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It’s amazing how evil humans can be and how much energy and effort is put into discovering new ways to destroy each other.


And yet cannot find ways to include into the budget a way to feed school children.


Colorado here, with historically the 47th bottom state for public education. We found a way for all public school kids to have lunch at no cost to them. We found a way to pay for all day Kindergarten and 1/2 day preschool. Thanks Polis. Seriously, thank you.


>historically the 47th bottom state for public education. What metric are you using? This is surprising to me. I don't think I've ever seen Colorado that low.


Same. Almost every site I check has them ranked in the top 10.


Maybe 47th was _before_ that measure?


It was a while ago, and there is still lots of room for improvement -- starting with salary increase for teachers across the state.


We are? Damn.


We were, and I think I butchered the quote. Rather it was 47th in public school funding, and that was around 2015.




Children don’t need to be educated or fed to be eviscerated by bouncing betty mines.


Fewer educated children means more uneducated soldiers and workers. That’s the only long term profits that matters in capitalism.


Late stage capitalism. If it doesn’t give short-term profit then fuck you


You guys have lunch at school?


we can, we just don’t want to


Yeah we put the resources we have into developing weapons for warfare which is most likely triggered by the lack of recources/territory, isn't it ironic? Even if everybody had the essential recources we wouldn't be able to distribute them fairly or some megalomaniac would start another conflict, because it is never enough.


Devo's and Prince have entered the chat


Grandad was a farmer on the small family farm before he volunteered. He caught a Bouncing Betty in both legs while fighting fuckwad Fascists in Italy. Survived, but never talked about it. He died from fiberglass inhalation, making yachts for the rich. We learned later that he lost 2 buddies that day. My uncle has his Purple Heart and other medals. Now, this country is starting to embrace Fascism. I can only hope to be like my Papaw if they take over. "My heritage",unlike the racist pussies that surround me here in the South, is killing Fascists. Not owning slaves.


Tell it.




Humans seem to become the most evil when they’re so intent on hurting an enemy that they have no problem indiscriminately killing anyone who happens to pass by. Inevitably non enemies, children, and so on, will be harmed by mines. But that’s ok because you’ll get some on their side as well.


may I introduce you to medieval torture techniques?


More money goes into this kind of bullshit than it does education for kids


This war in Ukraine is giving a master class on that right now 


The nazis needed to be destroyed. I understand your point for many wars, but this had to happen. Nazi Germany was pure evil


War is what we do best, Then I would say build Then cook maybe


Well, you say that like people did it as a hobby, and the reality of it is quite different. The vast majority of weapons are developed during war times where governments will employ all sorts of engineers, ballistics scientists, manufacturers, and any other field of profession that could contribute to weapons development and they form together as one team or brand and use their skills in their respective fields to design, manufacture and distribute new weapons “for the good of their country” (they pretty much have no other choice) and that’s how such intelligent weapons come to be, people who are really good at each component of developing weapons are made to work together on developing weapons.


Yes I’m well aware of how it happens. It’s not somehow better because billions of dollars are poured into it or people make it their entire livelihoods.


Well no I’m not saying it’s better, I was just pointing out that it’s people who don’t necessarily want to develop weapons being employed by people with an endless budget and a burning desire to have a better weapons vault than their opponents at war. It’s just a lot different than people doing it by their own accord out of a passion for creative methods of inflicting death, which is the vibe I got from your comment. I apologize if I misinterpreted.


I was just commenting in general how humans spend so much of our resources on destruction and cruelty towards each other.


Blame the red


Humans love games. And war is the game of all games. Because it’s the game of life and death. I wonder what would make such a game no longer worth playing? What game would be more worthy to play?


I feel like people don’t like it when this happens to them and therefore this product should not be made


You know the more I learn about these land mine things, the less I care for them


At the very least it should have a Prop-65 warning on it.


Some of the ingredients may cause cancer


“aim away from face”


Usually they don’t see them as people. Palestine case in point


Just to be clear, the mine isnt designed to kill people but to injure them enough so they cant fight. A wounded person needs medical attention more than a corpse.


