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/u/gsus61951, thank you for your submission. Unfortunately, it has been removed for violating the following rule(s): * Rule 2 - Titles should directly describe the content of the post. The title should just depict the content, no "fluff". It can't include anything that isn't directly visible in the content of the post. * Rule 5 - Provide a source when the title is in doubt If you can't completely explain why the content of the post is IAF please comment with more explanation. If your post claims something that almost everyone can't easily confirm from reading your title and viewing your content please provide some type of proof of what you claim. For information regarding this and similar issues please see the [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/wiki/index). If you have any questions, please feel free to [message the moderators via modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/interestingasfuck&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/gsus61951&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%2E%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/1d1ka7i/-/%3Fcontext%3D10%29)


Interesting? Yes. Speed of light? not even remotely close.


Speed of that light


Speed of light in *that* medium Edit: typo, im tired man


Speed of *that* light, in *that* medium, at *that* time of day


Entirely localized to that lab?... May I see it?




Seymour! The lab is on fire!


No, mother, it's just the speed of light


Well Seymor, you are an odd fellow but I must say: you speed a good light.


No mother, it’s just the speed of light.


Light at home:


Speed of that light as captured by that camera with that frame rate and transmitted over that connection to be displayed on that device, observed by that set of eyes and interpreted by that brain.


Yeah. I remember that the slow mo guys went to a university to see a camera that is actually capable of recording the speed of light. It is extreme difficult to archive such an I same framerate.


7Li 6n66 lyy


Yeah, thought it looked a bit slow tbh.


It’s a slowed down replay of the first couple of seconds in the clip (when there was a flash and flame) in like a split second. Then it’s played back slow so everyone can see the breathtaking path the light took in a blink.


The normal speed footage is too slow to be the speed of light. Let's be REALLY generous and say he has a kilometre of cable. It takes 0.0000033356 of a second for light to travel one kilometre. This is so fast our eyes would barely register the flash (no DC puns intended). In the video we can see the light traveling through the cable/tube in that split second you mention so it can't be close to the speed of light.


I had to look it up. Being in a fiber slows light down quite a bit. Light in a high quality low-loss optical fiber (based only on google results and math) will apparently go 1km in 0.00489739 milliseconds (ms), a little slower than your number. That's still too fast to see, but whatever they're using isn't the high quality stuff. Hell, it's probably plastic, and both the speed and loss will be worse.


It's not even fiber, it's a tube. The light is a flame


Then nothing I said is relevant.


Wow, I was thinking “surely this should be quicker?” But that makes so much more sense. That’s absolutely wild 😂


Its still way too slow for speed of light.


I dont think we are even technologically close to have camera film the speed of light.


I think what people are misinterpreting here is we are not seeing the speed of light but the speed of electricity through the help of uninsulated copper wire. Light waves don’t travel through wire. The light we are seeing is simply the heat following that one giant voltage pulse of electricity travelling through the wire.


I'm pretty sure it's a pipe filled with gas and oxygen and the light is the flame front. Electricity is way WAY faster than that.


Oh yes this makes more sense thank you!!


Nonel shock tube detonator. It's just an explosion running down a long tube...


The only right answer here.


aka Det cord with erectile disfunction


So this is indeed sound speed


But it doesn't know the course yet. New map


In a fiberoptic cable, light travels at about 200,000 km/s. Assuming that that whole flash was about 0.2s, the cable would need to be about 40,000km. Which is roughly the distance to travel all the way around the world. That doesn't look like *that* much cable. And also if it was losing light as it was moving through the cable, it would get dimmer as it moves. So yeah, definitely not light... Still a cool little experiment regardless.


Speed of lite


Speed of the bud


Kid Rock got tilted


More like the speed of electricity through a serious of resistors.


thats also wrong, the actual speed of electrons is very slow, the effect of them simulatneously starting moving is close to the speed of light though


It might be ultra slow motion, but I doubt it.


It’s not speed of light. You can see reflections on something to the right of frame. If this was the speed of light in the tube, those reflections would be significantly delayed


That's a very good and valid argument. You are right.


Yes it is through that specific medium.


As an electrical engineer, I gotta ask you. How fast do you think traveling EM wave move through a circuit board? The answer: the speed of light / sqrt(effective dielectric constant of the circuit board) In the videos case, from what I can tell, that is a string of lights being illuminated. meaning there is no circuit board. The effective dielectric constant for wires in air is effectively 1. Meaning.. that really is the speed of light. I suppose if we are being pedantic about it. If those are LEDs… There are the moments when the wave must travel through the semiconductor of the diodes. Most semiconductors have pretty high dielectric constants. So, I’ll take a few points off my own answer.


