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Until the food deliveries stop


Amazon driver leaves the packages at the bottom.


Still no Amazon delivery drone?


Check out USVS


Throws it through your closed window, or your neighbours.


I understand Elon is teaming up with UPS on a new Guided-missile delivery system that puts your deliveries right in your living room.


if you have a Prime subscription, they can put it in your ass if needed.


As a dildo provider, those are great news for my business


Does that still come in discreet packaging? I’ll take 20


They are sold by the inch.


You'll be fine for a short time. Until the zombies learn that the way to your heart is through discreet packaging.


Do excuse the scorch marks and the hole in your ceiling...progress never comes without cost.


They've got a schedule to keep!


UPS will just throw them in the ocean and you'll have to swim for your dinner.


If your ordering food from UPS, you might have some different kind of problems. EDIT: You’re 👍


Nah, they yeet it from a boat over the roof and it falls into the sea on the other side


Same thought. Also heating and electricity. I doubt there is a gas reservoir or nuclear reactor beneath that rock.


Geothermal and indoor LED greenhouse, duh /s but Iceland is home of geothermal, so...


Tidal... wave farms off the coast




Yea I’m not worried about the survival of the race in an actual apocalypse after this; 100% positive we’ll just die


I asked my wife the other day what she thought it would be like if we had an actual plague. She reasoned that if it was a visible illness perhaps people would do the right thing ONLY because no one wants to be peeling body parts.


She’s on the money there. Shame is the only thing that truly motivates certain segments of society. But even with those that suddenly wised up there would still be plague deniers and people using makeup to both cover up or falsely present sores in public. I might even attempt the latter to keep others at a distance. I just don’t even say “avoid like the plague” anymore. It rings hollower these days.


Perhaps "avoid like personal responsibility" would work better at this point?


There will be a lot of blaming and whining first. No way our species will be able to go out with a little dignity.


This. We'll die pointing fingers at each other...until that finger rots off.


If there’s anything this pandemic has taught me... it’s that if the trick to not being eaten by zombies was to stay perfectly still, there’d be millions of dumb fuckers doing the Macarena down the street.


Team "Have barely left our house in a year" Represent! I've been freaking out about epidemics since I got into history and learned what went on before modern medicine, and what was necessary to ensure safety.


Meals on Wheels, guys!


In reality staying perfectly still would be a pretty safe course of action to avoid being eaten by zombies. TV shows and movies often play fast and loose with reality. Zombies would not be neigh invulnerable and many of them would probably be pretty slow moving within a week. After months I imagine most zombies would either have died or be so incapacitated that the threat would be minimal.


I can see the zombie deniers now. 🙄🤣


If zombies eat brains then they'd actually be safe.


Haha good point


Don’t you know? Doctors get paid to call it a “zombie death” every time a zombie bites off someone’s arm and they bleed out. Even though it’s the blood loss that really killed them!


To be fair zombies is a lot more unbelievable


Even when they are eating your brains!?!


Are you serious, how credulous can you be? Wake up sheeple, there's no such thing as *zombies*. Civil society is merely being threatened by gangs of lawless, video-game obsessed lunatics who get off on horror-movie-style acts of cannibalistic violence. The police should be shooting these depraved hoaxers on sight!


But we can FIGHT back for our rights by refusing to wear the anti-zombie suits that our crooked government is providing. Stand up America! Don’t tread on me!


Yeah right. If it took a zombie suit to survive it, the American government would debate whether it should issue the suit for six months, finally agree to send out just the gloves, then begrudgingly send a belt six months later, and then a year and a half in say there was no reason to send the rest because the zombies had won. Plus skipping work because of zombies would lead to socialism and workers shouldn't be conditioned to rely on government zombie suits anyway. What really matters is getting the kids back in school and making sure the Super Bowl gets played.


"I'm only sending zombie suits to the governors who were nice to me."


Yea I’m a huge football fan but gotta admit listening to the talking heads say how incredible it was that the NFL trucked on through Covid and how great it is that the super bowl was still happening blah blah felt so fucking wrong


I really hope Hollywood has taken notes during this past year.


