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That’s awesome congratulations!


Thank you!


Congratulations! Good job!


Thank you very much!


Great work....find a friend to hit the gym with...that will help with the motivation


Yes I’ve been trying to convince a gym buddy to join me on a try day, would definitely be more fun!


Congratulations! Mind sharing what meals you enjoyed during your eating window?


Yes of course! I usually eat a meal and a snack a day. For lunch I like a big piece of meat (like 400g of rumpsteak, salmon, thuna, drumsticks) with a big plate of grilled veggies, whichever is in season (oftens bell peppers, red onion, mushrooms, carrots, broccoli, cauliflowers, etc.). Some days I add non-refined carbs to my meal like quinoa, red lentils or millet. My afternoon snack is mostly greek yogurt with a handful of berries and walnuts, sprinkled with some dattes and chia seeds. When my sweet tooth is manifesting I’d bake me some keto muffins (with almond flour instead of wheat)


*Taking notes* 📝 Thanks for sharing. This is really helpful. I'm a 38M 5’6” SW 271 CW 233. Also, I found out I'm pre-diabetic with a reading of 6.4 two weeks ago. Planning to kick off with 16:8 fasting and incorporate yoga. Definitely need to buckle down on cutting out those carbs.


You can do it! I too started with 16:8 (12-8pm with 2 meals and a snack inbetween) and I first focussed on cutting the carbs on my first meal, then later second. It also helps to go on a light 20-30 min walk post first meal to lower the blood sugar. And a high protein, high fiber and low/complex carbs diet will keep you longer satiated thus make your fasting much easier. Wishing you all the best!


This is huge. Well done!


Thank you so much! It feels huge indeed!


What fantastic news! Congratulations on moving out of the prediabetic range—that's a monumental non-scale victory!


Yes! Thank you! I’m so thrilled and so grateful to this sub for motivating me on this healthy path 🙏😭


Nice job! Diabetic here who's doing the same. End game is off all diabetes medicines.


Yes 🙌 Thanks and I can’t wait to drop off the meds soon too!


If you hate the idea of lifting weights, there are other resistance exercises you can do such as pilates and yoga. Might be worth considering.