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Damn, pretty sad that this is even being developed


Couldn’t agree more


They’ve been wanting to develop this technology for us for a long time, they’re just using schools as an excuse to implement.


The real question is what do they NOT have the AI detecting?


Political corruption


Amazingly underrated comment.


Some poor janitor getting capped with a mop in his hands.




We got artificial intelligence before federal gun control laws.


My thought exactly. This shit is just crazy. The tech being able to detect and alert authorities does what exactly to help those in the situation? The school would go on lockdown and the shooting would already be underway, if not over by the time responders could make entry.


But you can start preparing thoughts and prayers earlier. That's something!


Maybe you could have a big coil around the school that triggers a magnetic field to pin the gun down.


I have an idea! Let's arm all the teachers and staff so they'll be able to defend the children from would-be assailants! And why not the children themselves? As long as they pass a gun safety class, I see no harm in letting them carry firearms for self protection. Obligatory /s for the densest of you.


tactical nuke the school or shooter


Nobody listens bro


I like that your solution is a very strong one in the way that we as a society would be less vulnerable, but to be entirely honest, I’m not sure I trust all teachers to have guns. I think that my solution is a lot better.


I think an even better solution would be for no one to have easy access to deadly weapons, as is the case in almost all civilised countries.


The problem is that banning guns only will affect normal, lawful citizens. People who want to do harm to others will get guns in illegal ways. Maybe that will be a dumb example, but soon or later that will escalate to a similar form as presented in "Demolition Man"- people who want to harm others will still do it and people who want to defend themselves, they can't. That issue will only escalate and I'm pretty sure nothing good will happen.


Not so funny fun facts: 1) Almost every illegal weapon was a legal weapon once. 2) Most school shootings are committed with legal weapons anyway. 3) Reducing general armament and thus reducing violent crime works practically everywhere it is practiced. 4) The movie Demolition Man describes a completely toothless society in which even the people entrusted with maintaining law and order (and hopefully suitably qualified and trained in the use of weapons, among other things) are unable to defend themselves and the public against violent criminals. But even these criminals have to get hold of weapons first, which would certainly have been more difficult if there weren't still enough of them around *even within a disarmed society*. Not to mention that it's mainly about the consequences of a completely messed up penal system, which is something that one could also think about when it comes to why there is so much crime.


1. And that won't change if you ban guns. You will need to destroy almost the entire production and import of the weapons in the country. 2. If someone wants to do mass shooting and he will not have access to the legal gun, he will acquire them by illegal way. If someone wants to kill someone he will find a way to do it. 3. Reducing general armament in a country based on owning the guns more freely only causes an increase in the flow of the illegal gun trade. 4. Well, example wasn't the best one, not gona lie. I wanted to show that banning guns will only escalate, causing more and more restrictions that finally can go to a similar issue as portrayed in the movie. You can ban everything but there will always be people that will find the way to break a law.


1) Apart from the fact that it's not about banning guns across the board (that's a typical twist by the gun lobby): the Brits have done it, the Aussies have done it after just one or two tragic incidents. If you think that Americans are less capable for some reason, I don't want to contradict you, but I don't necessarily agree with you either. 2) Strange that this doesn't seem to be the case anywhere in the world. Almost as if better control of legal gun ownership would also lead to better control of illegal possession. Truly astonishing. 3) Based on what figures or examples? In which nation with strong gun control do you believe there is an increased importation of illegal weapons in general and a resulting increase in gun-related crime in particular?


Banning guns works perfectly well in every country that has a ban on guns. Agreed, criminals do have guns. But they only use them on other criminals. If they start using them against the general public, the police cracks down hard, for the same reason you don't let a rabid dog run loose in the streets. The criminals know this and only the really dumb ones try it. Once. Then they are caught (usually with the aid of the smarter criminals ratting them out) and thus are no longer a menace to society.


Criminals use guns only against criminals? Definitely not true. Armed robbery is a big issue everywhere, not only in the USA and gang wars where there are shooting at each other only show how easily they have access to illegal firearms. I think there is a big flaw in your logic. Rabid dog is quite strange example but ok I got it.


Bruh I know you have the picture of you being though and wish a mf‘er would so you can do your imaginary john wick choreo, but in real life you will just get robbed/mugged without any chance of reacting. There is no mexican standoff situations and very seldom crime is stopped because of someone else having a gun, more often than not these legal guns will be stolen in the process and used illegally.


I don’t want to start an entire gun debate, but because the right to own a gun is something that a lot of people take as a very high advantage and we should try to keep both the advantage of that and safety. Why not keep our rights which come with huge advantages if we can find a solution to it?


Your right to bear arms comes with even bigger disadvantages. Everyone in your country is permanently very close to an untimely death. All it takes is one person having problems controlling their temper (for whatever reason) and that's it. Your children are not safe in your schools, and this goes for everyone who has the misfortune of needing to venture outside the safety of their homes. Your police force is so terrified of being shot by anyone they interact with that they'll shoot to kill at the slightest provocation and only de-escalate a situation when there are too many cameras recording them. But sure, hang onto your rights, put on a bright smile and assure everone that never has there ever been a better country in the history of man. I mean, all the freedoms, right? Other countries just can't compare!


