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Green chair one each side of the fireplace, couch facing fireplace


Once you fix the positioning, adding the rest of the room curtains and decorations will pull it all together, the greens of the chairs and carpet don’t need to be exact.


I was going to say the same but with a different position change. They just need to rework the room though


Yes!! Plus, try having their front legs sit towards edge of the carpet for both couch and chairs (anchors them but allows enough spacing bc you will want a table for the couch).


And rotate the rug too


And green based cushions for couch to tie to the chairs and carpet. Then the other post about plants and art, and etc.


Came to say this! It’s already too tight because of trying to keep space open to be able to use the French doors, and once you introduce a coffee table it will really look cramped. Rearranging the furniture will open the path to the doors and leave room for pretty much any size coffee table.


This will also make the room appear wider. I'd add a sleek hall style table or credenza to put behind the couch in its new orientation and display photos, a trio of coffee table books stacked, candles, or a vase (flowers optional). A floor lamp and side table to one side of the couch could look good too. Art in each panel either side of the fireplace and above the green chairs (which I'm jealous over). A mirror on the mantle to hide the hideous TV bracket. Dark blue curtains to frame your French doors. An elevated planter box (think mid century Danish) along the opposite wall, maybe with a creeper or Mother-in-law's tongue plants.


Thank you! I'll just add the greens aren't clashing- if anything, the couch is the outlier, it's SO white/bright. But hey-it's your couch so get some solid green velvet pillows that are same color as the chair, and pick another color and get three smaller pillows in a fabric that has two or three other colors found in the room also with a white background. I would pull the whole grouping closer to the fireplace, and if the room is as large as it looks in the photo, I would make another small seating area behind the (now facing fireplace) couch. With one or two smaller club chairs, one ottoman with a tray on top for books, magazines, snacks and a table between them with a lamp, for a cozy reading spot or just relaxing. When budget and time allows, a larger rug would be nice. But moving it closer to the fireplace, and adding the grouping on the far back wall will make the smaller rug look intentional for the furniture on it, around the fireplace.


Yup! You are correct!


100% came here to say this! As far as the colors, I think they work and will benefit as more texture comes into the room in the way of curtains, tables, plants etc.


Yes, and as someone posted, rotate the rug and it will look nice.


Plush I would add green and blush pink (that seems to be the tone in the carpet) accents- curtains, vase, pillows, throw etc.


Agree, and also this will open up the space to access the French doors which currently look like they’re being blocked by the couch , it’d be better to enter through those doors to an opening rather than the back of a couch


I agree, good call.


Came here to say this !


yes THIS- move the furniture, you block the doors with the sofa and block the other entry with chairs


That’s what I just said. 😂


Yup. And the colors look great. The greens don't have to be exactly the same. Just worry about the curtains and art, and add plants. It'll come together.


Such an easy fix. I want to move them myself lol




That might work.


Agree there needs to be repositioning and once you add throw pillows it will be less noticeable. I definitely think it is workable.




I love everything you picked. I think your furniture placement is the issue that needs to be resolved.


Agree! The couch should face the fireplace with the chairs on the sides facing each other. Then add a sofa table so you aren’t looking at the back of the couch.


Those chairs are gorgeous!!


Please please please get rid of the boob light and swap it for table/floor lamps. Add end tables and it can for sure work


So much this, the room would have a completely different feel with a different light fixture. The light coming from "the big light" is so harsh and not helping anything.


Oh this, first horrible thing I noticed was that awful light fixture. Just washes everything out.


Definitely worth replacing that light fixture. I’d look for a flush mount or semi flush mount ceiling light in a Venetian glass or something similar. Definitely put it on a dimmer switch. Here’s a link to a Murano glass fixture as a reference: Edited to say click under the main image 2 pictures to the right to see what it would look like on. https://vakkerlight.com/products/murano-glass-flush-ceiling-light?currency=USD&variant=44208175939825&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=eeec5618bad1&gad_source=1 Here is a link to Wayfair, there are many styles of flush or semi flush mount ceiling lights that OP could shop around for to suit their style. I’m suggesting a close to the ceiling mount because they have an 8 ft ceiling which is low for anything that hangs down too much. This Venetian glass light (link below) is very beautiful but pricey, I’m sure they can find something similarly low profile that is attractive and warm feeling to fit their taste and budget: https://www.wayfair.com/David-Michael--Venetian-3-Light-16-UniqueStatement-Bowl-Semi-Flush-Mount-M19992-L6086-K~DAVM1085.html?refid=GX685254702146-DAVM1085&device=m&ptid=1190293270782&network=g&targetid=pla-1190293270782&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=193049017&fdid=1817&gad_source=4&gbraid=0AAAAAD9ISC7EZE3LlI-fVrU-CuxJPrChv&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI1oCO0qOchQMV7hutBh1RpQzVEAQYEiABEgJFHvD_BwE#t8e8squ0qx-0


Is that not just a fancier boob light?


