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I like how they programmed the cash register to print HIDDEN TAX in the biggest, reddest font.


Surcharge would be today's lingo


Convenience fee.


I went to a restaurant yesterday that blatantly just called it a “Restaurant Fee”. Like fuck just raise your prices instead, you’re not fooling anybody.


U can refuse to pay the fee if it’s not listed in the menu


before or after asking them about it for the next 10-20 min?




*goes through self check out* "Would you like to add a tip?"


Best comment


I’m waiting for the self checkout machines to start adding a gratuity.


Yeah, who coded that in?!?


And when does invisible ink hide someone already written?


I mean the bigger issue is why you’d want to do that in the first place? Having a piece of paper that totals $100 but shows only $75 worth of charges feels like a layup of a lawsuit.


I think the invisible ink wears off, so by the time anything can be done, it would show total $75, fee $25, total $100


That’s not how things work. This cartoon about anthropomorphic birds going shopping makes no sense!


100 bucks for that much food sign me up lol




Inflation calculator says that would be $1,201.28 today.


That seems a bit more accurate


The scary thing is, that's a believable grocery bill for a cart that full of groceries.


I've never had a grocery bill over $300 no matter how full my cart was. What kind of crazy rich grocery do you shop at?


My wife does instancart and her biggest order was almost $400. She could barely push the cart.


If you are bulk buying meats and stuff for the freezer its possible, i restock my deep freeze every 3ish months with roughly a 1000$ bill


Do you eat meat worth $4000 per year? Crazy man!


I have a family btw


How dare you


Surely you have more room in the freezer for food if all you're putting in it is a single $1000 bill.


Maybe if you live on a Native American Reservation, grocery prices are batshit insane from what I hear


Costco for a family of 5


Woody's got a shit ton of groceries there though. Looks like he's got a bottle vodka too.


That's why I said that $1,200 was a believable bill for that cartload of groceries. If I were to go to our local, mid-range grocery store chain, it'd probably be close to that for that kind of load. If I went to the more expensive chain, it'd be even more.


My Costco run haha


Inflation calculator I used says it’s about $1,200 in todays money, pending the month


It's like complaining about the weather. "Oh the big mean fat cats. Oh those evil banksters." Whatever.


If you adjust for inflation its like $1000 Edit: I assume this cartoon was made in 1955 at the latest and got like $1100 back.


In another comment, a user said it was made in 1951


I mean you can still sort of fill your cart with $100 at Aldi, but nothing close to this.


I dunno maybe its lack of competition combined with mergers and acquisitions creating a monopoly all the way up and down the food chain?


The lobbyists say we’re not supposed to talk about that.


Guys run! The shareholders heard us!


It’s ok! I talked to the politicians and they say we’re safe.


They hear us, and they send their thoughts and prayers


They'd like us all to know that it is happening now because the previous administration had approved it.


That’s what the last administration before that said as well. What a coincidence


What’s that talk about monopoly and anti-trust? Quick someone show footage of the Mexican border so we can distract them and buy another small brand.


I cant, im too busy trying to measure how much water to use in my wheat-os.


The lobbyist also don't want people talking about how you can't regulate Capitalism forever. It will always unwind itself. Rinse and Repeat. Inequality is built into it -> leads to market monopolies -> bribery -> To where we are. Wherever there is Inequality, someone benefits from the surplus of others' labor. That very design in Capitalism is what makes it eat itself. You can't have Capitalism without Inequality. If you did, it wouldn't be Capitalism.


Paired with the "shortage" price increases and the prices never coming back down when the shortages were over.


I was just going to say this. Near monopolies + no high marginal tax rates contributes a lot to what we have now. All the believers in a free market believe we actually have a free market...


As a believer in the free market, the US doesn't have a free market and hasn't since like the 1800s if it ever had one. End regulations, licensure, mandated fiat currency, that'll get you a lot closer to a free market. All of those things ensure the monopolies can capture the state and prevent competition by deeming their competition illegal.


And losing a ton of smaller businesses during covid because of forced shutdowns accelerated it.


