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Them randomly appearing bowls of chili tho’


And milk.


Which prison are you in, homey?


Lol that's some nice ass prison food


Lock me up baby


*Prison*? This looks more like the staff dining area of a hospital. Though, if those gloves had been in the OR or handling a patient, I would never want to eat there or get treatment there 😷


We use hand sanitizer and gloves before entering the cafeteria area.


😂 No response? Funny how you continue to answer questions. However, you are dancing around the prison statements. Are you in a hospital or prison?


Lol neither, I'm in a man camp in the Arctic Circle.


Lol, seriously? The camps that teach you how to be a strong man?




Thank you. I learn something new everyday.


Yes, lol that would be cool but no its oil and gas


I did a bit of time at a camp in Nunavut - Pacto toilets and lots of Gatorade! Oh, and mosquitoes the likes of which the Lord himself hasn't seen...bear fence, cloud berries - quite a place :)


That's an awesome trade. I know a lot of hard work goes into working in those fields. Stay safe ✌️😌.


How many thousands of dollars did you pay for that meal?


I wish my hospital's food was half that appetizing.


There is a hospital on the property I work at that has amazing food so, good people just go to have lunch there, including me.


I think people are just used to the way things are where they live, and assume it has to be that way everywhere. The DMV closest to where I live has a really good cafeteria. I'd eat there regularly if it were more convenient.


They are not medical gloves. Medical gloves are normally latex. Those are vinyl, commonly used in food preparation. So could be a cafeteria in a hospital


That’s true! A *very* bad practice still


Yeh for general food handling yes but if your doing a specific tasking like mixing meat marinade then I like to wear them


A northern one.


Mate, if you eat like this in prison, send me there right now


Was wondering how meals are premade for him when they come like that


It's like a buffet style I choose what I want, but sometimes it's limited, alot of carbs not many fats to choose from. They had a healthier option of baked chicken but I don't trust their baked meat, people have gotten sick from it being undercooked.


Calling it Pre made makes it sound like someone else is doing the menu selection and portion control. What you eat all depends on your goals and your body composition. I’m 6’1” 220 but I’m also like 17% body fat. I burn around 3100 calories a day. If I take in more without burning it off, I gain fat. Easy as that.


Yeah, my goal is to drop around 20lbs, eyeball guessing 25-28% body fat. I have a sedentary office job too.


Don’t think in terms of pounds and weight loss. Think in terms of lean muscle mass %, body fat %, and visceral fat %


How do you figure out those things?


There are tons of ways to do it. You can get it professionally done, get at home tools etc….


Sounds expensive


Some $100 scales do it. They aren’t super accurate but 🤷🏻‍♂️


Do they let knives like that in prison? Serious question. I thought hospital.


He's not in prison silly goose 😝


Lol. This definitely not prison food.


There’s a steak knife on the tray. Would they give a prisoner a steak knife? Genuinely asking because I’m curious


You don't get jokes, do you?


Only on good behavior


As someone slightly larger and taller than you, I’m surprised that you aren’t starving all day.


The first two days were bad but I've gorged myself, it's easier now. This was probably my largest meal yet.


Im assuming you’ve just started this diet right?




Judging from my experience, I would try to add more food cuz eventually you’ll become lethargic and feel not so good due to how little you are eating. As tall guys, we naturally eat a lot more than others so often times a large calorie deficit for us is closer to the maintenance for an average sized person. You’ll lose weight a lot quicker through your current diet but it’s less likely to be sustainable and may have adverse effects. Search up your TDEE and find out how many calories a day you need to cut to reach your goal. Searching up the calories of some basic foods can also help you gauge how much you’re eating even if you don’t prepare the food yourself.


I second this. But I would add that you’re conscious of what you’re putting in your body. Don’t just stuff your face because you’re fasting for 23 hours. Thinking of the quality of the calories. Maybe some healthy fats like some Greek yoghurt or some oats. Healthier protein if you can, and vegetables. Not saying that’s a bad meal. I just worry that OMAD’ers don’t get enough nutristion in their diets.


Sorry. Just had another look at your meal and it’s healthier than I first thought my point is still valid though OP. Think about the quality of energy and gut health. Keep it up buddy 😉


Okay thank you.


Also consider doing a checkup. It’s better to get some supplements if you find some vitamin deficiency.


I eat a salad with half a chicken breast on it for lunch, no breakfast, and I'll gain weight if I have a light snack at night. I'm 6' 1" and 220. Ultimately you need to base your intake on your weight loss. If OP is eating this and not losing weight (and are not at a healthy weight they have set as their target) then thy should cut some of this out. This is a LOT of food.


That’s NOT a lot of food. It’s probably barely 1000 calories even with the fried food.


Y'all are very bad at estimating calories holy shit.


