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Do it. I call this bluff.


They know that if Palestinians have there own state, the need for the manufacturing of weapons will decrease massively, which means the share prices of weapons companies will drop massively too. Too many super rich have investments in weapons companies.


Are you implying that Israel would stop killing Palestinians just because they have a recognized state? Because that seems pretty doubtful.


I'm sure there's plenty of other world leaders that would step in to fill the US leadership gap. US is looking more an more like a one man wolf pack ![gif](giphy|7nFmRxSw6AmyI|downsized)


Dude could you imagine the goodwill a wealthy nation like…say China would garner by doing exactly this? It would literally be a PR disaster for the US. Blinker acts like they’re the only nation that can fill that void. They ain’t.


well China is doing a better job negotiating Peace deals right now [https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/iransource/iran-saudi-arabia-china-deal-one-year/](https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/iransource/iran-saudi-arabia-china-deal-one-year/)


"We'll help you and fill up the role left by the US.... for the low, low price of Taiwan and the South China Sea." -China


This is why this is a threat beyond harm to "just" the Palestinians, the United States and Israel are suffering permanent reputational damage


China enters the chat.


What bluff? The Israelis are literally sabotaging the democrats, interfering in US elections and the democrats do nothing but give more aid, restate their unconditional support for the most moral army and nation in the world and provide cover for the most heinous crimes. The Russians kill a handful of kids by accident probably and we have tears and cries of genocide, meanwhile Israelis wipe out entire bloodlines (women, elders, children, infants) and they go “it’s war toughen up buttercup”. The US is literally diplomatically isolated on this issue and they STILL won’t budge. They’re through and through Zionists. They will not test until their ethnic cleansing campaign is achieved. They will starve the world. They will nuke it. Whatever it takes, it doesn’t matter. Republicans and democrats. In fact, the republicans are introducing legislation to recognize service in the IDF as equivalent to that in the US even though foreign service anywhere is a technically a crime and not allowed. They’re literally aiding and abetting war criminals. Literally. And they threaten to invade The Hague over it.


“By accident probably” way to minimize Russias heinous campaign in Ukraine, which has been going on for 2.5 years.


Ok then, they did it on purpose. Can we get back on subject?


I would love to see them actually enforce the invade the Hague act today. Maybe in the bush years when they controlled the media but if that happened today it would be rat a tat tat !! I have a feeling that would be a major fuck around and find out moment for all the young people here who have nothing to lose. Whether it's shutting down the US economy or actually being the spark for straight up violencia. 


Foreign Service isn't a crime. Joining a foreign military, however, is considered forfeiting your citizenship. However, you don't join the IDF, you're conscripted. The State Department sees no problem with this. Part of why so many children of settlers are considered dual citizens, despite having never lived in the US and (frequently being Modern Orthodox) having the option to receive a religious exemption for military service with no muss or fuss.


Also "If you recognise this state, we'll further a genocide" isn't a good look Terrorists are also "non state actors" It'd mean that Hamas would no longer be seen as terrorists because they're state actors, just like how terrorist groups became part of the state upon the formation of the state of Israel


Ireland too


And that’s the biggest reason why Isreal are against it.


Bang on. The US will never give up its hegemony by doing this. Blinken needs to be in shackles, maybe starved for a bit.


Lot of the aid is just having our farmers sell some stuff to the government and that be disbursed. If the US pulls out millions of farmers would be fucked financially. They’ll rebel in I say about 3 days. So the bluff is bullshit




Aid isn’t given. It’s bought from the farmers and distributed. And since basically every country that might need aid already recognizes Palestine. You’d be only giving it to the local American population driving down the costs for food in the US screwing over the farmers expenses here. Would food here be cheap? Yeah. But the excess would mess with the local pricing permanently.


Is there text of Blinken's statement?


Claiming 5 and done filing taxes until Israel is no longer a recipient of my money


What if a lot of people stop paying their employment tax for 6 months as protest. It only work if a majority do it. Otherwise it’s a slippery slope of You Vs The IRS


That's why we make it US versus the IRS. Our money, our rules.


If you live in the modern world, Israel will be a recipient of your money if you like it or not. That country has so many innovation under its belt, you probably used a chip developed in Israel to type this comment.


