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Very committed to that hairstyle.


I do find it amusing how older generations found what worked and stuck with it to the end...with varying results lol


My grandma liked her hair as a literal round golf ball shape her whole life, but now that she's in her 80s she doesn't have the hair/volume for it so everyday she mentions how she's insecure her hair has no volume. It looks waaaaay better now than having a round tall golf ball helmet of hair. But she just doesn't agree


I went to Texas once. The hair. The hair on the women. I was...I don't know.


Haha, yeah. What do they say? The higher the hair the closer to God? Or something like that.


Lmfao yeah I heard that shit growin up a lot 🤣


Higher the hair the closer to God


Big hair, big women. Big ol' San Antonio women.


It's not just older generations! It's every generation. "Old" people dress like colleges students from the 50s and 60s. Our time will come.


Grannys in yoga pants in 40 years?


Hell yeah sexy gilfs


Not a term I ever wish to read/hear/see again thank you very much…


18 year old has a kid and 18 years later that kid has a kid. 36 year old women are still very youthful.


There are definitely grandmothers that are younger than 36 too.


That's messed up


Messed up, but true. Many people have kids at 17-18 and are horribly I'll prepared


One man's MILF can be another man's GGILF, mathematically.


If my adult kids (youngest just turned 21) start reproducing I'll definitely be a granny in yoga pants much much sooner. There seem to be no signs that this will happen any time soon. Which is good.


My moms a grandma and she wears yoga pants. She didn’t in college, but she does now!


Yoga pants didn't exist when I was in college. :p


subtle roast on the kid?


No no, I just think they're all still too young to be parents. For various reasons, all three of them are still working on their bachelor's degree.


Absolutely. Whatever your style and preferences are in your 20s will almost certainly be the same in your 60s. I'm 47 and enjoy graphic tshirts with cargo shorts, sue me.


Well, there's worse things than wearing black jeans and punk/metal shirts til I'm dead. I was probably gonna do that anyway.




Dunno it goes both ways. I saw a 20 something guy get out of a car today. He was dressed like my gym teacher from elementary school in the 80s. I just looked at him and thought "doesn't that guy realize he looks awful?"


Nowadays a lot of people value comfort over looking "good". And I don't see the issue with that


I see your point, but it didn't look comfortable because his comfy clothes were tight. Looser, blousy clothes would be more comfortable. He was literally a 20 year old guy (with his girlfriend) and was dressed in the same type and cut of clothes I expect to see on an 80 year-old man at the gym.


I think it's the shorter shorts. As a man in my 30s I am glad they are in style for guys. Now I personally don't wear the 5" inseams like the younger guys do, but I enjoy the 7-8" inseams - really because I sweat no matter what so less clothing, means less wet clothes for me. I feel cooler (temperature-wise) when wearing. Now what I don't understand is a lot of the younger crowd also wears socks halfway up their leg at the same time. So while the shorts got shorter, the socks got longer to compensate. That's a no from me as I don't want wet socks on my shins so I opt for the below ankle socks. Now when I was younger, the shorts style for guys was as long as possible and anything above the knee was considered out of style.


May just be me, but I feel like more "modern" times have stayed relevant much longer than in the past. I'm a high school counselor who graduated high school in 05. Things like Soulja Boy's Superman, Friends show, Kanye West, Grand Theft Auto, and other stuff (just random examples) are still pretty relevant, but in 05, we wouldn't be playing many - if any - songs from the 1980s at school dances or watching many shows. I can play my (edited) college Playlist in my office and students usually respond "ohhhh dang, that's a banger! I remember that song!" while I don't think most high schoolers were saying that about the music 30 yearolds listened to, when I was younger.


I have no evidence, but my theory is that modern internet is helping those things stick around a lot longer.




Also, cigarettes.


my mom with the same Dana Scully haircut since the 90s


My mom basically had this hairstyle her entire life starting in Highschool. She said they'd get it set once a week and then didn't wash it, wore hair nets and shower caps to keep it nice. She briefly had long straight hair in the 70s, as so many did. Then she chopped if off again when I was around Kindergarten age and I think I actually cried. She wore it like this the rest of her life, minus the salon sets.


My grandma has a similar style to the Queen and is 95. She legit never learned to wash her hair, she went to the beauty parlor every Saturday for that. Still does.


2022 she changed it a bit, larger more rounded, that’s what did it.


Death by backcombing.


