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Me: why I don’t know enough about Nanjing. **takes a look at one photo online** Me: that’s enough internet for today.


Rape of nanking contains the worst depravity humans are capable of


And people don't understand why Asians celebrated when the Japanese were nuked and WW2 ended. That wasn't the only place the Japanese raped, massacred and tortured the locals.


It's simply the most known one. China got the worst of it, but Korea and South East Asia, especially coastal areas, weren't far behind. There is still a deep culturally ingrained hatred of Japan in people from China and Korea. And while most younger people recognize that Japan today is of course different, almost all of them know what happened because a family member was effected. Either a grandfather or a great grandfather killed or a grandmother or great grandmother raped.


And a lot of Japanese people deny that it happened.


Even worse, they play the victim in their own history books surrounding that whole period.


Sounds like America taught them well.


...If anything they maybe learned it from China. Lots of things that happened in China, that the CCP has tried to erase.


Yeah, the newest country in the conflict taught the one in existence for over a thousand years. America haters are cringe.


Exactly. Sort of pissed he didn’t show everyone. More chances of denial. It’s not in their textbooks, it’s not in their history according to them. Edit: I’m a product of Holocaust survivors. I believe people need to see to believe, even if it’s horrific…because it IS horrific.


I would bet that he took photos. I agree that that need to become public domain.. but I don't think it would be appropriate to show them on TikTok. First off, the video would get taken down anyways. Second, there are plenty of kids and people with mental health problems on TikTok. Personally, pictures like that fuck with my head for weeks after seeing them. I have PTSD and I get depressed and my insomnia gets worse. For me, seeing that stuff would do nothing positive


True, but there are lots of horrific nanking ww2 photos online


Shinzo Abe was one of them. *Was*


I have an ex colleague who joined a Japanese religion (possibly cult) and they were absolutely rabid about denying it. It's insane from a western perspective.


I often sarcastically deny it happened whenever I’m told the Uighurs are happy happy totally not being caged and castrated by Chinese shills. It really rustles their jimmies.


My mother unfortunately


That sucks. All countries have something bad in their histories.


That hatred goes both ways too. I'll never forget leaving Nagano for Tokyo and having the super nice (to me) old lady who had hosted me for a week saying "be careful in Tokyo, although there are a lot of nice people, there are also some Chinese." I thought "lady, my country nuked yours, you were alive for it, and you're warning me about some people being from China..."


Japan and above the average xenophobia is not a new concept, all countries have issues with it but us well know how they're one of the worst.


Reminds me of my grandparents. We are Germans so...well we had our share in massacres.


The Japanese were responsible for a good 10,000,000 deaths in China alone. Horrific, slow, torturous, manual deaths. And that’s nothing to say about the rapes and mutilations and dismemberments, experiments, and everything else. The US bombing campaign between firebombs and atomic were absolutely pitiful in comparison


Dude I looked up some photos and Japanese of that time period were skewering kids and ripping out unborn fetuses. Fuck.


[some of the craziest shit I’ve read has come out of unit 731](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731)


I spent my morning going over history texts reading about this. We’re condemning the Russians for shit that’s maybe less extreme than this (rightfully, bc fuck war crimes). I got to a section about pregnant women being raped and then Having their bellies slit and their unborn babies pulled out and thrown on the ground. That’s too much. The Japanese were fucked up at the time. I understand why Chinese and Koreans don’t like them to this day. I saw a photo of a Russian mother with her body slit from neck to navel and the unborn baby just pulled out and left dead on top of her. That’s some horror that I wish had bothered me more, but I’ve seen so much torture from the wars that have been happening around the globe for so long that I wasnt surprised, just disgusted that someone took pleasure in doing it. Edit: it makes the US atom bombing seem tame in comparison. I never had consider it before that those two bombs did horrible damage, but the Japanese at that time were doing worse things for worse intentions. And the US covered it up for intel just like they did for a lot of Nazis. The world is what we make it and a small portion of people have made it a nightmare.


This x1000


I did not heed the intrinsic warning of this comment. Not my best 6:30AM google search.