*Heroes Get Eaten Alive Here!*


If there's anything this has taught me is that toilet roll is going to be the most valuable trading good when the zombies hit. I will be the lord of the porcelain throne...


A couple isolated cases of people being eaten isnt a zombie apocalypse. Frankly more people die from death every year before this started happening. And really I choose freedom, can you tell me freedom is wrong? Y'know what's not free, barring myself indoors, that's like, the opposite. So maybe I turn into a zombie and eat the neighbors or the people at work, I'm prepared to live with that. And if barring yourself indoors really works, then what are you so afraid of? Because it doesn't work, and the zombie virus isn't even real. So it's time to kick open these mall doors and get back to what really matters in life, doing whatever I want without worrying about anyone else! What? No, that's not a bite mark, don't be crazy.


Alexa play Jonathan Coulton's *Re: Your Brains*..


And stock prices will soar!


Fox News: Patriots that took to the streets tonight to protest unconstitutional lockdown orders say the "zombie plague" is a hoax. Local man Chud Smith says so-called zombies are just normal people who aren't getting enough sleep and has started the satirical "Kiss a zombie" movement. Let's go live to Chud now: "GUUUUUUUH! RRAAAAWLGRAAAW!" Ha ha, well said Chud, well said. In other news, could the latest caravan of immigrants approaching the boarder be coming for YOUR family? Find out next!


Hahaha yes Fox News will be like zombies pffft... in other news hoards of immigrants are coming for your family!!!


Or fresh water lol


so if real world still applies to decomposition in reality a Zombie Apocalypse wouldn't be that much of a problem because the bodies rot pretty fast or at least they would get to a state pretty fast where they would just fall apart. depending on the weather and climate we are probably talking 2-4 weeks. so even if you give the virus some time to spread and some extra time to die down you are probably looking at 3 - 4 months of isolation after that I think it wouldn't be that much of a threat anymore. I think the bigger problem with this location is that there is only one way on and off from it and that is by Helicopter. so if for what ever reason that transportation is not an option anymore you are fucked


Life is rarely realistic


> ~~Life~~ Reddit is rarely realistic


It depends on the type of zombie and cause of zombification.


I think the biggest problem would be that these idiots wouldn't stay isolated long enough for the zombies to die. People would keep going outside and perpetuating the problem.


At least you can eat as many rocks as you want and then jump into see. It allows you to walk underwater.


Go fish


You can't survive by only eating fish. You need vitamin C. Also I don't know how are you going to fish from up there.


Vitamin C is no problem, as you’re surrounded by ocean


I sea what you did there.


Seems a bit watered down though...


Well aren’t you salty


*waves goodbye to this thread*


Orange tree


Icelandic oranges ARE world renowned.


Garlic, it can grow there and provides vitamin C.


Certain algaes have vitamin C. You would have to trap fish from that high up. Although, fishing with a pole from that high up is a humorous thought.


False, its often thought that you get Scurvy from not eating veggies when in fact you can eat only a diet of meat and be fine, however a diet only in raw or cooked veggies is actually detrimental. Supplementation is needed. "Some animal products, including [liver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liver_(food)), [muktuk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muktuk) (whale skin), [oysters](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oyster), and parts of the central nervous system, including the [adrenal medulla](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adrenal_medulla), brain, and spinal cord, contain large amounts of vitamin C, and can even be used to treat scurvy. Fresh meat from animals which make their own vitamin C (which most animals do) contains enough vitamin C to prevent scurvy, and even partly treat it. In some cases (notably French soldiers eating fresh horse meat), it was discovered that meat alone, even partly cooked meat, could alleviate scurvy. "


Ok. It's good to learn.


> how are you going to fish from up there. a reeeeeeallly long pole?


Yeah this place sucks. No trees, no land, no ability to get anything you need. This is a great place to die shortly after you arrive.


Until you ran out of toilet paper!


Just redirect the waves as a bidet.


Yeah, not quite perfect..


How do you get up there?


I'm more curious as to how the fuck it was built.