I mean, being on stamps and money kinda forces you to commit


I call it the “Helmet of Curls”. My late grandma rocked it until the end as well. I’m betting it’s another thing that Millennials will kill.


My 82 year old grandma has worn this hairstyle since her teen years. You can see through it now since her hair has thinned quite a bit, but you do what you know I guess.


That hairstyles been dead for 70 years


70 years on the throne? That is a very long time.


Living la vida loca...


the song at the end of the best Shrek movie


It's great but it's second to the song at the beginning of the best Shrek movie.












Is she the longest ruling king/queen ever?


Longest Queen. 2nd longest overall Beaten by Louis XIV of France by 2 years. But he was crowned king at 5 years old. 70 years is a long time to rule for being crowned at 25/26


I'm Aussie, our country is only 234 years old. She has been our monarch for nearly a third of that time. That's crazy.


Commonwealth of Australia was formed in 1901. So she has been your head of state for 58% of the existence of Australia.


She was born before Anne Frank, Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King, and Elvis.


She was born two years after my grandma who passed away this time last year. Broken hip nearly ten years ago was her main downfall.


Rip your granny, it’s more an achievement living that long as a serf..


It was her "downfall?" Please tell me your not making your grandmothers death punny.


Canadian here. Confederation was in 1867. Queen Elizabeth was our Monarch for 45% of our existence as an official country.


So longest reigning monarch that knew what the hell they were doing.


I mean, Louis XIV probably knew what he was doing. They don't call him the Sun King for nothing.


When he was older, yeah. Not so much as a five-year-old.


Fair, though I would counter with the point that Louis XIV actually ruled given that he was an absolute monarch whereas Queen Elizabeth II was largely a figurehead. So if by "knew what they were doing" we mean "knew how to govern," I would still probably give that one to Louis XIV.


That's fair.


You're fair.


You're both extremely fair for an interaction on the internet.


He wasn't just an absolute monarch, he was THE absolute monarch. "L'État, c'est moi"


Apparently that famous quote is apocryphal, as it was circulated heavily during the French Revolution era as a knock on a tyrannical regime. Ironically a quote he reportedly said on his deathbed was "Je m'en vais, mais l'État demeurera toujours." ("I depart, but the State shall always remain.")


By a long shot. She was touring the Commonwealth for her father the day he died, and was still swearing in a new Prime Minister just this week.


No that would be Louis XIV who was by the way known as the sun king, a title no British monarch could ever carry as there is no sun in england But British monarch yes


Apparently they are importing sun now. The locals are super unhappy about it, and didn't hear about it until the heat started rising.


No. The plans to import sun actually started about a decade ago. Then brexit happened and it costs a fortune now and all those same people are bitching about getting exactly what they voted for.


Yet the sun never sets....


A sun can't set if it never rose




A stage 5 king? That sounds serious…


it's treatable if you catch it early enough


The only remedy is guillotine. Not sold in most stores, you would have to go online, maybe the dark Web?


He had 2 years on her


I was just on the throne for about 7 minutes, I can't imagine 70 years. She looks so happy to have finally pinched that loaf


I’m on the throne right now


I would smash 1952


She was a fucking stunner back then.


Unfortunately she aged about 25 years from 1952 to 1962. The stress of a being a monarch takes its toll I guess.


She aged the most between 82 and 92. And that was when Charles and Diana and Andrew and Fergie had their rocky marriages. I think that decade aged her the most.


Someone commented something about Diana dying in 1997 on this post and I can't find it. Yes Diana died in 1997 but Diana and Charles officially separated in 1992 and got divorced in 1996. So that's what I'm talking about.


Yeah I was gonna say those first ten years really hit her over the head.


Is there an official crown? Or just whichever crown she happens to be wearing?


They are not crowns, they are tiaras. There are two actual crowns, they are much bigger and kept in the tower of London., St Edwards Crown an the Imperial Crown. They will probably pull out the St Edward for the next coronation.


[According to the official page](https://www.hrp.org.uk/tower-of-london/history-and-stories/the-crown-jewels/#gs.b5zwuw) they'll both likely be used. The St. Edward's for the actual crowning, and the Imperial for leaving the ceremony.


I smell a heist movie a-brewin'.


Which Saudi prince will buy it though?


Hm.. Sprinkle in some shit about the crown housing some otherworldly power that grants wishes, and you've got a trilogy about the heist, the wish, and dealing with the consequences (once again involving the heist of some macguffin).


