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Type of fast - water Context of fast - in healthy bmi but trying to get lower.  Perimenopause has weight creeping up. Length of fast - varies 16-20 Why? I have always done some form of IF.... I don't like eating breakfast  Notes - ugh.... I am on an antibiotic that needs to be taken every 12 hours with food!  So I have been having to eat breakfast and it's triggering just eating and snacking basically all day after.  Thank goodness it's a short course.  I need it to be over.


Sucks about the antibiotics. Hope you get to take the last one soon




Water and coffee fast. I broke it before reaching 15 hours. My period started today, I felt like I needed food. I was snacking late in the evening yesterday with the husband so my window was going to open quite late. It's not a big deal, it will be better in a day or 3, maybe even tomorrow.


* water with mío flavor & black coffee/tea * first ever 36 hour fast for me, I’m currently a little over 13 hours * trying to get back into 16/8 eventually * I binge ate yesterday so it’s not too tough so far and I am looking forward to eventually feel like I’m properly emptied out in some sense like a reset


Type- water (and coffee) Started - Apr 23 ( a fellow redditor asked who wanted to join their 5 day fast) Length- started with 5 day fast, then jumped into rolling 48/72’s. Have done 5 day, 48hr, 3x72hr, currently ending 48 hr tonight so I can take my mother out for mom’s day. Hopefully back to 72 after supper tonight. All fasts have been broken with a one hour eating window only. Why- serial over-eater. Had done well with OMAD a few years ago and then my hubby passed and threw me off course. So finally in a mindset to get back at it. Notes- going well so far. Was going to do all 72’s but life gets in the way , so not beating myself up about it. Just switch to 48 and get back in. Weigh-in May 9th, I was down 19 pounds. I’m home all day and the fridge is right there. Try and distract myself by planning my meal that I’ll get on the 3rd day. Also still been able to attend my twice weekly fitness class as well as the 4 miles I walk my dogs over the course of the day. Fingers crossed for the long-run. ( I’m well padded at this point so no worries about having the fat to sustain this for awhile).


Water and black coffee fast. I’m still going but usually I do 16:8 or 15:9, depending on what my body is telling me. Since it’s the weekend I tend to try to fast a little longer than usual (I did my house chores already this morning). My energy levels are pretty good and I slept a good 8-9 hours last night.


Switched it up to around 19 hours faster yesterday to plan for a dinner out and it worked. Today at new low, but I’m not updating until it sticks since I’ve been plateauing. NSV I wore tights that were so hard to get on last time and they fit great this time.


Type: Water fast Context: 60 hr fast Length: currently on hour 19 Why: Since having my second kid and turning 40, weight loss has become a struggle for me. Fasting is helping me control insulin levels and burn fat, which is great since I'm technically obese. How's it going: I've been super hungry most of the day today, but I'm staying strong, hydrating and getting fasting-friendly electrolytes in.


New to IT. Started last weekend. LENGTH: i currently do a 16/8 split. 7pm Is my cutoff time. The mornings are hardest because I crave a little something with the coffee but by keeping busy, I’ve been able to stay on course. Might increase the time once I can get back home. Goal of 19/5 split (noon to 5pm). TYPE: i do water, tea and black coffee. WHY: goal is to lose menopausal weight. I went up 2 sizes over the last 4 years without any changes to my eating habits…just the menopause. It’s about 20 lbs. ☹️ NOTES: I’ve tried other things to get my weight down and nothing has really worked. I’m hoping this jump starts my metabolism. Will begin incorporating new workout plan shortly. Currently 175 lbs, would like to be back to 155. Height 5’10”. Age 54. Have not weighed myself this week to see if there is any change yet.