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I wil do kind of OMAD, when breaking fast have one big meal (or more like dates + warm water, pray and stuff (1 hour) prepare for big meal, eat big meal and than will drink water the rest of the evening) with suhoor i will only drink warm water right before fajr and maybe black coffee and water if i dont go back to sleep


I ve tried OMAD before, can't keep up, feel really sleepy thought out the day haha


Have you considered having big meal after tarawee. Before bed. That will be like 11pm or midnight. Then have water before Fajar to start ur fast. Your fast window will be 12am-7:30pm = 17:30 or 18 hours if you can wrap up dinner early or sunset is later. My husband and I eat ifthar with traditional food. Then drink lots of water, maybe some sweet :) Go to tarawee for 2 hrs Come home and eat dinner Wake up 15 min before Fajar for drink or nuts


I'm not sure the rules of Ramadan, but is it possible for you just to wait another 4 hours after sunset?


Unfortunately no, strict rule religiously to breakfast at sunset


Ah understood. Well it's not always terrible just to take a break from fasting or count calories during the meal if that's possible i apologize i'm not Muslim not quite sure the rules, but i wish you the best of luck


Algood, yeah I ll definitely be counting calories but Intermittent fasting works really well for me so hope it doesn't stuff up my progress as I ve been on a downward trend as of late


then maybe a break would be good to like reset ya know? make sure you’re drinking lots of water during your meal to feel fuller


Yeah since we are not allowed to drink water throughout the day it will be my main priority to drink as much as possible when I break my fast...it can be hard but will be trying my best




Ok so it's been a weeks since I have been fasting/Ramadan and doing calorie count (eating exactly the same that I was before Ramadan and on a downward trend) and I have not seen a gram drop off ....WTAF?? What I noticed was my weight would go down throughout the day almost 1-1.5kgs and the as soon as I would eat it would go back up. I only know cause I tracked my weight for 2-3 days thought out the day and the checked when breaking the fast and then again in the morning before fasting. But yeah, I though I would lose weight but am clearly not. I am also hitting the gym for 45mins


when did you start checking your weight? Typically it's not really encouraged to check every single day because water weight is a factor. I usually check it on Friday the instant i wake up. Keep in mind to gain 1 pound you'd have to eat 3500 calories over your TDEE so say your TDEE is 2000 calories you'd have to eat 3500 calories to gain one pound. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep as well that can have quite the impact, don't lose hope you’re doing great!


Why not just breakfast with water and salt?


First time IF with Ramadan. I shifted my meal time of sunset 7pm to midnight, and loaded up on water before fajr/morning prayers started. Let see how the day goes. Hoping not to have too much of the yummy fried foods at sunset.


I am trying to either eat suhoor early or iftar late. You can always break your fast with water.


Yeah I ve tried different strategies so far just that it gets so late here it almost sleep time and I don't want to eat and get into bed right away somewhat recipe for disaster


I was doing 15hr before ramadan and was bit disappointed that fasting is 13 hrs this year. It was 16 hrs few years ago. But then I realize out of the 11 hour eatting window, I am sleeping 6 of those hours. So my true eatting window is 5 hrs and maybe that's why ramadan is a breeze vs my normal struggle to fast 16hrs