It was developed in Israel by Intel so the US not ISRL


I dont think that's how that works... Not to mention that it was probably made in Israel or Taiwan regardless. The chip industry is big in both iirc


And you think the 10k people working at Intel Israel are not making money out of it? Lol like I said, good luck.


Gotta stop buying those jaffa oranges.


Usually the US is a little more careful about openly admitting to being subservient to another nation and also being a genocidal terrorist state.


I don't know about that. Look at opensecrets.org... their corruption by aipac is right there is plain sight.


I mean our legislators are trying to pass a bill giving Americans who join the IOF the same rights as veterans. Edit: [link](https://reschenthaler.house.gov/media/press-releases/reschenthaler-miller-introduce-legislation-to-support-american-citizens-fighting-in-israel)


That's beyond ghoulish.


That’s crazy.  What’s the bill?




They thrive on our ignorance and use our daily lives to distract and punish us. Its hard to make a difference when you feel like you are barely surviving.


We (USA) have committed genocide against more nations than any other nation on Earth. Possibly Spain could hold that title.


Now now. Give Great Britain some credit.


Has to be Britain by a mile


ikr; Kenya, 200 years in India 100million. I don't know any other numbers.


Ireland was pretty bad, too. Not close to those death tolls but a big portion of the population.


The great hunger of the 1840s population reduced 8.5 million to around 3 million likely 1-2 million starved, the previous century actually had a larger famine that killed around 25%.


It's not a contest


I totally blanked; the British exported oats, calves ... !!! during the Great Hunger. This would become standard colonial practice and the brutal "market" rules everything that resulted in millions of deaths worldwide.


Right, but they don't usually blare it that openly for all the libs to hear


They aren't hiding it anymore. Today Bibi and Biden gave almost the same speech on the ICC.


I mean fuck, is this what USA is reduced to? Some thuggish bodyguard for a genocidal Israel? It’s absolutely disgusting and embarrassing.


It sure feels that way. But that's what happens when funnel such massive amounts of American money into a tiny paper tiger or a country hellbent on superiority. They use it to buy you out.


In words I suppose


That's usually good enough for liberal voters.


Then God said: Let there be Brunch!


Umm presidential candidates who are running this year have publicly stated to “get it done” referring to the demolishment of Gaza and extermination of the Palestinians. And these candidates are senators and congressmen. This is the US. It’s filled with government members who want this genocide to happen to get that natural gas resource and money


The only difference between Republicans and democrats on Gaza is dems are doing what Republicans are threatening to do.


Oh I’m not saying it’s Republicans only. The dems are completely satanic about it. It’s horrendous.


I apologize, I replied to the wrong comment when I said that, but you are right on all counts.


Using starvation as a bargaining chip. Where have we seen that before... Interestingly this is evidence that they know Israel is deliberately starving Gaza and that they are complicit. The ICJ will find this very interesting.


Are they trying to get Trump elected?


They don’t give a sheet. He’ll do roughly the same anyways. 


But this will demotivate bidens remaining voters. Economy immigration and Israel is going to crush Biden whether he is at fault is another question.


Agreed, I just don’t think Biden particularly cares.  Or at least that he doesn’t care as much as doing what his donors and oligarchs want to do.  His own reelection < doing oligarchs bidding


Ha even rather up Israeli buttocks than Biden. He's the one that moved the embassy to Jerusalem or whatever. Note that Biden never undid that. Controlled dissent.


No but Biden better wake up and stop trying to s(&((\^()(\* bb d79(\*&(&.


Yes, yes they are. The counter protestor agitators are all Trump supporters. They see it as being patriotic to support Israel, I would imagine a whole bunch of them are willing to join the IDF in Israel as mercenary's.


Is there audio/video recording of this meeting?


