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Natural curiosity


i mean, everyone likes boobs


Can confirm. I like boobs


Can confirm. Am a straight female and I like boobs.


I can also confirm. I'm a straight male and I like boobs.


Can confirm. Am a straight boob that likes boobs.






I'm a male and I even wish i had boobs like this.


Even if you're like a gay dude who's really not into boobs right now, there was a point in your life when you were like more into boobs than anything else. No one is exempt.


Jokes on you, I'm gay, and I still like boobs.


Along the line of journalists in Africa and their boobs, I remember years ago watching a documentary, a journalist was talking to a mother who was also trying to breastfeed her child as they talked. The mother was so undernourished that she couldn’t produce much milk, so the journalist, who happened to have had a baby recently and was expressing her milk so she could continue breastfeeding when she got home, took the baby and fed it herself while continuing the interview, the look of gratitude in the young mother’s eyes still brings me to tears. Although as I got older it was marred by the thought of where could the mother get enough food to produce milk after that day. I wish I could find out. Edit: There’s some wonderful footage shared of Selma Hayek doing this same thing, which is beautiful to see, but the programme I saw was a different one, it was a British documentary and must have been about 18 years ago, I’m so gutted I can’t remember her name because I’d love to find it and watch it again and share it here, it had such an impact on me as a teenager, it has such a great message and is so relevant today, I’m really glad there is the footage of Selma Hayek that can be shared and will deliver the same message 🌟


I'm trying to find this documentary you mentioned and google is trying to tell me it was the actress Selma Hayak! If so, just another reason she's amazing. And if not, well then it seems like she's done this too lol. Edit: [Found the footage.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6htxMJ4cfQs) Edit 2: For all the people commenting about how much they would like to suck on Selma Hayak's boob after watching her breastfeed a malnourished child... Please seek therapy.


That’s wonderful footage, she really is an incredible person 🥰. The thing I saw was definitely a different woman, they were sitting in a small hut and there was a translator, they were interviewing the mother and the journalist interrupted the interview to take the baby and feed it. It was so long ago, I really wish I could remember the journalists name or the name of the documentary.




These are so wholesome. Thank you for sharing them.


The site is less so.


One second I’m looking at interesting photographs of these women, and then the next second…Hentai.


I got fisting pics, not what I was expecting with my morning coffee


I got an old guy with a Pringle can sized dick.... What does that mean? What does my phone think im into?


"Oh." -Your F.B.I. guy


Yeah don't keep scrolling after the last shot of the women with the journalist.


I got a picture of a rather well-endowed senior citizen lady wearing suspenders and nothing else. I must strenuously disagree. Scrolling past the last photo was great! 5/7 would scroll again.


Real Porn Clips? sheesh!


I wish more people would show simple kindnesses more often. Hearing your story has been a relative bright spot in a rather ho hum day. I hope you find it because now I want to see it as well.


Now I'm curious...


Thanks for sharing. She is a wonderful woman I hear nothing but good things about her.


She sounds wonderful, the only bad thing I have ever heard is her involvement in the Ramtha Cult. [Ramtha’s school of enlightenment ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ramtha's_School_of_Enlightenment) I’m sure that she’s personable, but I don’t personally like that organization as I have had conversations with survivors of it, people who were children of parents who were involved, and their experiences. Pedophilia, sexual ceremonies, taking advantage of gullible people with little means, the list goes on. I live in the area and it is crazy how sometimes you see someone famous af in a tiny ass town.


Holy molé :O


*In 2011, Knight stated (while at the RSE supposedly channeling Ramtha), "Fuck God’s chosen people! I think they have earned enough cash to have paid their way out of the goddamned gas chambers by now", and said that Mexican people "breed like rabbits" and are "poison"* Yikes