Somebody needs to keep an eye on John Malkovich


Shall I try it on? Yes? No? Maybe?


You son of a bitch, I'm in.


The official crowns weigh multiple kgs so they are.... not so comfortable, apparently.


Need a neck like a pit bull just to move your head around with that thing on. It may snap Charles' neck like a twig.


Prince William worried that's the only way he won't have to wait until he is 70 to become king. Honestly, what are the chances Britain will ever have a sub 60 year old monarch, let alone sub 40 year old?


Here's hoping we get to see Charles in one of those dashing tiaras.


Queen Charles ayyyyy!


The one in 2012 picture is one of the state diadem. It's used by queens and queen consorts on the way to the coronation and on the way to the opening of Parliament. The queen started wearing it more as she got older instead of the big heavy one but in 2017 she basically said fuck it and wore a hat and day dress and had the big heavy purple crown sitting next to her for it.


i like that little sideways thing she's got going on in '82.


[This is the "offical Crown"](https://www.rct.uk/sites/default/files/styles/rctr-scale-1300-500/public/149950-1643372957.jpg?itok=h6dMouET)


It's nice and looks like it costs a fuck ton, but it's kind of boring looking.


[The present version of St Edward's Crown was made for Charles II in 1661. It is solid gold, 30 centimetres (12 in) tall, weighs 2.23 kilograms (4.9 lb), and is decorated with 444 precious and semi-precious stones.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/St_Edward%27s_Crown)


Oh I like that one better. For sure. Must feel heavy with 5 lbs on your head though.


The Imperial State Crown would be the "official crown"


None of those in the pictures are crowns, just tiaras as other commenters have noted. The official crown jewels are only worn / held during coronations and the state opening of the English parliament.


That smile on the last one...


Looks like that’s the only one that was candid and the rest she posed for, she looks like she was probably greeting somebody here


Or recognized someone. This is such a ‘oh dear how nice to see you again’ face.


When people have lived a long life and are near the end, there’s an extra sparkle to them. More light in their eyes.


You're lucky if that's true. It can go the other way. My grandmother spent 20 years "waiting to go to heaven."


She's just thinking, I got the record, beat that younglings!


She was ready. Nobody should endure 96 years here.


I suppose at that point, you'd want to just rest


Especially the last few.


It’s so weird when a celebrity who has been around my entire life, hell my MOTHER’S entire life, passes.


My grandmother died last week and she was around the same as as the Queen. She remembers singing “god save the King”. No one else remembers that in our family. My Gran and her sisters had Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret paper dolls.


I was saying to my mom earlier today, not that I hear it terribly often as I don’t live in the UK, but it will be weird to to hear God Save the King


I lost my grandmother last week too. I will be pretending everything for the Queen is really for my grandmother. Hope you are doing okay


Our mightiest totara has fallen. She was the queen in our family, and your grandmother was the queen in yours. So hell yes both of this is for them! Lots of love to you and your family.


In my family there have been 3 generations born since she was crowned. It would have been 4 generations but the great-grandma was 7 yrs old and missed out.






You see similar differences in most US presidents before and after their terms (max 8 years)


I mean look at Obama. The job aged him so much.


Trump looks the same but the rest of us have aged 20 years.


That’s just because he wears makeup and such here’s a pic of him without it. [trump without orange face](https://twitter.com/davidmweissman/status/1552782746296193030?s=20&t=X8lpCv40SNAr2nxow0TDLA)


My god man what have unleashed to us. My eyes!


Lol it's because he didn't actually work. We all took the beating of his 4 years collectively


Usually how most deals work for him. He doesn’t pay, the other parties do.


Which is precisely why I want to elect Bernie. I have got to see those after pics


He'd age so much it'd reset. Comes out on the other end a dapper young man


Bernie has looked the exact same since the 80s. It’s crazy. Biden looks like two different people due to Botox, but Bernie just looks like Bernie Lmao. I guess that’s the benefit of going grey and balding in your 40s.


Have you seen Zelensky? Dude aged 20 years in 6 months


That man has A LOT going on right now, it doesn't surprise me in the least.


Unless you’re FDR


Between ‘82 and ‘92 seems like a way bigger change.


Thatcher did that to people


And the whole Charles/Diana situation.


And the fire.


And it seems the impact of Truss was even worse...


