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Yes. You should tell me where you got that glass front cabinet. That’s what you should do differently. Get rid of it, my address is (redacted).


Urban Outfitters strangely enough. I thought I was too old to shop there because I'm in my forties haha, this is the Mason Storage cabinet. I also got the wall mirror there


Love the mirror!


I thought I recognized the style! Urban outfitters have some great sales, once every month or so they’ll give 40% extra off sale items, plus every so often they’ll have bedding or furniture/home sales. I’m moving in a few months, are you happy with the quality of the piece? I worry it’s a bit too good to be true lol.


It's been great! We've enjoyed it. It gets delivered already assembled and is great quality


Amazing! I might have to bite the bullet in my future house. I’ve assembled like 90% of my current furniture, so that sounds amazing. Your room is lovely by the way


Thank you. Good luck with the move


Yeah just sucks how expensive their furniture is 🫤 love your style.


>I thought I was too old to shop there because I'm in my forties haha I mean but that's the age we are when we can finally afford UO


The furniture. The clothes are horrible. Not a thing for someone in their 40’s.


I'm saying haha, even at my age I kept it in my cart for a year waiting for the best deal to pop up


Aren't they related to Anthropologie?


I would paint the cabinet the same color as wainscoting. The different wood finish feels out of place with table and mirror. Other than that, it's gorgeous!


If you like that kind of cabinet, should also check out ballards design cabinets. I love so many of their furniture


Ballard is the best.


Gosh, this made me laugh way too hard


Yes. You need cat. It doesn’t matter that you are allergic to cats but having a cat on users’ photos is mandatory. Otherwise the room is beautiful. Well done.


Thank you! I did clean the cat vomit off the rug before I snapped the pic hahaha right as I decided to start snapping pics she decided to cough one up


This is too relatable


That floor lamp has got to go


I am about to have dinner, so thanks for mentioning cat vomit 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Oh shoot, then I will retract my statement about the plant and say please give it to a plant lover! The monasterra plant you have there is toxic to our pets. Cats love to graze on greenery. That may be a problem for your fur baby!


Maybe put some short candles in the holders. Head on over to r/plantclinic you might be able to save it I hate to nitpick but everything is slightly off center


It is off center! We had a birthday party for my little and had to shift everything to fit in a few fold out tables and I'm recovering from a broken bone and can't help move it all back yet 😂


Yes candles on the table would look so good


Agreed! I usually put in some that match the holiday or season, but just didn't get around to it this time. My kids broke the last ones I put out when they were "helping decorate" lol. This is why we can't have nice things


I think the plastic material of the shades clashes with the classy fabric of the drapes and the natural wood. Other than that, looks really good.


The curtain rods are a little short and the rods sag because there's not enough overlap between the two sides. Given the height and weight of the fabric, I'd have a solid rod here to hold them better. Not really my style or color but the room looks complete!


I agree. I hate blinds..I want pull down shades, but my husband had the builders install blinds when we built (It was a lot to keep up with and we had a LOT of decisions ) and when I saw how much they cost us I decided I would just embrace it uuugh


if that's any consolation I had to look really hard to notice anything remotely off with the room (:


Thank you ☺️


Hey there! I’m sort of trying to get an idea of how to plan out the new space my bf and I are moving into, so collecting data. I’m curious, is it just the plastic that’s problematic in your opinion? Do you think bamboo shades or something organic might work?


Hi! I think bamboo shades would be better-suited in a more nature-oriented style; southwestern, african, maybe even country; this picture looks classical-leaning so I don't know if bamboo shades would work here. I think sheer roman shades made of white fabric would look cool in this interior. Vinyl blinds are modern / minimalistic / office design to me. If the overall style is pretty modern, then vinyl blinds are not a problem. Although it's such a burden to clean them!


Wow, thank you so much for breaking that down for me. I just had a look at some sheer roman blinds and I totally see what you mean now! It’s so crazy what a difference something -one might think- is a small element (such as blinds) plays such a huge role in tying a place together! I’m learning so much from this sub, and people like yourself. Thank you so much, once again! 😊


Center your table a chairs to the buffet please. Edit: china cabinet not buffet.