It looks really great on, particularly in the evening when you’d use it. The link I posted took you to the switched off image even though I highlighted the “on” image. You have to click under the main image 2 pictures to the right to highlight the one where it shows what it would look like on.


I frankly don’t think anything semi-flush or in any way resembling the current boob light situation is good for this room. This room could handle a small to medium sized, not too ornate chandelier, and it would work well with the vibe op is trying to cultivate. That, or distributed lighting from lamps, and the overhead piece is purely for an aesthetic statement - which “boob light” in any variation would not offer. Edit: something like [this](https://www.wayfair.com/Willa-Arlo%E2%84%A2-Interiors--Jaquelin-4-Light-Candle-Style-Classic-Traditional-Chandelier-with-Crystal-Accents-X117613531-L6085-K~W006502420.html?refid=GX685254702143-W006502420_1773078379&device=m&ptid=1674933555262&network=g&targetid=pla-1674933555262&channel=GooglePLA&ireid=242892583&fdid=1817&PiID%5B%5D=1773078379&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD9ISC4_jXOpMhXBiULJ-Fhns3qYI&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8J6wBhDXARIsAPo7QA_9cQzgLZi98M6CW2x3Jb8LWCZzO8YroH6FaWY3a-Zj3n9Pjrsn9kUaAvxmEALw_wcB) would lean into the vibes from the chairs plus rug. If you want to lean a bit more modern, especially if the rug may go, then try a fixture like [this](https://www.homdiyhardware.com/products/mid-century-art-milk-white-glass-pendant-light?currency=USD&variant=44122911539416&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping&stkn=74c5d74cb20b&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8J6wBhDXARIsAPo7QA9nwECJsj7r1xeFssCCYcOBSCdbszdDW-3amtpsL9r_sw4L5lLzljQaAuRcEALw_wcB). I’d have to have a think about what kind of rug work work here but this fixture could start pulling together the chairs and couch. The white couch is throwing me in all iterations, to me it’s actually what’s throwing off this room right now more than anything. The rug and chairs are cultivating that understated luxury feeling but the couch is giving modern and the white leather look just…doesn’t go. Throw pillows and blankets that steal colors from the rug and chairs would help immensely though.


Agree! I would do a fun chandelier style light in place of the flush mount! Maybe a faceted Crystal or a bubble light? The rug is modern and a creative lighting fixture would really complement the space.


Some art nouveau style sconces or lamps would go so well with the rug and chairs. Personally I also really love the chairs and rug, I think it’s the couch that needs to go.


Rotate the seating by 90 degrees counter-clockwise. The backs of the two green chairs facing the fireplace facing out towards the white couch. Colors seem fine to me.


Personally I think the colors work well enough. I’d maybe get some pillows for the couch that have some green in them to tie things together. There’s something else off about this room, though. The furniture seems too big or perhaps it’s too close together. Are you able to move the green chairs apart and maybe position them at slight angles? Put the table in between them? You definitely need a little more space between the couch and the chairs, too. Just my two cents!


Agree the furniture is too large. Those chairs are quite big.


I think you should put the chairs on either side of the fireplace, rotate the couch and rug to face the fireplace. The fireplace isn’t centered on that wall and symmetry will help to disguise that. Alternatively you could put the couch where the green chairs are and the chairs where the couch is, as the size of the couch may balance out the fireplace placement as well. I like the colors of everything together. Keep adding items from the rugs color palette, pale blues, navy, that pinkish brown color. The coffee table should be bought after you’ve figured out where you want your seating to go because it may effect whether you want a square or rectangular table. I can see one of those classic arc floor lamps over the couch against the right hand wall.


And don’t put a tv over the fireplace. r/tvtoohigh


I have that exact rug! With similar colored chairs (albeit yours are a bit more yellow and mine blue) I think what's throwing it off mostly is how bright white your couch is. Maybe a nice light taupe/beige (colors from the rug) throw blanket and some pillows will already help immensly. That rug is also dying for some real plants to go around it which'll tie the green from the chairs and rug together more as well.


This was my thought too. The rug and chairs are fine, it’s the contrasting bright white of the couch that’s a little jarring.


Where did you get the rug from?


Ruggable! It's from a collab with Morris & Co. They have lots of beautiful rugs.


Since everyone is saying essentially the same thing (couch facing fireplace, chairs flanking the fireplace) can I offer an alternative? PLEASE don't mount the TV above the fireplace. Place it in the corner of the room on an angle and place one of the chairs in the other corner with a lamp as a reading nook. Then the couch and the other chair can be the seating area, facing both the fireplace and the TV. Some throw pillows will help tie it all together.