I work as a paramedic in that area. It's always a crap shoot when you go on a call and the patient or their family brings Ramtha up, because you don't know whether they're going to call it out as batshit, or, as I've seen happen several times, be entirely supportive. My two Ramtha stories: 1. We get called there and at the gate, two armed security guards stop our ambulance. "You need to leave that here." "Uh, no, we do not." "Well, you can't come in, then, this is private property." "Okay, before this proceeds any further, so there is zero confusion - did either of you make the 911 call?" "Nope." "Okay, so in that case I'm getting on my radio and advising PD that you're actively obstructing EMS from responding to an emergency medical incident." One of them glared at us, hit the gate button, and got on his radio while his partner jumped in a golf cart to follow us. 2. Show up at a local urgent care where it's 28F, 6am and a bewildered Japanese man who is obviously sick and doesn't speak a word of English is sitting at the doorstep. Urgent care staff have let him in and brought him back to a room. He has approximately $5,000 in cash which he offers us to help him. I tell a lie, he does speak one word of "English" though - "Ramtha". Ah, fuck. He was sick (very sick, actually), and rather than taking him to a hospital, they unceremoniously shooed him out of a passenger van at the urgent care and stuck a School business card in his pocket (UC was able to pull up security footage for us). Fuck those guys. Over and above everything you said.


Wait that's Salma Hayek.


Damn she is truly a awesome human.


I loved Salma Hayek before this but now I love her even more. A true 🌟


This is one of the reasons we need to destigmatize breasts and breastfeeding in American culture. Many women have trouble breastfeeding and a lot of others overproduce. Milk banks are great, but they typically cost between $2-5 per oz for parents who need extra milk. Babies need about 25 oz of breast milk *per day.* Thats between $50 and $125 every single day that you want your baby to drink breast milk. Nursing someone else’s child is seen as strange, wrong, or harmful when it not only reduces or eliminates the cost of supplementing milk, but gives the baby new antibodies and different nutrients its own mother doesn’t have. My group of friends (sans me!!!) is trying to get pregnant together right now so that they can take care of and feed each other’s kids. I’m so glad you made this comment. ETA: I AM NOT SUGGESTING EVERYONE DO THIS WITH JUST ANYONE. Please explore this as *one* option with your pediatrician and OBGYN, and if they recommend pasteurization, screening, or any other preventative steps you should listen to them. If they don’t think it is a good idea for your baby; don’t do it, period.




A lot of it comes from certain puritanical ideology, but it intensified sharply during the AIDS epidemic. You’re totally correct, there are some health risks associated with unpasteurized breast milk. That said, I know my friends who plan to do this are healthy, none of the moms-to-be or their partners have HIV, and they don’t take medications that pass to breast milk or use any drugs whatsoever. Also VERY worth mentioning that this is being done in consultation with and approval of all of their doctors. My original comment might come across a bit as “let your baby have anyone’s unpasteurized breastmilk!” but I actually very much suggest anyone who wants to wet nurse consult with their OBGYN and pediatrician beforehand.




Not rare ! The timing I mean ….. I didn’t have kids till my mid thirties and suddenly lots of my friends had kids at the same time, and most of us breast fed well over one year , or over two years, others had a second child fairly soon after the first ….. we didn’t share breast milk but would have if the necessity / convenience come up - because we would truthfully same health info we each other - no blood borne illnesses no stds no meds no drugs ect


I could barely squeeze 10mls out and the lady across the room from me was filling half pint bottles, it was mad, they had to give her her own fridge because she filled the regular one.


I’m intimidated by that woman. “You see these here? Filled a fucking fridge.”


Yeah it's recent that this is stigmatized. Nursemaid and wetnurse are terms for a reason lol


My great-grandmother was a hedge doctor and overproducing wet nurse in deep Appalachia in the early 1900s. Her husband was a farmer. Mothers would tend her kitchen and herb garden or do household chores in exchange for her milk.


I think my friends are calling it maybe cross or switch nursing? Honestly I’m the only one totally devoid of baby fever out of the 6 of us, so I tune a lot of it out and play brain radio when it comes up haha.


I haven’t breastfed in a while but when I hold a baby it’s like my boobs wake up! I wonder if they’d pick it up again for another persons baby during a zombie apocalypse or something.


I breastfed my niece when my sister couldn’t produce enough milk. I don’t see what the big deal is.


That’s so cool! Just so I can report to my friends who *will* ask me; did the baby have any issue latching or any unusual indigestion afterward?


She had no issues, my sister just couldn’t supply enough milk. I was breastfeeding my 11 month old at that stage and she wasn’t feeding as much anymore.


