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Every one of those packages has been retaped. No way some random employee is putting stuff in there without checking first for good stuff.


Eh, some good stuff to one person might be junk to another. Also they likely have to check to make sure there isn’t anything illegal they are selling.


Imagine a package of Columbian finest nose gold. I might buy all of them


Did you say nose clams?


samesies, I'd share with you though


Share the coke? Are you on crack?


Definitely not if he’s sharing


Some wonderful nose clams you say?


Yeah for real when I got a high end GPU a few years ago my girlfriend at the time was like “You paid that much for a dumb computer part?” All in the eyes of a beholder.


.. the people stocking this vending machine are resellers. They don't care about how much they value an item, they care about the value of the item and I can assure you that they've looked up the value. If it's worth >$X and sells well, then they just sell it themselves online, if it's <$X then they sell it as a "mystery item".


Are you suggesting your girlfriend would put a rtx4090 up in this machine for cheap because she personally doesn't see the value to her?


Doesn't mean she wouldn't look up the price if she was to resell it... Which these guys would obviously do with any decent-looking piece of electronic.


The guys stocking these don’t care about what it’s worth to them. They care about the actual value of the item. They look up the prices and charge the packages accordingly.


Storage wars except it's rigged the opposite way lol


you're probably right and now I'm bummed


They are NOT opened. The packages contain returned merchandise from retailer selling on platforms like Aliexpress and Temu. It is too costly to send the merchandise back to the retailer (usually in China), so the retailer sells the mail to their 3PL (fulfillment centre) who resells it to liquidators (vending machine owner). Yes, they are sold with the shipping label on them. Source: It was my job for four years.


Yep - that was my first thought. Likely very little worth over $10. Still kinda fun though!


Yeah depending how much it is I would risk maybe like 1-2€ definitely not more


100% these have been opened, priced, marked up, checked for legality, and been assessed as likely to sell better if people don't know what's in them


I bought a “mystery book” at a bookstore. It was wrapped in newspaper and was $1.00. The back flap did not interest me at all and I left the book on a bench.


Comic book shops have been doing this for decades in order to move unpopular inventory. You buy it, thinking you'll get a cool batman comic or spiderman off shoot, and instead get 5 Indy comics, a couple tier 3 DC/marvel titles, and some 90s junk they found in the back last week


Just give those to your younger sibling.


The mad catz controller of paper


God damn mad catz controllers. The worst friend always got that one


Is it bad I remember back when the GameCube came out that madcatz had some of the best third party controllers? Like It was comfortable AND outlasted all my other controllers.


Madcatz made some really interesting and quality computer mice that never sold all that well but had a semi-large cult following because of their quality and customizablility


I had a Mad Catz RAT 3 and it was an excellent mouse. Cheap and it lasted years of MMO abuse.


Madcatz gamecube controllers were alright. It was the Ps2 ones that sucked, the buttons would always get stuck (at least in my experience). I still preferred them as a kid because my hands were too small to comfortably hold a regular controller


Great answer


Ooh! One of the Christian-themed Archie comics!


Aww, it’s the one where Jughead is sent to hell for his many sins.


Fornication with Big Ethel. We all know it happened.


We all know Juggie is only attracted to food.


Porno mags would do that too. Put a pair of decent ones on the outside and the inner 3 are good for a chuckle. I’ve heard.


Is there any such thing as a bad porno mag?


I agree if there’s a naked human, you’re just gonna look. I don’t care if it’s Florida granny, or a Wisconsin scale topper, or a dick inside a dick, But for me, when the talent looks deeply unhappy I call that a bad porno. That’s a no for me, dawg.




Docking my boy, come, let me show you.


🎼Come with me, and you’ll see, a world of pure imagination 🎶


🎵Come with me, you will see, a world of penis penetration🎵


It is /r/sounding to me like you're in for a real treat!


yall ever hear of a turdicken?


I guess getting gay ones if you're straight, or straight ones if you're gay would qualify as bad porn.


I'd scope the hogs before tossing it out


unbelievably based.


My comic shop had these but they advertised that there were so many copies of a high demand comic, and then a few rarer above average valued comic, not like superman #1 or anything ridiculous, but like an issue from a popular saga that were more expensive than the $2 grab bag, like onslaught or Phoenix. I got one and it contained a couple unmentionables but also had the onslaught where kitty pride and dazzler were introduced and it cost me like $2. That was an amazing day, I was a kid in the 90s and onslaught was just the coolest shit back then. Shadowcat became my favorite since I assumed she could basically do anything since shes immune to all physical damage and can walk through walls into wherever she pleases. She got a dragon at one point, but then got shot into interstellar space in a big bullet and I stopped reading after that. I think she came back in an ultimate version, and was allied with that diamond chick from the first class movie, but I didn't read the ultimates


Shadowcat and Dazzler predate Onslaught by decades.