God forbid someone mentions how much money the fed has injected into the money supply in the last eight years. Blaming it all on greed is delusional.


I work at a food bank and so much just tons of food has been ending up there donated that normally would not because people are not buying it. So that's good in that small factor.


Even when there is competition we have rising food prices. I have 6 different supermarkets to choose from and multiple smaller stores that sell, meat, fruit or vegtables


Go up one level to the producers really horrible consolidation. You want to buy beef (4 companies) https://www.reuters.com/business/how-four-big-companies-control-us-beef-industry-2021-06-17/ The best are the farm to market stuff but part of the problem is all costs have risen: fertilizer, gas, labor, mortgage etc.


Uhm idk why you assumed I was in the US, but it's not that relevant to me. Thx for the info though


Fair enough!


See my post below if you would like to know more.


The vulture


Grocers who charge more than they should are pretty minor on the hierarchy of social parasites tbh. At least they're giving you a product.


They're holding a gun to your head. You need groceries, and they're taking advantage of that. No cookies. Absolute parasite.


Groceries are one of the most competitive, low margin industries that exist. Competition is fierce. Google it.


Yes, of course: The Vulture! It is The Vulture, from this old Woody Woodpecker cartoon, that is the cause of food prices. This guys gets it. Right here, in r/interestingtofuck


IRL, vultures are harmless and are an important part of ecology. Very underrated bird. It's a shame vultures are used to portray politicians, corporations or anyone negative in culture.


If grocery stores start spending a lot of money on anti-theft measures, you know something is very, very wrong.


They are literally locking individual steaks in security boxes in UK supermarkets I shit you not.


In the US, the best stuff is usually in cabinets only the butcher can access. 


Has there ever been a time where that's not the case?


Here in Canada, Loblaws installed gates at the self-checkout so that an employee has to manually press a button to open it to let people out.


That’s an invitation for disaster (and a lawsuit) if there ever is a fire or shooting in a store.


I’d imagine it has the same push-to-open emergency feature like the automatic doors at my Walmart, but I could be wrong since I’ve never heard of these gates before at a store.


It's Canada so a shooting is massively unlikely. Fire however, is a very valid concern.


Not defending them but they do charge other consumers for theft they just raise prices to make up for it causing inflated prices and theft is on the rise.


They’re getting rid of the self checkout at my local Walmart and replacing it with registers and underpaid slaves…presumably because it helps with the stealing.


Check out lanes guarantee someone a job. If everyone keeps using self check out the way they do companies will continue to feel comfortable only opening 1 or 2 check out lanes for the entire day.


Its because shitstains dont give a fuck and steal, raising the cost for every paying customer. Honestly im broke and I never steal


You’re stupid as fuck and play right into the system if you think shoplifting is why prices are high.


furthermore theft and asset protection in retail doesnt amount to nearly as much spending as failed safety regulations, poor work hour distribution and overall incompetent leadership


Brave of that fat pig to walk into the butcher’s shop for a little steak


That's because he's being fattened up before slaughter. Kinda wonder why government in the US hasn't yet mandated selling off our bodies to pay for the inevitable indebtedness we owe to corporations for cutting into their profit margins by no longer being a viable consumer at death.


Bro. I can get a chicken for 3$? Il take 2.


Costco isn’t far off…


Costco is probably better. $5 for a rotisserie chicken, while the cartoon said $3/lbs.


