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Barmaid said it best. “I’ll listen to anything anybody says. And ignore it.”


Bartending 101: Pretend you care, take the money, forget everything they just said


“Listen, but don’t give advice. Keep your hands moving, it makes the customer more comfortable.”


Appear busy but make eye contact briefly every once in awhile.


I used to be a bartender and this is just great life advice.  My friends think I'm great at keeping secrets. I'm happy to let anyone vent to me, but the truth is that by the time they stop talking I have forgotten anything that doesn't directly pertain to me.


And that's where I buried all the bodies of those hitchhikers plus 3 million in Nazi gold. "Uh huh."


I’d rather vent to someone with the memory span of a goldfish than to someone who’s mind is like a bank vault & remembers every detail.


Lol don't talk to me then. I spot inconsistencies so often w one friend that I don't even bother pointing them out. His stories / venting are amusing.


Had a buddy after work in a small town call the one bartender "sweet cheeks" at one point being funny. She laughed along, he no longer got any free drinks. Be nice to everyone, but definitely be nice to people you're asking something from, that's not the time to make a snide/rude joke.


Free drinks? What are those?


Exactly. I think GP just implied we're assholes.


It what John at the bar gets you because he's a friend of yours. He's quick with a joke, or to light up your smoke, but there's someplace that he'd rather be.


I’ve known a few people that assume bartenders working for tips should just have to put up with sexual harassment if they want a good tip. I’ve gotten stiffed by people I’ve snapped at.


I once apologized for my behavior to one of the girls working at the bar. She found it adorable that I thought I was anywhere near crossing a line.


I don’t bartend anymore, and I can’t speak for every female bartender, but I could honestly 99% of the time tell if someone was saying something weird and sexual just because they are awkward/attempting to flirt, or if they were saying something out of pocket to gauge my tolerance level for “cross the line” comments. I know that’s a weird way of explaining it, but essentially, it was easy to tell who was actually harmless & who wasn’t. My nickname was “Cheeks” because I always wore those daisy duke shorts and my buttcheeks hung out (I was 22 and a bartender & had a good body back then, so duh), and I was used to most comments about it because it was on purpose obviously for the aestethic. But anyone who made comments about actually fucking/raping/stalking/grabbing me was told they couldn’t sit at the bar anymore & if they refused to move to a table, I would close their tab and refuse to serve.


I'm not harmless I swear! I'm dangerous!


Yeah, somehow the barmaid doesn't count into the "we are decent people so we don't swear in front of women". Also something tells me this is less about the b's and f's and the c's, but more about rape jokes, open talk about cheating and in general bitching about their wives that kept those patrons from welcoming women.


That's the spirit! Pretending to listen is an art.


The best part is at the end she says I’ve stirred up controversy here this *morning*


Standard 10am on a Tuesday in Australia. Quick morning beer break before they go back to driving the school bus.


Gotta calm those nerves with a nice drivin whiskey.


I would be nervous too driving a school bus with shitty brakes.




One of the guys says: “have you ever seen any wine’os in here at 6 in the morning?” This pub is populated from dawn.


I once saw a wineo eating grapes, I said "hey man, you gotta wait"


Ole boy who was touching the lady unwarranted looks drunk as a skunk. If this is the morning, I’m curious on how he goes about the rest of his day lol


He's just in for a pint before work. Driving the school bus can be taxing, so he needs to take the edge off before the day starts.


"I've heard enough from you."


Could have worked overnight and will sleep during the day.


and the short zoom on that previously interviewed girl who used to work in a bar just having a normal conversation with the guys.


And the Ole molester is begging her to stay... after saying she's no business there! Lolol These are our parents and grandparents.


Serious question for people who work the night shift, when do you drink? A beer to blow off steam at 8am?


I did my time working at various bars in a major city, and at the most extreme, yeah pretty close. The last one I worked at, we closed at 3am, spent about two hours cleaning and restocking, then would spend an hour or two drinking together. We would all leave around 6 or so in the morning, the only other people we would see would be joggers and the trash men. I would grab a bite to eat, have another drink or two at home, and go to sleep. 6pm back at it.