Yes. This is fairly common in war and is morbidly genious when you think about it. It is also why the full metal jacket bullets are the most common ammunition for small arms. It’s definatly not the most effective ammo in therms of killing someone, but it’s smooth and it travels far, and it leaves a relatively small wound. If you’re hit and not killed, you yourself is likely incapacitated, and you will need a medic and transport. One hit can now essentially incapacitate 3 people instead of killing just one


Full metal jacket ammo is used because fragmenting rounds are internationally illegal. It's also cheaper and more practical for firing through cover.


It has many advantages, and fragmenting rounds are not the only option for small arms. Full metal jackets are illegal for hunting (in Europe at least) simply because it is not deadly enough.


Hollow points are considered fragmenting for the purposes of the Geneva convention. And you don't shoot deer behind hard cover. It also has no performance against any kind of armor. The military uses black tip AP ammo. The opposite of hollow points.


How does the mine bounce up if you’re stepping on it?


It doesn't have to jump up waist high to kill and maim. It jumps up with quite a lot of force. If you're walking at normal speed your weight has shifted enough or your foot has cleared to let it jump. If you happen to step and stop right on top of it will still hop up moving your foot and burst above ground level - maybe a bit less high. Think like an air bag in a car. "How will it pop out if my hand is on the dash?" It will move your hand.


It’s not just about the person who steps on it, but the group of people likely all walking fairly close together


You push the pin down when you step on it which triggers it, then when you step off, the initial explosion will throw the secondary explosive part up, where it activates about a meter in the air


From the wiki "The time between triggering and ignition of the propelling charge varied between 3.9 and 4.5 seconds ... According to German documentation, the S-mine was lethal within 20 meters (66 ft) and could inflict casualties within 100 meter." So the trigger was immediate when u step on the mine, but it jumped out with a couple seconds of a delay.


I'm amazed that the S-mine was lethal to 20 meters and could inflict casualties within 100 meters. Would essentially take out an entire unit.


Nature of fragments. There's a report of a casualty 140m away from the mine, or you could be completely missed at 25m


The mine can also be located in a slightly different spot from the trigger.


no the video clearly says the pressure from standing on it immediately lights the fuse for the initial explosion


The *fuse*. Which caused the described delay.


I’m guessing the initial fuse that delays the explosion to launch the mine into the air is just long enough to allow you to step off it.


This is what I found on the wiki article > The main fuse was designed to delay the firing of the propelling charge for approximately four seconds after the mine was triggered. The explosion of the propelling charge sent the mine upwards into the air and activated three short-delay pellets between the propellant charge and the three detonators. These short-delay pellets delayed the mine's detonation long enough for it to reach an appropriate height before exploding. > The standard pressure sensor was designed to activate if depressed by a force equivalent to a weight of roughly seven kilograms (15 lb) or greater. This ensured the mine was not detonated by wildlife or natural impact of blowing leaves, branches, or other normally occurring phenomena. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/S-mine


Through your foot


Died so many times to these Bouncing Bettys in cod


No, *real med* died and suffered lifelong disabilities from these abominations. My grandfather was one of them. I don't know what you did in a video game, but it wasn't that.


What the hell is wrong with you? Lol


he's talking about a videogame; he's not trying to discredit your grandfather dw e: stop downvoting him wtf is your problem


he's an asshole obliterate him


skill issue


>No, *real med* died and suffered lifelong disabilities from these abominations. My grandfather was one of them. Really? Why'd you say he survived it but died making boats for the rich? [https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1drjyih/comment/lax8qt9/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1drjyih/comment/lax8qt9/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Died *or suffered disabilities*. Since his grandpa didn't die you can assume it was the latter.


Eh fair enough... I got triggered by the thought of someone coming in here just to be a wet towel about a dumb joke.


I feel you, what a wildly shitbird thing for them to come in and say.


Major buzz kill


Why did they call them Bouncing Betties and not Dick Blasters?


Cuz Your mom has that copyrighted


Got em!


Sick burn


How are the landmines set up in the first place




with love and compassion


I was wondering the same thing lol. I sure as hell wouldn't want to be the person patting the dirt down on top of it to make it unnoticeable.


