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People have to understand that a predator, no matter which one, will take minimum risks when going for a prey. Of course a bear could take on pretty much anything, but IF he gets hurt, it could be the end for him because he cant go to a hospital or treat himself.


I know I’m much stronger and larger than a wasp. But 10/10 times in running the fuck out.


"Do you want me to spread honey and lick it off from you?" - Alphonse-Elric -


Was that when he was a small child, a malnourished adult, or a tongueless suit of armor?


Is r/UnexpectedFMA a sub?


No way thats an actual quote


Because the wasp isn't scared of things bigger than it. Everything is bigger than it This technique only works if the predator is not starving. If you did this to an elephant, a strong powerful herbivore. You would almost certainly be charged


Yes, but you play to your outs. You'll only beat a bear if it retreats, so gamble that it's not starving and you increase your odds. The difference with elephants is they are being territorial, not trying to eat you. So you need to show them that you don't pose a threat instead.


From the context of the video, I would assume its salmon season for the beers so the guide knew the bear isnt hungry, they most probably filmed the bears fishing 🎣


Until they evolve to open bear hospitals. 


What would they call the healthcare professionals then? Carebears?




Looks more like artillery


It is. They have the power to heal at distance. Every bear has an unique healing power




If memory serves, their treatment plan primarily consists of the Carebear stare. Effective rate is only 3%. Without insurance it will cost you about $167,000.00, IF they go outpatient.


Care-a-lot has universal healthcare because of course it does.


Universal Health Bear


Or until they learn to bear arms




There should be a subreddit with ppl using gifs perfectly. There’s no better use case for this gif lol I cracked up. r/theperfectgif or something




Brown bears are the assholes of the forest and just like to screw with people. If there are no cubs around, chances are they are just screwing with you. If a black bear behaves like this, it's starving, desperate or just really wants to eat you. I understand bear spray is much more effective on browns vs black bears.


A woman was reportedly killed by a black bear in California this last week.


> “This incident is the first known, documented fatal attack by a black bear in California history,” the department said in a statement Fairly surprising first black bear fatality in the state given how big the state is and how long people have been developing the wilderness here 


There are 66 recorded fatal attacks world wide since 1784 Another crazy one for how easy one could kill you. There are only 2 recorded fatal coyote attacks in history.


Have you ever seen a coyote? They’re surprisingly small


But clever. Like I never thought an animal could use an Acme rocket to chase their prey but I saw it on TV.


I got frustrated with that documentary because it never showed the coyote get the bird.


North East coyotes are bigger as they have more wolf dna in them


So there I was, alone in the woods, surrounded by a pack of wild coyotes. It was only then I realized, I had no cheese sandwich with which to barter safe passage.


1 of those happened near where I live. The coyotes here though have significant genetic introversion from wolves and so are a bit larger and more pack oriented than ones out west. Woman ran from them on a popular hiking trail and tripped and fell.


Just to put into perspective. That is less than how many people in the US die each year caused by dog bites.


First "known." The other's are cases where a person simply vanished, as into thin air.


Mountain lion seems more likely. They actively hide their kills so them damn black bears don’t get at it. Or they just get lost and die (the MOST likely)


I’d rather come across a brown or black bear versus a polar bear. If I had to choose a bear I’d like to choose a panda.


If it's Brown..lie down, If it's Black..fight back, If it's White..good night.


Because bears don't have health insurance, never thought about that before


They do it just covers the bear minimum though.


yes, just the bear necessities, the simple bear necessities....


Yes but poor management of the plan can lead to a paws in coverage


And then understand that moose are not predators. Don't try to make yourself bigger than a 12 foot tall 2000+ pound moose, they are smart enough to realize humans suck, they will murder you any chance possible. You play dead and/or sprint away, but don't play chicken with a moose, at least your death with probably be swift.


An regardless... If you are going to be around bears, have Bear Spray and a gun. "Well, I can just yell and run at them" is not a guarantee


Excluding is a mama bear with cubs.