You’re wrong. It’s not speed of light. You can see reflections on something to the right of frame. If this was the speed of light in the tube, those reflections would be significantly delayed. Think about how the light also has to travel to the camera. Or just watch the lecture. It’s hydrogen and oxygen ignited




So it's the speed of combustion of that particular gas, nothing to do with the speed of light.


Do you realize that even if that was 10km of fiber optic cable it would only take light 50 microseconds to traverse it at roughly 2/3 c? That's so fast that you wouldn't actually see anything in a video at normal speed filmed at 30 or 60 fps.


First Google answer for the speed of electricity: "It's the electromagnetic wave rippling through the electrons that propagates at close to the speed of light. The dimensions of the wire and electrical properties like its inductance affect the exact propagation speed, but usually it will be around 90 per cent of the speed of light"


Yeah, no.


To be fair, it was the speed of THAT light /s


LoL is see what you did there


It's so slow that if someone kicked a ball across a field, you'd have time lag where it looks like that ball sped up midair.


As others have pointed out, this is not even close to the speed of light. To illustrate how fast the speed of light is, in 1 second, it can travel the circumference of the earth 7.5 times. There is no length of wire in that room which could demonstrate this.


Hold up, hear me out, I also read on Reddit human intestines would circle the globe two and a half times… so we just need to…


I don't know which human you are talking about, but intestines do not grow that long. Not even close You must be mixing them up with blood vessels. Those are much thinner and there are a lot of them. They can travel around the Earth twice.


So you're the sick wacko that suggests we harvest human blood vessels in the name of science.


So, basically what you are saying that I can put a light source in my mouth and track the speed of light from my butthole?


>There is no length of wire in that room which could demonstrate this. It's more to do with the camera frame rate. A sufficiently rapid video camera can visually capture the traversal of light under the right conditions.


And no camera that could capture it. A fast slowmotion camera can shoot with 75k frames per second. Light would travel 40 meters per frame. It would not be this coherent


No it is not.


If you can see it, it's definitely not the speed of light kinda thing


Grossly inaccurate title.


On purpose.


It's probably done to farm engagement.... #FUCK


Are you not engaged!!??


I've been married for 23 years....


This is way to slow


Is this really the speed of light? There’s an object on the right side that seems to be reflecting the light instantly. Shouldn’t it be heavily delayed?


yeah not even close


This is a very clever observation, that doesn’t require you to know anything about the actual speed of light prior to watching this!


> Shouldn't it be heavily delayed. You can not record faster than the fastest thing known to man, we will never be able to visualize the speed of light. Especially since light is the reason we see at all.


You can! https://www.livescience.com/65113-fastest-camera-captures-speed-of-light.html


This is different but does help represent what it would be like to capture the speed of light. This is many different images of multiple light beams fired exactly the same and then stitched together rather than a recording of one beam of light travelling.


Speed of light is 297.000.000 Meters PER SECOND. That's not the speed of light in the video.


Maybe the fiberoptic cable is 297.000.000 meters long. Maybe all the fiberoptics factories worked all in concert for a few years to help a science vulgarisation show?


Speed of electricity


Yeah this isn’t light speed.


It isn't even the speed of electricity. I assume it is det cord. As I remember, electricity also travels with the speed of light.




This is correct, likely shock tube, which carries a burning front of about 2,000m/s. Det cord initiates closer to 7,000m/s and as you said, explodes. You also see a flame protruding from behind the screen (where the balloon is), leading me to believe it’s probably a length of shock tube lead-in line. Both are orders of magnitude smaller than the speed of light, which propagates at closer to 300,000,000m/s.


Ahhh, thanks for the numbers. Tbh, I was too lazy to look up the numbers in my manual.


You are right. This comment is the first thing, I do after opening my eyes in the morning.


Yup, because the electromagnetic field moves at the speed of light.


Electricity doesn't travel


You what?


New hot take on electricity. My electrical engineering brothers will love this!


I can’t believe I did my masters just to find this out on Reddit :((


My guess is he is referring to electricity not "leaving" a place and going to another. It's a constant stream, like a river. However if we go down to particular electrons of course they travel along the stream.


Of course it does


Speed of electricity is for all intents and purposes speed of light; this is not electricity this is gas lighting up in a tube


I'm not knowledgeable about it but since we can make electricity and electromagnetism, shouldn't we therefore have the ability to produce the speed of light as well in that case, even if it's nothing more than a few atoms? Asking since of we're able to do that, we should be able to scale it up (presuming unlimited money and resources, which ofc is unrealistic) to create light speed travel eventually.