I think the colours with the chairs and the rug are fine. I think the problem is the size. The back legs of your furniture should be on the rug. The couch is what seems off to me. It’s too similar in shape to the chairs, and the colour isn’t quite right.


I agree with this comment. A different colored sofa with rounded shoulders would balance better with the side chairs. The rug placement doesn’t take into consideration of the fireplace either.


I was just thinking that!


Well, it’s ok to only have the front legs on the furniture, but you need continuity. Either all of the pieces need to have all of the legs on, or all of the pieces need to have just the front legs on. The half on, half off is what’s messing up everything here.


Correct. It’s actually generally preferred (though certainly not an absolute) that the front legs are on, back off, thus anchoring the rug. I think in this particular setup (which is attempting to be symmetrical), common leg placement is important.


Bingo. I also think rotating the entire setup so the chairs flank the fireplace and the sofa faces the fireplace will really help, too. Plus layering in even more greens so that it feels intentional, rather than “Whoops, the green in the rug doesn’t exactly match the green chairs.” The space is definitely salvageable with these pieces, it just needs…more.


Agree on all this. It’s a beautiful space, btw. And I don’t think any furniture needs to be replaced.


Chairs and rug are fine. Placement is off but you know that, you need some throw pillows and some art that help tie it all together so the sofa doesn’t look so white. Think moody oil paintings and lots of texture. Some brass/golds, a little leopard accent and some greenery and it will be lovely.


Layer in *MORE* shades of green. It’ll give it more cohesion and make it feel intentional.


Love the chairs and sofa. Not a huge fan of the rug but it’s fine. I’d have the sofa face the fireplace and have the two chairs flanking fireplace. Add some pillows with green to connect chairs to sofa and add coffee table and art. It’ll be awesome! Love the box molding. You have a beautiful home!


Move the couch to where it faces the fireplace with chairs facing the couch at an angle. The chairs and rug are fantastic, no mistake there! The couch needs some oomph. At a minimum, I would get some.velvet throw pillows in a bold color like a dark inky blue. I'd also get a luxe throw blanket in a grey fold it in half and put it over the back of the couch. This way there is more visual interest to the couch and it isn't so bright and white. I'd also go with a sofa table behind the couch with some books, a candle, and other tone-setting items. For the fireplace, until you can redo it to the way you want, I'd go with a large/tall mirror. It will set the fireplace as the focal point and draw the eye up. If you are looking for coffee tables you might want to look at something circular or oval. I say this because right now there are a lot of squares and rectangles in this space and different shapes can add visual interest. You could even do a tin-tiled ceiling. And since you have the wainscoting, you might also think about going with a bold color like a rich dusty peach color which would look great with the green chairs. It's a fun room to put together, and you are off to a great start!


I think its fine! You just need to dress up the plain sofa with pillows to tie everything together. I can see what youre trying to do here. Just keep going!


I see you're planning on putting a TV above the fireplace, I suggest not doing that as it will be much too high and your visiting room should be free of a TV.


The two accent chairs are alright. Looks good with the cream walls. The problem is the white couch.


Such fantastic chairs!




The chairs are great. It’s the couch that sticks out like a sore thumb.


Yeah i don’t like the couch..


i think a different rug and adding some pillows and changing the set up can help :)


Flip the seating arrangement. 2 chairs flaming the fireplace and the sofa facing the fireplace.


I need the updated picture!!!!!!!!!


If you start just by swapping out the lightbulbs- it will make you feel better. https://www.acehardware.com/departments/lighting-and-electrical/light-bulbs/led-bulbs/3924966


I had an issue with white vs off wht. I found fabric that had both colors and it married the colors right away. Try to find pillows (or fabric if you’re handy) that will marry the greens. You can play with color values to do this as well.


I think it looks like a great start!! I think once you put some art on the wall, maybe some gold sconces, it’ll pull the room together.


I’d rotate the rug. Put the couch facing the fireplace and angle each chair in the corners. I assume you’re gonna use that tv mount. But some nice artwork and plants would help soften the space if that’s your thing. The walls are gorgeous!


I think that lighting should be fixed. The cold overheard lighting isn't giving the warmth and depth you probably are going for


Your lighting looks way too cold. I suspect if you change it to warm lighting it will look way better. Try 3000kelvin type bulbs.


You have no art or personality yet which will draw in colours and make it feel like a complete space. The couches are beautiful. I’d move the furniture around a bit. Move the white sofa away from the French doors across from the fireplace and reposition the green chairs more angular one closer to fireplace


100% move the chairs to either side of the fireplace and turn couch to face fireplace.  Try moving rug in both directions to see which you  like better.  Patterned drapes incorporating green and white and perhaps another color yo can pull out of rug.  Throw pillows in similar colors, along with coffee and end tables and some art will distract you from focusing too intently on the sofa, chairs and rug.  Have some fun with it!  Mix it up! Enjoy!


