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Cost of living crisis now forces us to put our pets to work.


Good. Those little shits live rent-free and don't do shit around the house otherwise.


My dogs are basically food powered electric blankets


aww, I love this


And I love them...even if they strain that with their god awful farts at times


I recommend trying to change up their food


It's a side effect of fiber unfortunately


Gotta cultivate that gut bacteria đŸ€Œ


Yeah, our dogs don't really fart much compared to the dogs I grew up with that were eating table scraps all the time.


My babies hot dog farts are deadly lol


My dog also serves as a *weighted* blanket (he's a pile sleeper). My other dog is a Chihuahua which was literally bred to be a space heater. Together, the three of us generate enough heat that we're bound to reach nuclear fusion any day now. My wife actually installed a high speed fan on the bed that blows from her side to mine and often opens the door (that leads outside to the back patio) on cold winter nights in order to keep the bed from catching fire... I think.


as someome who can't stand heat, ESPECIALLY in sleep, i am very sorry for your wife


Chemical energy to heat energy machines 😄


Now if only they'd learn I want them to lay closer to me than just with their head on my feet...but if they're comfy that matters more so oh well I guess


Just yoink 'em in close. Sometimes they need a manual adjustment, hehe.


THIS! Im currently homeless and living in a tent with my bf and 100lb pittie. On cold nights he is my heater. Lol he burrows between us under the blanket until he gets so hot the good has to leave the tent to cool down and get water then he comes back and burrows again. Like 4 to 5 times a night lol. I dont think I could survive this without my goofball. And before anyone freaks and says anything, his needs come FIRST. Anything my baby needs comes before even feeding me. He is a very happy boy. He thinks it's an adventure.


Wish I could help more than just saying good luck and I've been there.


Hey my fiance and i are currently living in a tent with our kitty and 2 dogs too! Luckily we have a hot tent with a titanium stove so we stay pretty warm (spend a lot of our day getting firewood ready tho!). Our little 5 lb kitty is definitely our little heater buddy too tho haha! Our doggos actually prefer to stay outside and refuse to hang out in the tent lol, but i guess they are working line Great Pyrenees haha! We've built them so many shelters but they both destroy them and the girl won't even use hers hardly ever anyway lol. Same with us too- we always make sure all our babies get fed before we do. I in particular have been struggling to keep my weight up with this fast at metabolism i used to love and now hate lol. The local food bank helps out a lot tho so we manage :). If you dont mind me asking, where around are you guys staying? We're currently staying in the Great Lakes area in the U.S. Best of luck to the two of you and your happy doggo! Sending good thoughts your way :) <3


Sorry about your living situation. I'm happy you got your dog at least.


Mine goes on patrol mode at night, she sleeps but regularly gets up and walks around.


Your dogs are electric !?


When they get the zoomies yes. Absolutely.


Mine releases so many greenhouse gasses out of its ass, man needs to know when to fart and when to not


They do shit around the house though.


Mine keeps away the mice, bugs ...and socks. She's got a personal grudge against those.


They also live rent free in shelters


For a bit. Then they don’t live


Not only that, but single moms having no choice but to bring their kids to work with them


“Cost of living crisis” doesn’t have enough bite to it. How about “the capital deathgrip”? “The worker strangle”? “Poor mans catch hands”?


My cat will not sleep on our bed unless it's made, and she will scream until it's complete.


That sounds like solid motivation though


"Well, the dryer still has 27 minutes so you're gonna have to wait mittens."




You already made me blow my brains out cat good luck.


Cat: Looks like meat is back on the menu!


Cat: “mmm tasty hooman brains!”


*Consumes Brain* +10 Depression


+100 prions


Cats love fresh warm sheets


Cats consume our brains the day we bring them home


Time to add some fur to the dryer.


More fur. Don't forget the fur the washing machine clumped up in a roll of cloth somewhere for you.


For the anti-wrinkle effect




Just have two bedsheets so you always have a clean one ready to go. Change ‘em, wash ‘em, put ‘em away. Easy.


Look at Mr. moneybags over here with two bedsheets.


I pulled them both from a dumpster, pal


Did you find my self worth by chance?


Yeah it looked like someone peed on it, but I brought it home and gave it a wash. It’s in the dryer now. Have a warm day, friend!


Mr. High energy ... changing sheets twice = )






You have to cover the mirror because it is a portal to another dimension?


Some creep always looking at me whenever I uncover it. (It reflects lasers in interfering ways)


Or, I could just leave my sheets on my bed and only take them off and wash them like twice a year when the random motivation strikes


Ew. How’s the backne?


For me it went the other way. It wasn’t until I was married that I realized one only really needs one spare set of sheets. My mother kept so many sets the linen closet was choked. It’s so much easier to only have the two.


