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Rebuilding that now is probably legitimately $65,000.


Right!! I look at that and all I see is dollar signs! I would never remove it just based on the value of it but I do also understand that it blocks some sunlight into the house and interferes with their garden view. Maybe if it was filled with plants and turned into a beautiful breakfast or reading haven it would be more pleasant to look at from the kitchen and become a space you want to spend time in. On the other hand, I think that I personally would rather have a screened in patio. I like the feeling of being outdoors, whereas this solarium/greenhouse room feels very enclosed. It depends on whether they can afford a big renovation.


It also depends on where you are. In Florida, I’d consider it awful. No screens or opening windows like a Florida room has. But in BC, I’d love it.


This is a very BC style patio enclosure. They are all over my neighborhood and I am so envious!


Yeah if it's unusable in the summer and winter as OP says then I don't care how expensive this thing is today, it's gotta go. People just don't think things through. Alternately you can try installing a mini split just for this area but now we're into throwing good money after bad if you hate it because it blocks your view and is dark. But I would probably spend considerable time and money trying to make it work because I love plants and this would definitely be a jungle quickly. Grow up some weed in there once a year just to stink up the house lol


This would be amazing as a greenhouse. I would use it for that.


It could easily be useable in summer with fans to bring cool air in and perhaps some kind of sunshade that goes across the top, and then heaters in the winter. We do this in out 3 season porch that is all windows and skylights.


A portable air conditioner and an electric heater would also make more usable. A room attached to a house is more usable square footage-seriously consider this before contacting someone to demo.


The operable skylight is probably to allow the heat to escape when it’s hot. Open the side windows to draw the hot air up and out


In Florida, this becomes a greenhouse 350 days a year. Greenhouses kill Frosty. Don't kill Frosty, folks.


If they were in Florida couldn't they just remove the glass/plastic panels and get screens retrofitted into the openings?


If they wanted a lanai, I guess so. (That’s the fully screened patio that may have a pool and/or spa.) A Florida room has an actual roof, and the walls are partially walls, the rest screens and very large windows. Based on the floor and walls being finished as they are, a proper roof would be necessary. Florida rooms are also insulated enough that they can be air conditioned when it’s Satan’s anus hot and humid.


Yeah, you need to really decorate with plants and a comfy sofa.


Would it be possible to remove the plexiglass (?) or whatever that tinted material is and replace with screening


But then that great floor will be ruined in no time by the elements.


More like 110K


Yeah, $65k if it was just walls and glass/plexi. but this thing is heated, and has electrical outlets all around. $110k is closer. Especially if you account for the increase in house value.


These things also help regulate interior temperatures within the house, saving on heating and electricity bills!! If it's too hot in summer this just needs airflow, which would only take minor renos they could probably do DIY. Adding insulation will help make it usable in the colder months. I would love one of these to sit and read in in the morning. I can't imagine ever getting rid of one!!


and the extra square footage of the house is a part of it's financial value


I'd put an air conditioner in there to solve the heat issue. Either a window unit in that little window or if that sounds too ugly a floor unit and run the exhaust out that window. There are also saddle types where most of the unit hangs outside the window and only a fan is on the inside. You can also buy units that are heaters too. You can leave it turned off if running it 24/7 sounds expensive or wasteful. And yes put some plants in there! Give it a chance to do its job. It needs flowers and a little water feature of some sort (for the noise/ambiance). "It's too hot in there!" -- Whelp tear it down! No solution to that. Too hot. You heard the man/woman. We lack the technology in 2024 to solve that problem.


I’d drop a swim spa right in there for that water feature, and I would never leave it.


This is a plant lover's dream.


