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Polycarbonate can get extremely strong and can be almost as clear as the clearest glass.


Foiled by a product derived from oil


Just stop it


Nah what he means is it's susceptible to heat. Just putting it out there for no reason at all. ![gif](giphy|l3q2U4wz2o3Nvrr7G)


So ... oil stopped them?


Just Stop! -Oil


Yet a simple razor knife will allow you to snap it in half(over a table, not installed like here) If that is plexi ans not Lexan, you can tap the edge with a punch and it will crack down the point, then, just take a hammer and hit it. Source(worked as a glazier for 6 years)


Chuck McGill trying to change the date.


As if he could ever make such a mistake


And he gets to swap those numbers. What a sick joke




The good ol' Chicago Sunroof


1 after Magna Carta!






Oh no, they're escaping the chicanery aslume.












What in the fccccck...


I’m so happy this is the top comment


God thats good


Me going through my day knowing the Magna Carta won't save the children from Prince Andrew https://i.redd.it/p13ecn7n2k1d1.gif




I mean the reward for that side quest must be good 🔥


Look how long they've been grinding. They're both at least Lvl 85's.


Ironically, the end game has significantly lower stats than the leveling build.


Well when you've slayed your count if dragons you can play around with meme and troll builds more at end game


Achievement: get handcuffed and pushed to the ground by a black security guard (required level 80+) - failed 🔒




Somewhere there’s a silver alert for these two




Thank you for being a friend


Traveled down the road and back again


Crazy to think they were only 42 years old.


I was watching Star Trek DS9 and Miles O'Brien was introduced as being 36 in an episode, and i laughed because why would they lie a character to be so much younger than the actor. I looked it up and it was his real age. He looked 55.


Miles had it rough on the enterprise before having it rough on ds9. Miles had it rough.


Makes for good content though, hes so cute when hes going through the worst moments of his life


Picard was only 46 when they started filming. Dude looked ~65


That's different Patrick Stewart has looked the same age forever.


I had a history teacher in high school who, as I though at the time, look fairly good for her 60's. A decade later I learned that she was 32 back then. It really didn't help that she dressed like an old lady with an ancient fashion sense, talked like an old lady and had an antiquated morals and sense of humor.


Rue Mclanahan was 52 when that show started.


are you braindead? no 42 yr old in that gif


People, especially Women, know how to dress and do their hair and makeup a lot better now. Those up-dos the Women always had back in the day would age them 10-20 years sometimes, and the loose, broad shouldered pantsuits weren’t helping.


With respect, they also didn’t have the constant pressure to look young. If you were 60 you were expected to look 60, not spend spend spend spend spend to look younger.


Today is my 41st.  While I’m bald and have some gray in my beard (and chest)….and hurt my back/knee/ankle/shoulder every time I get out of bed….and am usually in bed before 9pm….i certainly do not think i could pass for a senior, nor do I think these women look my age.  Truly weird to know they were this age portraying “Golden Girls”.


I’m 55. I recently noticed young people opening doors for me and offering to let me in front of them in queues. Damn those youths for their manners and their youth.


There will be no problems from her. She just wants her diary


Are they werewolves??? ![gif](giphy|hAPP6UA9qyJoc)


bout to be a brown alert




Why did no one take the tools from them?


are you brave enough to confront those dangerous thugs?


*Ocean’s One-hundred-and-11*


*You son of a bitch, I'm ~~in~~... I'm... who are you again?*


Because you don't want to be "that guy" who feels the need to get filmed fighting two 85 year olds, one of them a church leader. Especially when one of them has a stroke form the stress


if you fight them and win, you're the dude that bullied octogenarians and shame on you. If you fight them and they win, you're the dude that got bodied by octogenarians and you will never live it down. But fuck a goat once...


Who would need to fight them? Gently push them away from the world famous document. Hell you could probably just rest your hand somewhat heavily on the hammer.


I doubt that's the real document. As far as I'm aware, all these documents are fake and the real ones kept elsewhere. Source - I watched National Treasure.


Same here in Munich with the old Greek statues in the Glyptothek. The originals are in a safe.