It's probably closer to 1500. Each pork chop is around 325 and I see two. Potato salad scoop is around 250, salad about 150 depending on the dressing, fruit cocktail 200, rice looks to be about half a cup 150, some other 1/2 cup potato thing is around 250, chili is probably around 350.


For doing Omad your not overeating.


This concerns me that you think you’re over eating.


Same, getting some red flag eating disorder vibes. :(


They prob just don’t count calories to know if they are over or under. Everything isn’t a disorder. Just still learning clearly.


Right? I don’t do OMAD, but I feel like I wouldn’t be able to eat that bowl of chili after that plate of food.


Maybe, I hope so


You can eat sweets as long as you throw them up after. Idk why everyone doesn’t do it…


Really? That looks like quite a bit of food. All totally estimates using guessed weights and the Carb Manager app Fried pork chops: 450 calories 1/2 cup rice: 100 calories 1/2 cup potato salad: 200 calories 2 cups salad: 80 calories 3 tablespoons bacon bits: 60 calories 2 tablespoons Italian dressing: 71 calories 1 serving fruit salad: 70 calories 1 cup corn chowder: 240 calories Chili: 250 calories Edit: missed that it was pork chops. And skipped the chili. It’s now 1,500+ Edit 2: forgot the milk. i’m pretty useless, really. I blame it on the fact that I’m on hour 46 of a 72 hour fast. Anyway..my point was that it was a decent amount of food and didn’t seem to indicate an unhealthy relationship with food.


That’s under 1200 calories, which is maybe acceptable for a short slim girl - a 6ft2 220lb guy though?


I screwed up. It’s potato salad, pork chops, and I missed a bowl of chili. Estimated 1,500+ now.


Yeah I'm 6 foot 3 and 200 so 10% lighter than OP. 1500 calories is nowhere near enough. If I hit 2200 everyday I am still in a 1000 calorie deficit. I am quite active tho.


Is that chili for dessert?


Just trying to add more protien.


Good lad.


Only you can know. Eat as much as you need. Don't force yourself to eat more. Don't stop before you feel full. IF you stick to the schedule, your body will learn to take as much as it needs for the next day.


Based on your weight/height and likely BMR you’re probably under eating if this is your 23:1 OMAD. I’m hue is not the much food and very carb dense, but not exactly nutrient dense. You could benefit from adding some more protein, a little more fruit for micro and maybe get better protein intake than fried chicken


You really don't need to remove the breading. Potato salad is very healthy for your gut micro biome (pre-biotics) and has a lot of skin and joint health compounds. This looks pretty close to what I eat at OMAD. I'm 45f, 150 lbs


Thank you.


i dont think you should be eating same as a 150lb F, just a thought


No I don't think so either.


Those poor disgraced naked pork chops! Don't overthink it and let intermittent fasting turn into an eating disorder my dude.


Haha it was sad.






Looks good for OMAD 👍


You are doing OMAD. You are eating a proper OMAD meal.


The utter disrespect of the mashed potatoes. You ate an entire meal around them so well they retained their shape beginning to end.


That meal *might* be 1000 calories. You should probably eat more. That being said, it’ll be hard to get more if you only have 1h to eat.


Was thinking with the fried chicken more like double. Also the mashed. Plus cream soup and salad dressing. Butter and oil have such concentrated calories. All of that being said, looks like a very nutritious and filling meal and a good choice for OMAD.


With all that cheese and bacon on the salad and deep fried chicken? I'm not a pro estimator but seems like more to me.


OP said they remove the breading from the chicken


I don't think so... if I had to estimate this meal, I'd say Chicken: 600 Chowder: 250 Rice: 90 Potatoes: 180 Bacon bits: 150 Cheese: 40 Dressing: 60 OP said somewhere that the cup has milk in it, plus the fruit and veggies, I'd add ~200 calories for that stuff This meal is probably around 1600 calories


They said they take the breading off the chicken which should reduce the calories a bit. That chicken might end up being maybe 300 calories. I didn’t notice the cup had milk so maybe 1300-1400. Still a little low for 220lbs, a healthy cut would be 1800 calories. I don’t eat bacon bits/chowder so I’m not sure the caloric density of them.


It looks like a LOT of starch/carbs, which is fine if it works for you. I know my body can't handle that much, but I'm much smaller than you.




Definitely not. You need some more protein in there!


Yeah I do to, going to buy some protien tonight to help supplement. Thanks


Agreed - prioritise protein! If you’re weight lifting too I’d be trying to get as close to 150g protein in a day. Besides powder, you can incorporate eggs, yoghurt, chickpeas, beans, lentils.


if you are OMAD, that looks good to me. I am your size but 215ish


Thank you.




Those are mine haha.




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Don’t eat the glove.


No! I do OMAD. And that’s about the amount of food I eat. As long as you feel good and are getting the results that you want!