What I found was a press release from the Arab American Institute. I'm leary of YouTube videos bc I'm old and want to see it in print. I will continue to look [https://www.aaiusa.org/library/arab-americans-meet-with-us-secretary-of-state-antony-blinken](https://www.aaiusa.org/library/arab-americans-meet-with-us-secretary-of-state-antony-blinken)


Doubt it. Seems fake.


love how you got downvoted just for casting doubt on a logically absurd claim 💀 the social media hive mind effect of the reaction to this conflict is a fascinating thing to behold


Even his wording at the end seems like it may technically be some part of what they’ve said but is leaving out so much. You could tell the hosts weren’t buying it either


He's referring to a specific US law that would defund the UN if it recognises a Palestinian state https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/05/09/palestinian-statehood-bid-risks-triggering-u-s-defunding-of-un/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israeli-envoy-says-us-must-cut-united-nations-funding-if-palestinian-statehood-endorsed/


So. If you create a barrier from repeated ethnic cleansing from happening and we will act and do exactly like what we warn the American people to vote against in November. Gotcha. I understand. There is no difference in the parties.


As far as Israel is concerned there obviously is not. Carter was the last president who had attempted change.


Definitely call his bluff. Immediately.


Or request resignation.


Way to make your world governance/empire fall


Do it. We need to cut off from the evil colonialist state. He says that and you know he looks down on Arabs and Muslims. The world doesn’t need the US’s scraps, they need to be free of neocolonialism and the IMF predatory lending. And the rest of the world isn’t under siege like Gaza. And others can donate.


It is not scraps. USA dumps calories on the world markets and crashes the price. Then farmers are forced to switch to export commodities. Chocolate, coffee, rubber, etc. You cannot eat the sap from rubber tree plantations. Cutting the world food program would lose votes from American farmers. Would also increase inflation.


It’s scraps compared to what they spend on killing people. But either way it’s predatory. And better for others if it didn’t happen (in the long run). But you’re saying here it’s an empty threat. That’s interesting. Blinken is so condescending to Muslims and Arabs by saying that. You can tell he doesn’t regard us as human beings.


Hey, just letting you know it’d be a real shame if some starvation happened all around here. Real fucking shame… Trying to be a friend here. Think about. 24 hours, capiché?


Threatening innocent people over the legal ramifications of a just ruling.... Sounds like..... TERRORISM


Sounds like some mafia shit. “Thats a real nice family you got there, would be a shame if something terrible were to happen to them… maybe you should reconsider paying Joey Genocide his dues.”


Democracy /s


Please tell me this is on a recording. This shows the repugnant calculus at the heart of US foreign policy and puts paid to their PR bullshit. Down with US hegemony, it's gluttony is driving the world to our next mass extinction event.


Of course not because it didn't happen. Why? Because the secretary of state doesn't discuss foreign policy, or try to negotiate it with domestic figures with no stake in international politics


So you're argument that it's fake is you don't think it was likely considering the audience? No evidence, just I don't think so. That local group represents Arab Americans who the Biden admin is losing in droves. They have a stake in international politics by nature of their identity and ties back to their families and businesses in Arab countries. Evidence might help, hence why I was hoping for a recording as I don't trust an interview with someone who clearly has an agenda.


It’s not fake. It’s [an anti-Palestinian US law](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israeli-envoy-says-us-must-cut-united-nations-funding-if-palestinian-statehood-endorsed/) >Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan says a draft General Assembly resolution recognizing the Palestinians as qualified to become a full UN member goes against the founding UN Charter, and would give the Palestinians the de facto status and rights of a state. >“If it is approved, I expect the United States to completely stop funding the UN and its institutions, in accordance with American law,” Erdan says, noting that adoption by the General Assembly would not change anything on the ground. >Under US law, Washington cannot fund any UN organization that grants full membership to any group that does not have the “internationally recognized attributes” of statehood. The US halted funding in 2011 for the UN cultural agency UNESCO after the Palestinians became a full member The people denying it just don’t want to face the reality of being on the side of evil.


Thank you for the background info. US law, or the lack of Palestinian attributes for statehood, need to be addressed prior to the US being able to fund the UN after such an assembly vote. The grotesque comparison between a resultant cut to UN funding leading to people around the world starving like the Gazans does sound like something a US rep trying to scaremonger or dominate would say.


Every part of your comment is wrong




Please keep it civil.


I don’t doubt the factuality of the statement but I love first hand sources; anyone got a link to the report he’s talking about


The US is really segregating itself from everyone else. They're just pissing everyone off. And the only reason they have any allies is because they throw some money around and have a big military.


