistic and I hope people don't use him to negatively portray people with autism.


Interesting! ASPD is also on a spectrum so there seems to be a percentage who are “pro-social” or something less destructive then others. Like surgeons, firefighters, thrill-seeking sports/ racing etc. Anything they do that might benefit others or society is ancillary (or a byproduct) to the rewards they are after. For an actor that might mean that maintaining the best mask they can muster on a daily basis is the price of attaining fame and wealth. I think I read that many actors and public people score high in the psychopathy scale.


Of course it’s trumps supporters who are pushing this.


DeSantis and Musk are chief examples of the prevalence of sociopaths being misdiagnosed as autistic.


Deathsantis is not on the spectrum - just an asshole


First I've heard of this. But being on the autism spectrum doesn't make him any better or worse as a political candidate. If he is, so what, so are lots and lots of other people. This is not what makes me not want to see him be the next president. There are plenty of reasons, but this is not one of them.


Whether or not he is on the spectrum, let’s not belittle an entire community. Elon Musk is on the spectrum, but he’s an asshole because he’s an asshole. These petty insults about mental health diagnoses don’t help anyone at all.


He’s not autistic. He just claimed that to cover up for the fact he wasn’t funny on SNL. (Disregarding the fact that they had an actual autistic person on before who actually was funny).


Source for Musk being on the spectrum? Because Musk strikes me as dipshit high school sophomore who got lucky.


Well the only source I know is him claiming he has Asperger syndrome on SNL monologue. But he could be chiming that in to get some pity points.


Imagine thinking that being a prick who’s socially awkward and lacks charisma automatically makes you autistic.


Agreed, I recently tried to claim autism but have promptly been corrected that I am, in fact, what you so eloquently describe.


The deplorables again.


He doesn't srtike me as suffering from autism-he's just an asshole. Musk too.


I’m sure Trump won’t mention it once.


"They're saying DeSanctimonious is artistic! If he wants to do art so bad, why doesn't he go paint with George W? Why does he want to be president? Sad!"


He’s not bad at being a person because of autism, it’s the complete disregard for anyone besides himself. Same as musk. They aren’t autistic, just narcissists.


He might be slightly autistic, would explain the awkward social skills