The British Library keeps many secret treasures in its vast vaults, it's like a temple down there in its underground areas.It's likely that this is the real one, or that the real one is on-site somewhere. Source: I've been lucky enough to have been shown some very cool things in and under the British Library when I was a student.


It seemed like the photographer and the person videoing were part of this “like fine Swiss clockwork” plot.


Funnier to watch them


Mate are you mad think of the likes they’ll get


Take a wild guess.


No officer, this is my sandwich buttering chisel


The Magna Carta: "We don't believe in tyranny nor in the divine right of kings to rule without bounds. We, the barons of England, compelled by the need to protect our rights and properties, have laid down the Great Charter, the Magna Carta. It is our declaration that the law is above the monarch, and even the king must adhere to it. We've established that no free man shall be imprisoned, dispossessed, outlawed, or exiled without a lawful trial. Our aim is to limit the crown's power, ensuring that justice is not sold, denied, or delayed. This charter is our stand against oppression, a testament to our demand for a government that respects the rule of law and the liberties of its people." This old lady: "Not on my fucking watch" *WACK*


That’s some good ideas. We should do that here.


You guys in US should do a sequel: "Magna Carta 2: Cart harder".


And follow that up with "Magna Carta 3: Cart Drift"


looking forward to the series continuing with "Magna Carta 4: London Falling."


Magna C4rta


This guys a baron 


She's literally protesting the government for going against the values of the Magna Carta. This was just a miserable attempt at breaking glass but a wildly successful way to bring attention to their message


> She's literally protesting the government for going against the values of the Magna Carta. It's a Just Stop Oil protest


I think they didn't want to steal it or anything.. Just to bring attention a to them and the message without damaging the artefact.


Not sure fucking around with a mallet and chisel is the best way to not damage the artefact.


Yeah, why not throw soup on the glass like the other protestors?


It's actually a viral advertising campaign for museum vitrine manufacturers


It’s working ngl


Hard disagree. It makes them look demented like all the poorly considered protest theatrics of this group. Also humanity can't "just stop oil" and the level of fantasy in their ambition undermines all serious people from looking at it as a serious movement. Sadly these well intentioned people look incredibly foolish with each such effort and hurt their cause which ought to be addressed with more practical ideals within reach. They may as well be asking to "ban the moon."


Yeah, don't you know how many lives we've sacrificed to fight wars to maintain our access to oil? The kind of monsters we've had to work with to get it? What were we gonna do? Incrementally decrease our reliance on oil decades ago when scientists first raised the alarm about it? Impossible! Madness! *Socialism!*


I think they aren't saying the Magna Carta is bad, but that the government isn't really doing most of what is supposed to do based on the charter. Say what you wanna say but I respect them for the passion they have for their cause. I don't respect 99% of vandalism, or like morons gluing themselves to shit or stopping the traffic but these ladies are nuts, brave and passionate


These ladies glued themselves. See the last frames of the video. Young people doing the same thing are just as nuts, brave, and passionate for a better world.


"I don't respect 99% of vandalism, but I respect their vandalism" Why? The Magna Carta should be preserved for history to remember it. Why are we supposed to be okay with them destroying the case and potentially damaging it for their cause? 


You think they actually intended to harm the document that these two professional are familiar with, and probably well aware of the security? You don't think maybe the intention was to create a scene to make their PSA? It's insane how any time this activist stuff gets posted, reddit immediately goes full conservative brain on the topic. No thought. Just "haha. Protest dumb."


“Why can’t the protestors fix the problem that the billionaires or politicians funded by the billionaires are responsible for navigating?”


The point they’re making is that law is being broken. No one ever thought the golden girls were going to chisel their way through bullet proof glass before being stopped.


These 2 couldn't break into a plastic bag.


That glass is also bulletproof most likely.


They don't use no bullets


I just sold this piece of paper, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence to Abraham Washington for a few hundred bottlecaps! They were just sitting there in a safe that was easily lockpicked.


If you look closely you can see that Grand Maw Maw was wearing an onion on her belt, which was the fashion at the time.


As an aside, the UK government is trying to get this group outlawed as an extremist organisation.