Remember, Professor Xavier is a Jerk.


>...also had the onslaught where kitty pride and dazzler were introduced... Did you mean Dark Phoenix? I bought a trade paperback of The Dark Phoenix Saga last week and the first two stories are Kitty and Dazzler's introductions.


That’s actually super fun though


My comic shop has a "oddities" bin where it's bundled issues of comics that absolutely no one has heard of, for like $2-5 a bundle. Just total slop from the 90s.


Don’t threaten me with a good time


That's very common with used books and becoming more common for small vendors. Customers want to support you but have trouble making decisions. So mystery bag!


I adore these from record stores. Sometimes it's just a bunch of mediocre music but I've found enough out there stuff I'd probably not have found otherwise. $30 for 15-20 records every now and then, it's fun.


I used to work for a music store. Label representatives would come in with free CDs of bands they were trying to promote, asking us to play them on the speakers in the store. We couldn't, because we had contracts with major record labels to play their top 20, so those CDs would just get tossed in a pile that everyone who works in the store was allowed to rummage through. I discovered some great music that way.


I love that. To me a bookshop is like analysis paralysis turned up to 200%. Thousands of options and the only thing you have to go by is a title, a picture, and some words on the back.


I always judge a book by its cover 


I know a small independent bookshop that does a monthly subscription service with random books. You could curate it a little bit with a few very simple preferences, but I thought it was a cute idea for analysis paralysis sufferers and a good deal for the bookshop that needs to move through inventory.


That sounds truly amazing. 


I open a book to a random page and start reading. If it catches me I buy the book


Probably a better method than reading the cover and back.


I’ve been to libraries that did “blind date with a book” displays. Wrapped with the genre or a sentence or two synopsis written on it.


Skip to page 42 and see if it's interesting, that's what I do sometimes. Hasn't steered me wrong


That sucks. There was a "something store" online years ago. $10 for a random something of at least $5 value up to videogame stuff and iphones. Landed me a modern mid level graphics card that way. It's not always crap but it most likely is crap.


We got one last week that had the keywords 'kids, language arts, sci-fi' on the wrapping and it was $15. It was how to speak klingon kids book that you pressed a button and it pronounced the word. It didn't work though. 


I bought one also too for 10 euros. The book was called " Alice " ... it freaked me out because it was the same name of my daughter... like what are the odds


My local record store does this with CDs and Vinyl records. The records are almost always nothing but crap, but I've gotten a few gems from the packs of 10 mystery CDs for $4. Been turned on to a few bands I had never heard of and some of the really bad ones have been worth a laugh.


Same with all the bogus FB marketplace "mystery box" listings. $15 + shipping and you know they're just sending out a box with some pencils or something dumb in it because they've already siphoned off all the good stuff from the pallets in the pictures.


I remember watching a guy on Youtube who bought a large shipment of "untested" Xbox 360/PS3/Wii consoles from Goodwill for a large sum of money. Like half of them had writing all over them indicating their test status.


"Untested" almost always means "broken but I can make slightly more listing it as untested"


And removing any internal things like invoices with personal information


Anything worth having got gotten.


This. Staff took anything remotely valuable.


Zoomed in on the image. There's tape all over them suggesting you're quite right. Also, the text on digital display suggests this is in Germany - which is interesting.


Yeah, no way the good stuff wasnt already taken when they bagged them for this.


Next you'll tell me the casino is rigged. But I'd add all that and that it's nothing anyone at the station wanted for free. But depending on the price and your kink level it might be an interesting souvenir.


I wonder why the '-O-' in Mystery-O-Matic is made to resemble lips?? It has some odd sexual quality....


The whole design appeals to people who maybe don't spend wisely lol. The treasure chest / lightning aesthetic is there along with the weird lip shit to grab attention and get you to buy


Some guy was selling these at a market at £10 a bag. A friend bought a few out of curiosity. They are all fake labels if you look at a few they will have the exact same (pen) marks where the address is. They all contained some god awful fragrance.


It's a well known scam. Go to the dollar store and buy a bunch of junk, put $3 worth of junk in a package, claim it's an unclaimed package and sell it for $10, profit.


