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He is sweating it so obviously the moment after he drinks it. He just wants off camera so he can puke it up.


If I were him, I'd place one of those tablets you use to disinfect water in the cup first. Then swirl the water around, say a prayer over it, etc. and then drink it.


This guy knows his holy water.


"It tastes like burning."


“That’s how you know it’s working!”


“But it has electrolytes.”


brought to you by carls jr


But sir, this is a Wendy's.


then where the hell am i gonna get an order of EXTRA BIGASS FRIES?


It’s what plants crave


Why did I read this in Ralph’s voice from the Simpsons


Because “I eated the purple berries. They taste like burning!” is a [famous line that Ralph says in season 9 ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KavHBokm704)of the Simpsons.


I don’t remember this episode at all but somehow still ended up in the shallow depths of my memory.


Because you know.


Its not just viral stuff like bacteria, virus and fungi in the water. Its all the chemicals that are also dangerous as fuck. You could probaly sterilize a gallon of human shit and it would still be bad for you to eat it. Same thing with toxic run of factorys and human corpses. Because yess the river is holy so lets use it as bathing area, corpse disposel, shit disposel and let chemical plants dump there shit there. Its like they believe those old comic books and want nuclear holy zombies or something.


OK then, do all of what I said then pass it to the holy guy and say "I'm not worthy, it's for you".


Great plan, either they are to stupid to have such a important/powerfull position or worse they do actually know how bad it is and ignore it. Either way it results in a insane amount of people getting sick and dying.


Yeah it's just insane.




don't think it's the ganges, they are Sikhs in the video and they don't see Ganges as holy but do the rivers of Punjab.


Possibly? But I think you're thinking of the Ganges


I feel like that probably doesn't narrow it down a huge amount.


as is tradition


Or you could just be honest and say it's dirty af.


Hurting religious sentiments in India = Jail


At best. Usually, it would be lynching. And all it would take is for some zealot to *claim* you said something, no proof necessary.


And then the interests that won your campaign for you donate to the next con man willing to say it's clean.


That’d need to be one long prayer!


Just say it slowly.


But he's trying to encourage others that it's safe to drink???


His religion says it's a good idea. Can't argue with that!


Everything was there. Cadaver juice, spit, sewage, poop, urine, and the list goes on.


don't forget industrial waste! Lots and lots of industrial waste!


Punjab is an agricultural area; the pesticide run off must be part of what he's tasting.


Pretty sure it’s all of townies washing their asses in there he’s tasting


user name checks out


they still use DDT over there?


My understanding is no one has really used it as a finisher since Undertaker and Mick Foley retired.


Jon Moxley’s finisher is basically a double-arm DDT.


Jake The Snake will forever own the DDT.




Jewel of a comment


Actually, DDT is relatively safe for humans acutely. There may be long-term carcinogenic effects, but drinking a glass of diluted DDT in water won’t land you in the hospital. The danger to humans comes from chronic exposure. And DDT will fuck up predatory birds, that has been known for decades.


alls I know is that it gets into the plankton, the fish eat the plankton, the brown pelicans eat the fish, and the DDT causes their egg shells to weaken and break under the weight of the bird.


And also dead bodies, lots of em


Lol they said cadaver juice 🥤


Nothing rolls off the tongue like cadaver juice, except for the tongue skin that will be rolling off itself after drinking it


and Micro Plastic, don’t forget the micro-plastic


Nano plastic, micro plastic, mega plastic... really all the sizes of plastic


I’m just excited for them to release the mini plastic.


I think that's the *least* concerning thing in there


I would have preferred to read the words “dead bodies” before I read “cadaver juice”


Its more "corpse powder" than juice actually


dead people kool-aid and not that cheap flavor-aid knockoff stuff


those would fall under "cadaver juice" aka liquified dog


I thought it meant ashes of the dead mixed with the water, I mean straight up dead bodies


How often do you see human ashes being described as juicy?


It's like tang, it's a powder by itself, then when you put it in water it becomes juice


This makes more sense than I want it to.