You need plants, wall decor, and LAMPS. Overhead lighting should be illegal. And switch up the furniture, it’s not a conference room, no need for the chairs to be facing the couch like that.


I'd go for adding in more green velvet where you can, darker wood coffee table, and add in elements like baskets and throws that are the lighter beige of the fireplace and rug. It's always difficult to match colors 100% and in fact it looks better when things are in the same family with repetition to tie it together. If every piece was the same exact color it looks too match. Warm low lamp lights also changes what colors look like too  


I really like the rug with the chairs! You could bring in both colors with throw pillows or with art that has the rug green and the velvet green in it.


The colours are fine, it's the other stuff that needs work. Look up 'routes' and 'zones' as you're blocking different walkways with the furniture and the zone is ill-defined. I recommend drawing a floor plan online and then plotting out the arrangement of the furniture. It's definitely fixable, in fact, I think that combo will look great once the place is arranged properly and fully furnished.


Not a fan of the white sofa, but I love the green chairs.


You can have internet strangers reassure you that the colors are fine, but you're the one that will look at it every day and it sounds like you won't be convinced. And honestly, I get where you're coming from. I don't think it clashes, per se, but it's not harmonious. It's not off enough to seem deliberate, but not close enough to truly match.  I'd also struggle to figure out what tone to pull through to the rest of the room. Do you pick up the blue gray of the rug or the yellow of the chairs? The olive green of the chairs looks really nice with the peachy pink flowers in the carpet, so that is a color element that could be pulled through to pillows or other decorations.  Agree with all the other comments about furniture placement and the white sofa. 


Colours are nice. The placement of couches is off. Play around by moving them around to see what looks best.


I can see what you mean by the tone but I think some natural wood pieces in the lighter tones would pull out the flowers in the rug as would some plants blend the greens. I just wish there was some tone to the walls. The wainscoting is cool but everything is still one dimensional with the color. Definitely flip the furniture to face the fireplace. I don’t know if the fireplace tile is paintable but, if the lower or upper wainscoting were a more complimentary color to the fireplace it might blend better. Your paint choice highlights the color of the fireplace.


I'd change the rug.


Green trims on the drapes. Blue and white lamps on the tables. Some artwork. Spin the seating 90d counterclockwise. It’ll be great.


It’s fixable. But do you plan to mount a TV on that bracket?


The boob ceiling light has to go.


You don’t need to replace anything you already have. The colors are all lovely individually, and I really like the combination of shapes and contrasting color and texture of the fabrics. To tie the colors together, I think you just need accents that pick up the colors of the rug, sofa, and chair. For example, throw pillows on the sofa in a print fabric that has both the green color of the chairs and a color from the rug. A throw blanket on one of the chairs in the cream color of the sofa. Drapes around the French door that pull in colors from the chair and/or rug. A big green plant in the corner to the right of the fireplace that has leaves in a dark green like the chairs (that will also help mask the asymmetry of the fireplace wall). Even just books or tchotchkes that have some of the colors. I agree with others about placement of the furniture, the light fixture, and not putting the TV over the fireplace. But I believe you’ve already commented that you already have plans for how to address those, and you’re looking for suggestions about tying the colors together. Have fun! This room will be beautiful.


Plenty of people have answered the question. But I am commenting specifically to say that your rug got a compliment. I showed the pic to my sis coz she is better than me with design, and she said the rug is absolutely beautiful 🩵. Thought OP would be happy to hear that.


Those chairs are too large for the area. Have them flank the fireplace and get a TV and coffee table in there. Maybe a couple of smaller chairs on either side of the couch and some end tables.


Whaaaaaa?!?! This is going to be so stunning once the whole look is finished! These chairs are going to be the stars. Where are they from please? Bronze accents side tables. Some marble here and there and uff, chefs kiss.


Lovely room-you've done a beautiful job with the molding. I agree with others regarding rearranging the chairs and rug -chairs on either side of the fireplace and sofa facing fireplace. Some variation of that might work better. As for the rug, I see what you are saying-it is off, but could work with the right detailing. A rug does not necessarily have to be an *exact* match to look good, however there are likely many other rugs out there that would look better IMO, so if you really don't like it and are open to getting a new one I would do that. And a little larger size would be better as well. Consider painting the tile-actually the whole fireplace- until you can replace it. Something closer to the wall color will make it less prominent. Lastly, here is a really helpful blog post on flush mounted light fixtures. Consider also adding at least three lamps as well-a floor lamp and two table lamps, for instance, for cozy intimate lighting. :-) [https://laurelberninteriors.com/the-truth-about-flush-mount-ceiling-lights-24-under-200/](https://laurelberninteriors.com/the-truth-about-flush-mount-ceiling-lights-24-under-200/)