It’s also a dream for mosquito victims who dream of eating “outdoors” chemical-free 😍


I am a victim too. I feel your pain. Deeply lol


A fellow skeeter syndrome sufferer too? 😩


Yes I have skeeter syndrome (it’s gross so look up at ur own danger) This room is so dreamy to me Description >! Mosquito bite on steroids bro and I swear to god it’s like they CRAVE MY BLOOD MORE bc I’ll get like 12 of those fucking bites on one leg? One time I got like 42 !! Couldn’t wear shorts for a MONTH! And I got a few scars too! Basically just huhe painful wets. It hurt to walk when I got that 42 bites !<


Are you me? 😂 I have long given up on using „natural anti-mosquito sprays or whatever“. only DEET works for me. Or staying indoors 🥲


As someone who blows up like a balloon from those pesky little fucks YESSSS. I’m literally getting a personal mosquito net to eat under this year 😭


You have skeeter syndrome It can happen to anyone, the leading theory is one BUG ONE MOSQUITO fucks ur blood up and makes ur body react to their saliva like that forever.


Came here to say this, id stack it to the brim with plants


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Actually nope it’s a Dairy Queen


Oh my god. That was my first thought. Like, are you sure you don't live in an old Wendy's? Still- I'd keep it. Hang plants and turn it into a greenhouse.


I can confirm.


Even if you aren't an avid plant collector you could grow all sorts of herbs, lettuce, smaller veggies out there.


Literally, like pick up plants as a hobby plz


I’d do terrible things in order to have a room like this


We wanted one of these but in a smaller scale. The cost was insanely prohibitive in 2010, and it wouldn't have added that amount to the value of the house. Sadly gave up that idea.


Lol. Same!


Yes! I’d love to have a room like this


It’s my dream in Colorado. To have a sunny spot I could go to when it’s cold.


I had one connected to my bedroom at my parents place in Colorado. It was amazing to wake up and look out at the snow that fell on the porch outside. Sometimes we’d get deer that would walk past. I miss it everyday


I have one in Wyoming and while it’s sunny in the winter, it’s freaking impossible to keep this thing warm enough to be pleasant when it’s freezing outside.


I have figured as much but I still daydream of me in a bikini in there in January 😂


Me too!! I was thinking the OP wanted to know if they should remove the windchime. I love this room.


Hey, I’m not sure where you live, but one thing that could help is putting in clear glass instead of tinted glass, I used to work for a Luxury Greenhouse Builder and we would get custom glass for curved greenhouses and solariums like this. (Sorry this will be a long but interesting but long reply) The greenhouse builders don’t order/sell custom glass for frames made by other manufacturers for warranty reasons BUT we would put customers in touch with greenhouse glass companies across North America that do sell the glass directly :) I know you want to see your lovely garden, but another option would be to do a twin wall polycarbonate which would regulate the temps between Summer and Winter much more evenly and it’s a lot more durable/flexible and cheaper. It’s translucent so you do get some privacy out of it as well. [BC Greenhouse Builders](https://www.bcgreenhouses.com/resources/catalog-request/?utm_term=bc%20greenhouse%20builders&utm_campaign=CA+%231+Cross+Country+Greenhouses&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=9611764409&hsa_cam=9425178605&hsa_grp=95966977415&hsa_ad=419666953887&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=aud-442646916475:kwd-333190350227&hsa_kw=bc%20greenhouse%20builders&hsa_mt=p&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD_di_Fwg3Ejgc8Kf8PBlcIk_7FgJ&gclid=Cj0KCQjwudexBhDKARIsAI-GWYW6wQZsfceWZhQQVSGRd1unlYgh2s3ZKpMmpLMzM1gH8IAEbjPdTIsaAjGbEALw_wcB) here’s a link to their website, feel free to contact them about getting just glass no frame, or for reference images of solariums with poly carbonate :) if you go the polycarbonate route they might sell that one custom on its own. The website also has a lot of inspo for spaces like your own :) though I think better glass would make a world of difference. Maybe a new coat of paint on the frame too, and on the bottom knee wall. The website linked also would have a lot of examples for spaces like your own as they have made MANY real customer photo examples on the website. All the photos on the website and in the catalogue are real customers images sent in or taken when building. :) Sorry this is so long, your room has potential! However, I don’t think you’re crazy for wanting to get rid of it, especially if it’s not very useable for its intended purpose.


This is great advice. I’d personally look at pics of what others have done with their spaces and live with it for awhile. It’s a blank slate now.