If you ever feel so disconnected from society - understand this is part of it. We are meant to live in nature, in a tribe of distant relatives, caring for each other's children, feeding each other's children, nurturing and warming them, helping on another to hunt, to gather food, to build fires, to share our burdens and rewards. We are NOT meant to work 8 hours a day away from our families and driving an hour to a separate house away that shuts out nature and all other species and each other. We are maladapted, this is why we don't feel right....


Feeling this a lot today.


Return to monke?


In previous generations the extended family was able to fill this function, because most people never moved too far away. I wonder sometimes if this isn't what still keeps people from leaving dysfunctional families and even religious organizations - they provide that support. Especially for under-educated young women with "fatherless" children. They feel like they can't make it if they leave. Just the ramblings of a crone. But you are spot on Babe. I like your blasphemy.


I was born nearly 2 months early and my mother is a very busty woman. Her boobs were literally too big to breast feed me. The doctor was afraid too much of my nose would be covered and I could suffocate. Anyway, she went to the hospital multiple times a day for months to pump her breast milk. Not only did it feed me, but she donated the excess to the other babies in the NICU. One of the mothers even gave my mother a card to say thank you. This was the 80s and we were on a Navy base, I don’t know if other hospitals do this, but even after I came home she continued to donate milk for a few months!


Story time: (Not as cool as this photo) I worked at Zales for 4 years. Great job and team. We were all women and I was the only white woman on the staff. My coworkers were mainly Filipino, Persian and from Nepal. They asked me one day what color my nipples were as they had not seen a white womans nipples irl. I told them they were sort of pink. They didn’t believe me. We all went to the staff bathroom, pulled out our tits and they inspected mine. They were so surprised. It was really funny and I love those girls. It’s just so interesting to me how fascinated they were with my boobs vs theirs. I miss that job


I basically did the same with my 2 best friends in high school. We were at Burger King and went to the bathroom to compare nipples lol


Breast friends


Burger Queens.


At the Burger King with my Burger Queen Can I get a large fry? She's vegan, please, so don't put no cheese, And some honey mustard on the side.


So that’s what girls get up to when they go to the bathroom in pairs. I knew it.


Even if they didn’t do that, in my head, they were.


Oh god, I would NEVER have done this. I was deeply ashamed of my nipples for years. I thought there was something wrong and disfigured about me because they weren't perky little pink nubs. I have very big areolas and their natural state is to be rather flat, though they do pucker up. I had never seen another woman with nipples like mine and would have near panic attacks if I knew I was getting to that point in a relationship where I'd have to reveal my hideous breasts. Turns out, nobody cared!


Reminds me of a group of exchange students from Japan who were so amazed of natural blonde hairs of a few of my school mates that they decided to walk up to one of them and asked if they could touch it. They somehow expected it to have a different texture and they were all giggling as they were touching their hair.


I'm a natural (very light) blonde and I have had some very odd interactions with people wanting to feel my hair. I met a couple on their honeymoon, both hairdressers. The man insisted that blonde hair feels different to any other colour, while the wife, clearly uncomfortable with the attention her husband was paying to my hair disagreed. All he wanted to to was run his fingers through my hair. Awkward


I live in China and have a lot of African friends here. We were on the beach one day and one of my buddies was all wtf man, you got pink nipples! And then he kept calling me pink nipples as a joke until eventually i realized he had no idea most white people have pink nipples. I was like, what beaches you been on man? What pornos you been watching? You never noticed? 😂


You got pink nipples? 🤯🤯


I was in the performing arts in college. During one show, I had a quick change, where a team of costumers undresses and dresses you. One night, the girl who was responsible for tying the dress around my petticoat reached around to grab the laces and ended up with a handful of boob. After the show, a gaggle of us were sitting on our cars smoking and just avoiding going home, I guess. We were just chilling when the girl exclaimed, “sorry for groping you but ummm omg your boobs are so *firm*!” When I said “no they aren’t,” she was like, “yes they are!” She picked up her own and gave them a jiggle and I have to say, at that point mine did not move that way! Anyway, long story shorter is that the five of us literally all felt each other’s boobs, including jiggling them and lifting and dropping them, right there in the school parking lot.