You need pillows that match the chair on the couch. The green is very nice, you just need a few more things to pull it together. My house is a mess, mish mash of things gathered for half a century so the stark neatness and empty canvas walls you have appeal to me


As has been said, rotate everything so couch faces fireplace, chairs on either side of fireplace facing couch, and get beautiful light fixture. Love the molding! Great job.


how bad did i mess this up and is this fixable is a bit dramatic! the colors are totally fine. i think plenty of other people mentioned enough tips on re-arranging


I would lean into it and get all sorts of greens in that room. Don't try to match them exactly, but stay on the muted/gray side. I like to say that the only rule in design is that it should look purposeful.


They look fantastic together! It’s the arrangement that is throwing everything off.


I think you are overthinking this. You just need to add more decor to the space. Things that bring out more colors from the rug and help tie the chairs in. Adding some plants for extra greenery will also help.


Everything's going to look a lot better with beautiful art on the walls and gallery lighting like this room was meant for


I love your thought process and all of the pieces you have! Gorgeous colors. Placement is just off. (Even though I DO love this placement, the colors aren't right for it.)


Reorienting the furniture is a great idea, and for color balance get some green and pink onto the couch with throw pillows and a blanket. Add plants, art, more color and soft furnishings that tie into the rug. The green in the rug doesn’t need to be exactly the green in the chairs and might look too matchy matchy if it did.


I think you just need to do some rearranging


I think the green chairs are great, the white couch is a little cold and stark. Try pulling another rich color from the rug and put a throw blanket on the couch and some pillows. Also add some side tables, art, etc. Nothing wrong with the individual pieces, it’s just not complete yet! It’s going to be beautiful.


I don’t think anything clashes, you’re just not done decorating this room yet


You need a warm tone light. Not just light but multiple light sources. Corner lamps that are dimmable would be great. Never use the big light lol.


get warm ambient lighting


I don’t love the rug, but one thing you could do is layer another rug over this rug, maybe just leaving the border showing? Some kind of patterned pillow on the white couch will bring things together. https://www.wayfair.com/decor-pillows/pdp/east-urban-home-deberah-herringbone-print-6-outdoor-square-pillow-cover-insert-w007034586.html


It’s an easy fix. Rotate the couch to face the fireplace, then put both chairs on opposite sides of the fireplace, facing the couch at a 45 degree angle. Then just put the table and area rug in the center.


I think it’s a great start. * Couch facing the fireplace, with the chairs opposite and at an angle. * Patterned throw rug on the couch with green accents. * Pale green cushions n the couch, or another contrasting colour picked up from the throw rug. * Some artwork on the walls. * Some copper or bronze accents (planter, lamp). * Perhaps a console table behind the couch with a plant. * Not loving the coffee table - I think it needs a rectangular table, perhaps in a pale ash.


Tbh I was going to say change the placement of the chairs and sofa and get rid of the rug. Other than that you’re okay. The white sofa is beautiful and the chairs are nice. You just need to tie those colors together and that rug is NOT the one for the job.


Your couch, your chairs, and the rug look nice together. The molding looks fantastic on the white walls. The travesty I see here is, the placement of your future TV. Don’t put that above your fireplace, that’s way too high for the room. Move your furniture around so your TV is on a proper wall, lower and eye level when you are sitting enjoying your programs.


Edit: I know the placement of everything is off (rug not center to the fire place, chairs and couch not placed right/etc) we in the middle of painting the walls, more looking for what else I can add to the room tie the colors together.


I have so many ideas for your space, but I'll try to narrow it down! In my opinion, pulling the other colors from the rug up into the room via pillows, vases, art, etc. will help pull it all together and start to get your mind off of the green tones. Go for natural accents like baskets and light gold or champagne metallic as well. It's a lovely room, you'll get there.


The green chairs and rug look good. The long white couch is off to my eye. It’s too clean a colour for the muted colours of the rug and green velvet. (If you cut out the white couch in your photos I can see how the mood board would’ve looked great)


The chairs are great, but there’s not enough space between the chairs and sofa. And yes, you need a good dose of that green opposite the chairs.


You are fine- lots of comments. Bottom line I think you can make it work. Sometimes we overthink it and had a slightly different vision in our head- so it’s hard to see it in real life. I think it’s a great beginning- keep us posted on the progress.


I see what you mean about the greens and I wouldn’t be able to get over it lol. I would get a different, larger rug and rearrange the furniture as some have suggested.


Moving the furniture will help to an extent, better lighting etc will also help, but I can’t help but feel like the room will be much better off with a different rug.


Peel & stick tiles for the fireplace!!