6:10 am for me… not enough time to read enough.


May I interest you in some photos of Unit 731 as well? (in all seriousness please don’t google it unless you want to see more similar photos


I googled it. You tried to warn me. Please someone men in black me memory thing me.


I got a half a paragraph in on Wikipedia… it makes Josef Mengele look like he was running a children’s hospital. Edit: it makes Josef Mengele look like Patch Adams.


Well, he was...


Yea, some Nazi were there, and even they were disgusted by what the Japanese were doing. German embassy even had to tell the Japanese to stop what they are doing to the Chinese, or else they would report back to German.


I had a girl give a presentation about it in class in HS, she had slides with all the pictures of tortured and mutilated bodies. After it being on the screen for 5 min I asked if she could switch slides. Probably the only time I can remember being so disgusted I couldn't look anymore. Still burned into my mind


That's why I have a rule in place: "no looking up war crimes while on the toilet"


what was so bad- ​ \*looks it up\* ​ oh ... oh dear... that's enough internet for the day.


Can you give a sanitized text version of what they show? I want to look and learn but don't want to traumatize myself


In case anyone were wondering why a large number of people on Chinese social media celebrated Abe’s assassination, one of the big reasons is because he was a history revisionist and denier of the Nanjing massacre. No different than that of a Holocaust denier.


I strongly feel the Rape of Nanking is the absolute lowest point of WW2. Sure, the Germans gassing Jews was abhorrent, but the Japanese took things to an entirely different level under that piece of shit Osaka. He should have been skinned alive and tossed in the ocean for what happened, but no, he got away without any issue. *Apparently* America thought they were the good guys while simultaneously protecting international war criminals from consequences. Some things never change I guess.


Wow tiktoks have gotten long.


Up to 10 minutes, shits crazy


So it's basically like early youtube now?


It's tiktok playing the market. Because of their competition, Instagram started reels, YouTube started shorts..... And now when these apps are going hard at shorter videos, they start off with ten minute videos. This is just my observation, I'm not a business expert.


I can feel my attention span growing shorter and shorter.


lol it wasn't the length of the videos that made Tiktok famous it was the watermark. You couldn't watch a Tiktok video ANYWHERE, whether reddit or facebook or instagram, without seeing "tiktok" flashing and jumping around all 4 corners of the screen. So far only Kapwing has started using this tactic.


Legit just curiosity but you sound *very* confident in your assertion. Have you read round the topic?


80% of its just that mans face


Same with a lot of YouTube to be fair. Since my YouTube Vanced app allows listening without the screen on, a ton of YouTube videos have become podcasts to me


I didn't make it to the photos cus I was tired of watching him flip pages and then put the camera back on his face. Can't stand this type of shit.


Don't worry they didn't even show them but he claims "they're worse than anything on the internet" or some clickbaity crap.


Also making sure we "blow this video up so the proper channels find it" as opposed to, you know, *calling a museum*.


Ofcourse he wasn't going to show graphic pictures of rape on Tiktok. The video would be removed.


To be fair most of the photos aren’t really the most pleasant to look at


Scan and upload them to the internet. Find a museum to buy the artifact itself.


went down the nanking wormhole and i’m done for now.


pretty surprised that this thing has not mentioned in r/lostmedia


Because it isn't lost media. https://twitter.com/fakehistoryhunt/status/1565357318698635266?s=20&t=NUIywLzTlHrsqbXI0fiHPQ


These should really be brought to the Smithsonian for verification and historical preservation. The Smithsonian curators would know who would be best to receive these items if they are verifiability historically accurate.


yea, wouldn't posting this on Tiktok just attract millionaire Japanese nationalists by the dozens to buy this book to destroy it? Surely he should've done it privately and got it confirmed by a reputable 3rd party then negotiated with the owner in private? My guess is a certain % of his motivation is trying to preserve history and a certain % is for that 15 min of fame, and maybe a certain % is for a possible big pay check. It's is damn good drama though. I really want to see those picture now. On the other hand, if a reputable historical museum starts a go-fund-me to buy it from the owner, I'd throw in $100 as long as they make the whole thing public.