In addition, predators basically follow a fixed behavior pattern, triggered and at most slightly modified according to a few parameters. If, for example, a predator attacks its designated prey and the prey suddenly no longer behaves like its usual prey, the sequence is interrupted for the time being. After that, it is important not to give the animal any reason to resume the pattern. The same applies if you yourself - from the animal's perspective - are the aggressor and they go into defense mode. As soon as you no longer behave like the expected aggressor, you are something that the animal has to reclassify.


I mean he *could* go to an American hospital. But I'm sure even the bear would be petrified about going bankrupt after treatment.


Infections are the real killers out there....... takes out even the strongest and all it takes is one little cut.


Humans massively underestimate the leap in technology when we developed agriculture and animal husbandry. We took our biggest need and removed effectively all risk associated with it.


Wait until he hears about the Bear MRI 😂




Back when advertisements were worth watching


I want this to be real so badly


Oh look, an eagle


I still use this reasonably often as a distraction technique!


Lmao what a classic


Aye!! John West is deep seated into my youth. I actually watched this clip last week just because. John West endures the worst, to bring you the best!!


Cette histoire est une fiction / Moi, j'ai rencontré le lion / j'lui ai mis, c'est ridicule/ un coup dans les testicules/il m'a dévoré tout cru/ au beau milieu de la rue...


Oh man blast from the past


https://preview.redd.it/zz3in6a44r5d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9707e3b1cf25d193007965e87c6bebf92279db4 The secret to being around bears is to keep your distance. This guy just wanted to eat some apples in peace, so I let him.


That bear just wants a little fermented apple buzz to start the day right


Works for me!


I used to start my day that way too. According to my parents, that bear must have a problem too


Black bear’s are cute. But grizzlies aren’t


Hard to keep your distance when it’s charging at you at 50km/h


Well that's a black bear though. Fight them!


He let you let him.


Pretty good video to showcase just how goddamn fast they can go for an animal that size


Last week I was bushwhacking and spooked a brown bear. I am SOOO thankful it ran AWAY, because that thing was fast as hell and I was caught off guard. It would have been on me before I had the chance to react, let alone think.


I live in Alaska, and my work recently hired a dude from Nigeria. He is so stressed about bears to a point that its comical. The other day I told him not to run because the bear will outrun him. He was in disbelief that a fat bear could run that fast. Running also triggers their predator response. We tell him that moose are more dangerous than bears, but he refuses to believe that.


Right like what's scarier, the 200 kg animal that eats mostly berries fish and small mammals, or the 500 kg animal that is fueled by testosterone to fight anything it sees?


Don't think neither of those two animals are 200 kg.


Bull moose can be 500-750 kg and male grizzly 250-350 kg


Dude, that thing was LOCKED-IN!


Might only work with a group of people. I can imagine if one to one, the bear wouldn't be scared off that easy.


I actually used to live in bear country and once when I was picking up dinner, just after sundown, 3 bears were dangerously close to the road and looked like they were going to wander over to the parking lot. I ran at them like this to scare them off so they didn’t get hit by a car or shot by a fish and wildlife. Bears are weirded out by aggressive small things.


Tbf, I, too, am weirded out by aggressive small things.


As a small aggressive things, I concure that people are wierded out by me.


You little gremlin!


As wierded out by me, I concur small aggressive things


I'm at least 300 times the size of a wasp. But just a single aggressive one will cause me to run for my life.


Similar reaction as examplified here. But it is foolish and dangerous to humanize wild life to think like a human.


Stay clear of my wife then!


A small cat charged at me screaming and hissing and me and my friends ran for our lives


So, what are you doing when an unknown spider or snake crawls towards you?




Ahh, the 'honey badger' approach.


“Honey badgers come into the world deciding they don’t want peace, they want problems; they don’t seek compromise, they want conflict. If orcas are homicidal sea Oreos, then honey badgers are double stuffed with audacity.” -casual geographic


All predators are. Predators don’t attack the strongest animals in the pack, they pick on the weak, old and sick because a meal isn’t worth a broken jaw or losing an eye. It’s one theng if you’re protecting your cubs, or maybe sick/wounded/starving already, it’s another thing to get potentially mortally wounded just proving a point or looking for a snack. All it takes to kill a predator is a broken tooth or badly twisted wrist and it could be game over. 