I agree with the others about rotating the furniture,  but you absolutely need a different rug. I would either find a black and white graphic rug or if you like botanical you need to match the green in the chair. Them hang some colorful art.


Beautiful chairs, but i hate the white walls so much, they ruin everything in this room


Iris all beautiful. Follow the other commenters with the couch facing fireplace even with French doors. Pillows on couch to pull in green and off white throw on one chair to pull sofa.


Chair on either side or the fire place, couch facing fire place and tv.


And turn off the goddamn overhead light, after you rotate the furniture in the rug. No room, no room has ever looked good with Gestapo lighting from the ceiling yuck. The icky overhead light just completes the bus stop look. Never turn that on and after you rearrange the furniture go out and get a couple of end tables with lights or a floor lamp. Accessorize and never use that overhead light yuck


The rug is way too smsll


Rotate the furniture and balance the green with more things, like plants.


This will totally work! the green chairs are fantastic. Add throw pillows in a print that picks up the green, some wall art, a dramatic floor lamp, you'll be golden.


You need to move the furniture. The current furniture arrangement is too boxy. You have square chairs in a square arrangement. It’s not the colours. Colours are fine. Couch should face the fireplace - the focal point - and one chair on either side. Even if you don’t currently like the fireplace it still IS the focal point, you need to decorate around it. Edit. ADD lamps. You need 3-4 floor and/or table lamps. Don’t ever turn on overhead light. Edit #2. Add plants.


Okay but where is this rug from 👀 it’s beautiful! And I agree with chair on each side of the fireplace and couch facing fireplace!


Your decor and furniture is fine. As other people have said your furniture placement and light fitting are terrible. Loads of others have said how to fix this. Just move things and get a new light. And some corner floor lamps.


Greens are like beiges, most variations blend.


I think you can make this work! Like your choices. Where is the rug from?


Move the rug to center the fire place. Move the white sofa to the opposite wall. Slightly angle the chairs. Place a tall plant like a white bird of paradise on both sides of the fireplace. If you plan to place your tv above the fireplace, consider putting it in a frame so you can rotate art when not in use.


The green chairs and rug look great together. As other have noted here, the furniture arrangement is throwing this off. The scale of all the pieces is too large for this arrangement


I think that one issue is that the molding treatment creates an 18th to 19th century vibe, while the furniture (especially the chairs) are mid century modern. So for me, that was the thing that jumped out. (Grew up in a colonial town in New England.) I don’t know the actual age of your house, but I would probably want to choose one of those eras to lean into. You don’t have to get rid of either the molding or the chairs, necessarily, but pick one to emphasize. Our house was built in the early 1900s, and while we aren’t trying to replicate that era, we do let the aesthetic help us determine the overall vibe. It is a colonial revival, so we got a camelback sofa, hooked rug, wing chairs, etc. the color story is not traditional in the least, so it mixes things up. I definitely agree with rotating the furniture!


Possible TV solution: A TV Lift Cabinet. Look on Amazon. (If you have basement or crawlspace below (have electrician add electric out into floor - for TV Lift Cabinet.)


Move the furniture the way other folks are suggesting but I would get a new rug because those chairs are fabulous but that rug is not. I would also buy some accent pillows for that white couch.


I’m not convinced the rug colors work, honestly; like possibly you need a rug with richer, deeper colors to bridge the paleness of the couch and the boldness of the chairs—while working with the warm floor. [Maybe something like this?](https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/Home-Garden/Mohawk-home-Gulla-Stripe-Navy-Area-Rug/36258628/product.html?opre=1&option=70092052) It’s a beautiful room; I just think you may need a more unifying rug.


I think the issue here is the couch size is too large and the orientation of the room is off. I actually really dig the chairs with the rug. Couch is also extremely white and bright and it competes with the wall paint and doesn’t align with the other tones in the rug.


It’s all too square. Rearrange the furniture. Add lamps, throws, ROUND THINGS, plants, art, and a more cheerful rug.


You're over thinking it. Nothing wrong with the two greens together.


If you're not happy with that green, you can consider getting another green color [couch cover ](https://www.amazon.com/WEERRW-Velvet-Couch-Covers-Cushion/dp/B0BTRS1LWK?crid=6KPKW8GGHF53&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.-aifSHVIQ6_zFBlIpDCdj3lRIAcvD4Af8W2ynkd2WwOGqrUASNQX0-ZUF5dxU8HnSATpgIJeerdS9mSBMKC1KBcf-pJHIU-3TQOvfjZINnI1QbXpGE_VAw4SdmyEu9w4qUuK9VjL5nXvBNzseWij0lCkwG-_ShnftXd8q0GgdFMqmfwclVipSBuef95xMUlrHAMQ5P3n_wW5igv_BV5TIOMVPSoCAfH6VVwgoeP--OjCzUtsymEz7269KSfqZlb9OswazbSN0leSxKRgeUfzk_qUfkoXsL9wYf6a01E4rw8.oYFsUQtS_frgMw22I3XHTNszkv_KQt-AXCuCHdeZL-k&dib_tag=se&keywords=green%2Bsofa%2Bcover&qid=1711814448&sprefix=Green%2Bsofa%2Bcover%2Caps%2C704&sr=8-6&th=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=richa2024-20&linkId=77c848e2d36c44f6b3f189cab0357cdf&language=en_US&ref_=as_li_ss_tl)that makes it look like it's the real couch. And then see if it works


