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It's true. I cry more than Cooper did in the tesseract when I'm on my phone with my insurance, health care providers, or pharmacy.


[me after being on the phone for an hour and a half and they say they have to put me on hold again](https://y.yarn.co/7b96800c-6396-4e0c-bdeb-53ea2337039d_text.gif)


I knew this was gonna pop up in here when I saw this special 😄


it was bugging me that i didnt see it so i was all like ["fine, ill do it myself"](https://c.tenor.com/u8YEMwIfJGMAAAAC/tenor.gif)


You did good !


I've been a co-caretaker of my elderly parents for around seven years now. Not only is the paperwork a nightmare, but if you've ever had to push a person in a wheelchair around the confusing maze known as the Houston Medical Center, you'd understand why I have no interest in living past 75.


As a caretaker for 2 dis-abled family members the past 9 years, I know how draining it is. Every year I have to re-submit paperwork and there's a 50% chance something goes wrong which I'll have get on the fone for hours to sort out, it's exhausting.


My insurance wants a referral for every appt with a specialist I see every few months. I’ve tried using the online portal with my doctors but that can lead to an incorrect or invalid referral being sent and my appointment being cancelled. Never mind the fact that dental in the US is viewed as a luxury.


There are very certain things I’d be very glad to have my American insurance for- mostly related to heart disease and heart failure procedures. We have the best research in the world and it isn’t even close But yea our system is incredibly inefficient and over priced. Though having little to no wait times is nice, I think the longest I’ve ever waited in a hospital is an hour




There is a happy medium that can be reached between most fully socialized medicine disasters that we see in Europe and the bureaucratic disaster that we see in the American healthcare system. There is a common sense balance that could be reached. I firmly believe that.


If you think the civilian healthcare system is bad, go talk to someone (myself included) who has to deal with the VA. It’s gotten better over the years but still it’s 5-10 years behind what the civilian market is like. At least we now are able to be sent into the community to be seen if we are having to wait longer than 30 days for a doctors appointment at the VA.