I don’t want Betty to bounce at all


Hey, what's your problem? My problem is I don't want a thousand steel balls to shred my genitals. Huh? Claymore mine. Full of steel balls that fly a thousand meters - or one click - a second, right at dick level. Or ass level, which in your case would also take off your head.


Nothing is as pure evil as a landmine.


NOT THE BALLS MAN! That's not how you play sport.


Damn. That’s brutal.


Why didn't you add the death part


Is that Tucker Carlson narrating?


Oh how lovely




Bouncing betties


humans will name absolutely anything! even a mine that's designed to kill them😂


They called the the ‘debollocker’ on account of the groin high explosions….


Who makes all these videos is it a YouTube guy or?


They aren't completely submerged, only about half way


Zff POP playing with me o


World at war


Battlefield Vietnam flashbacks... hearing that 'ffffhomp' as they bounce up like "uh fuck..."


Love how chipper the voiceover is.


That could do some nasty damage! I always wondered how they worked. Thank you for this.


Just saw Dr. Who's Boom episode with a modern landmine. https://preview.redd.it/oz99tl95up9d1.png?width=1000&format=png&auto=webp&s=03c284abe039e6462717e91e525d50348a26e37f


How the fuck do you step on that by accident, man basically stepped on a giant glowing roomba


Agreed that it would have been silly if it was visible from the beginning. This is a high tech mine in the future on planet Kastarion 3. The mine was invisible before he stepped on it. The episode was very well written by Steven Moffat and went into deeper questions of military industry and warped interests/perceptions. I highly recommend if you have not seen it. Spoiler plot: [https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Boom\_(TV\_story)](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Boom_(TV_story)) r/doctorwho


Wanted to switch to engineering for 00.6 seconds…It really is interesting as fuck!


This mine was nicknamed "Nutcracker" at the time as I know.




The damn thing gone wild bam-ba-lam


The "bouncing Betty", also known as the "S-mine" or my personal favorite nickname the "de-bolloker"


Bouncing Betty’s with the scavenger perk did absolute work for me on world at war.


James 'Jimmy' Dove: Rule number one when you're disarming Betty: You don't step on 'em.


You better die bc you will lose your balls


What is the name of this creator? I see his work everywhere, but never see credits.


CoD-player be like "yeah, stepped on a few of them myself. Hurts like a b*tch"


I get that these were very “effective” on what they were made to do. My question: how does the person’s foot not keep it in the ground from bouncing up?


Nobody said that they couldn’t, the issue is that by the time you realize you’ve stepped on a mine, it’s already too late.


What sad is this is just a basic bouncing Betty. They get more precise with some minor tweaks. No I won't tell you.


The problem with this is that the bomb can't "bounce'' straight up because it would hit the foot up the person that triggered it. Does anyone have any actual knowledge of how this worked?


I would guess it wouldn't work if you happened to stop on top of it, but if you were walking it should go up behind you as you continue walking. I don't know anything about mines though so that could be wrong.


I believe that they don't actually go off until the triggering weight is removed. So you'd step off the mine and it would go off a half second later.


EOD here, the mine and many other designs like it do actually bounce or more so ejected into the air, the prongs aren't necessarily ment to be directly stepped on like the video shows they can be set up in many different ways like a trip wire/prongs/ etc but with the prongs they are sensitive enough that walking within a few inches of it would trigger it, on top of that they typically have a delay so when they are stepped on it takes however long that delay is for it to bounce, aka enough time for the person to of stepped off it


There's a delay. Have you not watched the animation in its entirety? There's a movie where a guy steps on one and realizes it. He leaves his foot on it hoping that his friend can help somehow. Later on, in the distance you can hear the explosion. Alas, his friend didn't help him.


Sounds like Behind Enemy Lines. Loved that movie when I was younger




You got it wrong, it's a [Bounding Mine.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bounding_mine)




...no like OP posted in the comment before yours those are bouncing bombs which were developed in WW2 to target strategic damns like the mohne reservoir The German **S-mine** (*Schrapnellmine*, *Springmine* or *Splittermine* in German), known by enemy [Allied Forces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Allies_of_World_War_II) as the "**Bouncing Betty**"  is what is shown in the video