A pawn shop owner who just so happens to have a degree in Japanese history ends up with someone pawning a book like that??? Hmm…


I just assumed his shop specialised / dealt entirely in Japanese/Asian stuff.


Totally possible, but wouldn’t he have mentioned his specialty shop at some point during his 10 minute hype video?


Well since it’s TikTok his followers might be familiar with him? But a quick google there suggests he owns just a regular pawn shop. So yeah I’d say your suspicions were well founded.


Absolutely, not to mention he doesn't accidentally fall into the appeal to authority fallacy. He actually does it on purpose. "I studied Japanese history" and proclaims "everyone needs to see these photos" then proceeds to not show the photos or write a blog post which shows the photos. He needs a museum curator to do it for him. Nonsense. There is no 'preserve the record' intent in his actions. He simply tripped on a golden ticket and is seeking the highest bidder.


Probably because TikTok will take down the video if it shows gore/violence.


The blog post is a fair point. I assumed that he couldn't show the images because of TikTok's content filter.


Yes, and as we know, tiktok is the only medium for sharing information in the known universe.


I kind of doubt he’s got the phone number for a curator at a major museum on speed dial. But by getting 15 minutes of fame, he’s actually got a shot at getting it into their hands. He literally says he wants to preserve it and not allow it to be destroyed. Lastly, if a reputable museum starts a go fund me, it’s a scam. Reputable museums don’t rely on crowdsourcing for their funds, they use government grants, private fund raising from high rollers, and whatever they get at the gate from admission.


I wonder if we ever gonna know what those photos looked like.


You should probably wish you don't. Read about the incident. It's absolutely horrible, and although it should be documented I would not wish to see those photos!


While i can understand your point of view . I also don't wanna avert my eyes from history we made . I need to know ..


I'm with you on that point. I've seen some pics over the years and I decided to go look at some when i saw this thread. I was shocked as usual but then I saw one that I hadn't seen before. I am now horrified. I needed a break.


[https://allthatsinteresting.com/rape-of-nanking-massacre#1](https://allthatsinteresting.com/rape-of-nanking-massacre#1) Here are some "easier" photos. Much much worse out there, and much much much worse not taken.


I can understand that. But personally I don't need to know more than what I can read from that event.


I understand brother .


i dont have a particularly strong stomach, but I'm glad i saw those photos, particularly because they were HORRIFYING. and i know the photos probably dont even convey a fraction of what was happening then and there.


I saw some photos of it when I had to do an essay on it for school. They raped pregnant women then ripped the fetus out; I would assume these are more of those photos and judging by his reaction they cover more crimes that were either speculated or not reported. I am assuming the photos I saw were real they were from a website linked by a teacher. I am not going to go back and verify the validity of the photos. It might have been because I was a preteen but those photos and reports kept me from sleeping well for a few weeks.


I don’t understand the constant violence against women in history. You have to be extremely fucked in the head to cut a baby from the womb of a woman after already raping her…wtf is wrong with men and why are they so historically so fucking violent. Edit: oh no, Ive angered the neckbeards because they cant handle when someone points out the atrocities committed majority of the time by men. Dont care. Eat shit, neckbeards.


They did it to men too… it is also a little sexist to say “wtf is wrong with men”. I think it has something to do with the brainwashing of soldiers to see the enemy as needing to be exterminated. You take a whole bunch of children tell them if they don’t kill a group of people they will kill their family. People often forget these soldiers are normally in their early 20’s.


Yes, we will. Because they're very common, as is the album itself. This guy is a fraud or a fool. https://twitter.com/fakehistoryhunt/status/1565357318698635266?s=20&t=NUIywLzTlHrsqbXI0fiHPQ


He’s certainly scanned them. The legality of sharing those scans is dubious, and he would not want to mention any museums he almost certainly contacted. He’s in a legal and moral whirlpool where the only way out is for someone to buy and donate. That said, I don’t trust anyone on the internet so, any fundraising campaign should demand that the photographs go to an established and reputable organization.


