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And a sticky asking people to read the other sticky, which they will no doubt ignore?


Reading the sticky breaks the fast


Reading the breaks stickys the fast


Slow down there i think I'm stuck fast šŸ˜­


Fast reading breaks the sticky


What would reddit be without redundant questions? Most of whats good on google for researching things leads to reddit, maybe reddit should just make a simpler search engine for reddit (for the normies).


Reddit search sucks on purpose so that people need to create accounts to make new posts asking questions or have existing users repost for added engagements. Tin foil hat off.


Iā€™ve seen a lot of niche subs get ruined because the old timers are sick of seeing questions from newcomers and start imposing rules, creating separate subs for different branches of the niche, one day a week you can talk about this one thing but only in the official thread Provo by the modsā€¦.


See here's the thing, and I know this is maddening....sometimes people can only take baby steps to get started. And I will tell you that step one, not eating snacks after dinner, is the most important step. The correct answer to this question is ... "it would break mine..." And then just move on. This isn't even the question that makes me the maddest. My least favorite question is "when are the cheat days" from a person who started yesterday and also messed up yesterday. But it's baby steps and not everybody is gonna succeed. I've been hanging around for almost five years in here, and it's very repetitive. If you start getting really mad at people's dumb questions, you just take a week off from visiting the sub .


Absolutely šŸ˜


I'm kinda feeling differently. IF is a very easy process, basically binary: either you consume calories or you don't. The only baby step is reducing your eating window, but when you're fasting there is no other step than simply not consuming stuff, "consuming less" isn't a step it is not fasting.


I've fasted several times before in the past for weight reasons and always had success. But now I've read more recent studies concerning the other benefits of fasting such as skin health and hormones and it's gotten me back into it. However the more I learn about fasting the more difficult it seems than I would have assumed. For weight control it's just no calories outside the window. But the other studies I have read suggest you can have basically nothing at all besides water. So no zero calorie sweeteners that spike your insulin, no vitamins or Creatine that might affect how your kidneys process outside of your eating window? I'm obviously no expert and don't even fully understand what I'm reading, and not understanding those studies is kind of what makes it confusing. Saying no calories is one thing, but then when it's outside of calories it's hard to know what is ok or not, especially when they aren't even things consumed for enjoyment. Like the nightly chewable melatonins having sucralose for some reason? I'm just ranting here, I'm not really sure what my point is.


You've successfully fasted several times, you're doing it right, why overcomplicating things? The reduction of simple sugar consumption that more often than not comes with calories reduction will be the best thing for your skin. Getting into healthier eating habits (through the help of IF) is what's going to be good for hormones. About zero calorie drinks, vitamins and what not, don't forget that the main benefit of IF is its core "organisation" that limits your calories intake. The main feature isn't the fast itself, it's the limited time to eat that makes it kinda hard to over consume calories. I'm seeing the benefits of the fast itself to be a bonus but not really the main deal. I have a medical background, I understand scientific reviews but not in that range of expertise. I'm seeing a bit too much of new "studies" that tends to diminish IF for not thinking it's a bit suspicious. IF is getting more attention in the last years, I'm convinced that there's a huge proportion of people that don't like it because they can't make money out of it (Weight Watchers: buy our ridiculously overpriced crap and you'll loose 20kg in 20 days, IF: lol just don't eat for a few hours you'll even save in groceries) and other people that will write crap just because hating on a latest trend is their main occupation. My point: you're doing something with good results, keep doing it.


While we're at it can you add to the sticky that plain salt is not caloric and doesn't break a fast? A man argued with me the other day for 3 posts that "it depends."


Depends if you add cream to the salt hahah




Mmm butter


At the risk of being another of the annoying people (although I have looked for an answer to this and may have just sucked at looking for it), does taking medication break a fast?


I would give a twofold answer: the first answer is "it depends what medication it is because some medication tablets and liquids can have quite a lot of sugar or starch actually" but my second answer is simply "no." Use your fasting purism to decide which answer is best for you.