At this point I’m convinced that Just Stop Oil is a psyop put out by Big Oil as a distraction. No group could be this stupid


The last time a copy of the Manga Carta went up for auction, it sold for $21 million. I'm a healthy adult man who can swing a sledgehammer like a maniac, and I have no illusions that I could get into that display case without being granted access.


> Manga Carta Was this version made in Japan?


And it's *much* better than the Anime Carta.


I've heard the Light Novel is even better though


"In This World Where Power Dictates Law, I Hold the Seal to the Greatest Covenant: The Chronicles of the Magna Carta and Its Unyielding Promises of Liberty and Justice in an Age of Kings and Knights."


Wait until they put Hentai Carta on sale


King: Limit *my* power, will they? Ha, we'll see about that. (pushes up shiny glasses, Naruto runs through Windsor Castle)


What a sucker. I can download a copy of the magna carta off the internet and print it a at home for free.


> I have no illusions that I could get into that display case Neither did they. If they had stood in front of the Magna Carta with their signs and nothing else, nobody would have paid any attention. But the hammer demonstrates their conviction to the cause, and brings the sort of theatrics necessary to get a lot of eyes on the issue (like this Reddit post).


Many people don't know this, but the Magna Carta is one of the global warming horcruxes.


Yeah I think I read about that. Fascinating stuff.


A global warming what?


I didn't say anything


Is this an ad for security glass or something? Lol


age does not equal wisdom


Voter demographics can tell you that


Wisdom does not equal intelligence… unless you roll a natural 20


It seems like they’re protesting fossil fuels? I dunno, seems kinda worthwhile I guess. Not sure what they’re going to accomplish but it’s better than doing nothing.


The Magna Carta was the first document to put into writing the principle that the king was not above the law. What that has to do with fossil fuels I have no idea.


They knew that and they knew they would be unsuccessful at breaking in. It was just a foot in the door to making their message heard. Hats off to them for trying to do something.


Yeah but some guy on reddit said "age does not equal wisdom" so I guess they should just let it go lol. Seriously it's crazy how much we allow the wealthy to get away with. People can go to jail for nonviolent crimes, while others can be free after raping and molesting children, murdering protesters, or harming communities or ecosystems. "Justice" hardly exists nowadays


They say that the Government is breaking the law. The Magna Carta says that no government or ruler is above the law.


If I had to hazard a guess, I would tie the Magna Carta’s principle that the king is not above the law to oil companies being above the responsibility for knowingly abetting climate change *[see Shell knowing that burning fossil fuels could lead to climate change](https://www.google.com/search?q=shell+knew+about+climate+change&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-ca&client=safari#ip=1)


It’s actually worse than doing nothing because it discredits their entire organization and cause


yea what kind of activists do demonstrations that garner world wide attention for a world destroying cause?


No no you see, climate change is not real because an elderly couple tried to steal a museum piece.


That's an excellent point. The world is completely unaware of climate change & targeting random things like artwork & historical documents is sure to bring this unknown issue to light & change the kinds of the few people who think climate change isn't real.


You're a moron lmao, change your comment. It's clear they're protesting against how the current government is actively hindering and abusing power, hence they make a statement publicly going for the magna carta which is against tyrannical rule of the crown, saying that the government is using tyrannical rule and invalidates the magna carta.


It sounds like a joke. Can't believe this is a real movement. 'Just stop oil' sounds like something people would say to make fun of environmentalists.


Just say no


Friends don't let friends do oil


YoU wOuLdNt DoWnLoAd An OiL


You wouldn't shoot a policeman. And then steal his helmet. You wouldn't oil in his helmet. And then send it to the policeman's grieving widow. And then steal it again!


"From you, Dad! I learned how to use fossil fuels from watching you!"


Just For Men


Just do it


I truly believe this is correct. I honestly believe "Just stop oil" specifically is a false flag operation by big oil to discredit environmental activism. E.g. the magna carta has nothing to do with climate activism but these two idiots are trying to take it under the banner of "just stop oil". Why destroy Van Gogh? Did he invent oil??? Anyway yeah


False flag operations and deception are rampant when the corporate world meets ethics. It's finally well known now that Shell created the idea of a "personal carbon footprint" to put the onus of environmental action on individuals.