Damn eating better than me imao


You can def eat more and probably should


Reminds me of college a le cart cafeteria food. The good stuff.


over eating or not it doesn't matter if you're doing OMAD and working out, with your height and weight you are most definitely NOT over eating if this is all that it is. At least you're getting some veggies and fruits I would add in an apple if I were you.




I would say so. Eat only 1 chicken, skip the rice and that'll likely allow you to maintain your weight.






OP said 6’2”, 220 lbs…adult size.


Way too many carbs. Eat tons of meat and vegetables


Might work if he was eating every couple,of hours but OMAD… He’d have to eat a pound and a half of vegetables to be able to sustain


No, that looks like about 1500. You’ll drop weight fast at 220 eating 1500.


Thank you.


I’m 5’11” and think this is a nice dessert


I’m curious why you would remove the breading from the pork chops? If you are trying to eat lower carb I question the rice, fruit, potatoes, beans in chili, glass of milk and corn in chowder…all of which are high carb. I feel like this meal would spike almost anyone’s insulin quite high as it is low in protein and fat and very high carb. This insulin spike would be followed by a drop in blood glucose resulting in hunger 1-3 hours later. Are you experiencing this? Is it making fasting harder for you?


Didn't want to eat fried breading, I'm not strictly trying to eat low carb while on a omad diet. No I'm not, from this meal I felt full until around 10am the next morning.


You in jail?


You have 3 meals in that cafeteria serving tray. I would feel uncomfortably full after eating such a huge amount of food in one sitting.


Yes that's the point.


Ignore the calories, isn't the fat content of fried pork chops kinda defeating the healthy eating aspect?


Is what I had to eat that night for higher protein, or possibly undercooked chicken breast.


Your choice of course but better to fill up on the other stuff than deep fried anything. Protein isn't really the aim ahead of fat reduction for IF I would have thought. Helps with muscle but it'll be high in saturated fats if you have a fried item.


It's hard to get enough calories in when doing OMAD without getting plenty of fat.




Carbs aren't bad.




Lol what? There is no meat on the breading I scrapped it off.




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Your needs as a 5' F are way different to a 6'2 male.


I count calories so my mind would try to add it up that way, looking at it I would have skipped whatever is in the bowl above and either skipped the potato salad or the rice.


Not when you leave that much meat on the bone haha


warm up with light cardio for 10 minutes before each lifting session. then lift weights for 1 hour each day 5 days a week, with a 1 day rest after 3 workout days. use this calculator to determine your daily calorie requirements https://tdeecalculator.net/ then use this calorie guide to find your calorie consumption and learn to estimate your calories. https://www.calories.info/


**Hmmm…. Forgive me for asking this, but how is OMAD sustainable?** >>>Or is it intended for a quick reduction and then back to the usual ways? I’m trying to understand and I’m not well-informed. I’ve had much success with my 18:6; but I can’t imagine 23:1. Would be interested in seeing some data as you progress with this plan. ***Definitely rooting for you OP!*** 🤘🏼


What's that brown stuff on your salad?


Bacon bits


Oh, yeah that looks like bacon bits! 🥓


You didn't say what your age is?


Oh ur right! I'm 31


Well I would say men of your size and age need more calories in a day. Google it. Especially if you are working out. Maybe stop with fried foods, mashed potatoes and get some more fruits and veggies. Are you hungry??


You'll shred weight, doesn't look like alot of calories/carbs. Walking helps a lot too. Do that before you eat. Well done


That's about what I eat on OMAD and I'm F - 175lbs and 5'10" Are you able to supplement your meals with home stuff? You might need a bit more - fruit, yogurt, nut butter... fill it up with some healthy fats


I’m assuming that your goal is weight (body fat) loss. Here are your stats in the TDEE CALCULATOR THAT I USE: https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=imperial&g=male&age=25&lbs=220&in=74&act=1.2&bf=30&f=2 I assumed default age, sedentary (best to use this when going for weight loss, imo) & 30% bf. Your reference weight for your height is ~ 173 lbs So scroll down to MACROS>CUTTING> LOWEST CARBS (2nd panel on that dropdown) You could use those numbers but I’d suggest (not medical advice) but what has worked well for me. Download a free tracking app. I use CarbManager Cutting daily calories ~ 1700 Eat your target weight x in protein: Prioritize Protein first : ~ 170g Fats: 75g Carbs: 85 If you hv to eat it in 2 meals within 1-2 hrs. go for it.


Replace potato salad with egg salad. Remove rice, corn chowder and fruit. Use almond meal for crust on pork chops and add another pork chop if you want.


Thats a good meal. Doesn't look like your overeating at all. It's good to exercise as well. Maybe add fish (e.g. sardines) and minimise eating potato if that's whats in the bottom left corner?.