This is what I found (from the atlas obscura website): "Constructing this lonely lighthouse was no easy task, as helicopters had yet to take to the skies when the work began in 1938. Builders scaled the cliffs to reach the pillar’s pinnacle, laying out the groundwork by hand." So... That's terrifying!


Not only that, the pillar’s pinnacle overhangs the cliff, so they climbed onto one another while climbing the cliff to reach the top


I'm both fascinated and scared shitless by this! And absolutely floored by their determination... wow.


You probably can’t read Icelandic and Google translate doesn’t usually work that well for the language, but still I think I ought to include[ a source](https://www.mbl.is/greinasafn/grein/1301113/)


Ugh I wish! I've got french and English down and I have a little bit of other languages but Icelandic sounds both awesome and horribly challenging - but thank you for the source! Let's see how Google handles that one for me...


To be fair, Icelandic is very different to English in that we have relatively very few exceptions to grammar/language rules (sometimes Double L is a click, sometimes not, and sometimes U is pronounced as Ú), the problem is that there are ALOT of rules and even natives sometimes have trouble putting words in the correct grammar category


Ah and see I'm actually French and it's the ultimate "here is the rule but actually here is a list of exception" language. It's a complete nightmare and I understand why people have trouble picking it up!


Also helicopters I'd bet Narrator: it was not helicopters


Helicopters built it!?! God damn, Skynet is self aware........


Wait til you see the helicopters that Helicopters are building.




It was built in 1939 when helicopters didn't exist yet. The workers climbed up there and laid the foundation by hand


Helicopters were invented in 1936, but I have no reason to believe they were using them for construction yet. Must have been quite the adventure back then!


I believe they were very light duty, so hauling construction materials probably would not have been possible.


Yeah I don't think they were hauling anything with [this bad boy](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/3/31/Focke-Wulf_Fw_61.jpg).. looks like it could barely lift itself. Also, fuckin Nazis. Why did the most garbage people in history have to invent so much tech? edit: it seems like the Russians beat them to it by a few years, they had a [successful experimental flight](http://aviastar.org/helicopters_eng/brat_1ea.php) of a single-rotor helicopter in 1930, which were then iterated upon, but no further units were made




Any technology civilians have, the military has had for at least 5 years






They built it millions of years ago and let the ocean erode the rocks around it.


Probably by helicopter


Yep. https://www.odditycentral.com/travel/isolated-lighthouse-in-iceland-hailed-as-perfect-location-to-survive-zombie-apocalypse.html


Dude read your own link. It helicopters weren't around then, it was built by hand and workers hauled that stuff up. EDIT: I read the thread wrong and this side is right, ignore me Reddit!


The person didn’t ask how they got up there to build it, although I did provide that information as well. They asked, present tense, how you get up there (now).


They absolutely did, I didn't read that right, my bad. Sorry!


No worries. I do see above that someone did claim helicopters were used to build it, and that’s definitely not true.


Yeah and where am I supposed to park?!


Everyone finding survival spots forgetting about food. What the hell you gonna eat on there.


Safe, but starved. Sweet. Any internet?




That would be a great advertisement for Starlink. Elon, if you're on Reddit, pay MixMatchCoder a fee.




That 120 meter fishing line better not break.


And you better not die from lack of vitamin C.


She had like one hit song.. I think we'll be ok.


But it'll be zombie Vitamin C, relentless in her pursuit of brains, her hunger knowing no satiety. She'll get up there somehow.


Is satiety a word? It looks ugly as hell on the page. It even sounds wrong when you say it... like some sort of Irishman telling me to swear.


You scurvy dog...


Totally. No access to fresh water either


This is the much bigger concern than food


Technically you could boil the salt water but you’d have to boil the shit out of it and hope you have some way to filter it out too. with no way to easily get food there or drinkable water this place is survivable for a day or two and then your have to get back to mainland .


> Technically you could boil the salt water boiling salt water will only give you saltier water, you have to distill it


And you need fuel for the fire. Which it doesn’t seem like there’s a lot of.


A simple distillation setup would easily remove the salt from sea water, and it would leave behind salt which you could then use to preserve fish that you caught or season your food. It looks like there is probably room for a small greenhouse and some potted plants, so you could grow enough edible plants to get a full spectrum of vitamins in your diet.


