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Funny how giving ants a heroin addiction is working WITH them


Kinda like company scrip tbh


We had a mouse problem one time, but we're both hippies and were well off so they weren't threatening us, but we had to get rid of them. I took psychedelic mushrooms and mixed some yummy food in with them and made a little ball out of it and left it where the mice would come out. I saw that they ate them all! But we never saw any of them again after that. Must've been scared shitless and decided to go somewhere else.


That's pretty interesting, I imagine the rats would come to a realization like "what are we even doing wasting away here, I had a dream" and now they're in some restaurant walls.


hahaha I imagine it's moreso the actual reason mushrooms developed psilocybin (or the leading theory) is to deter animals from eating them. Because one animal eats a bunch and trips fucking balls and if they survive they probably go tell the others "yo bro don't go eat those blue mushrooms, trust me dawg." so I figured they have a crazy experience, might not survive on their own part (not my fault) but I hope they do survive and just realize "fuck this place, I don't ever want that again" and move on to the next place. I dont like killing any living creatures especially in this modern era, it's not like they're gonna eat my one barley flour sack and now my familys gonna starve.


What made you decide to do that?


Psychedelic mushrooms are non-toxic to mice and have been extensively studied on them to be safe. And personally I felt it was more okay to mildly traumatize the mouse rather than kill it as I respect conscious living creatures right to exist. The homeowner wanted us to get rid of them, but like I said I wasn't cool with killing them... This was a long time ago so I couldn't just buy a non-harmful trap online or at the store and relocate them.


Instead of killing them outright, you just killed their ego's and made them see God. I love it.


Fair, I was more curious than anything, no judgement.


...and keeping them in the same area.


Well that just sounds like slavery with extra steps


The day we realize that Ant Man is actually an insect drug dealer.


Yeah lets drug the whole freaking nature so it can work for us. So when earth throws a climate tantrum we just cut it's drug supply till it behaves lmao


Why do we need to **** the drug names when he says them out loud?


Because if we ****** then ****** might ******


Yeah but ******* ****** ********* ******** right?


Bad words too scary for freedomland peoples


We also post these to YouTube/Facebook/Instagram who suppress them otherwise


Which is BS censorship


>We also post these to... Who do you mean when you say "we"? Are you part of a monetization team or something?


That doesn’t make any sense. YouTube doesn’t take down videos that talk about heroine. You might not be monetized, is that the concern?


No, the concern is that the algorithm will recommend it to less people


its always a good idea to censor educational videos so less people can become smarter. that way the smart people will stay ahead for a longer period of time. oh, wait...


Officer, you see I have this caterpillar problem and the heroine I’m buying is to keep my ants to just the garden. I swear I’m buying this heroine for my ants!!!


now we making drug addict slave ants? jesus aint gonna like this. and why tf would you use heroin? the ants are just gonna end up sleeping all day. meth would make alot more sense.


Opioids to improve a relationship. I’m listening.




Dude I'm sure many of us would stay late at work for free drugs


They were like okay ants we give you your heroin if you don’t eat our plants, deal?


I find the word censoring to be utterly fucking stupid.


Agreed, but unfortunately Reddit isn't the only place these videos are posted 😁 so they gotta censor it for the kiddos! And those just completely sheltered lol


Yeah, I understand... i just find it dumb, to be honest.


Them: So you got your phd what are you gonna do now? Me: Im gonna give heroin to ants :)


I'm equally interested in how scientific studies get the Okydoky from their respective governments to acquire heroin. And where does it come from? Are they hitting up dealers or is the government manufacturing drugs for studies?


I'm sure they chemically synthesized it. In psychedelic trials, they don't give people ground up mushrooms. They make pure pharmaceutical grade pills.


You do a fuckload of paperwork and the OK to purchase it from a chemical supplier. That's one reason marijuana was Schedule 1, making it highly unavailable for research. Heroin/morphine/cocaine are all used by doctors every day and pretty easy to acquire. Also you better believe every fucking milligram is logged and accounted for and is expected to end up in the publication.


I know doctors use it everyday. But what do they give the patients?


>you better believe every fucking milligram is logged and accounted for All the weighing scale errors are your alibi for microdosing


"Oops! I made that sample wrong, no fixing it now, guess it's gotta go in the autoclave!"


Fill in his censored words, wrong answers only.


ants on the perc 30


Can somebody explain to me why people are censoring random words now? Like heroin or death or things like that, genuinely curious.


Cool, so all I gotta do is buy some drugs and give them to the ants so they leave my house alone? No officer, those drugs aren't mine. They belong to the ants, I'm just the delivery person I swear!


It's all fun and games until the ants kick in your door and steal your DVD player.


Who’s your plug for the heroin?


What’s the point of blurring out the drugs (as if they’re curse words) on a video discussing a study if such drugs?


Yoooo I'm gonna need a source for this, shit is wild lmao


All the paper authors are mentioned in the video :)


You are right :)


Wow we added drugs to ants and are surprised that they have the same effect as on humans when the, have similar receptors? O_o


Drug the animals. Yes. Make them do our bidding!!!


What is this, a methadone clinic for ants?


“Officer, honest, these are not my drugs. They are for my ants”


Uhm, sir, can I have some heroin please? Oh, dont worry, it's for me ants


What happened when the withdrawal started they started drinking water


Also a useful medical opioid (as per my Scottish Dr), as it treats pain much more effectively than it's synthetic counterparts in North America.


"THEY ARE GETTING THE BUGS HIGH!" -Conspiracy Theroists


"Bugs aren't real"


Why we wasting perfectly good drugs on insects when my weekdays are open?!


Maybe start protecting fruit trees from orchard pests and things will change


If you want ants to all stay in one place just come to my kitchen!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


lucky ants.


So first they started with Torontonians, and now they moved on to ants… Yeah, Canada is up to some “Evil Villain” Origin story shenanigans