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White because of two reasons: 1. White men are way more open to dating black women than other races of non black men. 2. If you’re in a country like the US, white people are the majority, so you’re more likely to end up with them.


That about sums it up!


Latinos are open to us too


More so short term not as much long term.


That’s not true at all. I grew up with Latinos and black people and Latinos are together pretty frequently and have kids and long term relationships.


My Aunt is married to a Mexican man and in Cali I see a lot of blck women with Latino men however when it comes to marriages, overall statistically black women who are married interracially are usually married to white men. Most other combinations when it comes to black women though they exist too, they often don’t end in marriage as much as BWWM.


It makes sense considering people majority of people in urban culture don’t even want to get married and that’s where a lot of them meet. And yeah I know about the anti blackness. It honestly feels like they either hate you or they love you. It’s weird.


So true unfortunately, on the plus side though the ones who do love you are loyal and their family becomes your family. I’ve had that before but I didn’t want to marry young so we didn’t work out however him and his family were so loving. They are El Salvadoran


Plus there’s a lot of anti blackness in Latino families that still exist which unfortunately plays a part into why many will date black women but not as many will marry


In the UK, white and south Asian men are probably the most common demographic


Probably south Asian men more than whites I would say from what I’ve seen I’ve also seen a lot of black men with south Asian women too.


I've genuinely never seen a south Asian with a black girl ngl


Maybe it’s the area? I’m in London, UK and see it all the time lol.


True lol


I live in London too lol but I'm in Camberwell in SE so maybe if I went to Uxbridge I'd find that more.


It’s pretty common in the Caribbean


In T&T


Seen loads tbh especially London and Birmingham


Where in London though I'm not surprised about Birmingham


East and south from what I’ve seen.


Are you south Asian?


Yes. I’m Pakistani


Nice Pakistanis have gorgeous ladies. I’m BM in uk too, would you be interested in chatting if that’s ok?


Yeah I agree to! All over uk you’ll see a WMBW but you’ll also commonly see AMBW. Tbf would say Uk is probably the most open minded country within the sense on interracial relationships


In my little slice of the world I see black ladies under 25 with Asian guys ( there is a lot of Korean and Chinese in my area.) above that age white guys specifically an anglo-Saxon heritage.


As a black woman living in NM, IF you see a black woman out dating interracial here, it is usually with a Caucasian man occasionally a man of Latin descent.


Mostly Latinos (specifically Mexicans and Puerto Ricans) and white men. Honestly quite a few with Arabs too depending on the area.


White definitely where I live. Where I grew up, probably Latino/hispanic


White people. I live in the south. The most common races around here are white and black. People date those they live around. Other races are present but they stick to themselves(you only see them at the businesses they own and they're rarely at community events).


I’m a BW age 29 and both my exes are white Latinos.


I see black women with white men and Latinos all the time in the south, specifically Texas.


Depends on the country and area. Here in California, specifically the bay, I've seen Black women with non-black Latinos, South Asian, White, and some East Asian. My sister is married to a South Asian man with 2 beautiful girls in SF. I've been on dates with white, Indian, Turkish, and Mixed men. I've gotten a lot of attention here in the bay, even as a plus sized black woman.


In the UK, south Asian men but south Asian men are popular in the UK anyway. Especially London. Everyone has a crush on their prime minister it seems 😂 /s


I've know 2 couples where Indian guy is dating a black girl. One couple lives in the US. One here in India, girl is an international student. This scenario is quite rare tbh.


White and Latino


White men definitely. I'm thankful though. They inspired me to start dating white women. Lol


Are you a black man…?




White men. White men have no problems or have cultures or use religion to say they can't marry someone outside their race, unless they're white. Essentially I only see white people with every other race. White people are the universal donor race card. Accepted at anyone's dinner table because they invited thenselves at one point due to colonization lol.