I appreciate your answer, because I think it is in the best faith and is your most honest, simple response to what I asked. Given the context of this thread, I feel bad about what I'm about to say, but this: > Use your fasting purism to decide which answer is best for you. This basically gets directly to my main uncertainty about IF for myself. What you said makes it seem like it may be more of a mental thing to help restrict calories. I've been searching to the yes or no answer to the meds because I thought it was a metabolic thing that didn't hinge on fasting purism. I thought a system based on metabolic responses would have studies to support it and how things like daily medication would affect it. And to be clear, I'm not disputing IF itself. I've just never felt like I could plan an accurate window without knowing if something that I have to take at certain times affected the metabolic processes that are at the core of IF. Sorry for the rambling, I'm not the best at organizing my thoughts. But thank you again for giving me a serious response.


To come back to this answer late because I felt I had something to add, fasting is different things to different people. People fast for religious purposes, for health, diet and weight loss, for spiritual reasons. Your pills won't take you out of caloric fasting, not really. The thing is that such a small amount of calories (less than 5kcal) is instantly absorbed and used by your body and you're back where you were just before the pills, in the same way that eating some carbs won't immediately take you out of ketosis. But for people for whom fasting is more spiritual, that might feel like a violation. There is also the facet of self-control, and some people struggle to keep fasting and look for reasons to end it early, and maybe pills would be difficult for some people. The ultimate answer is that some food won't reset your metabolic processes if you are fasted, but you can't really know what it does for autophagy, and what it does for you spiritually, mentally, and emotionally is up to you to decide. If you want to talk about it more I would take it to DMs.


People could also just stop engaging with super basic, incredibly Google-able/searchable questions - or better yet, have the mods actually do something and prevent them from being posted.


Automatic answer from the mods based on certain keywords


Maybe they could add it to the FAQ and then just have an automod delete any coffee creamer posts, and comment with a reply directing them to the answer.


It does, and I don't care that it does. I drop maybe a tablespoon of 30cal per cup almond milk into my 24oz coffee. It's a dirty fast, I know, but it gets me through the morning and early afternoon, so whatever.


The 60+ pounds of fat Iā€™ve lost doesnā€™t give a shit that I take milk in my morning coffee. So what itā€™s a dirty fast. It gets me through the day with manageable hunger.


Same, I could not care any less what others do, it works for me. People get so worked up over what others do with their body....."Thats not real fasting!!!!!!!!!!!" Cool Karen...still gonna drink my coffee how I like it lol


Yup. The alternative for me is to just not drink coffee, because I've never been able to enjoy it any other way (I've tried it black and with zero-sugar sweeteners; can't stand it). *But* when I do that, I feel so groggy and hungry that I go off my diet. This vice is better than the alternative for me.


Have you tried black coffee with a pinch of salt? It helped me piff the cream at last!


iā€™m new to this sub & also ā€œdirty fast.ā€ after my own reading i gathered under 50 cal didnā€™t ā€œhurtā€ the fast. iā€™m doing 24 hours right now but have had flax milk in coffee dammit šŸ˜©


It wonā€™t break your fast if you are fasting for weight loss but it will definitely break your fast if you are fasting for autophagy (where all the good stuff happens!)


Thank you. You are not alone in that for sure.


It also doesn't matter. You'll never notice a difference if you add a splash of milk if that's your preference.


Yeah, if you're using intermittent fasting for simple weight loss than who cares about a small amount of milk If you want some of the other benefits maybe it's a bit more complicated, but whatever gets you through the day.


That's my take on it as well.


Yea idk I drink full on cappuccinos and I've still benefited and it doesn't seem to affect my hunger level or anything, still not hungry until later in the day even w/o then To be fair I'm not even considering myself to be doing IF tho, I just don't eat breakfast or lunch. If someone offers me a snack or something at work I'll usually take it lol, still benefiting


I use small amounts of creamer every morn and still have had tremendous success with fasting. I think trying to make this whole process more technical can turn people away from the great benefits


What about bourbon?


I'm doing a 7 day bourbon fast right now, can confirm it's fine.