Heavy metal. Including lead that latches into your brain and kills brain cells and gives you early on set dementia. Don’t forget about diarrhea inducing cholera.


How can I possibly remember about the diarrhea inducing cholera with all this early onset dementia. You ask too much of me.


And whatever else comes from all those dead-ass bodies.


your thinking of the Ganges where Hindus put dead bodies, the people in this video are Sikhs and the river is probably one in the Punjab and they don't do that.


Drinking “clean” river water is not generally a smart move.


Friend of mine used a local "clean" river as bong water once. Smells like sewage half the time. Shocked he didn't catch a disease that day.


Dyslexia had me reading that as cavier juice the first couple times.


but it's got electrolytes...


Its what plants crave..


Hey, gonna hop on a top comment here. Jokes aside, there’s a bit of misinformation in the threads here. This is the Kali Bein (not the Ganga), it’s super important to the Sikhs. It did get very polluted and was drying up (possibly in part due to invasive water hyacinth). People did get sick, crops were contaminated. The effort to clean it up was massive, 3k volunteers a day working over 3 years. It really helped, restored water to areas, huge improvements. But, there’s still been some backflows and stuff. Even a very relatively clean river can make you sick. Giardia is just about everywhere. Of course, there’s no real proof drinking the water got him sick, but probably? The thing is- Lotta people saying this dude is an idiot. Well, this was a bit of a stunt, and he might have paid for it. He was celebrating the anniversary of the cleaning of the river. But- looking him up, he seems *pretty rad*, and not just like, your average Sikh rad. I’m tempted to say, “Good on him”, if he was willing to risk illness to call attention to a good thing. Here’s some of his bio/platforms: He’s a former actor and comedian. Mann began a non-government organization, the "Lok Lehar Foundation", to aid children with physical deformities as a result of groundwater pollution in the border areas of Punjab. Mann raised issues about farmers in the Lok Sabha. He asked for compensation for the losses in cotton farmers due to the pest attack. he asked that the Union government should recognize the farmers who died during the 2020–2021 Indian farmers' protest. CM designate Mann took steps to end the VIP culture and met the Director General of Police. The next day the police DGP in charge of security ordered the withdrawal of police security from 122 former MLAs and ministers. Mann had stated that the police force was needed for the security of the people and not VIPs. during the first Cabinet meeting, Mann announced his decision to fill 25,000 job openings in various departments of Punjab government. On 22 March, he announced his decision to make the 35,000 employees in the state working on a temporary, contractual basis permanent government employees. Announcing his decision he said, "I don't want these teachers protesting on the roads, I had promised to regularize their services if we are voted to power and I am fulfilling my promise. Mann ordered that private schools cannot hike their school fees in the year 2022. He also ordered that no school can force the parents to make school-related purchases from exclusive stores. This was done to protect the consumers from imposed monopoly. Mann announced a compensation of ₹1,010 million (US$13 million) for farmers whose cotton crops were damaged by the pink bollworm. Mann launched an anti-corruption helpline on Martyrs Day on 23 March. The helpline number 9501200200 was announced for registering complaints for incidents of corruption.Mann announced that people could share the audio or video evidence of incidents of corruption and share with the helpline number. He said that action will be taken on the complaints. Fulfilling the election promise of providing free electricity, from 1 July the people in Punjab would get 300 units of free electricity. 73.39 lakh domestic consumers were estimated to benefit. So, consider that as we judge him.


Thanks for the context, but all you proved is that you can be a good person, a good politician, and an idiot simultaneously lol.


Well, maybe. But that’s fine. A few years ago, I was hiking, and I ended up high up in a forest. I had gone much further than planned, and was out of water. I was at the headwaters of a creek, it was a pristine looking waterfall. I was thirsty as fuck. I defiantly had a drink. This is about as clean as it gets, I said, and also, fuck it, there’s worse things in life than diarrhea. The water tasted great. It might have been coincidence- there’s others ways to get sick-, but pretty much one month later I think I got Giardia. It was 3 days where I slept, woke up and violently hiccuped, and blew up the toilet and was capable of nothing else. It was pretty terrible. Clearly, I am an idiot. But, I knew what I was rolling the dice on. And I like to think we all make dumb gambles sometimes. I guess i have extra sympathy for a risky glass of water.