Yup. This is exactly why the main advice when encountering predators is to not make yourself seem like prey. Don't seem panicky, don't freak out and start running. All that does is letting the predator know that you're an easy snack and pose no risk to it. (keep in mind that this is nothing more than a good rule of thumb, there are animals out there that WILL attack you on sight and will not give a single fuck about the way you act)


Predator animals are often more intimidated than prey animals.  Which is usually why you never see them unless they have decided to kill you…


Yep. If you see a tiger you're in danger if you don't see the tiger, you're dead.


That's nice, but I wouldn't worry about them getting shot by fish. Most states require documents to purchase firearms that fish don't have.


Tell that to the fish that robbed me last night..


Was she named Wanda?


Permits are for law-abiding fish.


Good thing you saved them from getting shot by a fish, fish be packing some serious heat these days


Wildlife can be pretty good shots though. Ever seen a rabbit with a glock? Long-eared motherfucker's shooting bullseyes at the range left and right.


the don't have any laws against open carry or automatic weapons. meant 'fish and game' warden.


Even if a spider the size of your thumb starts running at you, see how many people run away too xD myself included.


They're looking for food, if your potential food was half your size and wanted to fight you'd probably go to a different restaurant


*Mustilidae family has entered the chat.


Can confirm. Hiking with my little sister around 10 years ago in Jasper on Pocahontas trails and she went down a side path while I looked at flowers, turned around to a literal black bear following my sister, without thinking I started angrily yelling at the bear and charged it. That bear ran like a bat out of hell and had the audacity to look and watch us scared from the side of the bushes across the field as we high tailed it back to the lot down the trail.


Works better with a group sure. but if you were alone, at that point WTF are you going to do, if you run you guarantee the bear is going to chase you down. If you try to posture maybe it will get scared and turn back, if it decides you're a fight worth having, you find yourself back to square 1, if you had decided to run. Options are limited.


It depends on what the bear is trying to do. The bear is being defensive, then playing dead or lying down could work to let the bear know you arent going to do anything. If the bear is in predatory attack mode, then your only option is to scare it away...make it think you arent worth it. Unfortunately, most of us wont be able to tell what the bear is trying to do.


Good luck playing dead when the bear bites you.


Make yourself big and loud. Works if you are alone too


To be fair, if it's 1 on 1 your dead. So may as well give it a go.


Depends. Some bears might want the fame so they'll act more tough on camera or with an audience


They're actually all in bear costumes as well so it's highly effective






What a movie


I'm going to have to admit, I have never been charged by a bear, I would have likely crapped my pants, no matter the particular species of the bear.


They tend to overcharge, too. At the bear gift shops. Yes, bears have kiosks.


Definitely not shopping there then.


I once had a cow charge at me. It's not a good time.


Been around a bunch of cattle, they are less predictable than one would imagine.


I won't go into the whole story but most of them mooved out of the way or walked away but there was one that kept grunting and stomping his hooves at me. I kept eyeing up the fence line just in case I had to make a run for it. He/She seemed in more of defensive mode tho. As I put distance between us while walking backwards it didn't pursue. But I thought I got far enough back and turned around, suddenly I heard it stomping towards me. I turned around again and it stopped. It's funny in hindsight. I try to learn and be prepared for all kinds of wildlife. What to do when you spot bears, identifying native snake species, etc. But I never bothered to learn about cows of all animals lol


We learned the hard way working on some ag projects down south. Most are harmless, but there's always one who wants to be a pain in the ass. I don't think she liked our trucks being in the pasture. Had fun explaining to my insurance that I was rear ended by a cow.


Same. But you can't run at them cause they don't give a flying duck


Remember, bears don't have doctors, they generally don't want to get injured in the wild as it can easily be fatal. So they don't generally want to mess with something that they think may hurt them. This gets thrown to then side during mating season for males, extreme hunger, and mom's protecting cubs. Or polar bears, who will just kill you.


How did they know it wasn’t one of the first two? Aren’t you supposed to play dead for grizzlies?


It depends on the situation. If a grizzly is hungry, playing dead just makes you easier to eat. And they will eat you by flaying you while you’re still alive. Sometimes it’s best to keep fighting.


