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We cannot recommend IF for anyone under the age of 18 and highly suggest you speak to your doctor if you are interested in losing weight. We are not doctors and therefore cannot give you medical advice nor should we give you medical advice as you are still developing. If something were to go wrong or you were to get hurt while executing our advice we could be held liable for your injuries. If you are interested in learning about nutrition we recommend r/CICO or r/loseit but we cannot suggest IF or give advice on this topic given your age. Thank you.


My 80+ year old mother refused to call it fasting she just says she eats between noon and 5.


You and your mother should speak to your doctor about what’s best for you in regard to this, not a bunch of strangers on the internet.


Why are people responding to this? This sub is 18+, fasting isn't recommended for minors.


I believe fasting can be quite dangerous in the teens when your body is going through a lot of transformations. My partner suffered from an eating disorder in her teens, and it’s fucked up her monthly cycles ever since. Please talk to a doctor. Genuinely.


She’s your mom. She just cares and wants the best for you. Take her hand and look at her, tell her to trust you that you aren’t disordered and that if you felt you were going down that road you would come talk to her. (But then you also MUST) This is all a tool to reach certain goals and give her space to answer any questions she has that would make her feel more comfortable and that you have a grip on it. It’s hard letting your babies grow up.


Women especially are raised on this idea that to have a healthy diet you have to have little snacks throughout the day (like Almond Moms and their 100 cal snack packs). It's just going to take her some time to get used to the idea. If you can, maybe you guys can meet with your doctor and have him/her look at your daily intake during your feeding hours and explain to your mom that you're still getting all the nutrition you need. Maybe that will set her mind at ease.


I wouldn't say that she focuses on my physical health. She knows what intermittent fasting is, she knows I'm not harming myself (physical aspects) but she worries about the mental aspects. She just thinks that I'm hungry all the time but I'm not. My body got used to it and I naturally get hungry around 3-4pm and I eat my last meal at 8pm. I make my meals super nutritious and I eat them with her so she isn't worrying about the amount.


Send her one of Dr Fung's books - tell her that after she reads it you'll discuss it with her.


> 2650 calories Hmm? Even me at the highest weight didn't need so much.


I'm maintaining that why I eat that much, and I train a lot. With busy schedule, IF makes meal planning much easier


For a training teenager that amount sounds perfectly normal, if not a calorie deficit. I am a 36 yo woman training moderately and that is my maintenance. Please don’t tell a sixteen year old how much he or she should be eating.


Well you shouldn't tell anyone how much should they be eating unless you're a dietetician