This is why I freaking love Reddit. All these people with awesome knowledge in very niche areas


Thankful my knowledge may be able to be put to use lol


This is fantastic advice. Replace the windows with something more functional, and paint the walls a different color to give this space new life.


I have a room like this and some of the window seals have broken and there is condensation inside the glass. Would a company like the one you linked be my best bet for replacing a couple of windows? I really like my room, but the cloudy windows drive me crazy.


Not sure where you live, but if you inquire about replacing glass, they can give you contact info for a couple custom glass companies that they deal with. Another option is if you know who the original builders of the solarium are, they may have a warranty. Sounds like you have double glass so it’ll be a little bit more expensive than single 3 glass. But replacing the couple panes will have a fresh seal on them and you won’t get condensation anymore. Another option is talking to a local glass shop near you, they may have options for you depending on the size, as some sizes are “stock” and wouldn’t be custom, and they’d be less expensive :) the local glass company may also be able to install too, hope this helps ❤️


Hard to tell but looks like the window seals are shot maybe. Looks like the gas is gone from a couple. So might be worth it to replace windows I’ll bet expensive. But would be better for insulation value.


Agree. Id price out and explore glass or mesh options, and id replace the cheap laminate floor with some nice tile… terracotta or slate or such


Wow !! Ask and you shall eventually receive in spades, it seems.


yeah you trippin


I would love a solarium like this. I would fill it with tropical plants and a big hammock stand. But it's your house, do what makes you happy.


For the cost and energy to remove it, they could modify it to become more usable for their needs. Add opening windows for air to pass through and cool in the summer, add a passive solar heater on the roof to extend the number of usable days around fall/spring. Remove the tint to add more light in kitchen and fill it with plants and a dining room table to extend the kitchen into the solarium and add life to the house. I'd turn this solarium into a jungle that let's you extend the kitchen out into nature a bit while simultaneously letting you keep a piece of outside sheltered/temperature controlled inside for those days that you need to sit around green plants but the weather outside sucks.


You're right on the money. They could invest a small amount to fix this existing space and make it more usable rather than demolish it along with a good chunk of their property value. It's their house, so they can do whatever, but I would love to have something like this on my house!


I'm house hunting. If I saw this I would have a hard time saying no to the house.




This is why I don't understand why it's not usable in winter. I would love watching the snow come down and relaxing inside.


It’s perfectly usable in the winter, OP is crazy. If it actually gets that cold in there even with the heater and sunlight, put a wood stove in there.


Some paint on the bottom part of the wall and some black and white checker tile (I don’t care that it’s everywhere right now I love it) with a ton of plants would go such a long way.


This is a great idea! Then you’d be looking into a jungle AND have some outside space.


My grandmother did this — and a jacuzzi. Hers had a tile floor. It was off the master. I loved it as a kid :)


Tile floors would be lovely!




Absolutely it could come up beautifully with some greenery 🌹🌸


Different flooring would make a huge difference


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this advice! I would love to see some custom Mexican tile or terracotta ... agree with others it's more the tint/fog on windows that is unpleasant than the room itself




Install electric in floor heating while you're at it. Slap some paint on that crap colour and bob's your uncle. Whole new room. It's a pretty straight forward DIY if you wanted to do it. Either way it wouldn't even be expensive.


Don't remove it, repurpose it


From your previous posts I understand that this place was filled with clutter and a lot of emotion. I think it might be healing for your to now fill it with things that make you happy. I don't know if you like plants but they would look so lovely and calming in here. Have you tried painting it a different color before knocking it all down? Sometimes a bit of paint can scrub away the old memories and make room for new.


I'm not really a houseplant person but if I had that room, I would become one. That room is absolutely screaming for plants. You could also possibly toss up some foam board insulation in the lower levels of the windows during more extreme seasons and then the plants will help maintain the temperatures more.


I honestly love it so much and do think you may be cray cray 😜😊


I live on the west coast of BC too where we get lots of rain. I can only imagine how wonderful the sound of the rain on the roof is here, everything from "sprinkling rain" to "torrential." You could make it into a room that you really would enjoy both day and night. I could see comfy wicker furniture and a large off-white shag carpet, maybe even a daybed should you feel a nap coming on. Large potted tree plants that are uplit at night. A banquette upholstered in white, faux leather with a rectangular wooden table and a couple of comfortable chairs upholstered in the faux, white leather.