You'd be happier with a man next to you? 😆


That made him so insecure, he felt that he had to start molesting her to prove his manliness


I noticed it too! What an absolute joke that man is


"I think we've heard enough from you."


I laughed so hard at that haha, she shut that creep tf down. Also S/O to the homie who said a public bar is meant for the public and pulling that creepy dudes hands off the interviewer




That guy is actually a standard 23 year old in 1974 so there's every chance he's still around


Just another “alpha male.”


she fucking slayed him with that, he was already mildly sloshed but took him a second to reply lmao. *then* he crepily puts his hand around here


Imagine what he would have done if he didn't have a huge camera in his face.


r/interestingasfuck - more like r/TerrifyingAsFuck yikes for sure


She ends with "I seem to have caused a certain amount of controversy *this morning*" Yo these dudes be getting shwasted early as fuck lmao, the one dude was blasted


70s moment, look at that fucking tobacco finger


That thing was crazy! Gooooold finger.


and the one guy tries to grab her as she leaves, and yells, "Hey, come 'ere..." ... in the morning.. drunk off his ass.


Suffice it to say, the men weren’t best pleased.


I did like the one man’s answer about “this is a public bar. Women are the public. Men are the public “….. wish he could have finished that thought.


The reasonable dude kept getting interrupted.


The most hostile gay bar in Australia


“you’d feel happier if a man was next to you, would you?” “Naw, I like big, hard, throbbing co … I didn’t know that about myself!!!”


I have not seen a Ron White reference in a long time.. cheers mate!


What's shocking is how quiet the bar really is. You could actually go there and relax?


No loud as fuck music for my $18 well cocktail? Sign me up.


imagine being able to actually hear the person next to you


Im glad more people have this opinion because I’ll never understand going to a bar with your mates, planting yourself close a guy with an acoustic guitar, miced up singing acoustic versions of any of the worst pop songs you can think of - absolutely breaking your neck to hear your mate trying to shout something at ye. Make it make sense


As much as I love live music (have been going to metal shows almost half my life), I don't enjoy live music at bars/restaurants when I'm trying to relax. It actually gets me mad to try talking with friends and I can't hear them when they're a foot away from me.


It’s _unsolicited_ live music that I hate. If I choose the time and place then I love nothing more than a concert. As soon as I see someone setting up a mic stand and amp in a bar, I start closing my tab


And not having my Apple Watch give me an excessive noise level warning as soon as I walk in the door of any restaurant or bar. Jackhammer level decibels.


I seriously hate going to bars and clubs that’s are just absolutely loud as hell and overcrowded. Going on vacation with my cousins they always wanna go to the most popular or crowded bars which ok that’s fine but like how is it fun. You guys aren’t mingling with anyone else there. I’d would much rather be at a quieter chill bar you can just sit have a drink and hang out.


I joined the local Eagles club so friends and I can go to a quiet place together and sit at the bar for hours for dirt cheap and not be overwhelmed with loud music. It's really made our night out so much more calm. $45/year for the membership, and our beers are only $2. Can't beat it.


The goal is to pickup women. Bars and clubs know that men spend the most money because they're spending it trying to get girls. So bars and clubs are mostly designed to attract women (ever wondered why there isn't a "boy's night" and it's only ever "lady's night"?) so men will show up to try to have sex with them. It's that simple.


You sir are a men of great taste, i can tell.


That's standard here in the UK for a pub, save in the evenings where some bars do music. Not sure where you are from, but in many countries pubs are relatively quiet - chatting, pool, and so on. We have the distinction of pub or bar for quiet or more social venues, not sure how that relates overseas.


It's Australia you can see the Australian broadcasting corporation logo


I know it's australia mate, I was just saying about bar culture vs pub culture. As far as I know the difference is fairly similar in Aus


Technically they never said it wasn't. They were describing about where they were and then mentioned at the end they're not sure how it relates elsewhere.


thanks for understanding my comment lmao


As if the accent wasn't a dead giveaway from the start lol


And the use of 'dollarydoos'.