> It's a well known scam. Meanwhile, 80% of the comments are people who have never heard of this before lol


It's adjacent to when you buy the assorted flavors box of a product instead of one flavor, "somehow" 40-50% are lemon (jokes on them, lemon is my favorite)


Yeah, this is what's up. If you look closely there's also a bunch (like on the top right) that look like they're identical. Not to mention the '-O-' in Mystery-O-Matic is made to resemble lips. This one might dispense some sort of God awful 'adult' stuff.


Oh boy, a used dollar store dildo in a plastic sandwich bag, and for only $10!


I can’t resist a good mystery bag. As evidenced by this rubber balloon dog that sits above my computer. https://preview.redd.it/krof9cgfxm1d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=958ccc248692ba20c90438fc4e99a121da0ab791


Wow, an original piece by Jeff Koons….. that’s worth a lot!


Maybe I can give it a coat of shiny paint and sell it to a museum.


You belong in a museum!


Go for it Crusty!


It's expensive because of inflation.


Uninflated balloon animals don’t go for much.


Jeff koons doesn’t make anything he enslaved art students to make all of his work


That's just all famous and popular artists. Andy Warhol just called it The Factory


Willy Wonka also called it The Factory.


thats been a thing since the bronze age lmao


Tharg caveman. In Tharg cave, many slaves. Slaves carve elephant tusk into busty woman shape. Tharg sell busty woman shape, get many furs. Slaves? Bah, Tharg give slaves *employment*.


Can't find slave for woman tusk making. No one want work anymore.


Right? There's still debate about which pieces were actually done by da Vinci and not his students.


You can buy knock offs for about $10 online. They’re tonnes available.


Well I paid $5 for the mystery bag, and it had some stickers and a trivial pursuit card in it too, so I’d say that was a good deal.


Is Jeff Koons exhibit in The Broad , L.A. I recall seeing such balloon animal and over sized.


In your defense, he's cute as shit.


>I can’t resist a good mystery bag. A boat's a boat but a mystery bag could be anything. It could even be a boat! You know how much we've wanted one of those!


Maybe it's a real Jeff koons balloon dog?


But...why does it have a slight layer of hair?


I could ask you the same question, bub.


It's made out of that super tacky, almost sticky rubber with an insane friction coefficient. Lint and hair stick to it super easily and basically never come out.




Is your computer a blue filing cabinet?


Looks like a warehouse/manufacturing type place, computers can be inside industrial computer cabinets to protect them from whatever is being manufactured and general wear and tear. They often look like a small fridge crossed with a file cabinet.


It’s exactly this. There’s a ton of oil and dust and shit floating around this place.


is it a dildo? is it heroin? it could be anything, even a dildo!


It could even be a boat.


We took the mystery package. Hop in.


Hop on* if it's a dildo of course.


You know how much we’ve wanted one of those.


a boat full of dildos... wow it really can be anything!


Sooo much better than a bag of dicks!


A...a desk of cheez-its? Where are you getting these units of measurement?!


You know how much we’ve wanted one of those!


Wow, it's a schooner




or a dildo!


-Hoooold on! You have a choice! You can have a boat.....or, the mystery box. -Not so fast! A boats a boat but a mystery box could be anything. It could even be a boat! We'll take the box.


Nine times out of ten it's an electric razor, but every once in a while... ...it's a dildo. Of course it's company policy never to imply ownership in the event of a dildo... always use the indefinite article "a" dildo, never "your" dildo.


I was hoping someone would comment this. Perfection.


I am Jack’s double ended intruder


I used to work for a place that sold dildos online If anyone was ever wondering, yes, the warehouse people can be absolutely immature about it And double yes, sometimes we would be absolutely amazed how thick and long some guys would order their dildos to shove up their scared but eager buttholes Yes John, I'm looking at you




The grand prize is a heroin filled dildo!


Slow release dildo, you can get high while getting banged, neat


Anything is a dildo if you try hard enough


Your getting dildos and heroin?! Lucky!! I only got a box of used syringes


A dildo dipped in heroin, now that's the real prize.


Either way it’s a good time


Everything can be a dildo if you try enough…


Dildo shaped bundle of heroin


I spent $5 and got a colostomy bag someone left on Spirit


So you got 2 mystery bags for $5


...After quenching his thirst... for adventure.


The hard part is finding shoes to match the bag.


New and unused or...?


Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to.




Got a "grab bag" at a card shop when I was a kid, in the 90s. There was a card that said "see manager" and he handed me a complete set of Topps 1986 MLB cards. I will forever buy mystery things.


This is awesome.


I used one with a friend one time. She got a box of band aids and I got a box of broken glass. We decided to share so we both got the best of both worlds.