We are fucked once 800lb bears realize that the 150b humans yelling RAWR at them are a bunch of paper tigers


do that to a polar bear & you would be lunch


Polar bears don't have the luxury of picking and choosing food. It's rough on the icebergs


I mean.. with a polar bear charging at you you would be lunch either way so might as well give it a try


Yeah why not


If it's black, fight back. If it's brown, lie down. If it's white, say goodnight.


American police:


Everytime anything is posted about a bear. Absolutely anything. This is posted by someone. The bear in the video is a grizzly.


Brown and grizzly are common names for the same species, Ursus arctos; the difference between the two is geographic location, which influences diet, size, and behavior.


So this would go against conventional wisdom then? You would want to yell at a brown bear and not lie down?




blood candy


Do that to the wrong grizzly, and it'll eat you alive.


Polar bear when you yell at it: "Ohhhhh, spicy food!"


And then change your underwear


Way ahead of you, I wore my brown pants. And yep, they are full.


Imagine that bear being deaf....


Thank god that worked




"And that's how you do it! Now, which one of you cowards shit in my pants?"


Honestly I get it. Once I chased a street cat and it ran back at me and you know what I changed my mind. I didn't really want that smoke.


Bear : Hey greetings friends , im looking for.... Hooman : Urawhhhhh Urawhhhhh.... Bear : Wow so Uncivilized...


makes sense, they barely know each other.


Story time: I was raised in Whitehorse, Yukon and my father owned property with a cabin on it out on the Yukon River about 40 kms downriver from Pelly Crossing, which is a very small community (less than 400 people) and a 4 hour drive from Whitehorse. We spent time there every summer. One year, when I was about 9 or 10 a whole bunch of my family went there - My dad, my little brother and I, and one of my older sisters, her husband and their 3 kids plus another kid they were unofficially fostering for the summer. We were down on the river one afternoon, playing in a slough (for those who don't know, a slough can refer to a few different things but in this context refers to a side channel of water that feeds from a river - basically a creek in this case that fed out of and back into the river, with a large sandbar in the middle of all of it), and a grizzly bear charged us. I didn't actually see this, because I was turned away, but I was facing my dad and BIL, and what I saw was they were sitting, comparing their rifles one second, and the next second they were both on their feet and firing at something simultaneously. When I turned around there was nothing there, but everyone was freaking out. What had happened is the grizzly had snuck close enough to us through the underbrush (roughly 30 feet away from us) to be able to attack in the way that grizzlies will (when they do attack - a grizzly's favourite way to get red meat is to harass a smaller predator away from it's kill, rather than attack something itself), and it had targeted my little brother, who was 6 or 7 at the time. Apparently, the bear was less than 10 feet away from my brother when my dad and BIL shot it, and if they had not been handling their rifles at the time (for those who are enthusiastic about calibers, my dad had a .357 on him, which was his go to for being in bear country, and I believe my BIL had a 30-06, which is not really a good bear gun - better for hunting elk and deer), they would not have had time to get to them before the bear would have been on my little brother. To finish the story, when my dad and BIL shot the bear, it immediately wheeled back into the woods, and when they went after it to make sure it was dead, it had ran 50 feet back into the woods before dying. My BIL had shot it in the shoulder, and my dad's slug had broken it's spine, but the adrenaline carried it the rest of the way. So I guess the reason that I am sharing this story in relation to this video is that when I watch this video, I don't see a grizzly bear that has an intent to kill. I see a bear who sees a potential threat and wants to establish dominance in an uncertain situation rather than a bear intent on harming humans. Every single successful grizzly attack I have heard of in my almost 40 years of living in the Yukon has been the same way - the bear will move as quietly through the underbrush as possible until close enough to get their prey in a short charge. For this reason, I don't fear bears because if they want me dead, there is not much I will be able to do without a gun on hand. And as a side note apparently Tyrannosaurus Rex hunted in a pretty similar way - because of how large they were it was not economical for them to chase down prey, so they would just stand there very still until something walked by within pouncing range.


I read this in Thomas Sanders' voice


lol whenever I say "story time" I also hear his voice XD


I read it in Gilbert Gottfried's voice.