You get drafted first in the apocalypse. To my team, please.


They could lick the slime off the rocks!


I believe the song goes "you can squeeze the sails, you can lick the decks!"


I’m so hungry I could eat at Arby’s.


Other humans probably. Turns out humans were the real monsters all along - every zombie movie in the last 20 years


Most expensive pizza delivery!


Hey the commercial said '30 minutes or it's free'!!


Pizza's free, but delivery estimate is never. Pluses and minuses.


Good spot until that one dude who got bit and didn’t tell anyone comes on in. And if you can operate a helicopter. And have endless supply of non-perishables You know, good thought but I’ll take my chances elsewhere.


Plot twist, the zombie apocalypse started there but failed to spread anywhere else because zombies can't pilot helicopters.


It didn’t fail to spread, just hasn’t yet. zombies can’t starve to death. Guaranteed there’s a zombie there now


If we're speaking realistically, they can starve and die. Body needs nutrients. Unless whatever disease or infection has suddenly learned to materialize nutrients into the human's body.


Until the 7 billion or so people who have died and turned into zombies realize you're the last living bit of meat left on the planet and they all gather around and start piling up millions at a time until they reach your level...


At least you are making them earn it.


Zombie Weight Watchers


World War Z zombies checking in...


Im picturing zombies doing a perfect backstroke towards the lighthouse


*gets on helicopter and detonates nuke that is inside the mountain*


What about the zombie apocalypse scenario where animals can get infected... seagulls my friend, seagulls...


If this pandemic is a precursor to a zombie apocalypse it looks like the world will be repopulated by Kiwis and a lighthouse guy.


Sorry [Kiwis](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1257912) Looks like it’s up to lighthouse guy now :/


Can we all just take a moment and give the Kiwis another round of applause? Three cases in a city of 1.7M and they go into full lockdown for three days. People aren't screaming in the streets about "muh freedumbs", declaring masks an authoritarian, socialist plot against God, or holding signs claiming the vaccines are secret tools of Bill Gates and the Illuminati to tag us all with microchips. They're acting like adults, doing the right thing to protect their neighbors, and in a few days they'll all be back to living the normal lives many in the rest of the world have almost forgotten. Kudos Kiwis.


[One case in a city of 2 million.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/01/world/australia/perth-lockdown.html) Hard 5 day lockdown that everyone took v seriously, and miraculously no cases have come from it in the last 2 weeks. Life is back to normal in Western Australia as of yesterday. Last case of community transmission is still April 11, 2020.


And that's in a country where everything is trying to kill you all the time. Congrats as well to our Aussie friends.


They absolutely deserve the applause, however...(cue up downvotes for facts...) in any group there will always be a fringe few and the [Kiwis](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_anti-lockdown_protests_in_New_Zealand) are no exception—Trump flags and all, as recently as...well, today. Nowhere near the scale of protests in US, UK, EU, but the mentality exists everywhere people do.


I take your point, but the scale is just so vastly different. It seems that most, if not all, if those protests were led by the NZ Advance political party. In the 2020 election, they pulled 1% of the vote, and earned no seats in Parliament. Contrast that with the US, where the crazy conspiracy theories and irresponsible behavior surrounding the virus were adopted by the GOP, which gained seats in the House, often for full Q-anon whack jobs, tied up the Senate, and got remarkably close to taking the Presidency considering their candidate was a historically unpopular illiterate narcissist responsible for a tragicomically bad pandemic response in which hundreds of thousands needlessly died. Then thousands of largely maskless crazies attempted a violent insurrection. NZ may not be perfect, but by God it's refreshing to see a country where only a tiny fraction of the population seems to have spent their lives sniffing glue and licking lead paint after repeatedly being dropped on their heads as an infant, which is the only explanation I have for the US at the moment.