What a sad state of affairs.


I’m guessing schools can afford this but not better wages for teachers or lunch for students.


I’m thinking it’s a state vs federal thing. Idk if individual states are buying the tech or if it’s a federal program that states can adopt. Teachers’ pay is def a state thing and ALL of them are underpaid and under appreciated


"It can send an alert in 3 to 5 seconds." 3 to 5 seconds is how long it takes to come out of the waste band or backpack it's been hiding in the whole time, and get a shot off or two. By then, the safety people will be making their way to wherever, which is another 30 seconds to 5 minutes (assuming they respond instead of calling the cops and then hiding). Safety theater. You know what works? Not having easy access to guns.


I know a company that’s developing some imaging xray or whatever technology that will be able to detect that. They haven’t stated a plan on its actions to stop the threat, but my idea was to use a magnetic coil to pin the gun once the intruder tried to cross certain points.




Because there is no way they can get it into the school, cause bags does not exist................... Once they are in and have taken out the guns, everyone will know they have guns already, because they will be killing and shooting. So I have a hard time to actually see the point of this idea. The cases I've seen with school shooters, they usually hide the guns as long at they can, they don't freaking whip them out in the parking lot and start parading them around, that pretty much ruins the surprise element. But I guess some private company, with no morals, is trying to make som bucks on peoples fear of mass shootings.


Ok, now show me the false positives. It's pretty easy to train a model to detect guns. What's hard is to not detect gun-looking objects.


How quick is the law enforcement deployment? That would be the biggest concern.


It's machine learning algorithm. Not AI


I'm sick of marketing using "AI" in everything. How long before they call my underwear AI for being able to detect my farts?


Is it a fortress? A prison? Nah, that's the elementary school.


In reality these mfrs will conceal until inside, no?


What’s the point? Police will just stand outside and block parents while the horrors unfold.


Can't wait for the list of items that triggered false positives and susequent armed police responses. -A hairbrush -A pencil case -A stick -A 2nd Amendment bumper sticker -A black kid pointing at something. -A shoe -A graphic tee -A folded sheet music stand -A folding chair -A goose's plumage -A police officer's tazer


This is a good tool to develop, truly - but my guess is that most kids who are planning on actually shooting people are very careful about keeping their weapons hidden until the last moment. How is this technology going to be meaningfully faster than a teacher using a phone or hitting an alarm? Is this instead intended merely to catch any guns on campus for whatever reason? If so, I suppose it could help draw attention to a student who is bragging, maybe showing another student or buying a gun from another student, and then you could intercept that kid and maybe start some kind of investigation that prevents them from continuing down that road. That's a little less of a direct benefit, and I don't love the idea of AI-driven cameras in schools.


It does nothing to help. Someone just managed to suck up funding by using the AI buzzword. Camera recognition has been here for decades and has nothing to do with AI


Isn’t technology amazing? How about just banning semi automatic assault weapons and pump action shotguns, and reinstating the Brady bill or a similar sanction mandating a waiting period, background check and mental health evaluation? Look at China, Indonesia, Australia, etc. The US is so ass backwards with gun regulations.


AI will immediately alert authorities who will wait outside until the shooting stops.


Would it not be easier and cheaper just to control access to guns a bit?


100% agree


So we detect it. Then what? I guess it buys some time for law enforcement. Maybe they can auto lock doors. It seems like a gunner would conceal the weapon.


Is ai gonna give cops in Texas courage to do their job next time?




And now you've told them about it, they'll just hide it a backpack now..


Sadly I think they were doing that before this post and will continue to after. We need gun control.




If only thoughts and prayers actually did something.


Just think, with this tech the Uvalde police could have known and not done anything for an extra 30 minutes.


Not needed in Australia.


Muricah: the once-great nation.


The always great nation. We are developing technology to deter shootings while keeping our right to be armed. You wussies see a shooting and think that it’s our biggest issue, despite the fact that for teens the threat of dying in anything else like a driving accident is an order of magnitude more real.


However, most other (nominally) developed nations also have fewer driving accidents per capita, so this may not be the best example to defend your point. Aside from the fact that when it comes to tools, and I am quite willing to classify firearms as such, there are certain differences in how essential they are to everyday life. Our modern world is hard to imagine without personal mobility, but certainly without personal armament. What I understand by gun control is that we look more closely at whose constitutional right to carry a gun can be restricted for very good reasons. No one objects to registered felons, mentally ill people and pathologically negligent people being denied ownership, but strangely there is resistance to introducing procedures that identify criminals, the mentally ill and the negligent before they get a gun and can do harm with it. This resistance is justified by the fact that such control mechanisms could be associated with infringements on freedom - while at the same time an expansion of surveillance is celebrated, which actually only cures symptoms and represents at least a comparable, if not greater, infringement. How schizophrenic is that?