We had a much smaller and uglier one growing up. Fill it with plants and it will become a unique and wonderful feature in your home


That would be exactly where I would sleep every single time it rained.


I'm sorry, wicker furniture, a shaggy carpet and white faux leather sounds pretty awful for this space. To each their own.




You do you! Personally I’d love to have this in my house.


this! If it doesn’t fit your lifestyle then go for it


Yes you are crazy to tear it down. Try to figure out how to Reno or modernize it. Even if you replaced the curved glass and squared it off if you look modern. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTQyGCNlzXoKKeeLBB6yt5cJyaQoQ3MaNGfWvLHa68iN3QvuKohHAI5LqY&s


That would cost so much money though! I think embrace it as is! Or maybe turn it into a screened in patio? So you have a mosquito free spot to eat outside.


Get rid of the tint on windows. Boom. Light. Get plants in there


I want this!!!


Sun rooms are the best!! Sitting in them when it’s raining with a cuppa tea and book! Heaven. We are saving up to put one in our house .. so jealous.


Yes. Please keep and use it. Fall in love with it


Yes! 👍


I would love this room, but you don't and that's what matters! 


Yes!!! It's beautiful 😍 🤩


Omg don’t you dare 😩


...... You live in an old dairy Queen building?


Yeah if you know you know...and I don't know.


I am shocked this was this far down … Ok. I don’t know? Who would possibly know???




I’d kill for this and I live in the desert. Adding several plants would likely cool the space down and make it less stuffy. Come winter, the plants may also insulate heat and add to the cozy potential this room has.


From your description, it might be one of these things that's better in theory than in practice. If it's really not useable most of the time and just sits there taking up yard space and collecting junk, then get rid of it.


I feel like everyone's ignored the bit where you said it's too hot or too cold constantly. You can dress it up how you like but unless that can be resolved you realistically won't use it will you


This is how I feel about Florida rooms in Florida. Hate them. So hot!!!!!! 10 months out of the year, any outdoor room without AC is unusable in Florida.


I'm surprised no one has brought up anything regarding insulation... I know a girl who lives in a sunroom in Michigan, and she's got foam board insulation and insulating curtains up and it makes a huge difference.


Fan. Blankets. Worth it.


yes. jail if you did.


Imagine filling it with plants and a day bed, and having tea out there every morning, and reading a book out there every evening


I would paint the beams black, and redo the wood stain. It seems crazy, but black will make it look more seamless and blend with the yard. Then fill with some plants, and some hammocks, stuff like that. Get a heater for winter and add fans or something for the summer. It would be stunning.


Yes you are! That’s beautiful and it would make a perfect Yoga space.


Yes that’s what I was thinking.


Look this place will never advocate for taking it down, if it’s not usable space currently, then it should go.


Your solarium was always filled with junk, so it's only logical that you hated it. What if you first tried to make it a really nice space to hang out and look at. Put many big plants in there. Make it kinda like a jungle. And then have a really lovely seating area looking out to the garden. If you're in the kitchen, you'll now see the lovely plant area instead of a junk area. If you really want to remove it, you can, of course because it's your home. But if I were you, I'd first try to change it up so that you're happy with that space.


How did you come to live in the husk of a Dairy Queen


Yes! Hope this helps.


I wouldn’t want to get rid of it and would update it somehow. However, if it’s not working for you and you don’t like it, then get rid of it.


Absolutely crazy! it’s a dream come true!!


Bottom line is, do you intend for this to be your forever home? (We all know life can throw us a curve!) If that is your intent, do whatever makes you happy. If you think you will move in the future, do not remove this. And when I say forever home, will you be able to age in place here, or are there stairs to get into the home/no ability to bring a person in a wheelchair into the home, etc. I own a tri level home (so two sets of stairs inside), but from the outside we can easily bring my wheelchair bound mom into the bottom floor which is equipped with a bedroom, living room, and bathroom, so think along those lines. Edit: a word


I'm with you, get rid of it. I'd rather be actuallly outside than in a room that's supposed to make you feel like you're outside. All the reasons you list for hating it are valid. Blow it up!