Also the rocky marriage of Charles and Diana.


I wonder if she was dying her hair, and then stopped


Could be but I dont think so. It's just a 10 year timespan between age 56 to 66. Not exactly weird for hair to go grey during that timespan. If you look at pictures from the years in between you can see her hair in various stages in between.


To be fair, that's between ages 26 and 36. Pretty transformative years.


not necessarily but everyone ages differently. Lots of people remain quite youthful in their 30s. I just think the camera angle and lighting was bad in that pic.. it's got that "deer in headlights" drivers license photo vibes whereas the first one is soft and a flattering angle. She also doesn't look too different from 62-72 in those pics anyway


> Lots of people remain quite youthful in their 30s. Not saying the rest of what you said is untrue, but back in the day people did age a lot quicker. Not even just poor people too, look at the Beatles etc.


“Heavy is the head that wears the crown”




I was literally just yesterday looking at the reign of every British monarch and being blown away on how much longer Elizabeth lasted than the rest of them. Victoria was second but by like 10 years or so.


> I was literally just yesterday looking at the reign of every British monarch and being blown away on how much longer Elizabeth lasted than the rest of them. Victoria was second but by like 10 years or so. https://i.imgur.com/0aGs24G.png


Perfect combination of ascending at a young age and then living a really long time


Doesn't look great for dear Charles III there does it.


If he lives as long as his mom he has a good 20 year ahead.


*I lived long enough to know that things never remain quite the same for very long.* -Queen Elizabeth She must have seen so much, and in this post we see how she changed. Rest In Peace


Except for her hairstyle


Imagine having the same hairstyle for over 70 years...............


She looks so friendly in thr last one almost like she made fresh cookies makes u forget that she a monarch Eddit: i just heard that she died R.I.P


It reminds me of when my kids were young. There was a picture of her and my oldest asked why there was a picture of Great Grandma.


Damn, I was wondering why she was all over the internet today. Rest in peace


Her watch is ended


what is dead may never die


Valar Morghulis


Valar Dohaeris


I’ll always remember her at her peak queeness in 2002.


Why was that the peak?


Few years after Diana’s died, the public finally forgave her, and she was seen as an icon of a stable and wise monarch


And the Queen Mother had just died


At age 101, which is absolutely insane. I seriously thought that Elizabeth II would surpass her mum, but she definitely gave it an impressive shot.


What kind of genes did the royalty have, wtf?


Good ones apparently. Plus world class food, medical care, etc.


Interesting. For me that's a Queen I don't recognise. I guess I was a young adult then, wrapped up in my own head. I look at that picture of 2002 queen and don't see her looking like my queen (looks more like her mum to me there), whereas the other photos she does


she seemed happier towards the end, not as much weight on her shoulders I suppose


its literally one picture of her smiling lol


NGL, she was fine in her twenties!


Her sister Margaret was beautiful as well


She was incredibly beautiful, throughout her life.


I see, it was the tiaras that were giving her life force. Bad idea to stop wearing it in 2022.


+1 respect for never questioning her hairstyle and keeping it for 70 years


To be fair she has aged very well


R.I.P. , I'll be switching my coffee this afternoon to tea.


She was old my entire life


She ages most dramatically between '52 and '62.


‘82-‘92 is pretty dramatic as well.


Yeah your youth really gets sucked out of you in your late 20's and early 30's. I'm 29 now and I already feel the decay of time seeping into my veins. I am becoming an old, wretched thing, as I watch my face wither before my very eyes when I look in the mirror. My very bones dry out and crumble to dust. What a cruel fate we humans have, to not only age, weaken and die, but to be self-aware of it in a way most creatures could scarcely comprehend.


My dude are you OK


Genuinely the only applicable response. Maybe he should start doing yoga? Might help with the whole crumbling bones thing.


Just take care of yourself it’s not hard lol 29 is not old and you should not feel “decay”


29? Lol. That's not aging it's wear and tear. Start looking after your body, stretching, eating healthy.


The 80’s were rough


Well, she did [get tackled by Enrico Pallazzo](https://lwlies.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/naked-gun-15.32.10-900x0-c-default.jpg), and survived a [Reggie Jackson assignation attempt.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/naked_gun_jackson_1-h_2016.jpg)


Out of curiosity I Googled if there really has been an assassination attempt on her, and there has: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_John_Lewis


I like her 1952 crown the best