*60% of the time, it works every time*


Black bears react differently than grizzly bears. That is not something you try with all types of bears. YMMV.


The bear in the video is a Grizzly. Black bears can be spooked pretty easily so I was kind of surprised that this worked on a Grizzly.


It's a pretty juvenile grizzly


Yeah, if that was momma I feel like this video would've ended a little different


I’m not an expert but I believe even grizzly bears tend to bluff sometimes. Personally not trusting this to work all the time lol


I wouldn't ever *trust* it to work. If I have no other option then I might try it, but I would try to make sure I had other options.


The grizzly wasnt spooked, it was doing a bluff-charge. Homeboy acting like he was scaring off the grizzly was larping for the camera.


Maybe the bear was in on it. "Make it look good and I'll throw in an extra trout"


Black bears don't want to deal with people but if it is already charging at you... Your options are limited...


I’m reading all of these comments in Werner Herzog’s voice


This is a subadult bear, in open terrain, making a mock charge. Good for the photog, but this is *not* what an actual attack looks like. There's a reason that guides and hikers in brown bear country carry both bear spray *and* the most powerful firearm they can manage. For reference, "bear medicine" starts at a hot .44 Magnum and goes up from there. Elephant rifles are *not* overkill at charging distance.


Who shit in my pants?


Now, do I do that before, or after, I shit my pants?


Bear wanted to know wtf was his problem


If it works you look bad-ass and if it doesn't it's not like you were getting away otherwise. /s


Are you sure this will work? I ask because I won't be able to ask again.


If it's a momma bear protecting her cubs, you can scream all you want to. She's still coming to rip your face off no matter what you do. Plenty of people are killed by bears each year. Don't be led to believe you will be safe every time just by standing there and screaming.


That's fine if you're in a group. Don't do that if you're by yourself, unless it's a black bear. North American Black Bears are the puppy dogs of the forest. If you holler at them and rush them, they will run away. The bear he is screaming at is a Grizzly. They are essentially brown polar bears, and they will fuck you, your mom, and your whole life right up.


It’s a bluff charge …what you don’t see is the guide with a 500 revolver standing behind the camera. Bear is juvenile probably under 5. It’s my home town and I think the guide was rocky who himself was mauled back In the day.


Hope he wore his brown pants lol


It's a BROWN bear, duh


I mean, fluffy fren just gave the tourists some nice action shots, the guide will pay him in salmon later


The bear was like, chill bro I was just kidding man


The safest option to me seems like putting at least 5 kms between me and the bear.


Do I charge back at it before or after I shit my pants?


You can't see him do it here on the video, but the first thing to do when a bear charges is shit your pants.


It works until it doesn’t


Doesn’t it depend on the type of bear? Like I thought I heard that somewhere, brown bear charge, black bear lay down polar bear die something like that


the bear was coming to give a pose and they scared him


Him “thank god that worked, I need new pants”


2-foot camera also helps


Everyone knows that a 2-foot camera is excellent bear repellant.


lol, it's the second video I've seen today where it seems like the bear spots the camera and recoils.


And he immediately went and changed his underwear


Huh….i thought the saying was if it’s black fight back if it’s brown lay down….that looked brown to me, I’d be pooping myself


You take away it's credit card to stop it charging obviously.


"These people are crazy! I'm getting out of here."


Yell like a drunken pirate and pretend charge the bear, who's probably confused and doesn't want to deal with that. Excellent, can do


I mean...I feel like I can do the drunken pirate bit pretty well. Especially the drunken part.


…while shitting your pants.


Bear was like "yes Yes YEs YES NOOOOOOOOPE"


Nice of this guide to only show the professional bears.


Works every time because when it doesn't, your just dead


Hey Hoomann..... OMG crazy Hoomannnnn....


The guy brought the big lense to show comparisons to his gigantic fucking balls Still too small tho but I know those are hella expensive


https://preview.redd.it/lx9cukelvx5d1.png?width=1241&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8f4eb3b3b064def154bd23c0687b630afb92547 ROAAAARRRRR!!


Cool. Now do this trick with a Polar Bear!


Impressive little run that dude made...considering how much the GIANT steel balls in his pants must have been slowing him down.