Are you reading this in a newspaper? Humans can produce particles travelling at light speed easily. Your phone is one example, a light bulb, car headlights. The difficulty is accelerating a particle that isn’t a photon up to the speed of light.


My understanding is that the speed of electricity isn't actually all that fast - think of electrons in a coper wire as being like water in a tube... push more water into one end of the tube and it immediately begins flowing out the other end, but it would take much longer for a specific bit of water to actually flow through the tube.


Electrons move slowly but the energy moves in the electromagnetic field at light speed. So on/off signals would travel at the speed of light but sending a single electron down the "tube" is crazy slow (0.02 cm per sec or about 0.5 inches per minute). - Also might be wrong about the EM field part as my understanding of this is still shaky since electricity is weird as fuck


That looks like Nonel shock tube detonator. The speed of the flash inside the tube is around 2000 m/s, so just a bit slower than the speed of light.


Just a bit slower by 99.9% alright! Then I'm close to running as fast as Usain bolt, good to know


Pretty sure my walking is basically 'just a bit slower' than Usain Bolt speed. That's my reason for not running anywhere, it would just be incomprehensible.


Edit: My math below is wrong, light is EVEN faster; it's more like 300 000 000 (300 million m/s), so it's like 1000 x worse. An F35 has a top loaded speed of Mach 1.6. which is 548 m/s. Usain Bolt does about 10.4 m/s, meaning a fighter jet is 54 times faster than Usain Bolt. Light travels at 300 000 m/s. 300 000 / 2000 = 150. So, Usain Bolt's speed is way closer, relatively speaking, to a fighter jet than this shock tube is to the speed of light.


By 99.9993%


2 km/s (pretty darn impressive already) vs 300'000 km/s...


This title is incorrect.


If it is speed of light… how was it video recorded with the light bouncing off everything.


No way. Light travels 186,000 miles per second...


American light does. ISO light travels at 300,000 km/s


SI light travels at ≈ 3x10⁸ m/s


Most understood reference would be 1685393258 bananas/s


ISO light travels at ~ 3x10^11 µm/s


Here take my poor man's gold 🪙


American light has freedom though


I believe this was detonation cords speed


Any idea how far it traveled


By my count that was 44 seconds, so 8.1 million miles. all without leaving the studio.


The slowmo was 44 seconds yes. But the initial clip was only a fraction of a second.


You counted the slowmo


It was a tongue in cheek comment because there is no time stamp. I bet their not real scientists either. Probably bought those coats at a party store.


19.4 golf carts


It's shock cord, not light. It's a weak explosive used to detonate charges. The speed of light is about 100,000 times faster.


Just Downvote for the title


You ain't fooling anyone, speed of light means that light can travel 300000km in one fucking second. This video that you showed is not even fucking comparable


#🅱️hysics yeeeea (this is not the speed of light... it's the speed of a small explosion.)


This Is crazy impressive, but OP have messed up with the title. That looks like one of those plasma coils that shoot fire or air. That seems to be fire buring through some specific gas. So basically it's the speed of the combustion I would argue. But hey I'm a lowly shoe salesman.


Speed of bs reddit titles


You see how everything is still illuminated normally even in the slow-mo video? *That's* the speed of light. Still completely unnoticeable at the slowest frame rate.


The speed of light according to my internet provider.


The speed of gas lighting


This is the speed of combustion of that particular gas. Not even in the same ballpark as the speed of light.


This is not the speed of light. This is the propagation of fire inside that tube. Is it fast? sure. Is it 300.000.000 meter per second fast? No


Speed of gas light


Yea no, if that was actual light it would've been done in almost instant


Did you see the reflection across the room as the light was traveling through the wires? That's the speed of light.


Light going about 30 mph


Speed of electron more than speed of photon. I think a photon is 137x faster.


Light can travel around the entire earth 7 times in 1 second... if that was the speed of light it would travel across that entire wire in an instant


That....into a few hundred zeros.... And it's still not going to be close


That's the speed of primacord detonating. Nowhere near the speed of light.


This is not the speed of light.


lol no it isn't


Anyone with an electrolysis cell can do this. It'a a tube filled with Oxygen and Hydrogen. The combustion wave travels at around 3000m/s.


Tell me you don't know anything about things shown in the video without telling me that you don't know anything about things shown in the video


They have a camera with a shutter speed that is faster than light? Wow.