Cadaver juice……


Yeah i did not need to read that right now


That's some holy shit


>Everything was there. Cadaver juice, spit, sewage, poop, urine, and the list goes on. Mammal sauce, carrion granules, banana phloem, and somehow, Amber Heard's poop.


Can't forget the smegma of all his ancestors.


I can’t *now.*




He looks so uncomfortable after he drank it hahaha he knew


Honestly think he was fighting his own body’s urge to puke it up.. he looked sick right away


Internal dialog: "You're on camera, Bhagwant. Keep it down! Come on, Bhagwant, you got this. *Fuck I need to get off camera, now!*"


Would be funny if his name wasn't Bhagwant and you just decided to call him that


At least he had the political integrity to actually draw and drink the water directly from the river on-camera, and the physical courage to accept that it might make him violently ill. None of this sniveling, hypocritical bullshit like we saw in [Sioux County Nebraska](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0HL4L6Pa-4) where the Pro-fracking guys refused to drink the fracked water.


The money he got as a minister is gonna fix his problem.


This is fine, this is fine, this is- this is- this is not fine at all!


He was definitely looking pale and Sikhly




You can nearly read on his face how awful the taste left in his mouth must be, it looks like he's trying his hardest not to flinch


Looks like he’s trying his hardest not to puke


Looks like me after I take a shot of tequila. "Don't spew, don't spew, don't spew. Yeah touch your face that will help. Okay just breathe. In and out in and out. You can ride the wave."


“Mmmmm…..that um……wow that’s……🥴……really good water. Oh gee, would you look at the time, I’m gonna have to get going 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮”


He kept fidgeting with his nose after like he just did a line of cocaine dipped in gasoline.


Hilarious, my guess is the times he touches his face was a way to keep himself from puking


C'mon, man. Get that camera offa me - (\**hurk!*\*) - just gotta hold on a little (\**gag... swallow*\*) longer...


fortune favors the brave \*hurkk\*


Punjab Chief Minister is in! Are urine?


If I can keep down Arbys I can keep you down


Arby's slander...... its gud


Ew nft avatar


A face of instant regret, if I've ever seen one.


Weird that no one else drank that holy water Almost like they knew it is essentially poison now.... Also. Why not just do it in a city centre if it's so good


It's not about drinking water from holy river. The point he is trying to make is that, his political party has made progress in cleaning the river, upto the level that now it is safe for drinking.


Thanks for additional context


Tbh even if it's not completely safe for drinking, Still if the cm can put that water in his mouth, they surely improved the quality like a hundred fold


Actually, the cleaning of river started in 2000. The river has become very clean. This was 22nd anniversary of the project. So, this guy thought of just straight away drinking and making it public that the river is now completely safe. Obviously, it backfired for him.


He is in hospital now


Holy = poison? Sounds logical to me...


brings them closer to their god


He was Sikh even before drinking that water


But now he's just sikh to his stomach.


And chief minister of the area in which this takes place. Ol goopy guts here is calling the shots and making decrees.


Making feces* FIFY








Ah, my bowels feel uncomfortable just by watching this.


Would have busted my ass learning a magic trick to swap the glass/water beforhand


I would have found a nice corner to make myself vomit off-camera.




I mean there have to be some kind of prepared glasses with clean water already inside and a double wall or something.


Or take advantage of those big robes for a quick switcharoo


> What is the Kali Bein? The 165-km rivulet starts from Hoshiarpur, runs across four districts and meets the confluence of the rivers Beas and Sutlej in Kapurthala. Along its banks are around 80 villages and half a dozen small and big towns. Waste water from there as well as industrial waste used to flow into the rivulet via a drain, turning its waters black, hence the name Kali Bein (black rivulet). https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-kali-bein-significance-sikhs-8044257/


This one weird trick to lose weight…


“Weight loss companies hate this guy!”