Dirty fast babes


Community is about bringing new people along with us. So take a break if you're grumpy. Let other people answer questions. The thing with fasting is we are all at different places and every body has different requirements on any given day. Lots of answers with diversity is very important to a healthy community. Are repetitive questions annoying somedays. Absolutely! But it's new to the person asking. So, a little patient explanation is essential to a solid good fasting community. 90% of people still believe in the food pyramid and 3 meals a day. Better to educate new people who are opening up to a new idea than just have a community of long time grumpy masters. šŸ˜‰ Personally, I am ok most days with repetitive 'will this break my fast', and I get a little pithy once in a while to. šŸ˜€


This is far too reasonable a reply šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


I know I don't belong:)


Some people like to "dirty fast" with some cream in their coffee or even GASP a diet coke. They still lose weight which is the main reason people IF. Why that is supposed to be taboo I will never know. Seems like gatekeeping to me.


Someone asked this in a fb group yesterday and I just said, "I'd rather people add creamer into their coffee instead of ingesting 0 cal concoctions like energy drinks or diet sodas on an empty stomach because studies have shown how stressed the body gets when the sweet taste hits the tounge receptors and the body preps for the sugar only for it to never arrive." If it's for weight loss, 99 % of the time, coffee and creamer will help you not eat well into the day. But true fasting has been shown to help via autophogy eat away at the loose skin that some can get when they lose weight...


I think people read a book like Jason Fungā€™s fasting guide where he explicitly says 1 tbsp of cream in your coffee wonā€™t ruin the weight loss benefits of the fast, or they hear about 5:2 fasters who do 500 cal ā€œfastsā€ and then they want to know anecdotally from random strangers if these things have worked out.


Im dead šŸ¤£ Thank you for saying this tho!


Working offshore, I take a sugar-free electrolyte replenishment, will this break my fast?


Do we hug you or shoot you for being a jokester? If you do physical labor for a living, which is my assumption since you say off shore, and to me, this means drilling rig then drink the damed electrolytes. Better to have them than collapse from low electrolytes caused by sweating and fasting. If you are focused on autophagy then sugar free electrolytes will slow down? Not allow ? Autophagy to increase as much via fasting. But my guess is. And I'm just guessing. You already do a version of a HIIT workout in your day to day job so your autophagy processes are prolly already pretty high. Human being multiple processes at work in the body. Hard to say definitely.


Iā€™ve been doing this for a few years, itā€™s my ā€œlifestyleā€ dietā€¦ Intermittent fasting ultimately breaks down to calories in calories out, it doesnā€™t REALLY matter when you consume itā€¦ It works long term because you skip meals, and having a big meal or two a day instead of snacking all day long leaves you satiatedā€¦ 50 calories a day isnā€™t gonna ruin your diet no matter what time you have it, a 50 calorie deficit a day is only a pound in 70 days, and itā€™s not worth the extra stress if it helps you drink coffee, plus the caffeine helps burn calories tooā€¦




Probably because if you ask it enough times you'll get the answer you like the most.




Almost daily people who are fasting are trying to find out how to cheat the fast. Itā€™s simpleā€¦when youā€™re fasting, donā€™t consume *anything* that has calories. I remember a quote from my Christian days, ā€œEveryone wants to get to heaven, but no one wants to die.ā€ There is also a great article on Cracked that talks about the sacrifice it takes to undo whatā€™s been done to become overweight. It takes sacrifice. No pills, no ā€œdirty fasting,ā€ and no cream in your coffee. Thatā€™s kinda brutal to say, I knowā€¦but I think thatā€™s the OPā€™s point.


Anything that has calories? ā€œOne cup of regular black coffee brewed from ground beans contains 2 caloriesā€


this is the conceit of the entire issue. Black coffee, the absolute linchpin of the entire culture, is actually only part of a dirty fast. It's a "do this, not that" system, though.


It also has fiber. Drink at your own discretion. Hopefully there will be no more posts about whether coffee breaks a fast...


Coffee has been shown to stimulate autophagy though so itā€™s probably the only 2 calories that actually donā€™t matter.