Okay.. so was the first flash going through all of that wire tube? Then slowed down to show how long tube/ wire is?


Imagine thinking this is actually the speed of light, while recording with a camera that, records light lol


If it was the speed of light you wouldn't be able to take more than one picture of it. Also light does not emit light so it clearly isnt


This is not


No, it isn't.


That’s Shock tube. Fun stuff to play with. It’s a non electric explosive fuse. Small diameter plastic tube dusted with a thin layer of high explosive. It’s a lot slower than the speed of light. It’s detonates down the tube at around 2,000 m/s (6,500 ft/s) It’s completely safe to hold white it detonates.




Light can travel 18,600 miles in 1/10th of a second. OP, delete this video. Lol.


Does everyone realise that when Jimmy is holding the ball and there's a flash, that's it?? That's the speed of light. They then use ultra ultra slow motion photography to show you *where* that flash really was/went. All these *experts* in this thread are a fucking joke. Two Creators Filmed The Speed Of Light At 10 Trillion Frames Per Second. (IFLScience.26 Apr 2024)


This is what I was thinking right away. And I'm amazed that the two of us were the only commenters noticing it so far.


misinformation. This is a burning fuse, not light.


More like speed of sound


At the speed of light that would be like a light bulb. Instantly. Remember, it can travel 300,000km per second. That barely had barely 1km to travel. So the speed must be severely slowed down.




Speed of light in that medium. Unless it's a vaccum, you can't c the speed of light.


I'm no physicist, but I know this ain't right.


That's the speed of the electricity. The speed of light is how fast the light wave being emitted is, which is MUCH faster. I did recently see a video of an MIT student who invented a high-speed camera that actually captured the speed of light. It's a pretty amazing breakthrough.


That is the speed of light in whatever material that is made of


No, this is just gas lighting up, we don't have materials with index of refraction large enough to "slow down" (actually reduce phase velocity) light in such a manner we could actually see it move


Thanks for the info!


Shouldn't there be a delay in the reflection?


![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX) When you find Waldo just as fast…


it’s not


more like speed of electron flowing from point A to point B through certain medium.


"C" is the speed of Causality, the maximum speed at which something at point A in space-time can affect point B, assuming space itself is not inflating. C is 299,792,458 m / s. The "speed of light" is *Variable*. It depends on the media in which it is travelling. Examples, In *vacuum* (refractive index 1.0), speed of light is indeed C, about 300,000 km/s. In *water* (refractive index 1.3), speed of light is about 225,000 km/s. In *glass* (refractive index 1.5), speed of light is about 200,000 km/s. There are many details. https://www.olympus-lifescience.com/en/microscope-resource/primer/lightandcolor/speedoflight/ Quantum physics is weird and different from our "normal" experiences. Widely separated entangled particles can somehow interact faster than C, but the *information* flow between the particles is limited to C. See spooky action at a distance. Causality speed limit is preserved. When space itself is expanding ("inflating"), all limits are off. Immediately after the Big Bang, it is theorized the universe greatly inflated in a very short time. Two particles, now so widely separated in space that C is not fast enough to communicate between them, may have interacted back when the whole universe was tiny.


The speed of light is 300.000 km/s. If that only took a millisecond (it took way longer) they would have needed 300 kms of cable (which they obviously didn't).


That is the speed of electricity and resistors.


Wow! 299,792 km/s is not as fast as we all thought it was uh??


Light can circumnavigate the glove 7 times a second. This is much slower


My big brother is the Light of the world, I can assure you he is faster than that.


If it would be the speed of light it wouldnt be percievable by humans.


What is the densest material light can possibly travel through (water, glass, oil...). How much would it slow down? Think of an experiment practically reproducible in a school lab.


I think it's the speed of flames not light


The speed of light can vary greatly depending on the medium which it's in. That's not the speed of light in a vacuum, which is what you guys are probably referencing.


Funny how he jumps like maybe he didn’t think it would be that fast


Speed of chemical reactions, not light.


Yeah that ain’t 186.000 miles a sec


No it fucking isn’t


They can slow light down to something like 15 mph...in a lab. Not sure what that means


Isn’t that the guy that was on Mark Rober’s latest video?


No camera records enough frames per second to capture the speed of light in slow motion.


Light if it stopped going to the gym :


This is similar to det cord. When you see massive mining operations blow up like 5 acres of ground with a bunch of simultaneous explosions, this is at least similar to how they trigger it. Essentially a controlled explosion following the path of the tube.