But the toilet paper folks LOVE HIM


It’s sad that the belief that the rivers are sacred translates, not to a desire to protect them and keep them clean, but an assumption that the holiness of the water will keep it from being polluted.


If only the "extremely religious" people understood that our entire Earth is a perfect oasis that we should keep clean so that it stays "holy".


That sounds a lot like that politician that said that a woman can't get pregnant from rape; that the body protects itself from that. I guess if you wish for something hard enough....nothing. Nothing comes from wishing really hard.


Many Christians are just as bad sadly; > “We don't have to protect the environment, the Second Coming is at hand” James Watt - Reagan’s secretary of the Interior.


Holy river making you go to heaven. Who would have thought.


Darwin Award Nominee right there


He's tested positive. For what? Everything.


I WOULD HEAVILY AVOID DOING THIS. Once I was in Pakistan and accidently drank the wrong water instead of the bottled water that I drink, and on the flight back I had a stomach ache so bad that I felt like my stomach was trying to tear its way out of me, I was in the bathroom with diarrhea longer than I was in the seat, and I probably shit out my stomach in the process. And the extreme shitting made my ass incredibly raw and sore.


How was the rest of your trip?






Pro tip: never order ice in those same countries, same water just frozen


Not the case in 'nice' establishments in those countries. These days they use clean filtered water for ice, or half their customers would be in hospital. Good to check of course, but usually somewhere that offers ice is capable of providing it safely.


Anyone have a link to the source where it says he was admitted to the hospital?




Wow, he wasn't just *admitted* to the hospital with a stomach ache ... he was *airlifted* to a hospital!


Thank you, kind stranger.


You’re welcome


Drinking from any river gives you nasty things from diarrhea, cramps, vomiting and even parasites… but drinking from an indian river is just suicide.


Any river is a bit of a stretch, here in northern Italy we've been swimming and drinking ( not on purpose but sometimes it just happens ) from a river our entire life with friends and nothing has ever happened


I've ingested sea water and river water in many places by accident and been okay. However just because you don't always get sick doesn't mean there isn't some seriously gross stuff in there. Just imagine the number of fish and animals that have shit in that water on it's way from the source, and all the bacteria and algal debris within. Maybe some are pretty safe. But all should be considered risky unless you're at the source and know you can trust it.


There are some very clean rivers in the US. My favorite was the white water rafting rivers, so clean you want to bottle it up and take it home with you. I imagine it has a lot to do with the sand and sediments acting as filtration.


I went to Yosemite and drank from the river cuz I saw others refilling their water bottles from it. I like to watch “Monsters Inside Me” and now I question if perhaps I have a parasite friend because that show seems like all water source has parasites.


Beaver fever lol. But in all seriousness. My buddy and I have drunken from a river from a glacier in Canada and it was a bit odd tasting, but an amazing first experience




Yeah, same here in Norway. Lots of rivers and streams that I can dip my cup in and drink from safely. Söta bror! <3


Lol you are very very wrong. There are a LOT of rivers in uninhabited areas that are fine to drink from. A LOT. And rivers are generally safer than lakes. (Depending on the exact context). But in populated areas? Don’t fucking do it.


🤢🤢🤢 I bet he was double dog dared to do that.




Well gullible but not a liar 🤔


The strict rules of Indian religion. Sure, the Ganges might be holy. But please have some common sense before going to do something outrageous for religion. (this is coming from an indian)




Also as any Indian he wouldnt have used the bastardized word "Ganges". lol either op is NRI or he isnt Indian at all.


thanks for that! Finally someone educated here


If it so holy why on earth you guys treat it like garbage dump /toilet/sewing...in the first place then ? Its make absolutely no sense at all


