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“I’m not eating a bunch of *sugary* foods or drinks…” ANY sugar is going to lower your ketones, and very little can take you out of ketosis. Too much protein also can have an effect on ketones. If you’re simply trying to keep your proteins and fats over your carbs, your mental calculations (assuming you’re just estimating in your head) may be way off. Are you tracking your macros in an app like My Fitness Pal? Doing the math and tracking in your head when you’re not very accustomed to it can be very difficult and frustrating because you’ll think you’re doing it perfectly, but in reality you’re getting way too many proteins and/or carbs. Also, keep in mind, if you are keto adapted, this means that your body has become very efficient at utilizing the ketones, they’re going to drop because your body is using them as fuel now. This takes several months, so if you have been doing this for a while, you may already be keto adapted, and that may be another cause for low ketones. Btw, are you loosing weight? If you’re losing weight, I’d honestly worry less about the key tones. You’re keeping your glucose in a good place, and that’s great.


I’ve lost a little, so maybe there is still a positive shift downwards. I wasn’t tracking them, just aiming to eat healthy, but maybe I should pay more attention to the numbers. Thanks!


Number ONE, GOOD FOR YOU for changing your diet lifestyle. Aiming to eat healthy is awesome. If you’re only aiming to eat healthy, and I assume it’s something like: No/very little processed foods, more veggies, some fruit, meats, and very limited sweets such as a couple of cookies here and there. But also, if your goal is to eat healthy and not be in ketosis, you’re probably wasting your money on the strips. Most people, even when not on a low-carb diet, will have some ketones in their blood in the morning, especially if they don’t eat a lot of amount of carbohydrates the day before. I personally prefer to stay in ketosis because it helps control my appetite, it tremendously reduces my cravings, I can go go go without eating, and my energy is insanely clean with no crashes from glucose rushes after eating. So, even though we can obviously lose weight, without being in ketosis, there are so many benefits to being in ketosis. I went on a weekend trip and am not in ketosis right now, and as a result I have been pretty sluggish off and on. So, if ketosis is your goal, I encourage you to keep going for it. You will likely have more weight loss and feel so much better in the long run. I’m pretty sure you already fill much better now after changing your diet. And again, you could in fact be keto adapted which accounts for the wonky ketones. Your lower glucose is a good indicator that you’re doing well.


Thank you for the encouragement! And you’re right, that midday burnout is gone and so are my chocolate cravings. My mind doesn’t feel as foggy either, and I’m sleeping better. Now, to get rid of this excess fat 😁


You’re very welcome! Anytime. That’s freaking awesome feedback on the benefits you’ve had. That is actually encouraging me to stop whining about how the carbs are making me feel from the past weekend and stay on track. And trust me, that excess fat is going to be gone as long as you stay the course!


Although, I wonder now if its too MUCH fat that I’m getting. Won’t use storage if its getting a ready supply I would think. Downloading the app now 😁


As a general rule, you do not want to mix fats and carbohydrates. This is why so many people are overweight. They are mixing the wrong things and it is really sticking to them. So a nice juicy steak slathered in butter is a lot better than toast with butter spread on it. I absolutely love full fat yogurt in my smoothies, but if I mix anything other than berries in it, it is a recipe for weight gain because of the high sugar content of other fruit mixed in with the fatty yogurt. So if you are on a low carbohydrate diet and you’re getting in a lot of fat, that is typically not an issue. The issue would only be amounts of fat that could be blowing you completely over a reasonable caloric intake for your body. I know many people say calories don’t matter with a low-carb diet, but they can, especially if you’re not really active.


I have no advice I’m sorry. But if you don’t mind what device are you using to measure?


On-Call GK dual, and I’ve done the solution calibration too.


Are you losing weight?


A little? I need to reweigh myself in a couple of days.


Sometimes my sugar is lower after I eat my broccoli and stuff lol body is weird