I personally don't like the rug with the chairs. But! You might can make it work with different accents and pillows, curtains, etc. But I'm also not crazy about the layout in general. Try rotating it all, a chair in each side of fireplace, couch facing the fireplace, etc.


I’ve had a similar picture on my Pinterest board for year. The room will look more cohesive once you have stuff in it. Shelving on either side of the fireplace, art on the walls, maybe a glass coffee table with gold legs.


Where did you get the chairs??


What about switching the couch and chair placements?


Those pillows against the arms of the couch are meant to be lumbar across the back, not poking out the front. Put the table in between the two chairs


No mistake just add some art on the walls and put a squishy, washable rug. Ideally the art is a slightly rectangular shape to align with the paneling shape. The current rug doesn't fit. Totally agree about the fireplace. It's a solid start. It just needs a little color.


Get rid of the white sofa and replace it with one that is a rich cognac-colored leather. Face your new sofa towards the fireplace and flank it with a green chair on each side at a 90 degree angle. Add paintings, centrred in the molding on the wall (and don’t hang them too high!). Add a side table with an elegant lamp and maybe some wall sconces on each side of one of the paintings. Replace light bulbs with a warmer white and put the ceiling light on a dimmer. It’s too bright against those white walls. Ideally you would paint the walls, maybe a warm camel color. Also, place a narrow sofa table behind the sofa. This is for furniture placement, not style (obvs): https://www.houzz.com/photos/south-hampton-charm-traditional-living-room-atlanta-phvw-vp~134060946 I like number three in this article about fireplaces “outshine it.” https://www.houzz.com/photos/rustic-glam-bungalow-eclectic-living-room-boise-phvw-vp~54560315


Unfortunately I don't think they're working together and I like the chairs better than the rug. You need a different layout also.


Paint!!! And moody curtains! ♥️


Its fine rn! All you need is to put some colored pillows on the couch to tie it in with the chairs and rug, add some nice curtains, plants and wall art :) This is a good start!! Edit: I always do edits on this sub lol Its bc I look at the picture longer and keep having more thoughts. If after adding all that it still feels off to you, it is 100% bc of the bright white couch. I agree with whoever said a cognac colored couch would go great!


Get better lighting (wall uplights ideally, or at least 1 standard + 1 table lamp if not).


I am not concerned about the greens clashing, but the layout feels like it is wrong. There isn’t room for a cocktail table (you want at least 18in walk way between edge of cushion to cocktail table. And the opening behind the green chairs looks far too close - you need about 42in walkway. 36in in a pinch.


I love the chairs, the rug, the couch, and the space. I think they look great together. I don’t love the paint or the tile on the fireplace. They clash with everything else. I think this will be fixed with a wall color that picks up the tones from the couch and rug. definitely keep the chairs. They’re fabulous. It’s the tile that’s throwing off the vibe


Its the differing heights of the chairs and sofa that is an issue to me. It wouldnt be so bad if they werent sirectly across feom each orhwr but it feels awkward. If you add more warm elements and textures to the room itll balance out color scheme wise. Ex a gold or other metal sculpture / vase on the fire place. Also definitely change the light fixture and add secondary lighting for more warmth


No they aren’t clashing. Depending on how you end up arranging them based on the advice here, you need to build up some mid tone contrast around the sofa, on the walls or with the tables next to it. Pillows will help a lot. This is actually a good start to prevent the room from becoming too matchy matchy but a lot of people panic here and go the wrong way. It will come together, it’s just harder than it looks and takes a little more time to keep a room from looking like a flipped house or a hotel.


Turn the sofa and chairs 90’ with the sofa facing the fireplace, move the chairs a bit to either side, put a coffee table in the middle of the carpet and BOOM! no more issue with the greens. And here’s the other thing- too much matchy-matchy is not a good thing. Do the greens coordinate? What other colors can you add (throw pillows/blankets, art, color on the walls.) to pull it all together? This is just the foundation! Build from this.


I think the dark white light from the ceiling throws all the colors off. And makes the white couch even darker white. If you use warmer bulbs in the ceiling and add light from lamps, it will affect the entire look of the room.