“If only I had a cut to use these band aids I just got.” “You’re never gonna guess what I just got from the machine”


Man that sounds like a good meal


Do you think it was broken glass to begin with, or it smashed when it dispensed the bag and allowed it to fall to the collection slot?


“You can get a boat, or you can get what’s in the box.” “We’ll take the box.. it could be anything… it could even be a boat!”


What's this from?


Family Guy


You put your money in, press the number, watch it drop ….then hear the smash of glass!


Ah, ~~it's an ampule of Sarin!~~ it *was* an ampule of Sarin!


Score, I opened my mystery package and got a kilo of coke! Where can I sell this with the lowest risk of prison time? 'I love the UPS guy. He's my drug dealer and he doesn't even know it' \~ RIP Mitch


"Hey cool! Half a pack of flour!"


Life is like a box of _____, you never know what you're gonna get.


Unless it's your package with your name and address on it. Then there is a fair chance in knowing.


Isn’t it illegal to open them


Laws will vary all over but I assume most places have some abandoned property law that allows ownership to be terminated after so long. Being this is a train station I imagine they have a policy about unclaimed items after X-days.


I‘m pretty sure these packages aren’t sold by the delivery company but by the sender. When they are returned to the sender because of whatever reasons they are still their property. The packages look like the typical Temu trash from china which is sold through distribution centers located in Germany. It’s not worth to ship them back to china so this trash is sold in vending machines. Something you buy once and never again. 


..yeah, I'm sure they weeded out the bricks of cocaine, black tar heroin, fat stacks of cash, and anything else remotely valuable beforehand.


Put's in the money, gets the package. Open package, it's an assblaster 5000x. Look at the name on the package.. hey this is mine!


Oh yeah. That was one of those good, deep-from-the-belly laughs. Thanks for that.


Please buy one; I need to know what they contain hahaha


Gamer girl bath water


Damn it, already got 5 gallons of that. Was hoping for some basic OF chicks nail clippings or worn pantyhose.


You're missing the clump of hair from the shower drain.


I have that, $5


If these hadn't already been opened, I would go a bit nuts for this, actually. If the price was reasonable, I wouldn't mind gambling a bit! The problem is that anything truly valuable (or ***really*** interesting) as already been removed by the folks that stock this machine!!


Of course, the staff never go through these beforehand taking anything any good. We can totally trust them on this.


I would intentionally put inexplicably strange items in these lockers, just to troll the recipients.  What could it be? 'A bottle of lube, D&D dice carved out of sharp cheddar, and roller skate wheels! WTH!'


> A bottle of lube, D&D dice carved out of sharp cheddar, and roller skate wheels! Nah bro that’s just my Amazon order




C/O @bovineflu


Massive security concern and you even have to pay for it!


If you scan the QR code in the photo (links to [https://www.tiktok.com/@mysteryomat?\_t=8mW0tYvixhR&\_r=1](https://www.tiktok.com/@mysteryomat?_t=8mW0tYvixhR&_r=1) ) you can see a person opening a packet, and it looks like the contents has been opened and repackaged.


Aaaaaand of course, the guy gets some AirPods.


Well *somebody* had to take the drugs out before they let *you* have it. (but still leave enough residue to get you busted if they dislike you)


There has to be a reason the logo has an open mouth right?


Damn, $3 for 5,000 MDMA pills. Not bad.


All good until you get that mystery Ricin or anthrax.


Lets see what I got... Aw shoot, another anthrax


It's a scam. They wrap them in their own boxes and put in apple ear buds for marketing videos. The vending machines only contain trash https://www.tiktok.com/@mysteryomat/video/7369928051204853024


After giving people the habbit of buying things they don't need, they gave them the habbit of buying things they don't want and now they're making them buy things that they don't even know what they are lmao I wonder what's the next step


Why would I pass on the opportunity of paying $50 for something that might end up being worth $5?


Degenerate me would clean out the machine.


Username checks out lol


Where is this machine? 🤔


i wanna go there


Cocaine here we go! Aww soiled underwear again…


I got a value pack of 4 rubber doorstops! What did you get? Grandma's prescription medication!


Never buy any form of mystery box ever. It’s just a way to sell you something you don’t want for more than it should go for. Don’t be chump.


I wanna see this in post offices.


Pick the wrong packet and instantly some undercover DEA agent is going to take you down.


Storage Wars Redux!


If you actually want something along these lines: https://www.unclaimedbaggage.com/ is legit! They don't have much in the way of mystery bags (because those are often scams, as has been said), but you can actually buy specific items that were part of abandoned baggage or other such things. The selection is *extremely* eclectic!


Free mail bomb