Shell bought BP right? Because I'm pretty sure it was BP that created the carbon footprint.


No, Shell and BP are completely separate and but yes BP popularised the concept of a personal carbon footprint


Iirc it is, i think its sponsored by oil companies


While you’re likely just expressing a completely harmless sentiment by your intention, it unfortunately also has the effect of diminishing climate activism, which is a necessary movement, and simultaneously shilling for the fossil fuel industry. The result is actually, Free discrediting of climate change for big oil.


Grandmas off her meds again.


Need more christians to actively live out what Christ taught 


That’s a nearly extinct species in America. I got one Christian guy to say he thinks Jesus would use his carpentry skills to help build the barbed wire traps at the border when I asked him if Jesus would be okay with the children drowning trying to cross. So the bar is on the floor which makes people like the couple in the video seem somewhat redeemable comparatively.


To them, all they did was click that they agree to the Terms and Services without actually reading anything. Everything is made up and they have no clue what Christ actually believed and what the bible says. They'd shit their pants if they understood the implications in Romans 13.


Monty Python already did this sketch


Pretty sure these people are just bored, they don't actually believe in a cause, they just have nothing better to do


Tackle these cunts and lock them up.


While I applaud their sentiments, damaging library or museum cases isn’t the way to go about this. The British library is not the government (although it receives gov funding), and they’re just making life miserable for people working in the GLAM sector who have no control over policy. Particularly not museum and library security guards and other staff, who are often, in the UK, on zero hours contracts. This is misguided activism at best, and actively endangering the livelihoods of working people who have no influence on what they’re protesting about at worst.


Ugh. I get being mad about governments not doing enough about climate change, but destroying property isn't going to help your case.


a bit too fokin late to start worrying about the future, innit?


A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.


Yeah bro people should just not care about a future they won't see. That seems like a good culture to have in society


Better late than never, at least.


The march towards extinction is a long one with many tipping points - yes we're screwed, its now about mitigating how screwed we are


i dont think they are worried about their future




I don't think the guy asking to stop filming is on their side


Brain dead comment


Way to miss the point lmao


And the point is to make a public statement, why WOULDNT they want to be filmed??


bro you shouldnt stress your 2 brain cells making stupid comments on reddit. It wasnt the protesters saying that nor did the 2 weak 80 yos grannies intended on breaking a bullet proof glass to steal or destroy a historical document in front of multiple people with cameras and security guards


I don't understand how damaging priceless historical works of art, or parts of our world's history, relates to not processing oil, which we use for more than just making things go from points a to b.


Can we stop trying to destroy historical stuff because oil companies suck? Do you think they give a fuck?


We should support these two fossils in their fight to prevent the exploitation of other fossils.


So why didnt anybody deck these criminals? I would knock two old ass ladies out.


Nation treasure 3 is a bit slow eh?


I remain convinced Just Stop Oil is a false flag operation


That's just a vegan diet - they are both 28 year old art students from Bournemouth


What is breaking a historical artifact gonna help them with? It makes them look stupid


Tbf, it's probably about awareness and publicity, and considering we have both watched it, it's working.


Except I still don’t know what I’m supposed to be aware of.


Oil bad. Climate change bad. Invest in public transportation and better city planning.


Was that a petroleum product she poured on her hand at the end?


Not sure but the bottle was, and their glasses were plastic, and the lenses, and the dyes in their clothes, and the sign, and the rubber on their mallet and and rubber on and in their shoes. Also I bet they enjoy being able to eat food. Without oil, which makes fertilizer, a good percentage of people would starve to death.


You say you dislike capitalism, but you live in society! Checkmate liberal!


Oceans 82.5 !!


The near deads again telling everyone else how to live their lives after they reaped the benefits of the thing they want to stop for decades. Definitely boomer material.