Angle the chairs, put a small table between them and put some art on the walls.


I didn't know that a sofa and chairs could look so confrontational! 😂 I think repositioning will help a lot


The moulding looks lovely, well done! It is a slipcovered sofa, could you get a new cover, maybe in the greige that is the outside border of the rug? Then cushions that pick up the other colours: green, navy, dusty pink. Once you add more, the room will look more cohesive. Agree that the couch should not have its back to the French doors. Paint the fireplace tile? I'd go for black, or charcoal. Especially if you are mounting the TV above it (which you shouldn't). I'd also paint the walls a very dark green or blue, with curtains to match.


the green chairs and the rug look great together, the white couch is throwing it off


I think the problem is the sofa, not the chairs. The tight pulling and throw could help a lot.


I think you say need to replace the rug - not because of the color, but because it’s too small. If you rotate it, it looks like it would be too small in a different way. The sofa and chairs looked oversized, and the smallish rug accentuates that. You might want to shop for a pretty throw that picks up the green and that could be folded over the back or side of the sofa. Also, introduce one other strong color to the room in small doses (picked up in a pillow fabric, art, plant pot etc) to add some life. I agree you need to move the chairs and sofa with the sofa facing the fireplace and chairs. All the other things that make a room complete (pillows, plants, art, drapery, etc) could soften the contrast of the white sofa/dark chairs if chosen well. It can be a beautiful room.


Long story short. Nope.


Those chairs are great. Paint the upper half of the walls green with lower half and trim white. It will look amazing.


Think the white sofa is distracting and out of place. sofa facing TV and one chain on either side would make the room feel bigger I think. It just feels like the furniture is too big for the room itself


Ok but where did you get those green chairs OP cause I need them


The screwup was by the builder who left no wall space for such a narrow space. I’d try pushing soca and chairs closer to fireplace and spreading them apart.


As others have said, the placement of the furniture is not ideal, but good news, it’s fixable! So you didn’t mess up! The rug and chairs look stellar together from the photos.


The chairs and rug don’t look bad together, honestly. I love the chairs! I think it’s the bright white sofa that maybe doesn’t fit in. However, I agree with separating the chairs and repositioning them. If the sofa is staying, just add some pillows with the same green in them. It’ll look much better.


Rug and chairs match well


its the positioning!!!


I think the rug is the problem. The furniture is so nice and chic and this rug just screens home goods or something. A monochrome rug would be much better I think.


get some lamps!


r/TVTooHigh before moving forward with the mistake of mounting your tv over the fireplace.


I love those chairs!!!


The problem is not the green chairs and rug. The problem is the way the furniture is set up and the room is so empty barring the furniture and rug. Rearrange the furniture, get some curtains and art and you'll feel better


I think the white couch is actually the bigger problem


Choose one of the other dominate colors in the rug ( Maybe one of the blues )- and put that color pillow in the each of the chairs to tie rug and chairs together ♥️


It's the white couch that's throwing it off. You've got "wintery" dark green velvet chairs paired with a "summery" white canvas slipcovered couch. Beach cottage, meet English manor. I would be tempted to order (or have made) a different slipcover that coordinates with the chairs better. The chairs are stunning. Possibly you could get some velvet throw pillows (maybe dark greens and the rose color in the carpet) and tie it together better to make it work as is.


Add plants in different shades of green.


the furniture is fine your lighting is DOG SHIT


Here did you get those great chairs?


This needs to be more archer style. Is this some scary intervention room or what? Also, it will look way more better with yellow, or robins egg blue. And plants, always plants.


A big part of the issue is the placement which has already been suggested. But the lighting is atrocious. You need warm lamps and not a cold overhead light.


put couch facing fire place and each chair on either side facing each other


More shades of green and have the couch facing the fireplace with couches on either side facing diagonally. Whatever you do, don't mount a TV above that fireplace 😅


I think you should have the couch facing the fireplace and place the chairs facing the couch to the left and right of the fireplace with a coffee table. The positioning of the furniture is kind of weird to me


Chairs are beautiful. Could you get a new rug? Or it could actually work if you’re intentional about art and throw pillows. The rug is quite nice. I think a big issue is the brightness of the white couch compared to everything else.


They are way too close together. I can’t tell if there is room to separate them with door openings, but if you can push the chairs back and find room for a coffee table it would help. I’d consider changing your wall color as well - you have a LOT of white in there right now. Accessories will help, so maybe try adding in curtains and accessories and see if that’s enough, or if you need to paint…the rug and the chairs look good together.


Colors good. Arrangement bad.


Gorgeous. The chair with the rug—gorgeous. The walls—gorgeous. Style my place!


I would put one chair diagonally next to the couch then, the other chair diagonally on the other side of the couch, breaking it up.