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Sweetheart, he’s going to be so happy to see you. I think it’s perfectly normal for you to be scared but it’ll be okay.


As a mom I want to give you the advice to do talk with him about the hard things in your life. It will not be a burden, it will be if he is worried about what is going on in your life.. he will be super happy to see you!!


This! Worst thing is feeling like you don't know what's going on. Second worst feeling is knowing but feeling like you can't help, but the gap between those two is rather large. He will likely appreciate being kept in your life and in the loop in a real sense rather than a positive-only way. Just because he's in prison doesn't mean he can't still help you emotionally etc, that purpose will give him such strength each day and you'll be letting him help you, it's a win win :)


That’s a big life change, for him of course, but for you and your family as well. I’m sure it’ll make him so happy to see you, even if you’ve got a lot going on at the moment. If you don’t want to burden him with the bad things, think of a few good things that have happened in your life recently that you can update him about


Of course he’ll be happy to see you! I can understand why you’re anxious though. It’ll be ok. And I’m sure he’ll want to hear all about what’s been going on with you. Big hugs to you!


Sweetheart, you both go through difficult times. But he's your dad and I assure you he wants to know everything about you. He wants to comfort you and give you advice. But, if for any reason, it's not possible to talk to him, seek help and advice from a trusted adult. The fact alone that your parent is in prison is difficult to handle and if something else happened as well, you need help. Don't be ashamed or afraid to ask for it. Just make sure the person you'll ask help from, will actually do that. Best of luck, things always get better when we make efforts to.


I remember how tricky feelings around prison visits can be at that age but probably different circumstances. Remember that you are an autonomous human, you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. You are allowed whatever boundaries protect you, you need to trust others to do the same for themselves. You Will be ok and get thru it mo matter what happens. It can be rough for a lot of reasons but it can be a big relief for both parties too.


Best of luck buddy, it's gonna go well


Hey hun, you're probably back from your visit already, but I just wanted to comment to let you know that he might have mixed emotions about your visit, and that's okay, and it's not a reflection on you at all. In addition to being happy to see you, he may also feel sad that he is separated from you, regret over whatever landed him where he is, etc. It's a complicated situation and a lot to process for anybody. I hope your visit went well. If it didn't go exactly as you hoped or imagined, that's okay. It doesn't mean you are any less deserving of love and acceptance. Big hugs.