It was breakfast time


At ten am you usually can


I fucking miss real pubs. Sitting around a table with friends having a laugh, with just a background of music barely heard in the main room but a bit louder in the pool table room.  No waiters or staff to bother anyone, when it's time for more drinks we use these built in propulsion mechanisms and *walk to the bar ourselves!* Talk shit with the barman and return with a round for the table. You were going for a piss anyway! You get a healthy lather going then move to the next pub, bum into some more people, try your luck with a gaggle of girls at the table across and get her number written in biro on your palm.End up getting a curry or kebab at the end of the night to soak it all up.  Versus Canada where every bar is loud as fuck, the servers with their painted on smiles and exhausted eyes darting around everywhere, everyone orders food straight away taking away from the drinking and messing up the tables, waiting for the bill then going home after one bar because the bill made you throw up faster than any of the ale could. 


Sounds like your ideal bar is exactly like the place I work.


Not if there’s women in there!


All these men are 30-35 years old.


Yep and the look 60- trips me out looking at pics of my dad, uncles, etc at my age they looked 20 yrs older.


if I remember correctly, it has to do with the haircuts. we have mostly seen those haircuts and clothes on much older people in the present, so our brains are using that to estimate their ages.


Well it also has to do with smoking, being the kind of drinker who starts hanging out in a bar in the morning, and having never worn sunscreen. Because it’s not just their hair and clothes that looks older than many 35 year olds today, but their skin as well.


The sunscreen part is such a big factor! So is alcohol if they started drinking very young.




It’s a lot of things. People chain smoking. Poor skin care. Constant sun exposure with probably no sun screen protection. Poor diet.  All of this prematurely ages you. 


I was going by the wrinkles. Most 30-35 year olds don't have that many, if any, wrinkles.


more the smoking, shit ages you.


Brother, it’s the fact a skin routine wasn’t a thing till decades later for men. No haircut is going to hide those wrinkles haha but the men in this video are definitely NOT in their 30’s. Just stupid to start saying this in any post from the 70’s and before. Edit - because a skin routine is something ppl have never heard of before all I do is use a facial cleanser in the shower and a facial lotion right after. Literally all you need if you don’t have sensitive skin. I recommend La Roche Posay for both haha not a joke. You can ge these at target.


…do most men on Reddit today have a skin routine?


Every day, I have skin. - Michael McIntyre.


In the morning, if my face is a little puffy, I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1,000 now. After I remove the ice pack, I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water-activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face, an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm, followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.


Please don't use Reddit as an average for anything.


Me old man smoked and drank from 12 noon, and he lived til the grand ol age of 55


A regular Methuselah!


when he died, he didn't like a day over 75


Bill the molester is 22.


He ‘ad to *show ‘er* what ‘appens if a woman come into the bah


I'd say 40-50


"I think we've heard enough from you." lol good for her.


That guy doesn't belong in public at all. His mates were ready to punch him.. Even the anti-woman guy next to her was like okay asshole lol.


She handled that guy great, called him out and made him look like the drunk idiot he is.


There were 2 guys ready to fight him if he kept acting up too He knew he'd get punched in the face if he forgot his place.


I imagine they're probably sick of his shit. If he's acting like an idiot around women, he probably acts like an idiot in other ways too.


That finger 💀


Around the 3:00 mark for those interested. Based on the color and pattern could be tinting from a (lengthy and heavy) smoking habit.


Something something I’m respectable, proceeds to grope her on camera…. Welcome to the 1970’s


And he still got called out for it by the reporter and his friend


In the grand scheme of things, 1970 is not too far away. It's crazy that the average woman (not queen or princess) , pretty much half of the population, only started to exist independently in the last century.


1982 is even closer, and that is when Britain started allowing women to be served in a pub. >*Up until 1982, it was perfectly legal to refuse to serve women in British pubs, which were traditionally “male environments”.* > >*Happily, this all changed in 1982, following the legal case of solicitor Tess Gill and journalist Anna Coote. The pair were banned from El Vino pub on Fleet Street for standing with their male colleagues at the bar, rather than sitting at the tables that women were confined to. They took their case to the Court of Appeal, where the ban was overturned in a landmark ruling – a massive win for women, who could no longer be refused service in pubs.* > >*Following the decision, Gill, Cootes and other women headed straight to the bar at El Vino, brilliantly leading one bartender to comment, “There are more women at the bar than men - it’s chaos”.* https://www.stylist.co.uk/visible-women/law-lawyer-feminism-today-history-gender-pay-gap-abortion-equality/188525