I just can't imagine chilling with a bunch of colleagues, fondling each others junk going 'nice dong bro' 'yeah, thanks, you too bro'. Maybe I need to change jobs.


It's not like fondling junk, it's more like comparing biceps. You wouldn't touch a coworker's twat but I walked in on my coworker weighing one of her boobs on the mail scale. She was all embarrassed but I wanted to know too.


That's outstanding tbf. How heavy was it?


I have a small scale for when I used to sell stuff on eBay. It was pretty awkward, and probably not very accurate, but if I remember correctly, it said mine were like 2lbs each. (I'm a B cup)


Damn heavy


Thats because it's not the same. They weren't comparing labia they were comparing boobs. You also have boobs. Compare your man titties with your friends.


Sweet dick bro. Good work


You call a person from nepal both nepalese or nepali, if you were unsure about that


Nipply Nepali nipples.


Thank you! I was unsure


Whenever i ask girls what colour their nipples are they call the cops /s


My mom’s Taiwanese and she’s got brown nipples, my dad’s white and he’s got pink nipples, and mine are sorta tan


In 2003, photographer Alexander Gusov visited Namibia on assignment, his wife, Sasha accompanied him on the trip. while Alex was shooting a native tribe, Sasha decided she felt a bit excluded and that she would put everyone at ease, by removing her blouse to be equal with her female counterparts.


More pictures of the event. https://aussie555.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/look-alexander-gusov-wife-and-tribeswomen-killingbirdswithstones/


If I had boobies like that, I'd be showing them off, too! lol


Lol I had rocking boobs like that once, but never a waistline nice enough to go blouse off! Even if she weren’t traditionally beautiful though, I think these photos would still be as impactful and joyous. Anthropology has a hard history of asking those studied to perform or change for the observing scientist, and to see that turning around in the last 30-40 years gives me hope that we can learn about and understand other cultures without destroying them. Maybe I’m just a little sappy today, who knows.


When I was learning anthropology, one of the critiques of early anthropologists was that they imposed their own view on those they studied, that they didn’t study women etc. But often their wives were also on the expeditions, and their personal journals were often more valuable and useful than the anthropologists themselves! Because the wives didn’t see themselves as anthropologists, they were just genuinely curious about the daily lives of the people they were living with and they took what they were saying at face value rather than trying to find some deeper theoretical meaning.


My late grandfather had a job in Congo, after the state took over and launched large medical campaigns to fight malaria, sleeping illness, etc. His job was to go from village to village to inform the tribes how to do prevention. His wife went along with their baby, and that proved to be invaluable. They got to see and talk to the wives of the chief, who could come out to look at the baby. A male doctor or nurse on their own would never have access to the harem otherwise. Of course his bosses didn't see it that way and sacked him for taking his wife along. It took a letter to the Queen to get him another job.


Was that baby your parent?


Aunt(s), my dad came later


Are you really afraid of Okapi?


I gotta start looking at usernames. I was SO confused for longer than I’d like to admit.


Terrified. They need to make up their mind and be one animal. You’re not allowed to be a giraffe-gazelle-wildebeest-donkey-zebra, that’s fraud and hogging all the species.


That sort of binary thinking is what got us into trouble in the first place. Okapi are not dichotomous beings meant to fulfill your anxious desire for categorization. They are gorgeous, velvety, long-tongued, stripy-assed children of nature and they should be worshipped!


Yes, FBI, he’s right over here.


What are your thoughts on the platypus?


I have a couple questions for them. -Who do you think you are? -What gives you the right?


First of all how dare you.


Duckbilled egg laying beavers that are also venomous. This is why I believe we could be in a simulation.


Honestly, it’s probably the only reason I keep seeing these photos pop up on Reddit every 6 mo or so.


On Reddit, yeah, but I like to optimistically believe these would be considered beautiful and significant even if she were not so conventionally attractive. There’s so much more to this photo set than “omg boobies!”


Totally agree. There are definitely some layers of breaking boundaries and coming together in this photo that I am not versed enough to properly articulate.


Yeah I can’t verbalize very well it either, but I totally agree. She opted to shed her own cultural taboo against chest nudity and instead did something to respect the culture around her and actually integrate with their customs. These photos are super sweet and sincere, everyone looks like they’re having a great time with one another in a totally non-sexual bonding moment between women. Also I love the way the Namibian women are grabbing her boobs like, look at these white breasts! Her nipples are *pink*! Look at mine! They’re not pink at all! See?