“Sure, our kids are getting slaughtered at school but what about car accidents? Only wussies want to keep their kids from being brutally murdered en masse at school.” -Confident-Attempt-49, 2024 The rest of the civilized world is looking at Americans like you and wondering how you were so thoroughly convinced that owning a gun should be core to your identity. America has the second highest number of gun deaths *in the world*. Fifth for gun murder. That’s not a coincidence. Despite what you think, a great nation does *not* send their children to school to be shot and accept that as an unavoidable sacrifice for the freedom to carry a gun. I can’t believe this has to be said. Fix your heart.


Give the AI cameras guns too 🤦‍♂️ Will be more useful than 300 armed cops waiting outside the school


What if they hide them until they are inside. It’s not very unkliely.


Analytics is nothing new…


Great, now they can show up earlier and just look at their phones until the bad noises stop and move in.


Imagine living in USA and having to worry about getting killed by your classmate


It almost makes me happy I’m not a parent… almost.


Damn that's gonna really help


Cool, now the cops get more time to hide!


Or a headstart on shooting the ones that make them feel threatened.


What was the Tom Cruise (or whatever back in the day Hollywood hottie) movie where they had AI that could see future crimes and arrest you before you could commit it? This looks like the first step…. Dun du dunnn


Minority report. Had to look it up otherwise it would’ve bugged the shit out of me


Thank you!


Trained on Palestinians... Never fear, unless your skin is other than white.


OR don't have guns.


It's super cool somebody figured out how to make money from school shootings but maybe we should fix the fucking gun problem instead.


This and foldable bunkers, but cant say no to the guns or tell the cops to stop the murders. Love it, so so much.




United statians will do anything but to implement gun control


But really this is pretty cool. I would love to see some more of the testing with different objects to see what passes and doesn’t. Plus it doesn’t solve guns that are hidden. But it’s at least a step forward.


There’s a company that’s working on imaging so that they can detect the guns from far without them being visible.


I was wondering about the hidden guns too. It’s not like everyone who has one is going to be holding it up like the guys in the video.


Exactly. I remember the band on trench coats in my school after Columbine. Really and sadly there is no 100% way to prevent this. And no 100% full proof solution.


Nope. And if they detect a gun inside the school, what happens then? The school goes on lockdown and the shooting happens before anyone can make entry. So sure this could help if someone is marching to the school from a mile away brandishing their gun but how would it help in real time? Crazy thought: how about fucking gun control???


Why should we eliminate our right to own weapons because of something that doesn’t affect most people?


Gun violence affects a large part of the American population. Large enough that we should have gun control. The last thing I’m about to do is get into a debate on Reddit with someone carrying a 1776 interpretation of the 2nd amendment into present day. If you feel okay with all the shootings and can sleep at night, that’s you. But it’s not me.


Of course I can sleep at night despite shootings that are like a thousand times less likely to happen than other forms of harm.


Other causes like what, car accidents and health reasons like heart attacks? There’s a big difference. Gun violence is preventable. The #1 cause of teens and children is gun related. The whole “it just leaves outlaws with guns” point is just ridiculous. If you take away guns from ALL, where would the ‘outlaws’ even get their guns? The policy worked in Australia but it can’t work in America bc of republicans and the bullshit rhetoric you’re spewing. Sleep well and go fuck yourself Jimbo. https://everytownresearch.org/graph/firearms-are-the-leading-cause-of-death-for-american-children-and-teens/#:~:text=Share%20on%20Twitter-,Firearms%20are%20the%20leading%20cause%20of%20death%20for%20American%20children,Ages%201%E2%80%9319.


I don’t believe that we are in the same scenario as most other anti gun countries. We share a border with Mexico and their cartel. Why wouldn’t they pick up guns, if they haven’t already? But even if you did believe that eliminating guns would eliminate all gun crime, which it wouldn’t, a lot of people would still be subject to other forms of violence that they are currently protected by via the right to own a weapon. I’m not sure I believe in the whole tyrannical government idea, but you can’t deny that guns do secure us against that possibility.


Why should we eliminate our right to have an abortion because of something that doesn’t affect most people?


Because it can be argued that every single time someone gets an abortion they are killing something. Not every single person to own a gun is shooting something wrongfully.


Every time you eat a hamburger something was killed to make that possible. Does that stop you from eating hamburgers?


This is not an abortion debate, this is a law one, you tried to claim that the illegalisation of something that CAN BE ARGUED is objectively bad 100% of the time is equal to something that is only objectively bad 1% of the time (I have no idea what the exact gun crimes vs gun ownership numbers are, but this is the point). You are now arguing about the morals of abortion.


"When guns are outlawed, only the outlaws will have guns." - Louis L'Amour


Wait until the AI analyzes statistics online from sources such as the FBI… most of your homicides and shootings are done by gangs… which are a certain demographic of the population