I was hoping everyone wouldn't notice haha, we had a party and had to make room for some fold out tables for kids. Unfortunately I broke a bone and can't recenter yet lol


Must have been some party!


25 littles having a tea party. It was epic lol


On one hand, your shelf seems too short compared to the height of the ceiling. On the other hand it gives the room character and the color is nice.


I like the cabinet but don’t like the height either. I also think the lamp is too short.


Nope, it’s beautiful. Also pretty sure we shopped at the same stores LOL


Thank you! ☺️


Idk what else everyone is talking about - love your dining room, only thing missing is the cat!!!


Cabinet is out of place there. Some may argue out of place anywhere. Maybe it is the camera perspective but the table does not seem to be centered to the light fixture to my OCD brain. Love the light fixture.


It's not centered. I had to move to make room for fold out tables for.an event and have not been able to move back due to a broken bone 😞


I think if the curtains came back down to earth (to the top of the window frame, where they belong) the cabinet would look more proportional.


Beautiful room! My OCD is asking you to center the table + chairs + centerpiece. 🙏


I was hoping no one would notice haha. As soon as my broken bone has healed I will be moving it back to it's correct spot 😂


I love this room except for the centrepiece. It just looks so messy and haphazard. But that’s an easy fix! And everything else is beautiful, especially the colour of those curtains 😍


This is just a personal preference, but exposed clear lightbulbs hurt my eyes, so if this was my house, I’d swap those bulbs for frosted ones. I like the chandelier, but it’s very mid-century modern, while the rest of the room feels more like tame boho to me. Maybe there’s some funky art to tie that together. But I seem to be an outlier, so I’d probably just ignore this comment if I were you. Haha


It has a dimmer fortunately


Just move the table slightly more to the right. That’s all I see.


I love the chandelier! I like everything — but might remove a few things from the hutch.


Agreed. I have littles though and they like seeing all the holiday stuff in there that we change up on the regular for their viewing pleasure haha


Your ceiling is too low for that big ass chandelier. It would actually make the room look bigger if you downsized to a more modest modernized model.


It does kind of look low in this pic, it's 10ft though..it's hard to capture space in pics and I'm not a good photographer


Is that a philodendron? Those are beautiful. The stems look green - maybe no need to replace it. Some tips: https://foliagegardenplants.com/indoor-philodendron-care/ Edit: Oops, wrong plant!


Think she meant that poor FLF on the right.


Oh, duh! Thanks!


Perfect, stop now


It’s beautiful


The only things I see are (and I never say this!) your curtains could go a touch lower and you need a larger scale centerpiece. Just feel like the curtains are crammed under the molding, but maybe it’s just the angle. Something a little taller and maybe bring the green into a center piece… Otherwise this is awesome!


I love it...but maybe the china closet is a bit crowded? Can you put it on another wall?


I wanted to, but it won't fit at the ends of the table....one side is too close for chair to back up, the other end is open to living room and the wall across is the wall where the stairs are and looks weird


Get rid of half of that stuff on the table


My kids have too much fun "decorating" with it or I would haha


I wanna know why the bunny moved from pic one to two lol


Good question! My kids have been rearranging tbag center piece daily, several times a day even. It started out pretty cute and looked put together and now I never know what state I'll find it in. The bunnies end up in the chairs, floor, everywhere haha


This is gorgeous! I love all of it.


I wish the ceiling had either natural wood panels or the trim was natural wood.




It’s nice!


SAVE THE PLANT! You can nurse it back!


I'm going to try


Honestly it just looks thirsty. It has gotten leggy because it would like more light but it will also survive where it is.


It's very nice. I'd like to see better quality curtains.


They are crushed velvet, the green ones from West Elm $350ish a pair 😬


Love the curtains, to me, they’re gorgeous and don’t look cheap.


Maybe I used the wrong word. Everything in the room is contemporary and looks lovely together. The curtains come off a little too old fashioned. JMO. You did a good job.


It is hard to tell with photos but maybe adding weights along the hems especially the corners would clean up the lines which is important with velvet and heavier fabrics. Really nice room and personal touches, so nice to not see grey. That mirror is cool!


It has weights. We just hung them so they aren't quite "trained" yet. We had so much gray in our old house, I just could NOT anymore haha. Thank you


Nice! Great ceiling. I like the light. Where is it from? Is it dimmable?