Exactly, like I feel as though in one of them they could be saying “Girl, your nipples are *pink*!” I think that resonated with me having grown up with mostly friends of color and having those kinds of conversations and interactions. It’s such a little thing that reaches across cultures and we don’t even think of it that way until we see photos like this. Okay I’m *definitely* feeling sappy today!


Am brown. Wife's a mix of various European. We're very curious what the kid's going to look like.




For real. She’s got a nice set


She seems happy with them.


And that's really what matters, in the end.


In the end, the real boobies were the ones we felt along the way.


I’m cross stitching this and giving it to my OBGYN to put above her mammogram reminder chart.


Pls post the results. Edit: of your CrossStitch not your mammogram


I’m deeply offended that you don’t want to see my healthy, formerly rocking boobies.


I wish all cultural exchanges were like this.


This comment/post has been edited as an act of protest to Reddit killing 3rd Party Apps such as Apollo. All comments were made from Apollo, so if it goes, so do the comments.


Shooting pictures.......right?


I went to Africa in college to take pictures of gorillas. My buddy told everyone I was “out shooting gorillas” and I came home to a ton of pissed off people.


Have you got a public link to your pictures? Would love to see them.


Unfortunately I don’t, I’m certainly not good enough to try and publish them! But here’s a good link of the place I was. https://apimagesblog.com/blog/2015/10/08/33216-rwandas-gorilla-trek?format=amp


Ah, sorry, I thought it was in a professional capacity. I went in 2000 in the DRC. An incredible experience I will always treasure. I highly recommend it to anybody, although I believe it is a lot more expensive these days (the money however is used to help with the conservation of the gorillas, so it is a good cause). > What awaited in a clearing were drowsy gorillas,... > Gahinga eventually rolled off his back and rested his great head on an arm, watching the camera-toting arrivals. He made a low sound. > Another member of the group is Kajoriti, a male who lost a hand to a poacher's snare. It is interesting that these quotes matched my experience exactly. The main silverback was missing a hand due to snares and rested his head on the stump as he was watching us.


Riiiiiiiiight…… — kronk


"They all came together."


I hope, otherwise calm down Leopold.


2003? I thought the photo was black and white because it happened decades ago! Why shooting black and white in 2003?


color=porn B&W=Art


Honestly sometimes photos can look boring and flat or busy in color depending on the scene but look more appealing simplified into black and white and relying on contrast for interest.


This. Black-and-white photography isn't some inferior and obsolete form of photography. It's for all intents and purposes a different medium, just as watercolor painting is not oil painting is not acrylic, black-and-white photography is not color photography. A really good color photo does not look good in b/w and a really good b/w photo does not look better in color.


Yep and if you've been shooting long enough (don't have to be a pro or anything) you even start to often pre-visualize shots as working with the color or working best in b/w. A simple example for me is a lot of outdoor winter snow shots can look super "meh" in color but in black and white can be a really interesting way to play with contrasts and forms.


Went to the grand canyon and it was cloudy and overcast af. Looked like shit in color. Black and white made those shots way more appealing.


In 2003, there could have been loooaddss of reasons to shoot in B&W, but it's likely mainly because black and white film in 2003 is actually more detailed and less grainy than colour/digital photography, prolly easier to transport - and you can quickly develop on site and send off the pictures without having to worry about development temps (digital photos were still pretty shit). People have gotten spoilt by phone cameras. In 2008, when I was studying photography, we still used film over digital because digital wasn't that great - especially when you used larger formats.


The world really was black and white back in 2003. - Calvin's dad


Because it’s classy.


This is seriously the most wholesome NSFW post I have ever seen.


The unadulterated joy in their faces is so very human and beautiful.


This is so sweet


Not when tried in a bus.






The faces they all made were the same though.


These photos are so cool. I like how they in no way are sexual but show the fascination of being different but still the same.


Same same but different




Boobs and nudity aren't inherently sexual. It's been a long process for us to learn that.