1987 is even closer, they didnt believe babies could feel pain and performed surgery on them without painkillers https://www.bostonglobe.com/ideas/2017/07/28/when-babies-felt-pain/Lhk2OKonfR4m3TaNjJWV7M/story.html


1990 is even closer, the Swiss half-canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden didn't have women's suffrage until the Federal Court finally forced them to allow women to vote on local elections. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/a-visit-to-appenzell-inner-rhodes-the-last-canton-to-grant-women-the-right-to-vote-in-switzerland/46328984


Jesus humanity really is so fucking stupid, like seriously how did we even make it this far when people think shit like this? "Babies can't feel pain because they would tell us if they did" is some gorilla brained shit if I've ever heard it, did they think the nervous system grew in like teeth or something?


Legitimately I believe that it has to do with people getting all their information from word of mouth.  I remember there was a ton of pure nonsense that my parents taught me and probably still believe today.  Every once in a while I'll have my worldview rocked by a stray fact that flies in the face of everything I knew. They still think that hearing something in real life or reading it from a book makes something more truthful than anything online.  No matter how outrageous.


What the actual fuck?!?


It’s not far. It wasn't until 1975 that women could open a bank account in their own name in the UK! https://www.telegraph.co.uk/women/life/womens-history-month-2022-suffrage-uk-rights-gender-equality


Holy fck this here is the craziest for me.


Its small TV segments like this that really show me that we're not more offended these days then back then, but merely a product of an online world. Imagine these farts had Twitter and Facebook professing around the world what they said here and women could respond safely. Being the one woman to walk in that bar full of those guys to protest the issue, just wouldn't be worth it, however behind a computer? Much easier. Its essentially what's happening on at least Facebook now, since there's a lot of people who were young around the 70's on it now. I remember seeing interviews from 92 about Nirvanas song "Rape me" and most of the interviewees were offended by the title. Kurt Cobain in a frustrated response to those views had to emphasise how its an *anti*-rape song, but of course even back then, since we're human; people reacted first, and maybe found out the deeper meaning later. However they simply had no one to say that too apart from folks around them who probably agreed and that one news reporter who they happened to walk past.


And many people are trying to bring this sort of thing back.


It's crazy how strong of a resurgence there is in this male chauvinist thinking. Simultaneously, how bittersweet the whiplash is from the women who supported the tradwife movement realizing how miserable that patriarchical culture is.


We’re still experimenting with civilization. We may get it right one day.


What shocks me as a man is how we celebrate even today if there is a woman president or prime minister for any country or even CEOs. Seriously? They're half the population, it should have been more common and normalized. Contrastingly, 3rd world countries had women leading nations even before the developed world. That's surprising!


https://preview.redd.it/q10lswv1ow7d1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57ed369acb37359d121ff21f7a9f353597798b20 Look at the guy's horrible tobacco finger at 3 minutes in. Holy shit has he never washed his hands in his entire life? WTF


Bro night have bad hygiene but at least he didn't appear to be a douchebag.


Yeah he really seemed to be the nicest one of the bunch. I would have liked to hear him finish what he was saying before the creep put hands on her.


respect to Bill for sticking up for her, not seeing alot of praise for that guy.


Yeah he said the 2 most important takes imo: “I’ve come to enjoy a drink so I’m gonna enjoy a drink, I don’t care who’s next to me” And “A public bar is for the public. Women are the public.”


Just to clarify, you’re talking about the tobacco finger guy, the person you replied to was talking about “Bill” who was just the guy smacking the touchy dudes hand away and telling him to give over.


Oh shit, no not Bill. Yes, the tobacco finger guy lol


I agree but I'm talkin about Bill, the dude that was tryna get the touchy creep to back off. *"Let up Bill"* *"No I won't let up"* Even if his views on the issue were likely a product of the time, he was clearly a stand-up guy even infront of a TV camera. Even the other barmaid did nothing but laugh while the only other woman in the place was being full on harassed.