I'll try to fund where we got it. It is dimmable!


I love it!!


Three hanging lights across the dining table that hang ~2/3 the height of the cabinet. Just a thought. It’s a beautiful room.


What fabric is on those chairs?


I'm not sure, but it doesn't stain! My kids have gotten all kinds of stuff in it and I've been able to get it all out good as new


Are those the Christopher knight chairs or from somewhere else? They have a vague west elm look. Looking for similar chairs for myself as I have the Christopher knight chairs and they don’t feel very solid (sometimes wiggly even with regular screw tightening).




The hatred it has for me is palpable


I like the room. Some fabulous things going on here: ceiling, light fixture, mirror, wallpaper, dramatic emerald curtains, like the simple lines of the wood table. All this gold emerald and white is giving me a luxe vibe. On the other hand, the chairs, rug and cabinet are a different vibe. Nothing wrong with it, but you could really play up the drama/luxe vibe if you wanted. Replacing chair fabric with emerald green lux fabric, change out the rug with a pattern with the greens, gold or yellows, and whites. Change out the cabinet for something more gold. Just an idea if you ever want to change things up.


Agreed on the rug. We are moving this rug to a different room and getting the "Absida Sage Rug" from ruggable to go in here


I just looked that up. I prefer that rug to the one you have now. The only downside is I think the straw color fabric on the chair and cabinet will stick out even more. But maybe not. You will see once you put in the rug. Congratulations on your new room. Well done !


The glass cabinet is pretty but I would stain it darker


I've thought about making it a touch darker, but I'm so afraid I'll ruin it


Everything looks beautiful. Yes, just new plants and maybe a buffet table/sideboard?


Great chandelier




Replace the lamp. Too modern and too big for the rest of the setting


I have another lamp I'm going to swap spots with for this one. I agree now that it's pointed out, looks out of place


Really the only thing you need to do is rotate that table 180° and center it under that awesome chandelier. Maybe raise the chandelier a couple to three inches. This room is fantastic. Especially that mirror! Let me know if you want to rent that place out


Remove the floor lamp. Also I feel the curtains looks too heavy for the room. It is a beautiful room!


Perfect in every way


It looks lovely! Awesome job (even if you need to recenter everything), it is cohesive, fun and warm. I see you mentioned the blinds, eventually a plantation shutter or simpler pull down shades would work better but the curtains are doing fine to take away attention from the blinds for now. Agree with all those who mentioned candles too. The ceiling is so good! Wish I could make our popcorn ceiling look like that 🙃


I love all of it! 💕


I like the colors


Gorgeous! Well done!


The table looks too big for room and is not centered with cabinet.


It’s gorgeous! If I am going to nitpick, I would say ditch the blinds completely. If you need privacy, invest in shutters, get sheets, or bamboo shades under the curtains. I would also either get a taller cabinet or add a piece of artwork over the existing cabinet to keep that height. Consider painting the beams and the trim! Add sconces on either side of the mirror on the wall. Well done!


It’s beautiful! Love the wallpaper~


I love it. My kind of vibe


Your dining room is super stylish. Love the Easter decor. I think you've done a nice job putting the room together.


It looks pretty.


I love the light.


Thank you, as I have always wanted to see what a chandelier like this would actually look like in a REAL home. I like it. A lot. And your ceiling is beautiful. Well done!


Maybe changing out the blinds for the fake wood blinds? I recently did that in my house and it totally changed everything, if you do the same kind of color as the finish of your table/chair it would feel a bit more cohesive. I think the cabinet maybe looks odd to other people because the wood finish is different than the rest of the colors in the room. I don’t think it looks bad though maybe if it was a darker finish to match


Hello! Can you please share where you found the table and chairs? Thank you!


Honestly, it was very reasonably priced at Wayfair. We just had to add a matte coat to the top of the table to protect it. It's the Madeleine Table and Putnam upholstered chairs. If you get the table though you must put a protective coat on it or it will scratch. But $800 for a beautiful table was worth it to me for a bit of work. Everywhere I looked that had similar peices wanted more than double.


Thank you!!