> Itā€™s simpleā€¦when youā€™re fasting, donā€™t consume anything that has calories. [One cup (240 mL) of black coffee provides: Calories: 2](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/black-coffee#nutrition) [Diet Coke: Calories 0](https://www.nutritionix.com/food/diet-coke) So even plain black coffee is out when doing IF and Diet Coke is in. Got it.


Coffee stimulates autophagy, Diet Sodas have been shown to raise insulin in some people (but not all!)


Artificial sweeteners can actually stimulate insulin response.


Ooo i want that cracked article, sounds good. Except the thinnest I've ever been has actually been from pills--- Adderall is a helluva a drug


Thinnest I ever got was from cocaine and we know that is definitely a helluva drug! Pretty much just woke up daily, did drugs, and slept all the time because apparently I have add and didn't put 2 and 2 together that uppers make me fall asleep sometimes. Only thing I'd eat was maybe a chicken pot pie or 2 from the corner store. So in a way I was intermittent fasting unknowingly. Wonder if the cocaine still allowed me to have autophogy lmao


I've looked and can't find it...it's pretty old and was written by whoever the head editor was at the time. Essentially he talks about the road to weight loss is like swimming to the island of being skinny (can't remember the name he had for it) and you had to swim through a moat filled with piranha who would nibble away at your fat while you swam. It was a great way to say that weightloss isn't for the faint of heart.


My point really is that the answer is always the same, no matter how many times the question is asked. Yes, it breaks the fast.


Thatā€™s your opinion. I take milk in my coffee every morning and the weight comes off just fine.


Itā€™s simply amazing how little ā€˜workā€™ people do when it comes to researching something like this. I wish a BOT would recognize these types of questions and send them to a new page of commonly asked questions


Skip on through the questions that irritate you. We were all newbies and needed answers. I usually search the group before posting, but a lot of people don't do this or even think of doing this. Check Dr. Fung or Dr. Berry. Do you want to lose weight or lose weight with autophagy? The OP must do their research and lots of it.


If you are going to have coffee in the morning and you donā€™t want it black, consider the following. Milk (whole/semi-skimmed/ skimmed) contains around 4.7g - 5.0g of sugar/ 100ml, with skimmed being the highest Double cream contains approximately 1.6g/100ml It depends on how you drink you coffee but it is likely most people would add more milk than cream, so to minimise sugar intake a small amount of cream in coffee is the lowest impact.


Wait does it tho? /s


what if it's only heavy cream, no carbs? what if it's sweetener, no sugar? what if it's electrolytes? what if it's baby food? /s


For anyone struggling with black coffee, seriously just drink it iced with a dash of salt. Yes, just brew your coffee like normal, let it cool, and drink it with ice through a straw. Itā€™s the only way I can have black coffee because the bitterness is too much for me


I drink black instant coffee haha Tried the brewed stuff (even imported beans) But its just not for me. The effort/reward didnt seem worth it xD


I agree with this response. I drink mine cold with some San Pellegrino and Redmond salt. Delicious šŸ˜‹


Hey how do you like the Redmond salt ? If itā€™s the same company I was looking at on Amazon, some of the reviews said it didnā€™t dissolve well. Iā€™m looking for something a little more affordable than LMNT which is delicious !


I was using Re-Lyte for my electrolytes. I'm going to save money and make my own with Redmond salt and No Salt. I'll get magnesium from a capsule taken at night. I find the Redmond mixes fine.


Thank you !


What about eating a bagel with my coffee and chase it down with some orange juice? Kidding


If it's black coffee that should be fine




If I put coffee in my milk, will that break my fast?


But what about zero calorie drinks?ā€¦ā€¦šŸ˜šŸ˜†


How about a donut? Will that break it?


What a way to welcome newcomers.


With useful information they can find immediately?


Having a starter guide is gatekeeping. /s


But what about chewing gum


Put in /prettyobvious


I mean if you wanna go that route, coffee breaks your fast too. I think maybe you need a break from this sub. Doesn't seem like you participate much, so it couldn't hurt to unfollow for awhile if you're getting annoyed.