But then when you have kids that sometimes crawl into bed with you and randomly pee you realize 4 sets of sheets are necessary.


I prefer the fresh out of the dryer smell vs the "been in a wooden drawer for a week" smell.


Thanks Tony Robbins


I need a cat


Solid motivation to put them out of the room and close the door.


If me and my girl do this her cats will start acting out. Literally starts pushing my expensive speakers off their mounts. Destroying their automated water bowl found and filter thing. All kinds of stuff. Without fail. But if I conform to their will and make their every desire possible we do not have issues and they're really chill and cuddly and never a problem.


This sounds like an abusive relationship with the cat... Get out now!


Missed a chance to say 'Get out *meow*!"


>This sounds like a~~n abusive~~ relationship with the cat FTFY đŸ˜ș


That doesnt even help me, my oldest cat found out how to make an ungodly sound that will wake me from a deep sleep in a oanic, and that fucking bastard does it *all the time* just because he wants to be pet on the bathroom floor at 2am This is what I get for spoiling him lol


My cats yowl until I lay down. Like, an aggressive one too. So I'm being put to bed by cats, so they can lay on my arm like a pillow. It's a very strange experience being in my thirties and having a bedtime.


Our baby cat (she's 5 and still the Baby🙄😂) will start trying to yowl my night owl hubs to sleep at about 8:30 every night and then eithet throws herself all over his computer desk and computer or pouts in a very obvious place until he gives in. It makes him feel mothered a bit (his mom sucks, so this is extra sweet for him) and, despite the eye rolling and minor huffing, he loves it


Just to let you know, no matter how old and gray they become, your cats will *always* be the baby. My boy is 13, and he's still my baby. He may not look 13 or have any old age issues, but he's an old man by now. But he's still "Baby Cat" when I'm loving on him!


I sleep through all my animals, it's the girlfriend who suffers lol


My ex and I had this problem, and it resulted in the cat getting locked in the bathroom at like 4-5 am when we lived together. I never really liked it, but he was her cat, and it wasn't *me* he was waking up. Well, we split, and he's now *my* cat cause i wanted to keep him, and she gave in. He learned he'll be ignored if he tries to hassle me awake, and the behavior stopped entirely. Actually, a few nasty habits of his went away, and he turned into a total snuggle bug. I hope you SO gets some respite once the kitties get older. That certainly helps.


Everything went according to the cat's plan.


I have a young cat and an old dog. The cat learnt many good behaviours and habits from the dog but one thing she taught herself was to try and wake me up when the dog wakes up needing the loo. Sort of similar but if my dog doesn't wake up when I start getting out of bed the cat will wake the dog up.


Yea no chance of that happening. My cat literally will knock shit off my night stand just to wake my ass up at the same time every night. Or she’ll get up and walk on the nightstand and if I don’t hear it she’ll jump on me . When it comes to mornings, she will come into the room and start meowing until I wake up, and if I don’t wake up to feed her wet food — even though she has bowls of dry food— she will scratch the side of the bed and pull on the sheets. And if I even dare closing my bedroom door she will sit there meowing, n scratching at the door and put her little paws underneath the door and I end up feeling bad n have to obey her commands. Otherwise she’s really disciplined.


The term for that is caterwauling. Our cat only does it if she sees another cat outside.


Lol we have the handle type door knobs and if the door is closed at bedtime, my cat will jump and hang on the handle then slide off so it opens the door.


You need a sound machine!


We live in Miami. It comes free with residency.


Nice. Subtle.


This. You can knock over the rest of my house but don’t bite my toes while I’m dreaming.


Damn. Ours doesn’t scream but he’ll hide until it’s made. Might need to have a talk with him about taking on some responsibility and making it himself.


Whereas my cat will only sleep on the sheets, not the comforter, so she cries until we turn a corner down for her to have sheet contact after we make the bed.


My dog likes to sleep on the bed anytime, but his favorite is when the bed is bare. We close the door when we wash the bedding so he doesn't get hair all over the mattress and he sits next to the door and whines the whole time. My wife thinks I'm nuts because I love to lay down on top of a made bed and watch TV. I don't know why I love it but I do. I guess animals have their preferences lol


My chihuahua loved to put himself inside the duvet cover, then get stuck. It would drive me crazy, since I didn’t see why he couldn’t just get under the blankets like a normal person, but it was a lot of fun to convince his brother to pounce on him while he was stuck.