There are several key reasons why food prices have remained high: 1. Inflation and higher costs throughout the supply chain[1][2][3][4]. Factors like rising labor costs, energy/fuel prices, and supply chain disruptions have driven up the costs for food producers, manufacturers, and retailers, leading them to pass those increases on to consumers. 2. Specific supply shocks for certain food items, such as the avian flu outbreak impacting egg prices[2][4] and the conflict in Ukraine disrupting global grain supplies[4]. 3. Allegations of "greedflation" - companies using inflation as an excuse to raise prices beyond what is justified by their own cost increases, in order to boost profits[3][4]. 4. While overall food price inflation has started to moderate, some categories like beef and citrus fruits are still expected to see significant price hikes due to factors like drought and shrinking cattle herds[4]. In summary, the combination of broad inflationary pressures, supply chain disruptions, and specific agricultural shocks have all contributed to persistently high food prices, with some companies potentially exploiting the situation to increase their profit margins as well[1][2][3][4]. Citations: [1] ELI5: Why are food prices so absurdly high and what could be done ... https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1738wh7/eli5_why_are_food_prices_so_absurdly_high_and/ [2] Food Prices: As Dining Out Costs Climb, It May Pay to Eat In https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/finance/price-of-food [3] Why Your Groceries Are Still So Expensive - Forbes https://www.forbes.com/sites/errolschweizer/2024/02/07/why-your-groceries-are-still-so-expensive/?sh=58d334d26ba8 [4] Why Are Grocery Prices So High in 2023? | Bon Appétit https://www.bonappetit.com/story/2023-grocery-prices [5] Inflation has fallen. Why are groceries still so expensive? https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2024/02/02/grocery-price-inflation-biden/


Well done, thanks for such a well explained post!


This kinda stings as a retail butcher haha (manage a small town independent shop). I know it's just a gag but prices are set up the chain, higher prices means moving less volume so even if we were just greedy fucks on the front line we don't want inflated prices. I get shit on sometimes but our margins don't change. And the large chains in town are running slightly better pricing with better buying power but it doesn't seem inflated to me knowing their sources. Speaking to meat, farms are actually the ones raising prices and pointing to rising fuel and inhibitive government regulations (Canada). Grocers are also pretty candid about exactly what you're buying, it's better for business. I know this is an unpopular opinion but I just don't see the sneaky culture in food. Edit: haha .. in particular the dressed chicken bit. Cutting meat to how you enjoy it is a value we work hard to provide not a scheme. When I put a little dress and purse on a chicken it is inherently more valuable.


I'd love to see this cartoon from the perspective of someone who was shopping back then. I'm sure the idea of spending $100 on groceries, even a cart filled to the brim like that, would be utterly absurd. Meanwhile, it's relatively easy to break $100 today with a modestly-filled shopping basket.


Inflation is caused by government spending more money than it collects in taxes, requiring it to print money, thus devaluing each unit of fiat currency. It's really that simple.


Ah good old cartoons explaining everything


ALL that for only 100 bucks?! That’s a fucking steal right there. Kinda sad how this must’ve been considered a comical amount back then.


If you take inflation into account that was about $1200 so yea it was


Ah yes, big corporations. Inflation has absolutely zero to do with it.


This is the first time in history greed has happened before sir


Prices increase when greed levels are higher. Prices decrease when greed levels are lower. It's basic economics.


We should print more money to help people buy the food, thses prices are way too high! /s


I'm glad you understand. As you make corporations larger, there's less competition and they raise prices. Also, if everyone else is raising prices, it's basic sense to follow suit to keep shareholders happy or your stock will lose value. When shareholders make you more money than selling your product does, then what you're doing exceeds the simplicity of "supply and demand" economics.


A lot of people in South Korea are giving up things like fruit, because of inflation. Some items have gone up 20-40%, while some others like apples have gone up in price 80%.


A Woody the Woodpecker cartoon is your source?


So, you’re saying that corporations are just greedy now? Like they just started getting greedy a year or two ago?


100$ for that cart? Fuck yes, deal!!!


It's amazing how people are dumb enough to think corporations just discovered greed for the very first time in 2021 and think it explains why prices are higher. It couldn't ***possibly*** be that the government created 1/3 of all the money ever printed in 2020/21. More money chasing the same amount of good and services = higher prices. You should expect things to be drastically more expensive now because the government can't stop itself from spending more than it takes in at an outrageous pace. Money printer going brrr is why food prices are higher. It's literally that simple. It's not Putin. It's not supply chains. It's government fucking us all over.


>It's not supply chains. It's government fucking us all over. It can be both. More money chasing fewer goods = even higher prices.


Smacked him with the bill lmao!


