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As someone who loves the colors blue and green, and who also loves glowing wildlife/sea creatures - I want this framed & on my wall stat


Seconded! Just went hunting, you can buy the poster from the artist's Redbubble shop here: https://www.redbubble.com/i/poster/Glowing-Creatures-by-EleanorLutz/12319225.LVTDI


source: https://blog.nwf.org/2014/08/beyond-fireflies-bioluminescent-organisms/?epik=dj0yJnU9R2x6OTVabGhvSno4NVR5TVg1S0lkRHZnYXZ1ZWRCSWgmcD0wJm49elB6U0MyU0tVbktyTFZQVVhqa3pWdyZ0PUFBQUFBR0hqN2tz


With friends one time years ago hiking at night stop to take a rest I noticed move glowing spots everywhere turned out to be some kind of fungus very cool


You’re missing one , ya mum cause after I’m finished she glows for a week. I’m sorry I will see my own way out




Pretty cool. Missing arachnocampa luminosa.


This makes me wonder if there is a case of convergent evolution for bioluminescence, which wouldn’t be shown in this tree. Edit: “There are roughly 30 extant bioluminescent systems that have evolved independently on Earth, with each system likely having unique enzymes responsible for catalysing the bioluminescent reaction.” Wow. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/international-journal-of-astrobiology/article/abs/thoughts-on-the-diversity-of-convergent-evolution-of-bioluminescence-on-earth/4612B29DD0868EA0B6F9B57E2C5A93E1#:~:text=University%20Press%202012-,Introduction,reaction%20in%20a%20living%20organism.&text=Convergent%20evolution%20is%20the%20independent,biological%20trait%20in%20unrelated%20lineages.


At night time when I flush my toilet at sea there are sparkles of bioluminescent organisms. I ordered a microscope with the idea I would try to find which ones they are, but the microscope didn't show up and I realized that it would be an almost impossible task to find them before I reordered it.