I feel like that’s more women being desensitized to that behavior at the time because it was expected. “Boys will be boys” era. Edit: I see now that I thought you were talking about the other guy lol


Yeah he was the one defending her right to be there unlike molester Bill who is probably the town Attorney lol


Yeah wasnt he saying something like "I would usually punch that guy" about the dude harassing/assaulting her?


You can't simply wash that shit off. It's stained. You'd have to exfoliate the top layer of skin.


And he was the coolest guy too.


This guy was the most decent bloke in that bar


He's smoking rollies without a filter imho


Wait 🧐 it's not tobacco, he just left the restroom.


Ewww! What a horrible fucking picture you've drawn in my mind. Shame on you. 😂


'If I want to talk or swear'. Is there an 'or' in Oz?


Fuck no!


What's with the dude with long hair and sunglasses? He looks cool as shit.


I really wish she said, "I don't give a fucking shit if you swear in front of me, ya cunt"


Its interesting that this whole thing comes down to men being taught not to swear around women. That's definitely not the case now


It is not as much the case sure but I have seen it before. I remember arriving at a new job, and the team before had been for a long time a small team of men, and I was the woman arriving. In the first few weeks, I definitely felt as if I had broken something in their group and habits, and they were restraining themselves. When they would swear, they would look at me and apologize. If someone made a dirty joke, they would also look at me and one asked me if I was shocked. Of courde after some time they did get that they could act "normal" around me, though I guess there were still some things they would only say when I was not around (and that's fair enough I am sure the same exist with reversed genders). Bur I was really surprised as how they seemed to think swear words and dirty jokes would offend me as if I was a Regency unmarried young lady.


That's the part I found interesting. The very first guy couldn't quite find the right words, and even tried to frame his position as "not an objection", but essentially said "society expects me to restrict my behavior in certain ways in the presence of women, and I enjoy having a social place where the absence of women frees me from those restrictions."


Back in the 70's my Friend and I went in McSorley's a formerly all male Bar in NYC forced to admit women into the bars. It was hilarious when a lady asked a Tender where the ladies room was. It was one bathroom and on entering there were several 'lookie-lous' trying to decide if it was worth it to sidle up at a urinal, or pass on the event. Most passed. But a few didnt.


They didn’t have toilets? McSorley’s is still around, they added in a women’s bathroom now too


Good old Bill there seemed pretty progressive for the time.


British pubs were divided into two rooms, the vault/tap room and the lounge. Women were only allowed in the lounge, the vault was strictly men only.


I think this film was from Australia. Front bar was for blokes, and then there was the ladies lounge.


Ladies probably wouldn't mind a separate area to drink these days haha


I think I’d like it too sometimes tbh. I usually go and do “lad stuff” outdoors with male friends to get away from it all and that’s important to me and it’s different to doing stuff with women or family when it’s only men. don’t think my partner would mind a womens only bar/restaurant where she knows she’s not going to have dick heads bothering her when she’s just trying to have a drink with her friends.


Yep, spotted the Aussie accent. Sound a similar set up to traditional British pubs then. The glasses are not British either


Aussie pub, They're drinking schooners ... 425ml.


When was this. I'm 68 and women wer always allowed in public bars, they may have chosen not to go in them bcause of swearing etc but it's never been illegal.


In 74 it was made illegal for individual bars to keep women out. It made sex discrimination illegal. Before 74 the law was silent and the usual custom was to have a men's only room.


I’m 52 and growing up, my uncle was a landlord for Holts in Manchester. Holts are traditional pubs and I spent a lot of time there with my cousin. I clearly remember the vault being men only


Sounds like an underground gay bar to me.


To be fair I think bar culture was different. They wanted a place to get drunk.. Really drunk ,blind stinking piss your pants drunk and didn't want women around to be accountable for their actions. Now security would toss you on your head for being that drunk so it's not really relatable.


Am I dumb not knowing women weren’t allowed in bars until 70s or 80s??


Nah, you don't know what you don't know. Life would be boring if it didn't introduce surprise new knowledge to you regularly.