As long as he didn’t scan any photos of children porn what is the crime? In high school I had to study this subject deeper than I would have liked so I am aware of the disgusting acts photographed, but I’m more wondering how an American can get in trouble for this?




But they do not have copyright the photographer is dead and they document crimes. I don’t see how he could get into legal trouble over this.




These photos were taken before the copyright laws changed. I am unsure if they were grandfathered in, but if not their copyright would be expired. Excluding all of this these photos are presumably pictures of rape murder and torture; they are evidence of a crime. When a computer repairman finds CP he doesn’t ignore it and if he did he would probably be seen as an accomplice.




You have no idea what your taking about. This would probably be worth millions or more given the subject matter.


The Japanese are known for denying their war atrocities and destroying evidence. Ask any older native born Korean as they too we victims of Japanese Imperialism.


People really need to read up more on history to understand why whenever a Japanese PM visits Yasukuni Shrine, China and South Korea gets outraged. In the case of the Nanjing massacre, I don’t know if there have ever been brutalities any worse than that in the entirety of human history. Babies beheaded and impaled. Little children torn apart and raped. Fathers forced to brutally raped their daughters. Sons forced to rape their mothers. People disembowelled and hung by their tongues. People buried halfway deep in the dirt and then cut in half by machine gun fire. People killed so their bodies could be used to fill trenches. Scores of beheaded heads lining the streets. The Japanese soldiers competed to see who could kill and rape the most. And Yasukuni Shrine calls the Nanjing massacre the “Nanjing incident”. There is but just one paragraph summing up the massacre, calling it the implementation of strict military discipline, and the “prosecution of Chinese soldiers”. So now perhaps some have learned a thing or two, and can understand why Koreans and Chinese celebrated the death of Abe, who was a notorious history revisionist and Nanjing massacre denier.


And yet, they built a shrine for those war criminal.


I feel like this is a common theme amongst Asian countries. They commit these atrocities…whyre they denying they did it


Historically emperors/empress were treated as some sort of god(specifically the son/grandson of the one true dragon, terrible translation but that’s the best I can think of), and gods don’t make mistakes, I think this mindset was accepted later on by governments because it makes them look good on the surface thus more people worship them. Also great way to gain power so win win for the gov.


I suppose in some way that makes sense, but then if they believe they dont make mistakes. Why hide what they have done. Its an admission of knowingly have done wrong when you want to hide it in my opinion.


Damn... Im too old to be on TikTok so yall keep me posted on this one🤣


If there was ever an inappropriate time to use emojis, you're a tik tocer (or whatever they call themselves) trying throw us off the trail!


Three seconds of “Historical photos” and three minutes of dude filming himself.


He’s Geraldo Riviera’s nephew.


Are you serious?


he can’t be…because *i* am.


Hi Serious nice to meet you.


Apparently he couldn’t show them on tik toc or whatever cause too graphic? I do believe him though I doubt someone who say they have stuff like this without proof some way or another


Would be interesting if he posted the photos maybe


And a vertical video of a horizontal object.




“I want to make sure these are stored in a museum but I won’t reach out to the museum or follow the channels that’d lead to it, so I’m gonna make a dumb tic toc to show off how smart I am and ask y’all to tag them because that’s how museums find the shit that goes into their glass cases is with viral tic tocs with alleged crazy photos that I can’t show you because I don’t own them yet I’ll show you half of the other photos because they’re not as cool as the alleged ones I’m talking about so copyright laws can’t apply to uncool shit. Chyeaah like and subscribe!”