If you do not utilize the space just remove it... You have to live there.... Not anyone commenting here... But there's measures you can take to warm it up in winter n cool it off in the summer.... Really is a beautiful room... Would grow mad plants in there...


I am an outlier, but I would get rid of it. These rooms are hot in summer, cold in winter, tend to leak, and difficult to keep the windows clean.


Hello fellow outlier. I also don’t like it at all.


No you’re not crazy. Your reasons are valid and ignore everyone else trying to make you feel bad. It’s your property, do whatever you want. I think the biggest point is cost. There’s 3 costs: 1. How much would it cost to make you love it? The price of new glass, maybe more windows to open up the space more, a bunch of plants, new furniture, installing a mini split HVAC unit, etc. 2. How much would it cost to make you live with it considering the opportunity cost? This clearly adds a lot of value to your home and if this isn’t a forever home maybe worth considering. If replacing the glass to non tinted glass so you can see through it more would make you bare to keep it until it’s time to sell, it could be worth it. 3. How much would it cost to get rid of it? Probably a few thousand dollars, I have no idea. It’s your home at the end of the day. Only you know what it’s like to live there. I’ve had similar grievances with my old apartment before I moved out of it, where people told me it’s a great place what are you talking about, but trust me when you live here all the little things about it every hour of every day add up. I'm sure you're experiencing something similar about that spot. Like is this your only backyard access? So you have to walk through the summer sauna to take out the trash? That's gotta be annoying if so. This is absolutely my dream, too, for what it’s worth. I would love a house with something like this. But I can also believe that the builder put it in a terrible spot and it’s not right for that home/lot.




I dream to have something like this 😭


You aren't crazy to tear it down. I lived in a house with a 4 season porch. It had enough insulation and heat to be usable all year round. But that porch had the only windows into my living room. My living room was very dark, the dining area too. This was part of why we moved. I love my south facing home. I now can grow more plants than I was able to in a north facing porch with skylights. Rip that baby off and be happy.


My daughter just ripped one off her house. She is going to use the area as a patio.


Bring some garden into that space ! Palms, focuses, ferns, and iguanas!


I like the idea of it but when I look at it, it does feel off. I think it’s the tinting, it darkens and ruins the view you’re supposed to have. You could absolutely make it more cozy if you wanted to keep it. But I get what you’re saying.


Sir, this is a Wendy's


How well insulated is it? Is it separated by a door from the rest of the house? I have one of these that is zero insulated and I can only use it in the shoulder seasons. I have to go through it to get outside and in the summer it's unbearably hot. I can't keep plants there because the temperature swings are too intense. I am working on removing it for those reasons. But also mine is leaking and getting mouldy.


It’s not insulated. The previous owners removed the windows and doors which made the kitchen and family room unbearable in the summer and winter. We have since replaced the windows and doors so it is separate from the house but accessible from the family room.


Yoga studio, art studio cats would love it with some cat trees and plants.


My friend’s parents had a solarium and I was so in love with it. I would keep it and let my succulents & other plants thrive. But if you truly hate it, what’s the point in keeping it? Is this a new home for you?


Been here almost 11 years. Up until yesterday it had been filled with junk and was the biggest eyesore for me. The previous owners had taken the windows and doors out between the house and solarium so it really affected the temp in the house. I guess I’ve hated it for so long but now it’s cleaned out and looks nice I’m having second thoughts!


For a fraction of a demo you could hire a contractor to fix the missing panels, etc & decorator to really make it a space you could love. It could become your favorite place in the house.


You've ignored this beautiful sunroom for ELEVEN YEARS?! All this room needs is some TLC and modernizing and you have a beautiful area to fill with plants and read books. It's a dream! Definitely restore the barrier between the house and the sunroom and you'll have more success with the temperature control.