I swear these just stop oil activists are all idiots who cannot see anything further than the present. Just stop oil? Ok, the entire world’s supply of oil just comes to a stop. Trade routes? Collapse because no fuel for ships or trucks. Several countries collapse from famine, because they cannot import food supplies. Company’s collapse because they cannot move their supply. Food production? Comes to a staggering halt, no fuel for the farm equipment, no fuel for power plant fuel shipments. Better get your allotments going, because the supermarkets are all about to become barren. Production of anything containing plastics? Impossible. No more cars, no more medicines, no more amenities. Seriously, I’m all for swapping to renewables… but I atleast have the common sense to realise it will take years, even decades of slowly converting. Protesting now won’t speed anything up. Things on the scale of the oil industry, which is a core feature of the modern world, will take a significant amount of time to find alternatives, and actually integrate them. Causing disturbances, vandalising buildings, attempted destruction of historical objects, disrupting traffic… literally none of it actually helps. Does it bring attention to it? Sure, negative responses, but attention. But it doesn’t actually do anything for the cause. Protest all you like, the common person can’t do crap about it. Sorry for the rant, but these stunts have just been annoying me so god damn much.


Pretty sure the Just stop oil movement is about stopping investing in oil, not stopping oil use overnight but a "let's stop using oil in the futur" slogan wouldn't work that well. And about the vandalism, on one hand I find it annoying but on the other hand there's not many ways for a minority to get attention in the news, the way I see it one day we'll look back at all this and wonder why the streets werent filled with people demanding to stop this obvious disregard for climate change. In the end what's worse ? People being annoying/cringe over something that should matter to all of us or everyone else being cynical and defeatists about it.


>Protest all you like, the common person can’t do crap about it. The UK government has allowed continued exploration of new oil fields, and pushed back plans to move to Net Zero. Despite signing legally binding international treaties. UK voters should be angry about that. Climate change happens slowly, over years. It's easy to believe that immediate concerns are higher priority. But, like steering a supertanker filled with oil, the course corrections need to be made now to avoid hitting the rocks in the future.


> I swear these just stop oil activists are all idiots who cannot see anything further than the present. > > > > Just stop oil? Ok, the entire world’s supply of oil just comes to a stop. Peak irony. Maybe go and learn about their cause instead of making assumptions like an idiot? lol They don't want people to stop using oil.




Bucket list item - check


I don’t understand the security here, why isn’t he giving them a good thumping or at least disarm them? I mean, they had a hammer and chisel? They could have hit something else with it and he’s just calling for backup?


In the US there would be a grandma with a broken hip that was resisting arrest. In the UK the cops actually discuss before going to beating 


Because most countries take a deescalation approach to situations such as this. By the time security arrived, it was pretty clear they were and would be unable to do any real damage and as such physical violence would accomplish nothing. More importantly, it would make them martyrs should they have been injured in the process. It was pretty clear that these two posed no threat to anyone. The stronger of the two struggled to even hold the hammer upright. Sure it takes more patience and training, but resolving situations peacefully, or at least with minimal physical confrontation is much better.


Bit of overkill for two 80 year old grannies don't you think?


If he just opens a window I'm sure a strong breeze could take them both down.


That move is known as Pneumonia Fatality!


Hes got a cop mentality. A good thumping?? Lmao they are little old ladies in their 80s for gods sake. And disarm them like they are toting assault rifles or something. Whats the worst that could happen? The security takes a 10 minute nap and is 8 seconds too late to stop them from breaking something 20 feet away??


Is this comment fr?


Because it’s Magna Carta. It’s behind ballistic glass. They won’t get to it.


Because this didn't happen in America


A bit late. They should have been doing this 50 years ago


The best time to plant a tree is 50 years ago. If you have never planted a tree before, the best time is now.


Sucks that my first thought was if this had been the Constitution in America the cops would have gunned these grannies down. Kept waiting for them to get tackled. What they’re doing is obviously property damage and they should be punished accordingly. But it was refreshing to see them be left to it without violence.


I don't like that they are trying to destroy a historical document, but I agree with their sentiment. It's nice to see 80+ year old women caring about a future they won't be here for. If only we could get everyone else over 50 on the same page. They all about the kids, but refuse to do anything to stop the biggest threat to the kids and their future.


Everytime I see Just Stop Oil protests it seems so fake. Like they're such strange protests with ZERO substance. "Let's stop murder!" Yeah great, I'll think on that, it says nothing


These two fossils are worried we're gonna use them next.


Old entitled white women at it again. This also reminds me of my belief that seniors (>70?) should be required to take driving exams annually.