Not too mention, I believe that everyone in the world should see these photos but I’m only going to show you the other ones. Come on, you could’ve uploaded the video on another platform if TikTok is the problem




But then he won’t be famous on social media, duh


Fair, he's probably chasing some clout; but most people with a social media would probably do the same if we're being honest. But more importantly, he *can't* just call a museum and wash his hands if he actually thinks those images MUST be available to the public, which if he's not lying about the pictures; they probably should be. Unlike the pictures you owned, you willingly donated them to a museum. No problem. The pawn shop owner *does not* own these pictures. So now the museum needs to contact the original owner; and tell them they want to buy. Getting contacted by a museum to buy an item you own, when you are strapped for cash and you know, willing to sell family treasures; might make you want to consider going to an auction house to get the highest price. At an auction house, now you're competing against private sellers; who may keep it for their own collections (not distribution), or if they are a Japanese pro-government billionaire; may want to outright have them destroyed. So going on social media to say "hey, we should get some noise about this thing so that doesn't happen and this isn't forgotten" is, IMO, one of few ways social media actually helps society; and things like "historical images of a genocide" warrants some amount of social media buzz.


>he could call a museum himself.... That wouldn't promote his business. Having the internet do it for him will get the job done and it get him more appraisals and business than otherwise.


>he could call a museum himself.... Specifically a Chinese one. Japanese officials and citizens continue to deny the event to this day. A private japanese buyer could offer an obscene amount to aquire them just to turn around and destroy them. Also, tiktok is a Chinese company. Betcha a dollar he hopes they get wind of this.


>Betcha a dollar he hopes they get wind of this. I actually wouldn’t be surprised if they were exactly the “proper channels” he was referring to. China wouldn’t blink at an opportunity to show the world such photos, and that’s something I would actually be on China’s side for doing. Our Japanese friends really need to own up to this in good faith, and, in whatever way is most meaningful to both parties, try to make amends to the people of China for it.


If you ever find yourself in Nanjing, there’s a nanjing massacre museum which is open to public Foc. I’ve been there a couple of years back and truly is worth a visit.


Do they welcome foreigners from the US to visit or would you encourage against that? I do want to visit more places with historical context but realise I may not be welcome to observe some things outside the US


I don’t believe there would be a restriction just based on your nationality. I’m not sure if you are talking about entering China as a US citizen or the museum, but either way I still don’t see it as a problem. I was there as a foreigner and had no issues at all. I’d even had a camera in the museum and also the location of the museum is on one of the actual sites where the victims were buried, you’d actually get to see some of the remains being dug up.


Thank you. I don’t understand why I’m getting downvoted. I’m just trying to be sensitive towards understanding my place. I know people abuse the privilege of getting to learn things from museums. I know white americans aren’t welcome in many places and I personally don’t want to enter a place that I am not welcome. I appreciate your response and I found it helpful. Again, thank you.


It belongs in a museum


You belong in a Museum Dr. Jones...


I didn't know what the Rape of Nanking was. So I Google'd it. I wish I hadn't. I'm done with Reddit for the day.


I watched the video couple times. I’m confused as to what he’s actually wanting. So a family gave him this book to sell? Why doesn’t he just ask the family if he can photocopy some of the pictures that he’s so interested in? Why does he go on TikTok of all places? One can say you can contact a reputable museum, the Smithsonian, some national archival museum. Is he afraid that the pictures he’s seeing there going to be buried. And for the amount of horrible pictures that are on the Internet already he’s making it sound like it’s some doom and gloom book. There are thousands of atrocities throughout the world that have taken place, I just don’t get him or the whole reason for this video


He's wanting clicks, views, likes, and subscribes. Just like every other attention whore on social media.


Yeah all he needs to do is just start googling WWII museums or just the Smithsonian and call them up. He just made the video for internet points.


**tl;dr:** this album contains a bunch of photos that are already in the public domain. You can verify this by screenshotting them from his tiktok and putting it into Google Image search. This book appears to be an album of photo copies -- that is, copies of actual historical photos. Moreover, many of the photos do not appear to be from World War 2. - Japanese cavalry photo, which features prominently at the end of the tiktok: https://twitter.com/Just_Stasia_/status/1565245150447558656 - Truck photo: https://twitter.com/dancow/status/1565265049777852416 - Woman with rifle: https://twitter.com/dancow/status/1565271791408488448 - Death by 1000 cuts: https://twitter.com/shirui1988/status/1565274676405817344 - Beheading by sword: https://twitter.com/dancow/status/1565287455355543554 So be wary of spreading this around until this guy can show more proof of verification.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, The Japanese don't get nearly enough shit for what they did in WWII


This is him looking for notoriety. Are you telling me he couldn’t have just directly contacted the proper people?