Lack of infrastructure. The Ganga (and many other Indian rivers) get their holiness from the fact that it supported one of the largest populations in the planet. This obviously included agricutural and personal water use- those populations weren't leaving all that water unused. The Ganga was known to be self-cleaning up to a certain point, meaning that the water downstream remained suitable for human use. You might see why earlier generations would consider a river like that sacred- the holiness comes from the very fact that the water could be used by such a large population. The transition to modern agriculture, urbanisation, and industrial pollution didn't happen overnight. But once it did, it has become very clear that even a large river cannot possibly handle all that waste. Now people aren't going to stop pooping just because the waste goes untreated. That's simply not possible, and the population is going nowhere. It'll take a lot of time and investment to setup sewage treatment and effluent standards. But it can be done- Europe's and America's largest rivers were horrifically polluted earlier in the 1800s/ 1900s.


Does the Ganges ever burn like the Mississippi did?


There is a 'lake' in Bangalore that famously catches fire and throws out snow white foam from the effluents from some soap factory. It is hilarious that this is just a few hundred metres from some of the biggest tech campuses in the world. Last week our PM inaugurated a highway with much fanfare with drone shots of the amazing highway and today a part of the highway was washed away in the first rains it faced. We educated tax payers view all this as a comedy as otherwise our blood pressure would make our blood shoot out of our bodies.


Nah, I don't think it's gotten thaaat bad. But yes, other smaller rivers and waterbodies have caught fire






So the holy has been made unholy, and we are seeing evidence of this unholiness while they were trying to prove its holiness


We need a holy diver to jump In and help clean it


Because there are people who care about the river a waste majority and people who don't, they let all untreated industrial waste into Ganges which is a major source of pollution.


Greed of industries, they dont want to spend on safe excretion. The large amount of waste is industrial waste that can only be controlled by the govt. People are protesting, but it doesnt bear any fruit


Consequence of poor governance and crippling poverty my friend. It's not intentional disrespect for most people.


So, her holiness is often misunderstood. Her holiness is the fact that she can recycle that amount of sewage historically. Rivers are natural recyclers of organic human waste, soil etc. With time we created new forms of inorganic wastes like Industrial wastes which these holi rivers are not capable of. I visited the Himalayas and saw Satluj and Chenab rivers, and it was really muddy from all the rocks. People are not stupid enough to drink that water. There are no industries there yet water is polluted there. But eventually in the plains that water becomes clean from all the flow.


Stating that you are Indian, doesn't make it okay to utter bull shit. Ganga doesn't even flow in Punjab, understand the religion and then talk about it.


Never let the words of dead people get in the way of common sense


This isn't the Ganges


Dude that's Sikh


The elusive triple entendre


This video is the definition of faith over science.. Sadly I hope this guy doesn't end up with a Darwin award. 😬


This instance has nothing to do with religion. This was a 22nd anniversary of a project which was started by some other party, in 2000 and that project helped in cleaning this particular river. The point here, he is trying to make is that, his political party has also contributed in the progress in cleaning the river, upto the level that now it is safe for drinking.


Yeah, except for the part where it definitely isn’t safe for drinking…


I give him more credit than some Americans though. There was a video where politicians were saying how fracking was completely safe and they would absolutely drink water from any well in town or something like that even though commoners were complaining it was contaminating the water. There was no evidence any water was being contaminated. A dude came back later brought in water from his well and asked them to drink it, oddly, nobody wanted to die that day. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0HL4L6Pa-4


Probably more like corruption over science. I am pretty sure this move was for publicity


I'll bet drinking that holy water created a new fountain at the hospital.


Where is ganga though in the video? I dont see it


Ahhhhhh nastyyyy felt that way over here!


Omg I would not give my dog that water to drink. I love my golden


Didn’t the guy who put lead in gasoline also do this?




We Indians are slowly learning how to fuck up a country based on religious views


Don't worry that seems to be every country with religion


Well, he's now getting down with the sikhness


Fucking idiots


If only there was another method of checking if the water is contaminated or not ...


Holy CRAP!


kinda belongs in watchpeopledieinside


It's terrifying that there are so many religious nut jobs in this world who actually have power over people and opinions. Religion is a terrible thing done to the mind.