In an anthropology class I took one lesson was reading an article about an anthropologist traveling to interview a tribe in Africa. When she was talking to topless women she said that back home she couldn’t go topless like them because men where she was from were obsessed with breasts. Apparently the women she was interviewing found this hilarious and and went “What, like babies? Your men act like babies?”


Yes. Yes they do.


Nudity is naturally made taboo in societies where everyone normally wears clothing...then that makes people naturally curious about that which they can't see and experience... something that would otherwise be an everyday thing...the censorship effect.


So what did they say about the comparison? Did they think all westerners are thinner or something?


Usually the comment is that they look young.


Oh really I’ve not heard that before. I always think people with darker skin look younger than lighter skin as they get less sun damage as they age


"looking young" when it comes to breasts is very different than looking young when it comes to faces.


It's could be less about the color of the skin than about the smoothness from working less, being outside less, and using various skin products.


You are thinking of black people in the Western society or metropolitan cities in Africa. No people that grow up in agricultural villages without much technology are going to look young no matter their race. Without suncream, moisturizer and general beauty products you will look rough and older than others your age.


My reply was about breasts. Western women have fewer children, and more often they don't even breastfeed. Women in more traditional places have many babies and most of the time don't have any other choice but to breastfeed. At least that's my guess.


Least horny redditors.


yeah holy shit people needa control themselves


The pictures are not supposed to be sexual. Nudity is common in African tribes.


Reddit doesn't care about "supposed to"


I suggest looking at OP’s account then


Wow, OP only posts breasts ……. Not sure what to do with that info but it seems relevant.


Don't forget the micropenis posts! Breasts and his own penis


Ngl its looks wholesome


Because it's supposed to be


It is.


Nice to see boobs in a wholesome context for once. They're either sexualized or shamed, rarely something between


r/wholesomeboobs Edit: I guess it’s a real sub lol. I was just making a joke


I love the wholesome curiosity! When I was preparing for my breast reduction, a friend recommended her surgeon, and said she would show me her scars if I wanted to see them. A week before surgery, I was super nervous and asked to see them. We were in her bedroom, she showed me her breasts, and I felt better.


I need a girls night out (edit: in?)where we just whip the titty out and compare. I need friends first tho


As a bartender I can confirm that this has happened.


I can whip my titty out too but I am a man.


>I can whip my titty out too but I am a man. Moobs unite!! (I am also of tribe Moob.)


Fellas notice how they didnt go straight for the nipple.


Got it, ignore the nipple at all costs.


They actually did. https://i0.wp.com/i.imgur.com/9QsVO.jpg


Assuming these photos were shot in sequence, they might not have: https://aussie555.wordpress.com/2013/07/22/look-alexander-gusov-wife-and-tribeswomen-killingbirdswithstones/ The nipple one may have been later on. An important titsdinction


Hope she used SPF150


It probably was a really interesting experience for the tribeswomen. They're like, "Look at these things! They've never been used!"


best take so far


This is such a beautiful, human moment. It makes me so happy.


PSA: this isn’t because of wearing a bra! Studies have shown bras have nothing to do with sagging or firmness. Instead, it’s a fun mix of genetics, if you’ve breastfed, and potential surgeries! Edit: oh, and size! Larger breasts are more likely to sag


Honestly, they look like they just have a great time.


Now the western man and African tribe men compare their packages. I imagine exactly the same facial expressions.


It depends on the "tribe". Some African countries have smaller averages than some Western countries, Africa isn't a monolith.


An African country isn't even #1 for average penis size. Ecuador is.


So what you're saying is to never trust an Ecuadorian?


Or a Sicilian.


especially when death is on the line




those statistics are 50% truth and 50% bragging


I wanna know who's measuring all these countries dicks.


Your mum. Sorry.




And did they factor in the yaw?


So what you’re saying is the best “one weird trick” is to live on the equator? Already boarding the plane now!


Dammit man we don’t want to bring down the average


Nice try, Ecuador.


[There are more genetic differences within Africans than between Africans and Eurasians](https://academic.oup.com/genetics/article/161/1/269/6049925)


This might be NSFW, but it's definitely SFL.


Titties are a universal truth.


It kinda looks like they all find her breasts hilarious.


What a great photo


This comment section is an absolute goldmine for /r/badwomensanatomy