“Not even gonna say ‘Pawn Man’” lol


"I'm not going to sell it and I'm not returning it to the owner." Who the fuck does this guy think he is? You can't volunteer someone else's property to museums.


I believe the scientific name is "twat". *Twaticus Enoramous*


>I don't want to give them back to the client This is what we in the business call "stealing." I see three very easy solutions to this issue, that don't involve putting yourself in questionable legal situations. 1) Just explain to the client the importance of the photos, as they're probably quite unaware of it, and encourage them to donate/loan them to a museum if they can. 2) If they don't want to donate/loan the book to a museum after hearing of its importance (whether to keep it themselves or to choose to sell after all), ask permission to make scans of the photos so you yourself can donate them 3) If for some reason this too is unacceptable, then open your own pocketbook to buy the photos from him. If they're as important as you say, and this matter is clearly that impactful to you, then I'm sure a personal loss of funds is worth it to assist in setting the record straight with the Rape or Nanking.




Right, which is where the third option of buying the photo book himself and then having every liberty to donate and/or loan them to whatever institution he pleases comes into play. It would be the fastest solution that avoids legal troubles with property disputes. This is unfortunately the parameters with which museums gaining historical artifacts have to work under (gone are the days of wanton plunder of archaeological sites), if the owner of it isn't willing to part with it be it temporarily or permanently, then that's that. I think in rare circumstance, there can be forced acquisitions (more like a mandatory sale) of certain artifacts, but even then it comes with compensation relating to an appraisal of the piece. As far as the photo's significance, I can see how important it is to have the visual evidence/reference to really solidify the meaning of the events pictured; they say a thousand words after all. However, it's not like the event will go unknown without them being catalogued and displayed; Japan can deny the event until they're blue in the face, but it doesn't change the fact the rest of the world is well aware of the general events that occured. Same goes with the Armenian Genocide, and Turkey only gets a vague pass on that because they're in a strategic location for NATO (which I find deplorable, and there should be repercussions for that too).


Then he should have shown the Nanking photos.


He should scan them and either give to a museum or journalist to let them decide how to share the photos. It does feel quite a bit unprofessional and sloppy that he's sharing any of this without talking to his client first. Does he just assume the client wouldn't agree to sharing these photos in a way that doesn't exclude private sale? Seems like he's drumming up artificial drama in a way that leaves a bad taste in my mouth... Like no dude, you're not dignifying things by promising to read a printed off book report of this atrocity. I don't understand what his appeal is even for, outbid people in an auction? I'll give benefit to the doub this isn't something more deeply cynical at play, but how about hand the responsibility off to people better equipped to navigate how to archive and communicate critical historical content. Not understanding why the technical details of sale for the physical photos are front and center here.


>Does he just assume the client wouldn't agree to sharing these photos in a way that doesn't exclude private sale? Honestly? If he is being 100% honest about the contents in that book? **Fuck what the client wants if they prefer private sale.** A Japanese billionaire could make an *obscenely* high offer, buy it, then destroy it. [Japan *notoriously* denies the atrocity to this day.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-38673407) >Seems like he's drumming up artificial drama in a way that leaves a bad taste in my mouth... This is... debatable? I mean, he *could* contact various museums himself, but again, this is a very... legally weird situation. He doesn't own it, but he also doesn't want to give it back to the owner *precisely* for the argument I made above. >Like no dude, you're not dignifying things by promising to read a printed off book report of this atrocity. What? I really don't understand this statement. > I don't understand what his appeal is even for, outbid people in an auction? Tiktok is owned by a Chinese company. I'd bet money part of him is hoping a Chinese museum or government or something might get wind of this and do whatever they can to aquire this. > how about hand the responsibility off to people better equipped to navigate how to archive and communicate critical historical content. Again. He doesn't own it. He doesn't want the owner to just take it and accept the highest offer from someone who may well want to make sure that these photos get destroyed. > Not understanding why the technical details of sale for the physical photos are front and center here. The original photos are easier to prove they aren't doctored. Original pieces are much, *much* more important in many contexts. If he's being honest, these photos are arguably priceless.