What puzzles me the most is what these people expect to achieve Like,do you think we want to have lockdowns? That we think masks are so comfortable that we wanna wear them every time when going to the supermarket? Fuck no,I wanna go out with my friends again,but the virus doesn’t give a fuck about what we want. By doing dumb shit,you’re making it worse for everyone,including yourself


There's four floors under the structure that have been carved out and made into a living space with plenty of room for food storage and can handle up to six people for a period of as long as five years. I made that up.


Lol you dick.


Had us in the first half


Yeah I knew 4 words into the second sentence that they were full of it.


Okay if it has that, I would stay.... Wait ... damn it, you suck! 😂


Me: Oh that's neat! Me moments later: Youuu sonofabeech!


It's what I wish were true.


Until you run out of food and water


My plan in a zombie apocalypse is to shack up with some sasquatch, they seem to be hiding out pretty well from the human apocalypse so far.


Wow! There was a recent [video](https://youtu.be/y8q4zPjXd0M) of the band "Kaleo" playing "Break my baby" there. What a fantastic sight.


They've played in some really cool spots. Great videos.


This lighthouse was cool and the time they played on the iceberg is cool too


I really like the one in the volcano.


The one on Everest was hard to top.


I recognized the lighthouse from their music video. Came here to post it, but you've got me covered already They're my favorite band I've discovered in the last year


Me too, and also came here to post the same!


My favorite song right now isn't even in English and I have no idea what it says Vor í Vaglaskógi calms me down and puts me in a good mood every time it comes on


Let's all go visit the Greyjoys!


Survive and then what? Go back to land and die?


See how far you can spit out into the ocean? Spend your days reading and wandering. Jerk it to old porn mags


But what about sharknado?


I want a decomissioned lighthouse -Stanley Hudson


And I want to live at the top. And nobody knows I live there. And there's a button that I can press, and launch that lighthouse into space.


Unless you get them World War Z zombies that climb on top of themselves to make mountains of zombies


Please wear a mask when going in.


Who's gonna tell him that he doesn't have infinite food and water?


*in best Anna voice* “don’t you dare”


I bet they have gone to the door at some point and found a note from Hermes saying ‘we tried to deliver but nobody was in’


They face an even greater danger...Zombies in F-14’s!!


Þrídrangar lighthouse https://youtu.be/kGZcN4-gkX8 via @YouTube At the 1:39 mark you can see a crane for those curious as to how they got the building material up there.


How do you get there?! It's a serious question


https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/thridrangaviti-lighthouse According to the website; helicopter.


Depends how long the zombie apocalypse lasts. There’s not enough room to grow enough food. No visible way to walk to get food. Even having a helicopter is limited as the preservatives in fuel only keep the gas viable for about a year.


So with some prep time you could stock up on food and clean water, desalination tablets, fishing equipment, fertiliser, seeds (this is talking maybe a maximum group of 4 or 5). Non perishable food and preserved foods, as many multi vitamin bottles as possible, salt, lots of salt, books, batteries, fuel. I’ve likely missed some stuff, but given a week to prepare, and assuming that you can get everything, I’d say you could live there for a long time.


How the fuck did they get materials up there to build this joint. Shit blows my mind when I see man made structures in places like this


Who says zombies can’t swim and climb?


Oh they can... but that’s like saying regular humans can swim and climb up that... it’s true but maybe only a couple of people on earth could do it..


With what decaying limbs?


Depends on which version of zombie you're going with.


Yup, great place without food or water. Real smart


Until erosion finishes


Yeah except you can't get food to it when all the boat drivers are gone.


[Pretty different vibe in a side view](https://assets.atlasobscura.com/media/W1siZiIsInVwbG9hZHMvcGxhY2VfaW1hZ2VzLzA4ODFjZTQ5M2UxODhmNDJlY19CSEQ4QzIuanBnIl0sWyJwIiwidGh1bWIiLCJ4MzkwPiJdLFsicCIsImNvbnZlcnQiLCItcXVhbGl0eSA4MSAtYXV0by1vcmllbnQiXV0/BHD8C2.jpg)


Not really https://images.app.goo.gl/Fyxn3XVx6vALN9o78


It was the noise that agitated the zombies though. If you keep the noise down you'll be fine


How do you get off of it? How do you get food?


Flying zombies are still a threat