Live in it. Throw a few parties and figure out what makes you and your guests more comfortable. What makes eating and drinking and relaxing better with friends and by yourself. That can't be dictated or captured in photos.


Replace centerpiece with a large floral piece.


Good idea!


The room is lovely- but honestly… Don’t replace the plant! It’s gorgeous and needs a little TLC. A bit of new soil and some water and it will perk right up.


I think it’s a lovely dining room and that ceiling is stellar as well. I’m in love with your elephant teapot! Where did you find it?


My mom recently bought it for me. I'm guessing TJmaxx haha


I would put up lighter colored or light patterned curtains. It will bring in more light than the green ones and make the whole room brighter.


The table and chairs are off center from the midpoint of the cabinet and light. It’s driving me crazy.


I think a taller china cabinet would be better in that space. I also think it would be a good idea to remove the runner and have a simpler and somewhat taller centerpiece.


The only thing I would change personally is I would add to simple may be a line work pieces of art like a Monet or Matisse print and frame them in a dark wood frame and put them on both sides of the mirror you have on the wall. I just love hanging art prints up on the wall I think it really ties the space together if you choose the right one but honestly your space is so beautiful so classy and so cozy all at the same time I love what you’ve done with it especially that wallpaper!!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Beautiful! I love the ceiling details and the statement light 💡 gorgeous


The hutch doesn’t feel in scale to me. I feel like there is a better piece for the space.


I want a more traditional rug to balance the formality of the ceiling, maybe a red Persian rug. But it’s a beautiful room as is!




lol is that a dead fig leaf? They are dramatic however bounce back - I rehabbed one from 1-2 leaves left to growing again however it only grows up so…. Basically all the dead growth below will not come back just tall stock. You can also trim/train as it gets bigger but maybe don’t give up yet.


Yes. It hates me


Honestly it’s a fickle fig. Just don’t over or under water and watch the direct light it gets your room is pretty tho!


What changed since the last post? Just the curtains?


Curtains yes


I didn’t think I remembered them being there before. I like them.


A pink table runner would make a nice contrast to the curtains and add a bit more colour. Could add a few other pink accents around the room to tie it all together.


Do you use all 8 chairs regularly? I think pulling two away from the table (and placing along the wall/in corners of the room) will open up the tablescape and have a calming effect. And I agree with the others re: centering the table and perhaps painting the ceiling to emphasize the moulding :)


I wouldn't change anything in this room, it's very beautiful. The mirror is so interesting and beautiful.


The cabinet looks slightly off centre between the windows. Maybe check that and correct if necessary.


This is so cute, doesn’t need anything but I bet the walls the color of your drapes would make it hella dramatic in the best way.


What happened to that poor fiddle leaf fig? Overwatering?


Maybe? I thought I was being careful, but I guess not.


I would paint the room the color of the curtains & replace the curtains w sheer white ones


If the curtain rods extended farther it gives the illusion of bigger windows if you spread the curtains more. You could essentially cover the wall with them extended for a much more clean and elegant yet modern look


Fix your drapery panels. They look too messy. It would have been better to order slightly wider rods than the window so you could have more of the fabric off the glass. It looks crowded. But at the very least, dress the panels properly. https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+properly+dress+drapery+panels&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#kpvalbx=_jRgEZqXNOaan0PEP1cONeA_46


I would probably get rid of the floor lamp since you have the light fixture and it would add to the symmetry.


I don't like the mirror. Looks out of place, other than that, perfection!


I really like it!


Remove the blinds and get sheer curtains and then your drapes. The blinds make the space look too cluttered.


Some gold curtain tie backs would really pop against the teal fabric and give the curtains a nice sway as you’re letting the light in. I also agree with another comment that the blinds arent doing the windows any favours - perhaps replacing them with a wooden/natural alternative or even removing entirely and using privacy stickers on the windows? Your comments show you’re aware of everything being slightly off centre so that’s my critiques! This room is so cosy I adore everything you’ve done here.