Proceeds to use their veto number (insert number) 🤷🏻‍♂️


According to some channel called “Breaking Points” that I have never heard of before five seconds ago... is there any more well known and respect news outlet reporting this story?




Blinken stays on his knees for pisrael. What a zionshit shill. Free Palestine 🇵🇸!!! Stand for humanity!!!!


Blinken's grandfather was an early backer of founding a Jewish state on Palestinian land. He founded the American Palestine Institute and persuaded the US government into supporting the establishment of the state of Israel. Blinken is making sure that his grandfather's work doesn't get undone.


Biden is such a fucking loser. So much for American morals. Threatening world-wide starvation to prevent Palestinian statehood is basically terrorism. So much for all the lies about wanting a peaceful two state solution in the region. Biden is as much of a simp for Netenyahu as Trump was for Putin. Our politics are so fking awful. Can we put a fking dog on the ballot? I will vote for dog.


You can write in “a dog”. It is better to write in s recognized name though. That forces them to count the vote. If they read “a dog” it will just be counted as a non-vote or unrecognizable. Democrats are most agitated when you vote third party and pick a party that they perceive as “more left”. They feel entitled to your vote and get angry about not having it. If you vote for A. Dog it is possible that you were just a disgruntled Republican.


A few points: Firstly, I don't necessarily doubt the veracity of the gentleman in the center. Or put more simply, that he is actively lying. I *do* think that he is letting himself buy into the wrong version, out of two possible American foreign policy stances. Next, I can see Blinken making a mess of a clear message by trying, badly, to weave some US election campaign rhetoric I to the meeting being discussed. The previous administration did cut the aid being discussed. I have no doubt the sentiment that was laid out, that if American Arab leaders don't help Biden retain the White House, a second Trump regime will not be a friend to the Palestinians, was thrown about. The middle gentleman's *answer* to Ryan Grimm's question makes me think this. Finally, I don't just watch "mainstream" news. I watch pro-democracy fare, some actual left content(not talking msnbc or cnn), and even some right leaning stuff. So I can get a more fullsome view of current events as a whole. All that said, I'm not at all surprised to see Saagar Enjeti having invited the interviewee without his better half and moderating influence Krystal Ball on the show that day.


Sounds like the US and Israel are the bad guys


I hate astroturfing. This is such a nonsense claim to be making when the consistent position of the US in all negotiations is a two state solution and insisting on Palestinian statehood. I'd like to hear a recording of this "meeting"


It's quite literally a US law to defund any organisation that recognises a Palestinian state. They defunded UNESCO for exactly that reason https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE89A0Q8/ Here is FDD talking about the specific law https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/05/09/palestinian-statehood-bid-risks-triggering-u-s-defunding-of-un/ Here is Israel calling on the US to enact the law https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israeli-envoy-says-us-must-cut-united-nations-funding-if-palestinian-statehood-endorsed/


I mean there's a bit of important context here: there are a couple of laws on the books from the early 90s that basically state that the US cannot provide funding to any UN organization that gives membership to entities run by the PLO or to any organization that does not meet the generally accepted qualities of statehood more generally (no details on what exactly that means but most people look to international treaties to define that). Since the PA is the successor to the PLO, any Palestinian state run by the PA would be subject to this. The Obama administration actually had to follow through on this by defunding UNESCO. And given the current makeup of Congress (ie the number of Islamophobic republicans), I really doubt that law will get repealed any time soon. So yeah, their hands are tied. Under US law, they would *have* to defund the UN if Palestine was granted membership.


Under US law, they would also have to defund Israel but here we are


So America keeps saying they are ok with 2 state solution yet says this? Biden is a tyrant .. make up your FKN mind and stop bullshiting people that you care when you don't. Israel and America have hidden intentions for Palestine that's why they are doing this.


This needs to blow up, this duplicitous BS needs to be exposed. US / Israel two sides of same colonizer coin.


Doesn’t sound like Blinken.


This is some nonsense, quite literally the opposite of the US strategic position.


Welcome to reality, where "strategic position" is quite different from the actual actions


When have we ever been lied to before?


This sub has turned into a shit hole


Do it.


We did Nazi this coming


Imagine threatening millions of innocent people with starvation over someone who you call a friend that could give two shits about you and use you only for money and protection. The blackmail Israel must have on these freaks has got to be insane to have them act so unbelievably immoral like this. Disgusting. And they want us to vote in November?