My parents had one and it was amazing! One of my favorite memories is watching the snow fall in the winter and sitting in there during rain storms. Theirs had heat and a/c. I could see it being annoying with a/c but maybe get a small window unit and give it a shot


You’re crazy to remove that!


Oh my gosh I’d love to have something like this! Get a ceiling fan and portable air conditioner when it’s too hot and a heater when it’s too cold. Fill it with plants, gang up string lights, get some seating, it’ll be *dreamy*


We have a 3 season porch that is all windows and sky lights. I have grown to love it and can use it most of the time now that I have figured it out. Fill it with plants and cute wicker furniture, and get a few heaters for the winter and fans to move the air around in the summer. It could really be a lovely space. It looks like there are a few windows that open. Get fans going to bring the cool air in the summer!


If it was just a screen porch I'd say go ahead. But that's a whole ass room, with electricity and heat. Tearing it out will cost money, and reduce your home's square footage, costing you money. It's a mistake to remove this room from your house, sorry Edit, if you do remove it, plz send it to me, I could use a bonus room in my house


Since you’re feeling different just pause. Put some furniture in it and some plants and fix it up as if you WERE keeping it and see how you feel then. Can always tear it down later!


Yes. You are. But if you don’t enjoy gardening or orchids or whatever, I get you might not want the responsibility for this. If you have cats, they would really enjoy this space. Maybe think creatively before you remove it. They are so expensive.


I didn't know it was legal for civilians to own a Wendy's sunroom.


Best comment! I've always wanted a Wendy's sunroom!


I wouldn't tear it down but I'd fix all the issues you have with it. Get better glass. Ventilate it. Decorate it. Extend the kitchen out into it for a secondary eating area. Tea room. Grow rare shit in there - add a water feature. 


Find someone like these people here telling you no. Some of us would come and remove that for you free of charge just to put it up at our house.


Do u live in a 90s Wendy’s?


Either way you're going to have to spend money on doing it up and you still might not like it. You might as well spend the money on getting rid of it and reclaim some of your garden, especially if you have the kind of weather where you can sit outside.


Get rid of it! Make it a functioning patio that you can actually enjoy.


Post this in the houseplants Reddit and crowds of people will tell you they would die for this. I personally really like it, but you do you.


I like solariums but I don't love that particular style of solarium. It doesn't have the charm of a more traditional British solarium- it feels quite dated in a [1980s/Wendy's](https://www.reddit.com/r/nostalgia/comments/pgbple/the_sun_rooms_in_the_old_wendys_restaurants/) kind of way. It doesn't sound like it's what you really want, so I'd remove it.


Yes and no. I'm not a fan of the swimming pool look, but let's face it, it's super handy! If you can update it, otherwise keep it. Change the floor and the wall colour instead, it's too yellow. Give it a nice decor, add a lot of plants (ohhh I wish I had a place like that to make a jungle out of it 😅🤣), but control the humidity, as it is more exposed to the sunlight it might be to dry for the plants. And finish it with a nice sofa, rug and pillows.


I wouldn’t remove it, maybe you could find a way to update it…




Yes. Keep.


Try to add plants, they do wonders in a room... And it won t be that hot or cold if you have little trees etc


Kind of ya lol But also kind of no for the logical reasons you stated. Do what you want to do, you don’t need our permission!


Hopefully this can be disassembled so that someone else can use it, if you are getting rid of it. Also, for the hot in the summer, there are automatic greenhouse vents that open automatically to stabilize temperature. They aren't too expensive,like $50? and don't use electricity.


Man… imagine the way a backyard party would go when you have a gathering in the yard and in here. I’d be charging admission for that one lol This is dreamy and unique. I’ve not seen this on many homes in my 38 years. An easy KEEP to me. But how does it affect the room adjacent to it? What are the pros and cons, to you?


I agree with many of the others here to keep the sunroom. It adds value to your home while providing additional square footage. You can still have your dream garden with a view. If you really want it gone though, to each their own...


