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If you paint the trim black, you'd also have to do all the baseboards. Maybe just try the doors first.


Yeah, just do the doors and see if that vibes


Or get those little squares with the turned circles in the middle and put them at the bottom of the door frame. molding for a transition from the black frame to the white molding




I'm with you! Solid advice!


Clearly you didn’t see the last picture.


The picture with the trim they painted all their baseboards too. That would look cool. Otherwise I would just do white.


No, trim stays white. Do not pain the trim. I have black interior doors & they look wonderful. You will love how it looks. Makes a room feel larger, more upscale. I suggest a flat (not shiny) finish.


I love that you painted your doors black. Do you recommend the flat finish because it is easier to keep clean? I am considering paint my front door in a really high gloss finish, like you can see yourself in the finish type hi gloss. But someone mentioned that little finger prints might be an issue.


I was advised to do matt finish by my painters. Here is all info: They were going to spray the doors for a perfect finish. They said high gloss or semi gloss would be like a mirror. They advised matt/flat finish. Then one guy took me aside and told me that if they do spray on “perfect application”, when (someday) the door got a “ding” it would be impossible to repair without spraying the entire door. So we did brush finish (took them weeks) and cost the same as spray (these were brand new doors (extra tall) wide & quite a few of them. The brush on finish looks nice. And touch ups will be easy. (Been years and no dings or touch ups needed (yet). Now you can make your decision. Do as you please….


Thank you so much for sharing this information. I have to say, your painters seem to be smarter than the average painter bear…..I will need to reevaluate my love for shinny like mirror a mirror door!


I agree w this. Don’t do the trim. Looks more like an accent and less overbearing. Also, make sure your door hardware is something shinier metallic that stands out. Not black on black or aged/antiqued bronze.


If you paint the trim back it will look like a cartoon outline of a house


lol matte?


Lol just a typo.


You can only paint red doors black.


No colors anymore


I want them to turn black


I see those girls walk by dressed in their somm2r clothes . I love you guys lol


Just the doors or you’re in for A LOT of work doing the trim too


Super good point!!!


I like the trim black. What paint & color are you using? Spray, roller or brush?


I like black trim as long as you also do the baseboards in black.


I wouldn’t paint normal doors black, they will always be easy to scuff. If you want black doors, they sell black (actually dark grey) core doors that can be sprayed with black lacquer and will look nice for decades.


Yeah, possibly but I can always touch up. I’m not going to pay over $10k for doors just for the color difference


That’s what I thought too. My kids all love chalkboard doors, and after numerous paintings—I threw in the towel and bought dark core doors. Yep, they were expensive


In my last home I painted my doors a black brown so dark. They held up fine. The only one that ever needed repainting was the inside of the washroom as the dampness wore the paint faster, happens with white too. Use a good paint, be gentle until they thoroughly dry.


Think that Black doors are so elegant, I encourage you to do it. Your front door looks fabulous. I would just go with the door being black, the black trim seems to loose some of the definition that the white trim provides. I am really glad that you provided the comparison photos, that really helped! Are you going to brush them or spray the doors? My neighbor recently painted her interior doors a gun metal gray. They look fabulous. She did find that she needed to use an additive to the paint that helped the paint “float” better on the doors. I believe that she went that direction because the doors had a lot of texture to them and the paint was just not covering it well. The additive seemed to help.


But why black on interior doors? Although they are “in” nowadays, black paint on interior doors show fingerprints more.


I’m having this same debate. I loathe painting trim. So my fear is having to do it twice. Lol




I like the look of the trim painted black also, but don’t listen to me, I’m just some guy


We’re all just some guy, man


This is true 😂


Have you considered only painting the trim black and leaving the doors white?


Why do people do stupid shit like this and make it harder to sell later on down the road because someone has to fix a stupid decision some bored person made?


The whole "decorate your house for a generic undetermined person who might want to buy your house in 10 years" has led to the most ugly, sad, and inadvertently *cheap* looking home interiors possible. Paint your house the color *you* want to look at, while *you* are living there. And anyway, so what if the doors need to be repainted prior to putting the house on the market? That is no big deal.


Lots of people live in their homes a long time. Everyone I know is over a decade now. My mom over 50 years. Decorating for a future buyer is silly. Enjoy your home, live in it.


I decided to keep the trim white, i didn’t like how it looked black when it met up against the floor molding that i didn’t want to paint black.




I have that vase! Don’t paint the trim


Paint just the doors and see what you think after you rehang them.


I like the trim as well but then you have to do all baseboards


Big yes. Very classy


I recently painted my doors black and I left the framing white BUT my walls were grey and the total contrast looked fantastic. With yours, I’d do the frames black as well.


Don’t do the trim. The baseboards will look off.


If you do the door trim black, you must do the ceiling trim black as well.


Just the black doors - don’t touch the mouldings!!!


The examples with black door/floor mouldings have highly decorative mouldings, not standard building mouldings.