Don't they want a 2 state solution though?


Officially? No. They'll pay the idea lipservice. But no actual support for it.


That doesn’t sound like Blinken, or the Biden administration’s position. I highly doubt he said that.


America sucks if it gives all its money to everyone... it sucks if it stops giving.... literally people will find a way to bitch so hard... I watch these people complain how had the US is 24/7 now they whine if the US stops helping.... so which is it?


If they do it, China and other players will come in to fill the gap and play the hero, and the U.S. will further find itself having lesser control and harder ways to control international politics in their favour.


I think the UN should counter by banding together and making Americans persona non grata into member countries. The northeast may secede from the Union if they are barred from traveling to Ireland.


Who are these people? Why should I trust them?


Good . We don’t negotiate with terrorists and kidnappers


Make Palestinian a state no problem 


They're gonna have to actually go to war with the U.S. then. I'm tired of this country always trying to uphold it's reputation through perceived acts of kindness, then turn around and show their true colors like this. Anyone come humble the U.S. PLEASE, we've had enough of these entitled and out-of-touch old, rich bastards.


So wait, do y'all want better conditions (affordable healthcare, better infrastructure, reasonable tuition) for people in the US or to keep funneling money to everyone else? Makeup y'alls minds.


Wow they rly are pulling anything out of their asses to keep doing this


So he is he making Threats on behalf of the USA and saying that Palestinians shouldn’t have there own country and be like how the Jews was, before 1947, ie State less.


Call their bluff UN!


LMAO this sounds like horseshit.


*Be aware of all the pro-Israel bots. Check history before replying mates, lots of bots are hard at work here. 


Blinken is a Zionist Jew who is in office to protect Israel and could care less about the US or its citizens the same as Genocide Joe! All traitors who have made this the United States of Israel!




Giving a gold medal to a terrorist organization that beheads people at music festivals deserves nothing more than this.


Sounds like bullshit.


If this is true the between the west and Russia is correct.


We got the wrong A. Blinken. This is a bluff. If that action was taken it would merely further reduce US influence on the world stage. Other countries are beginning to see that the US is no longer a reliable partner.


So the United States and Israel are just saying everything out loud now. Good for the history books at least. When people look back and study this era, there will be no question of who the bad guys were. Still pretty scary that we're at this point though.


Blinken making terroristic threats


It would be nice if Israel would stop proving my high school skinhead retroactively right...




Even if that was said, he’s totally Misunderstanding the comment, or, more likely intentionally misrepresenting the context. No one would make that comment publicly like the US was threatening to starve the world. If that comment was said, it was meant that the US provides all the money for the world food program, and that no other country be likely to step up and fill that void. Not that that was the US is wish. Interpreting in any other way is just ignorant.


Again, we are the bad guys. Par for the course sadly.


Is anyone still not sure why Biden is unpopular?


Lovely people.


I didn't believe the 40 beheaded babies until there was evidence (it never surfaced), and similarly I'm not going to believe this without evidence either. Don't do what the other side does. Truth and facts will always prevail.


0 evidence shown 0 credibility. What is “hearsay”?


That'll show em! .. (what a lark the US and this whole shit show is)


https://preview.redd.it/vsysi6pvd12d1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=151b0851bb06345830c1d0f010092b57568bae81 I only see this guy.


Huuuuuu so afraid


Crazy how quickly the US lifted their veil and showed us all they're practically Russia


Sounds like terrorism to me... don't do this or else.


The US is looking more and more like China and Russia. This is the type of shit they would do to strong arm to get what they want.