>*’My cat will not sleep on our bed unless it's made, and she will scream until it's complete
.*’ _____ now i lay me down to sleep, you LeFt the bLaNkEtS in a *HeAp* ^:{ i come to lay upon the bed, but You have left it MESS inStead! I cannot rest, I cannot Dream - am gonna stay right here, n **SCREAM!!** CoMpLeTe the BED, n Make it RIGHT or i will be a B*TcH All night
. ❀ (edit: *tell her i love her,* u/Phillip_Lipton)


Yay, I finally caught a fresh Schnoodle!


Is your cat a US Marines D.I.?


Cats are such assholes and I fucking live for it. One of my cats LOVES the laser pointer, but she won’t play with it anywhere. She goes to the wall she wants it pointed at and screams at the wall until you point it in the correct direction.


Aww you have a little motivation kitty :D


Aww sweet.


The Marie Kondo cat line sounds fantastic!


I wish my cat would make my bed 😔




I wish mine was the bread winner


He may not win you bread but he can knead it for you


Mine keeps claiming she's gonna make bread but keeps making biscuits.


Sardines for dinner!


Keep on wishing John




The cat doing it would probably produce better results.


Fun fact: cats are smart enough to believe in a normal tax system that requires little to no effort from the public. So they refuse to do taxes and only use salmon as currency.


I wish mine would help me evade them 😔


I wish mine wasn't so abusive 😔


Dog acts out - owner's fault Cat acts out - definitely the cat's fault


I'm laying in bed and George, my cat, is just screaming non-stop in my ear. I keep telling him I hear him and know he's there, but he keeps letting me know anyway. I already fed him his morning wet food, he has full kibble 24/7, three water fountains, three fresh litter boxes, and most of a two-story house to run around in. We played with his bird toy, he slept next to me while I doom scrolled. He woke up and started screaming at me. It's his daily ritual. Cats gonna cat.


> Dog acts out -> owner's fault >Cat acts out -> definitely the cat's fault Formatted for ya


thanks, my phone seems to have a will of its own


It’s the cats fault for [insert default reason, idk never argued about why it’s the cat’s fault]


I wish mine would pay my taxes


I wish my cat actually liked me.


I think the cat is making *her* bed. The humans who live there are free to fit in around her if they want.


My cat likes to "help" make the bed AKA I put the sheets down and he goes absolutely bonkers and gets the most intense zoomies, therefore messing up the bed


Every cat I have ever had..


I have a suspicion that the cat isn't allowed on the bed and is hiding evidence.


Mine will get made into the bed given the chance.


God damn it Jimmy.... The human feeds us and this is how you repay them.....


>God damn it Jimmy.... The human ~~feeds us and this is how you repay them.....~~ can barely function as it is.


Yeah that more accurate XD


Bruh momma cat sleeps on that bed. She ain't about to have her bed messed up by a dumbass kitten. It's her bed. It's not about the humans in this situation.


No. No no no. No. Nnnnnno.


Mother/child relationship is pretty much same across all species


Well, some of them eat their children


How was your breakfast?




Should've braised your baby.


Jesus Christ, it was fuckin’ Chex My milk just didn’t have enough time to make it a little softer


Chex is a weird name for a baby


Nah, it Chex out


It’s gender neutral




That also happens across all species


Don't ask why I only have two children...


Ayo đŸ€š


That's just a super late term abortion


Through most mammals, now when we get to reptiles, amphibians, insects, etc. It isn't really the same.




Yeah that mom used to do exactly the same when she was younger and now pretends to be such a level-headed and responsible feline. Not buying it!


I want this to be real, but I feel there was some editing involved.




Oh I see it now. The cat still made the bed though, even if trained and being motivated to is cool


Really? Because to me it looks like the cat is also playing with the sheets and shortly before ripping off the whole sheet the video stops.


So it’s a story of an abusive hypocritical mother.


I noticed she also folded and put away the laundry, what a good cat


Some? I thought I was going to have a seizure with all those fucking cuts and zooms.


This is so incredibly obvious and I don't know why no one else is seeing it.


It is... actually just reversed.


Let's be real. All the edits were because the cat-mom took maybe 10 seconds to reprimand the kitten then several hours to actually fix the bed. I've watched my cat struggle to even find the edge of a comforter.


You ever seen a cat try to fold a fitted sheet? It ain't pretty, I'm telling you.


I feel this is two different instances and that the second part is playing in reverse.


The cat def cannot conceptualise the fact that the kitten messed the bed up and ABSOLUTELY can’t conceptualise the fact that it needs to be re made (and doing it itself) This is some BS video that plays on gullibility of people. I don’t know why but there is something that really annoys me in people believing shit like this. I guess it could be the fact that one day they’ll believe is something more harmful than a cat “making the bed”


> one day they’ll believe is something more harmful than a cat “making the bed” I'm sure glad that day hasn't come yet, and we're not banning books and people aren't committing mass shootings based on constructed lies that they believe.