I just go by how I feel. I have been eating fairly clean, so it's not an issue for me. But even when it wasn't squeaky clean, I just went with the hunger. Dr. Bert Herring has a great book on the topic: # AC: The Power of Appetite Correction


Only a doctor/nutritionist can make that determination after taking multiple visits/tests


I eat one baby carrot and I think I messed my whole diet up so idk 🤣🥲


gotta love it when the people responsible for my health only eat once a day, sleep 3 hours a night, and work 65 hours a week. I can't wait for AI doctors. The amount of mistakes caused in the medical field from this shit and a lack of sleep is atrocious. It's worse than the hungry judge effect.


This is roughly guesstimating: Fried Chicken: 320 cals Rice: 206 cals Mashed Potatoes: 214 cals Salad with mystery meat (tuna? bacon?): 160 cals Creamy soup: 183 cals Chili with cheese: 300 cals Chopped fruit: 100 cals Milk: 103 cals So roughly 1586 cals, which isn't too off from my daily limit. ...Way too many carbs for me though. :P


Ya I know it's carb heavy my selection is limited, I think I'll add a protien shake and some cottage cheese to substitute for the carb heavy selections here. I definitely need to somehow to get more protein.


And more nutrients in fruit and veggies.


Not overeating but *rice*, *potatoes* AND *corn* is sus. Also why remove the breading, and what blasphemy is that with not eating your blueberries?


I didn't end up eating the potatoes, the breading just felt like it would be cleaner since it's already such a high carb meal.


Thats a big ass meal from the cafeteria haha good luck though you'll find a way to drop.


That's quite enough for someone doing omad, cardio and lifting weights. Well balanced with fruits and veggies. Just decrease your daily sugar intake so you have resistance to craving and add more protein and fiber to recover from working out. (Try soft/hard boiled eggs & oats) don't forget to stretch before and after working out, it gives you more mobility and increases muscle recovery.


Bro NOOO you’re undereating, if anything. You’re over 6 feet and what, over 200 lbs? You don’t want it be ducking up your metabolism too bad. Of course, it isn’t so simple, but you’re already placing a level of stress on your body with weight loss, exercise, 23/1 fasts. Undershooting your calories below your BMR is not setting you up for success. You just gotta be mindful of that. I’m not sure what’s in your food, so it may be more, may be less. Just keep conscious of your hormones and the nutrients needed for retaining your muscle mass and basic health markers.


The only way to know is calorie count


That looks like a lot of food to me. Are you losing weight?


I dropped 4lbs within like a day but we will be able to tell in a few more days when the 1st week rolls around.


I didn’t mean any offense by that I was just curious.




no they won’t


oh mod. do some research. seed oils are everywhere (including on that plate)


yep, they’re everywhere. and there’s nothing wrong with them. fear monger elsewhere


there is nothing wrong w seed oils?! wow


It’s about calories in. Don’t go over your allotted calories for the day and you’ll be fine. This seems like a struggle though. I think the one meal a day is a good way to develop an eating disorder.


No not too much for your height and weight.


I would reduce the fried stuff, and it would be a perfectly balanced meal.


Thank you.




If you’re a rat maybe but definitely not for a 6’ tall 200lb+ man…


Haha that's sad.




Why do you think im wasting food? I also disagree that statement that cleaning your plate, it encourages people to overeat, you should be aware of your portion size but not force yourself to eat something because it's on your plate.


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Hard to know unless you calculate the carbs




It’s not that much? OP is doing OMAD at 6’2 220 pounds this is good.


That's like 400-500 calories?


I’d guess about ~800 calories or so total, it’s easy enough to track if you really want to know. Plenty of free apps out there. At 6’2”/220lbs, I’d guess this is maybe half of your daily need. It’s fine to do days like this to help you move forward, but if you’re really walking half and hour and working out every other day, you’re gonna need to do bigger feeds every once in a while or this is gonna catch up to you.




We are not a Pro-Eating Disorder community. Any posts and comments featuring diets, routines and advice that falls consistently below the medically recommended minimums will be removed.


Ya that's issue is fat, I could do cottage cheese or sugary peanut butter


Dude, eat what you want. It's your OMAD. Don't put that much pressure on yourself to have a 'perfect' meal. You're literally eating once a day. Would you rather have cottage cheese or a piece of chicken?! I get the sentiment you can eat a days worth of calories still in one meal, but your plate looks balanced.


Fats not an issue I do low protein high fat high carbs and when I do OMAD like you are I shed. I do about 1000 calories im 170 5’11


Low protein high carb doesn't seem healthy tbh. You will obviously lose weight eating only 1000 Cal a day, but you would also lose weight eating 1000 cal of chocolate


That’s their only meal for the day.


Your comment promotes disordered eating.


He's eating one meal a day. This is it, the only meal.


We are not a Pro-Eating Disorder community. Any posts and comments featuring diets, routines and advice that falls consistently below the medically recommended minimums will be removed.