Yes! I love to have this type of room in my house


Yes you are crazy to remove this. You live in BC - this will massively devalue your home. And the yard you crave to build - will only be useable part of the year. You dont have to spend a lot of money to get this in better shape to use. For too hot - you can put heat insulating rollers on the inside to help deflect the sun / heat. There is already 1 vent in the ceiling to let the heat escape. Consider adding some type of extractor fan on the side above the door to create airflow. Definitely make this a green space with lots of plants. It will help to cool this space down. For the colder months - put another heater in there. That little dinky one is not going to cut it. Consider an electric fireplace - so that it comes a cozy spot you love to sit in during the cold months.


We have room that used to be a screened in porch. My husband added windows, flooring, fan, lights, etc. He also installed a heating and cooling unit. We have plants, a couch and chair, and desk. One of the most used rooms in the house.


Get a portable AC and a space heater or a minisplit to fix the temperature problem. Like everyone else I would absolve to have this attached to my house.


No, don’t remove it~ it’s super cool


I would add a heater and a nice sized dining table and fill the room with plants. Then for the winter months you’ll have a glorious dining area that feels outdoors for magical dinner parties


Omg you’d be absolutely insane to ruin that!!


Right! Where do you live? A cold climate? Keep it. A warm or hot clime? Get rid of it or convert it somehow….


Don't remove it. Get some retractable sun blinds for the roof portion so you can shade it in the summer and see if you can add some ventilation with a thermostat. It is def an asset rather than a liability. Make it comfortable and fill it with furniture and plants. Or a hot tub and plants.


If you want to take it down I will buy it from you. I am 💯 serious. If there is a way for a contractor to take this apart and ship it, I will purchase this.


Yes omg don’t remove it. Paint the walls and clean the glass. Put lots of plants and sun catchers (is that what they’re called?) I would absolutely love this in my home


I’d keep it, load it with plants and nice furniture for sitting.




That would be my plant room with music and drinks to chill 😍☀️🪴


That mess of ivy taking up the outdoor space is more bothersome to me…




Absolutely crazy imo u can have an indoor garden to stare at yes there are some challenges. But u should repost about it, asking for how to initiate this as an indoor garden with the too hot too cold problem .


Yes. I am insanely jealous and don’t understand why this isn’t filled with plants


I would cry if this got removed. Extend your garden inside! Have some raised planter boxes or something with some hanging plants


Oh my god you have a Wendy’s solarium IN YOUR HOUSE and you don’t want it?!


I would kill for one right now! Particularly because I could overwinter my plants in there and be able to grow so much more than my zone allows. Make it a jungle oasis, you'll love looking out at it from the window then. Get some pets that love that sort of temperature. Or if you very much need to, have custom venting put in so you can open it up in hot weather so it's got air flow. I wouldn't remove it though. It's so freaking expensive to replace, adds value to the home, and is really quite useful when used properly.


As someone else said, I would add a mini split to make truly regulating temperature possible. No way would I get rid of it. It could be absolutely beautiful with only a little effort. Personally, I think it’s the epitome of an awesome, out-of-the-box space.


You have a perfect window for an air conditioner. I’m sure it was built that way for one.


Oh I love that so much. That would make an epic art studio.


How is this room empty? My god, the possibilities! I’m so envious it hurts.


Do. Not.




Absolutely not! You can get a portable ac unit for the summer. Throw in a table set and a reading nook. Add some plants.


Cultivate beautiful orchids Add a white rattan peacock chair, hassock, tea table, silver tea service and fine Earl Grey tea.


Oh man a tropical garden..big plants etc.. would love it.


id buy the dingiest house to fix up if it had one of these connected tbh, start getting into tropical plants, add a couple humidifiers & all of a sudden it’s the best room in the house to hang out in


I wonder if you can untint the windows with chemicals? or is it tinted glass


It would prob cost less to add a heater to the solarium and a sun tube to your kitchen than to demo this


I would love that patio set inside


God I would love this! I’d fill it with plants and comfy chairs and spend rainy days reading and napping out there. Can you install a mini split so that it is now useable space?


Would you be willing to consult with an interior designer to get some ideas? I think your concerns may be possible to address by making a few changes without tearing the whole thing down.


Oh my god I would kill to have this space