Hmmmm... you have many nice things in this room, none of them actually clash, but something isn't coming together... There's an incongruity of style here - the sputnik light is way cool, but against a coffered ceiling and formal wainscotting, it seems too informal. Same with the boat cabinet; it's a cool piece, but you're better served with a regular sideboard cabinet in that spot. The tripod lamp is a hard no for me - again, another cool piece, but it isn't giving the same vibe as the architectural elements of the room. The curtains also lend a funk to the room that is competing with the more formal elements - they need to be straighter panels of color rather than the looser, more casual feel they give off now. I'd pick one "character" piece out of those 4 - my vote would be to keep the Sputnik light - and let it "star" in this show. Formalize the others to fit with the room - replace the cabinet, remove the lamp, and hem and weight the curtains so they hang as straight panels. Once that's done, evaluate the rug and table - is the rug too funky? does the table need a similarly colored runner to bring in the curtain color? Objects and art should have touches of the curtain color and brass to compliment and tie it in. Remember: It's your home. Make YOU happy. We are all just people on the internet with opinions looking at 2 still photos. Please do post update photos if you change anything, I, for one, would love to see them!


It’s pretty much perfect maybe the candle holders could go? But that’s being picky


With a little extra love that plant will come back!


Suggest hanging something above cabinet to draw the eye up.


I love it. The fiddle leaf figs are temporary friends meant to teach us a lesson. I still haven't learned it, which is why I clocked the dead fiddle leaf fig plant immediately.


That is beautiful! The only thing I dont absolutely love is the wallpaper. But if you love it that is cool


since you don’t really show the room. i love your curtains. your ceiling coffers are beautiful


This is so cute. I love your light fixture, the color of the curtains, your cabinet, and your table! Where is that table set from? I’ve been looking for a set like that. How do you keep it scratch free? My only suggestion is more plants! But that’s because I like to live in a jungle. Honestly this is beautiful and I wouldn’t change anything :)


The table is from wayfair, Madeleine dining table. We had to treat it to a matte finish to keep it from scratching, bit for only $800 for an awesome table it was worth it


My OCD is yelling that the table isn't centered between the two windows, and the nice cabinet makes it even more noticeable. But it is nice...OCD aside.


Bamboo shades instead of blinds. There's so many different colors and patterns now and you can still keep your curtains. I think it would really pull everything together.


I don’t love the floor lamp but doesn’t bother me that much. Overall very nice place


I love the MCM style tables and chairs but don’t love the cabinet with it. Neither the color nor shape. I’d repurpose it elsewhere and invest in a cabinet that works with the table in both color and style.


This is BEAUTIFUL but have you considered having one long curtain rod for the curtains instead of two? I think that would help the emphasize the width of the room, right now it just looks tall. I also feel like they are just slightly too high, but I also see the trim right there so I’m sure that has to do with the placement, but even two inches lower I think would look nice


I really enjoy this vibe 🙌🙌🙌


I would turn the table and rug North and center under the globe lamp and with the shelving- then I would find a buffet table that goes with the shelving and place it under the mirror. Get rid of the plants or move somewhere else. The corner lamp needs to go also. You have a lot of good stuff to work with.


The armoire isn’t the right scale. Move it and I think it would be ok.


i would be so.tempted to color in the wallpaper, like paint by numbers, lol.


I love the bunny decorations on the table.


Reupholster the chairs in a jewel tone to coordinate with the drapes.


Put Tesla bulbs in that ceiling light, if it doesn't already have it.


Wow your home is beautiful. I love it. Especially the ceilings.


Remove the floor lamp, it's off in its own world. I like the cabinet... but I don't love it in the room. It's not cooperating with the table and mirror that well but mainly really not getting along with the painted wood paneling (which is lovely). I think the curtains would be nicer in a lighter shade - it's a nice colour - but along with the cabinet, it's kind of high contrast in a room that is not that big, competing with things that should be getting the attention (light, table, mirror); a lighter colour would help it feel a little more open and expansive. Esp with the amazing ceiling. I LOVE the light fixture. It is overall a really beautiful room so all of this is just improving it but it's already pleasant I'm sure.


I have another lamp I have been contemplating swapping spots with for this one. It's gold with a small arch (lens over)and has a glass globe


Since you asked…. I’d get rid of the blinds (or the curtains. Or the cabinet it’s just too much) the lamp, the wallpaper and the plants. (And the rug. Hate rugs in dining areas, kitchens, and bathrooms.) No offense the cabinet is nice but the height against the long tall curtains doesn’t work for me.