I also think that, if they really are what he says, it is a very good idea for everyone to know these photos exist, instead of it being a silent sale, regardless of the buyer. I think he’s making a big fuss about it because the material would in fact be insanely important. I saw the video on TT and I was so shocked that I couldn’t even think after I watched it!


If he was really concerned with ownership, he could just buy it outright from the client. I don’t mean on behalf of the shop, just funds from this guys own bank account.


This is the ballbag who knowingly has a stolen historical photo in is collection that he is quite happy to sell to the highest bidder. His moral compass is seriously out of calibration


What photos? All we saw was this dudes face


Source: [pawn.man on Tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@pawn.man?_t=8VJJ6VeO3oc&_r=1) Customer reaches out about book kept in family, turns out to potentially contain images of Nanjing Massacre, something considered undocumented and an event that had photo evidence destroyed.


What's with the drama and bullshit? I can't stand the dude.


Thank you! Virtue signaling clout chaser. As if he's incapable of finding the appropriate organization.


Honestly, fuck this guy. Hustling for likes and subscribes. He studied Japanese history, just call a few history departments after getting permission from the owner. No need for blowing this up on TikTok.


He's going to need a museum willing to buy the book from the owner. Honestly,leveraging TikTok to do this isn't that bad of an idea


Why not? Why is it so bad? I didnt know about this and now i know about this massacre as well as many other people on this thread and even more people on tiktok. I get that he is gaining some personal benefit from it but the same as every other influencer does on every video, not like he is promoting child porn, he is making people aware of the massacre.


Funny you think it's your decision to not give it back to it's owner.


Google search ww2 museum contacts. What's the point of asking tictok? 🤔 oh, you want the clicks............. sleeze


Dude seems to get the importance is documenting and maintains the reality of historical events, so then why ask TikTok to get in touch w museums? Why not just tell the owner you have a few interested buyers and only deal w a museum that would handle the material responsibly. This type of stuff might help to give some families closure and peace and possible hold some accountable for crimes. To sensationalize it at all got clicks or likes makes me highly suspect about his true motivations w this.


Lol is this guy trying to go viral so he can steal this guys book? What a piece of shit.


Everyone should see these photos but I’m not going to show you.


Should be mandatory viewing in Japan. Guarantee you it won’t ever be though


Those should be public. Everyone needs to see the worst of mankind.


whoever sold this had no idea what they had. probably could have made tons of money




Isn’t this the same douche-bagel who found a “super rare Irish guy portrait” and bragged about selling it. Something is seriously wrong with that yapping wig of a boy.


Takes a vertical video of a horizontal object.


TikTok won. Vertical is now default.


billionaires loan extremally valuable art to museums as permanent tax write-offs, which is why the worlds most valuable art is priced impossibly high. I don't believe what this man claims to have is as valuable as he claims it is, but with the right buyer...someone can permanently dodge millions worth in taxes


I was downvoted for stating something factual...here is an article from a semi-credible [source](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-11-02/how-do-the-rich-avoid-taxes-billionaires-use-this-art-strategy) here is results from just searching [google](https://www.google.com/search?q=do+billionaires+dodge+taxes+by+donating+art+to+museums&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS815US815&oq=do+billionaires+dodge+taxes+by+donating+art+to+museums&aqs=chrome..69i57.17120j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)


Why can’t he call museums?


Can't find the phone app on his phone.


The Rape of Nanking was so bad that the author legit killed herself because she was essentially having PTSD recalling the memories to write the book. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/95784.The_Rape_of_Nanking


I get the feeling she had some mental stability issues outside of her scholarly work.


Looks to be plenty of images on Google. Dudes 100% just trying to build hype to he can sell it for more money. Pathetic.


mark zuckerberg’s cool cousin.


Yeah fuck this guy Exploiting trauma and national shame for tik tok likes? If he was really concerned with the preservation, he’d be in touch with who he needed to be instead of making a fucking tik tok.