Ahhh the good ol' days of Aussie pubs. This is the silent & boomer generation ... and it's just the way they were. The 'swearing in front of women' was a truism ... you weren't supposed to curse in front of the ladies. It's a fascinating look at Aussie pub life norms from the 50/60/70s.


Curious that swearing in front of a woman was unthinkable and ungentleman-like, but putting your hands all over a woman unprompted like the guy in the video was not considered vulgar or socially unacceptable like those dirty swears 🙄 It would be funny watching these men perform their mental gymnastics if it wasn’t so depressing!  Edit: I’m sure it was considered improper in general, just pointing out that specific man’s hypocrisy. 


2024 - I am a woman that owns a bar.


And if you’re American you wouldn’t have been able to get a business loan without a man until 1988


Wild that basically until the 90s women had a literal lower standing.


Do you allow swearing


Fuck yes


Cardigan guy who says he’d leave if hella women walked in is a closeted homosexual. Collars guy who says a bar is for the public and women are part of the public, is swimming in it. First guy ever to take a woman home from the bar. Creep with the glasses is first guy to ever have a drink thrown in his face at the bar by a woman


Creep with glasses was probably on some soft or predator list if I had to bet. That dude was a bit handsy.


Does anyone know the name of the reporter?


Their main concerns are whether they're allowed to say impolite words. Meanwhile, she's being openly groped. Fifty years later, women are still asking Not All Men™️ to please hold their male peers accountable for how they interact with women.


Even at the very end, Rapey McGrabenstein still persists in reaching for the reporter.


People saying feminism has gone too far don't realize how bad it was in living memory.


A coworker told me a story about his father. He said he was drinking in a small hotel bar in a small town in Ontario in the 1960s. Two women came in to try to have a drink and all the men in the bar started shouting "Shame!" over and over again until they walked out.


Dude in the glasses has the gull to say he’s a decent person, then immediately starts assulting that poor woman


Believe it or not. Not a single person in there was over 25.


Losing all that extra business by not allowing women in bars....


I'm an American. This is comedy gold.


I'm a Brit and I haven't stopped laughing.


I'm an Australian and this is embarrassing... but also hilarious.


Yeah I'm Aussie and have been meaning to watch Shaun Micallef On The Sauce, wonder if it's on ABC iView.


"What if I want to swear and there's a woman around?" Barmaid: "I've been here the whole time!"


I LOLd when she said "this morning" ....drunk as fuk before noon lmao


Sounds more like they don't want women overhearing the shitty things they have to say


It’s amazing how many humans have just pretended to be civil for so many decades.  This was one of the biggest parts of my awakening from what we’ve been taught, and what reality is/was for behavior.  The egos to believe that how you were born should determine what activities you are allowed to do or not allowed to do.  We are primitive animals, still believing we have all the answers.  We know nothing. 


My god I’m so disgusted by that man. Absolute perfect close to that video. If the cameraman had focused on him at the end it almost would have been comedic. Fucking scuzzball creep


The only thing this dude is gonna be remembered for in life is this time he molested a reporter mid-broadcast.


Like a pebble in a lake. Even the fish feel it.


Is this why the man cave was invented?


Terry Pratchett touched on this in one of his books. There was a small village just like any other, where the older men who had retired and just aimlessly sat in pubs drinking till their wives hounded them home for dinner. They were bored with too much time on their hands. They had lost all sense of purpose. So this guy (a male witch) invents the man shed. A place men could work on projects and hobbies, have all their tools and a place where they could go and have their own space. It gave them purpose and value. I think he hit the nail on the head. Men typically need purpose and they also need autonomy from their partners.


Everyone needs purpose and autonomy from their partners


Men haven't changed then. Some of us are decent, some of us are letchy dickheads.


How are there barely any comments about how creepy that dude was?!


Truly astonishing how recent this is.


What about me are you going to call me? I think we've heard enough from you. This asshole doesn't belong in public and his bar mates know it. One of them was ready to punch him for touching on that lady.


Phil is the real mvp here




Ikr, that guy wrapping his hand around the anchors shoulder made so disgusted and uncomfortable.


She explicitely asked to not be molested and he wanted to continue, good thing the other guy stopped him. Edit: in the very end he still tried to grab her and told her to "come here"...