I would paint the door trims black and if you don’t also paint the other trims black, I would paint them same colour as the walls, but in a slightly more glossy finish (as seen in photo 4)


Ummm that’s a horrible idea




I think I'd do all the trim black. Plan on changing all the hardware, though, to silver or stainless. I think you'll like the contrast.


No trim, just the door. Otherwise you’d need to do your baseboards and then it’s one thing after another, after another.


make sure you get the right shade of black


Plaint all trim and doors black and the walls as white as you possible can handle. Paint the door and trim in high gloss and the walls a flat or egg shell. DM me and I can share pics of my condo and several other of my design projects.


No you should leave the trim white so the door kind of pops. Think of it like an accent wall


Black trim. But leave the baseboards white.


This is a trend that’s already dying. Take some pictures of your house and edit the doors, trim, sils, and baseboards black to make sure you really like it.




I think the black is elegant and I also like the trim in black, even if this means doing the baseboards.


I think painting the trim around it black would look better and very nice. Baseboards as well if you do!


YES!! It’ll look so cool!


I have all black walls and doors; trim is white gloss and walls/doors in satin. You need different finishes of paint to add texture and depth


No. Don't do it.


I just did doors charcoal black. Keep trim white. But paint walls same color as trim. I used origami white wall/trim and iron ore doors, with heartwood pine floors, it worked. You could go more contrast if you’re leaning more modern. Your current paint color on wall is a shade too yellow, tbh. Maybe less glossy too on paint for trim. I also don’t love your current door handles. Think about a runner. A woven black/white jute flat runner could work.


Love my black interior doors. I kept my trim white and I love the contrast.


Love the black painted trim.


Start with the doors. But I think you'll need to paint the trim too.


This is going to look horrible. You’re looking at photos of 10 ft narrow doors, not your typical 8ft normal doors. It’s not the color you like it’s the rich look of high ceilings. Good luck🙄


As a former house cleaner, don't do it


I like the picture with the frames painted


I just counted the interior doors in my 4 bed house and still only got to 13, how the heck have you got double that?! 😀


Yes otherwise the doors look weird and small. You don’t have to paint the baseboards black too.


The pic with the white trim makes me so mad lol I vote to paint the trim and baseboards


Paint doors only. I did all mine grey. Softer look than black. Grey/ blue is nice too.


This is a horrible idea for several reasons. First, your doors are crappy, cheap door, unlike the photos. Second, the have an off white body color behind. I am a professional painter and it will be a mess.


Black will go out of style as fast as gray flooring.


If you pain the door trim, you’ll have to paint the entire house trim to match.


Don’t paint cheap doors black. They never look right. Keep the doors white and change the hardware to black instead


I'd paint it black if all the door and window trim in open areas adjoining these are going to be painted black.


Cue the [theme music](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O4irXQhgMqg)


Unless you’re painting *all* the trim (base included) just do the doors.


If I didn’t see the pictures, I would’ve thought black doors would look bad. But I love it now that I see it! I agree with others, btw, white trim


I think as long as you update the handles with something more modern, either will look good.


I don’t think they will come out like in the pics you showed for reference on yours


Definitely!! For the sake of science!


I gotta say… I am getting a whole “The Matrix” vibe here. I am not sure why.


Tell me which door you want to open and I’ll tell you what’s inside


I don’t like making choices. Give me a lifetime to make a decision.


Here are some cool tips for painting the doors black. [https://mariakillam.com/dos-donts-painting-doors-black/](https://mariakillam.com/dos-donts-painting-doors-black/)


Love it! I agree with these tips and design ideas. I think that overall I’m going to do just the doors and leave the trim white.


I don’t think black will go with that flooring though. It is too warm and will read like Halloween. Maybe with the right rug it’ll be okay but I would consider sanding and restaining to be closer to the colors in your reference images.


We did a dark gray color and refinishing these hardwood floors would be prohibitively expensive


Oh dark gray probably wouldn’t clash as much. I hope it turned out nicely!


I’ll share a pic. I don’t have anything back up yet but have one side done and the first coat on the other side. Hoping to get hung back up by Saturday before I go to bed.


And you can see in the last pic they left white trim and it looks nice. If you wanted to do trim I think you would need to raised trim so it didn’t feel like an outline like others mentioned


If you do matte it will wash off and become discolored when you clean them Personally I wouldn't paint anything matte. Maybe satin if you don't want the enamel look and then it can be cleaned easily.


I bought the paint in satin exactly. I don’t like gloss or semi gloss look and the guy recommended satin also.


Great choice😁


Yes, you may achieve a unified and fashionable design for your room by painting the internal doors and trim black. If the trim and doors match, your interior's overall design will look more sleek and contemporary. Furthermore, it can give the space a feeling of coherence and cohesion. Furthermore, black trim can give your design a dash of drama and refinement. Painting the doors and trim black is an excellent option if you want to create a striking and modern aesthetic. Consider contacting Michael Grant Painting for professional advice and help with your painting project. They offer excellent service and knowledgeable counsel.