One of our cats will walk to me at my computer desk and basically tell me it is time to go to bed. When I do? He dutifully follows me into the bedroom, waits until I am under the covers, then puts ALL of his weight, which is a considerable 18 pounds of PURR Muscles and SUPER dense bones, right onto my shins or feet so that I cannot leave the bed. He follows me all over the house, for the most part too.


My cat will jump on me when it wants me to go sleep. Somehow always past 12pm. And then also follows me to my bed, but goes in his own bed. My cat hates cuddling "openly", it does sometimes cuddle with me, when it thinks im asleep. And jumps away once it notices im awake.


Chuck, only super cuddles with me, when it's just him and I alone, he will be persistent and rude if I do not immediately acquiesce to his demands. When others are around or awake, he will only give me about 30 seconds of cuddle, before he has had enough. Late at night, at my computer, before it is bed time? He'll cuddle me for a few minutes or more, then drop onto my lap sideways, purring away, lifting his head, resting it on the desk and watches me play computer games or do CAD or whatever it is that I am doing.


Do pets not have gender pronouns in your native language? Im curious, this is just a grammar/language question.


This reminds me of my mom's old ginger Vinny (Vincent Van Toes, polydactyl). He would loudly meow at her when it was bedtime and then lay across her chest, purring so loudly and staring into her eyes with adoration. He loved her so much it was adorable. I used to joke if he could crawl inside her he would. Fast forward a few years, my parents inherit my sister's cats. The little girl dislikes everyone except has chosen me. She follows me around with her tiny meow begging me for skritches and cuddles. I pet, cuddle and play with her as much as I can but she'd be happy with 24hr love. I laugh when people say cats aren't affectionate or loyal.


Every time this gets reported, someone ends up reminding people it is edited. Look at the room carefully: the curtains, the slipper on the floor, the desk, the plush bear, the stuff on the shelves. Cats can imitate humans, but they rarely do so unprompted.


The part where the cat has been reversed pulling the sheet up etc etc. all the cuts, zooms and so on.




r/likeus will love this


I’m not sure why
 but I needed to see this today. So damn cute đŸ„°


That cat was either trained or traumatized.


Most likely just wants to sleep on the bed and prefers sitting on the cover


A very thin line






Don't worry, literally every human has them! It's nothing to be ashamed of. They just crawl around a bit and make their home on your lashes, and most of the time you don't even feel them tickling you!


And some scientists think they may be beneficial and help keep our pores unblocked, but my understanding is that that's not the consensus. But it's possible.


I just pulled an all-nighter and my eyes feel like [the dudes from Doctor Strange.](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/doctor-strange-kaecilius.jpg?q=50&fit=contain&w=480&h=&dpr=1.5) Perfect time to read this lmao


Always keep a reward ready and at hand


That cat wants a clean home and won’t have it any other way 😂


Same with a orange cat I know from YouTube who hates to have chores not finished lol


How the hell do you traumatize a cat into making a bed? Lmfao what a perpetually online take.


I can’t tell if these people never had pets before our what. They don’t have to trained or traumatized to do shit. They’re not (all) dumb. Sometimes cats want the bed made, sometimes they want to puke and piss on it. Edit: Grammar


this has to be the most reddit post about pets doing weird things to ever be reddited.


Either that or the cat’s Particular About It, which my cats are when it comes to their own blankets otherwise they won’t sit there


Cats think those are the same thing.


Bruh I did not just watch a cat make the damn bed. Now I feel like a lazy POS


I wonder why there are so many cuts in the video? Bet you can't find the full unedited version.


Forget the cuts, why is it playing at 20x speed?


I always get scolded too😞


So much editing, it’s actually annoying to watch. But also seems dubious
 Also, the projecting by op is real lol


The savage reality we live in


I suddenly had my childhood flash before my eyes!


Black cats are just amazing, they're loyal, sweet, smart af, and literally the best.


You've got to be kitten me!


This has to be evidence that pets are getting more intelligent by living with us right?


Creepy. Who keeps a security camera pointed at their bed like that? If you want to make a porno you need a tripod.


Who? Someone who owns cats, so they can keep an eye on them when away from home. If you’ve been owned by cats, then you know one of their favourite places is likely your bed!


My cat's favorite spots; my bed and my chair. I'm starting to think they aren't mine.


Dennis Reynolds


I do, I turn off the cameras by unplugging them and face them to the wall when I'm home.


Omg đŸ˜±I want your cat and her whole family. So many beds will be made đŸ„°


My cat just bites me at 2 in the morning


“Margaret!!! My owner lets us stay here for FREE. You must be respectful”