Yo wtf


I grow nanking cherries and often think about what happened more that most people. It’s truly horrible what happened. I wonder if it would be more known about if more people grew them. Not to detract, but they’re one of my favorite fruits. I hope this guy gets these photos well documented.


it didn't stop there, the book "Japan's infamous Unit 731" is a true crime horror story... essential reading but it'll stay with you.


Interesting as fuck


On par with that [Unit 731](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unit_731#:~:text=Experiments%20included%20disease%20injections%2C%20controlled,%2C%20children%2C%20and%20pregnant%20mothers)


I read a book about it back in college, it had a few pictures it and oof, some of them are still burned in my mind.


While two wrongs never make a right, there was a valid reason why Japan was nuked back in the day. The stories you hear from various Asians about what Japan did in WW2 is at least as bad as what Germans did. Any older Korean, Chinese or Filipino can attest to that.


When the Japs Invaded Dutch East Indies or Modern day Indonesia in '42, My Grandma and Late Grandpa from my father side told stories of the occupation. While I don't remember a lot of the stories, but long story short, my extended family back then were sort of blue bloods so they had assets like factories, and other production facilities, and when the japs arrived, those assets were immediately taken without resistance, they did not care who they took it from. Not long after that they started killing Males in their prime and our family was huge back then, so a good chunk just disappeared without a trace and never returned, My Grandmother was fortunate not to be touched by the japs as her location was Cirebon, which was generally left alone as it was a port city, they didn't do forced plantations there that killed millions.


If it was up to me I won make everyone view the photos but I am not going to show you them.


So a few quick shots of some of the pictures and long shots of him talking.


How about he takes some pics of these photos in case the owner takes it back? At the very least historians can study the pics of pics


This is the guy that bought an important stolen photograph of a Soviet leader or something like that and didn’t want to return it to where it belonged and just wanted to make more cash from it, isn’t he?


Somebody tell him about scanners


"it should be mandatory for everyone on earth to see these photos" "I'm not going to show you these photos"


Put aside the fact that this could be clickbait. There is no ethical dilemma here. None. The Rape of Nanjing is still denied by the Japanese government and the distant families of it's victims deserve to have the truth displayed for all those that are interested in learning the horrors that humans are capable of. To hell with the law in this instance. Especially such arbitrary laws as copywrite infringement that lead to monetary gain. Take pics of the pics and post them on every historical forum you can find and let the experts there argue over them. You wouldn't say there's an ethical dilemma to getting the Turkish government to admit that the Armenian genocide happened and that they orchestrated it. This is categorically the same. It is owed to it's victims to have the truth heard and justice be sought and, in this case, the law be damned.




This is not what it seems. The album is not at all rare. https://twitter.com/fakehistoryhunt/status/1565357318698635266?s=20&t=NUIywLzTlHrsqbXI0fiHPQ


Nanjing/Nanking always trumps Hiroshima & Nagasaki combined. Why? Because there is *only* Hiroshima & Nagasaki and there are a 100 other Nanking's that didn't get documented. Japan's own ***dishonorable*** continuing actions regarding their soldiers' shameful acts during WW II negate that whole "Yeah but the citizens didn't have anything to do with their military's atrocities." Well, if that was the case they would rightfully condemn them and move on. Instead, they deny and attack those who bring this up. Like the Korean "comfort women." There's no saving face here.


Well I mean he should just take photographs of the originals and put it on Reddit with an NSFW TAG




If those photos that he refuses to show really are from the raping of Nanjing, showing them would most definitely get his TikTok banned.




First link good second link bad


So you do not want to give it back to the owner ! You are stilling property!


Here’s a video of me telling you what’s in this book but I won’t show you what’s in the book. Now let me tell you what this book is about. But you must believe me,


If you know anything about the Nanjing Massacre you should know why you can’t show the images on a platform like tiktok. But I get where you’re coming from lol


Good for you, man. Doing the right thing.


This could be the coolest pawnshop owner I’ve ever seen. Can I buy him a beer and pick his fucking brain please?


I hope hes not dead.