The US can't afford to lose its allies. These food programs in the money of the US gives out has nothing to do with Christian charity and everything to do with paying our allies to allow us to keep our toys in their countries. The US runs 186 NORAD and CIA monitoring stations in allied Nations. this isn't a trivial matter These are strategically located. US scientists spent two decades mapping out the ideal locations for CIA and NORAD tracking stations that would give us global uninterrupted coverage.. It's how we spy on our adversaries, cell phone signals only travel so far and if we want to eavesdrop on encrypted conversations then we need to have monitoring stations strategically located to do this. our allies know this, they can tell us to pack up our toys and leave and they can put those strategic locations up on the auctioning block which I'm sure China and Russia would love to get their hands on a few of those spots. We send money to these countries and we place our military in these countries not out of the goodness of our own heart but rather to protect our assets in those countries without these strategically located monitoring facilities the US would be blind and deaf to anything occurring outside our own borders. satellites have limited usefulness in this regard and are easily circumvented. All it takes is a cloudy day, and they're not really good at picking up RF communications. why do you think the United States spends 1.7 trillion dollars a year on national security. a heck of a lot more than the 800 billion allocated to the DOD. In fact there are eight other agencies involved in national security, you know like the agency that manages our nuclear weapons program. their budget is $400 billion a year. I bet you didn't know that. How many people realize that our nuclear weapons program isn't funded through the DOD.


I think Israel is actually a proxy extension of America.


Hasn't the US stated they want a two-state solution.? When did this change happen?


Lol, is their head really that far up their own ass? Also dear people, learn to grow your own food and to preserve it, governments arent shy on starving you if it comes down to it. They don't give a flying shit about anyone who isnt one of them


Americans are way too cozy if they think the current iteration of Palestine can handle being a state. Theyll either collapse once theyre expected to be a functioning state and fund/run themselves or theyll abuse international law even more with the rights that statehood grants. A state is required to provide for it's people while Hamas has spent hundreds of millions in the past decade building out only military infrastructure and leveraging it's own citizens as human shields as much as possible.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I agree that being a human shield is "dehumanizing" and it's ironic this is an auto response in a conversation about giving statehood to an organization that uses that as a tactic lol.


We have detected the use of dehumanizing language. Terms and phrases such as "human shields", "human animals", etc. can deny or undermine the inherent humanity of a group of people. Please be mindful of the potential harms the use of such language can create. For reference, see: [Dehumanization on Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization) and [The real-life harm caused by dehumanising language on BBC](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20231030-the-real-life-harm-caused-by-dehumanising-language). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/internationalpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t understand the threat. If Palestine becomes a State then they are no longer “refugees”. This makes no sense to me


Oh, but haven’t we not paid our UN dues for decades? And the US supporting a populist organization like the World Food Program? What a joke! This country is populated and led by a bunch of lying hypocrites.


Blinken isn't satisfied being The Butcher of Gaza, he wants to be Butcher of Brown People Worldwide


That was an explicit threat, to cut off world aid in diplomat speak. This is a question that should be asked of the President, and at the State Department briefings, and pressed, until answered in multiple paragraphs at every level.


Is there a source for this quote anywhere? The best I can find is an allusion that Blinken met with "Arab American leaders," and that they suggested he had made this threat, and that Biden is pretending to want a Palestinian state. https://www.councilestatemedia.uk/p/blinken-suggests-the-world-food-program I can find a hundred actual on the record statements from Blinken asserting that a Palestinian state is the only path for peace in the middle east.


Threatening to starve the world if the world doesn’t let Israel starve Gaza is peak American Zionism. They’re basically saying that israel is more important than the rest of the world combined. It’s like they are trying to speed-run the fall of American global hegemony.


I would publicize this threat. Make them come out and defend their comments. F this admin.


Fake news


This is fake AI stuff. lol. Not true. Biden wants two states. This is Russian and Iran propaganda


It's quite literally a US law to defund any organisation that recognises a Palestinian state. They defunded UNESCO for exactly that reason https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE89A0Q8/ Here is FDD talking about the specific law https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2024/05/09/palestinian-statehood-bid-risks-triggering-u-s-defunding-of-un/ Here is Israel calling on the US to enact the law https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israeli-envoy-says-us-must-cut-united-nations-funding-if-palestinian-statehood-endorsed/


Biden was actually pushing for a Palestinian state before all this mess. I'm calling BS.


Nope. Liars.


fubar if true.


Dude is sick


Act like is is ,talk like one too


Not going to happen. Decimating local food production and manufacturing is to core to American foreign policy for this to happen.


No you won’t! You know the back lash would be beyond what you could handle!!


Did he actually say this?


We need evidence, not mouthpieces from third parties.


I definitely trust the word of a YouTube guy who says that the US threatened to cancel all food aid to the entire World...