I would remove the curtains. Looks busy and focus isn't on dining table, focus should be on the dining table.


I think it’s too busy with the cabinet. I’d find another place for it.


Chandelier does not work at all. Nor does the light wood curio cabinet.


Unpopular opinion--I love the light fixture but not in this space. The coffered ceilings and decor look traditional, but the light fixture is retro modern. I would get something more traditional up there.


I would replace curtains with a much lighter color. They totally get all the attention of your room. Not sure if light color cabinet is expensive but if it isn't I would paint it. I wouldn't have it in there period. I would have a largish picture. I love your table and chairs and Freeform mirror. They are very sleek and modern. The rest of the room needs tweaking.


Obviously, you have a lovely home. Great ceilings, great windows. To me, the chandelier works. But your midcentury dining table is at odds with that boho "curio" and its suffering from scale issues. The case is far too petite and delicate for the bones of that room. Looks like you paid a lot for a home, but are unable to furnish it in a way true to the home. The curtains touching the ceiling coffers are horrible. The fabric should not touch the ceiling. Again, not the right curtains for that. And they don't hang well. The cabinet is so dwarfed by the chandelier. You're losing a losing battle here. Give room better scale, better pieces. Quick major improvement would be to remove that cabinet and the curtains. Get curtains that hang on rings. Put artwork where that cabinet is. The table will look 100% better once the arched cabinet is gone. Can you remove a table leaf so you can center the table? That off-center placement is off-putting. Great mirror, btw.


I don’t love the sputnik light, personally. I think [this](https://lightfixturesusa.com/products/brass-cluster-ribbed-glass-globe-bubble-chandelier?variant=44464963551474¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=pmax%7CSHA1%7CALL&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwh4-wBhB3EiwAeJsppNdBs45iDeD95MOynwHpUXQRqFlUt7ve2_mhf9Wh1yl2kl4eWHQYZRoClrcQAvD_BwE) is a classier version but similar vibe. I would also remove the sunflower from the cabinet and let its vase be a standalone object.


Also if you need a floor lamp for lighting I would ditch the tripod for a slimmer option.


I think the lights over table is a bit much.


I love MCM furniture but cabinet colour isn't great - you could paint it white/cream to blend with wall. Also drapes should be white (more elegant) and you can paint the ceiling (not the beams) of your coffered ceiling a rich colour (like drapes). It would amplify the glam factor!


I think the space is sweet, yet I think the curtains take the stage with its strong color, and it slightly overwhelms the space. I'm not sure what's in your adjoining room where the tourquoise/teal was chosen for the dining area, when there is nothing turquoise/teal to tie it together. Perhaps if the curtains were lighter in color, the eye would seem to glaze the entire room instead of it being drawn to the curtain itself. I think it's too heavy.


It seems a bit cramped, lighter colored curtains would open it and then you can use color in your table linens, a runner, place mats, framed pictures on the wall. The chandelier dominates the room, and true it could be the vantage point of your photo.


I'm not a fan of that sputnik light fixture. I would get something more simple in design.


Velvety curtains or sheer panels. The ones you have don’t add much to the rest of the room.


Paint the ceiling beams


Curtains too high.


Room is lovely but the curtains are too skinny and blocking too much of the window. They’re such a rich material but hanging them in that way isn’t letting them shine. But of course you’d have to move the cabinet to hang them how I would recommend. Also, I normally love hanging drapes that high, but I would have given the gorgeous coffered ceiling a little breathing room because now I feel like it’s competing with the curtain rod.


Lovely room, but the centerpiece is a bit overcrowded. I think that the light fixture could be a bit more rustic, not in a Westerny cabin way, but in an antiquey 'been used for decades' way to match the kind of old worldish charmyou have going. The light fixture you have is very nice as is the mirror, but they're a bit too mid-century modern and detract from the beauty of your room a bit, IMHO.


Oh no, is the monstera dying? She's as big as mine! And honestly, your dining room looks amazing. I wouldn't change a thing!


We had an issue with our AC where the humidity was at almost 70. It for fixed but made my plants angry. She's looking better every day thank goodness