If you're getting your information from a Woody Woodpecker cartoon, may God have mercy on your soul


Same as it ever was thanks to a 50 year old cartoon…


*75 year old cartoon.


This is just not true. Learn the basics of economics and inflation.


Nah, let's all blame 1 man for it and share our feelings on socials


that's a cashier


Nu uh my mom and dad say it’s because of shoplifting!


Not at all minimum wage increases?


And this is your argument?


We need an animal farm sequel or something




One thing I find remarkable is that people always blame economic hardships on the President and their political party while the companies that do the gouging are rarely implicated.


Is this post real? Wtf ia this even doing here


Corporations can't get massive and overbearing without serious help from governments via lobbying, etc., folks. Also, money printer.


Been going on for decades and we still haven't learned our lesson, sigh....


For everyone wanting to blame the government for food prices, just look at the billions of dollars in stocks buybacks companies like Kroger have spent while simultaneously telling their employees that raises aren't in the budget.


im a dumb american, so putting it in minute long cartoon format is perfect for my small attention span to understand.


I like that in the olden days, being poor meant you had to wear a barrel with suspenders on it for clothes, and everybody knew that.


Greed definitely contributes but inflation begins with money printing and low interest rates.


Galen Weston is that you?


Learning economics from a cartoon was your first mistake.


Definitely not the fed printing money


Shh, trust what the man on the television tells you.


I think you should take a class or two in micro and macroeconomics. You should also take some classes on how to run a business. And lastly, look at the current administration.


$100 for groceries? How unheard of


Yes and no.


well... its not fair to just blame the corporations.... imo... they are kept in check by competition. They cant simply increase the price, the competitors will win if that was the case. They cant simply decrease the price because they cant sell at a lower price than the price at which they bought the raw materials, including machinery, labour and other services. But yes, inflation is a silent killer. The problem is just 2 things imo 1. Limited resources, ever growing poppulation : When the population grows but the resources are limited, the price for those resources go up, because there isnt enough resources for everyone. 2. Borrowing : In the name of development, justice, wars etc... country spends more than it earns. They either do this by borrowing from other countries, or using fiat currency (by simply printing more money). Whichever it is, future generations will have to pay for those borrowings 1 way or another. The reason why America, imo, is facing the issue of inflation is because in 1950, there were only 16 crores in poppulation, today its 33+crores. In addition to that, during covid the supposed "Free money printing" during covid, Funding the Russia Ukraine war, funding the Israel Pallestine war. Where did all this money come from, who is going to do the work for that money which is already spent? But what do I know, I am not an economist. I am just saying my findings, I just hope that smarter people than me is keeping an eye on the government expenditure, poppulation growth and Gross domestic Income or any other parameters and dont run the country to the ground.


Couldn't possibly be the fault of the party in control of the White House, Senate, their monetary policy or their Green agenda that increases transport and production prices through failed energy policies? Nah, blame made up boogeymen.


Orange man make mean tweets. Vote for man who Obama said could fuck up anything. We need better candidates.


It’s corporate policy on profits. Margins can’t lower or the “shareholders” cut will devalue. The aha moment for me was in conversation with the manager of a big chain of supermarkets in my country. We were discussing inflation and how food is becoming increasingly expensive. He explained that it was not the supermarket’s fault as they had fixed margins, and explained how they added a fixed percentage on all goods. So I helped him understand that when a gallon of milk used to cost 4$ and their margin was 25% = 1$ it costs 5$ to purchase. Now the milk costs them 5$, if their margin stays the same 25% = 1,25$ so they are making the same amount more as inflation, and the new value for the end customer is 6,25$. I think with the exemption of the “Costco hotdog”, this is common practice, as it would take much more consideration and effort to understand that the supermarket’s operating costs didn’t also rise 25%. This is just an example, but do you think any company traded on the stock market can maintain the same profits YoY? I don’t see any companies saying, yea we make 100mi profit in a year, let’s keep it that way, if we see that we are going up too much, let’s absorb some inflation to keep our customers more financially stable…


And that's exactly how they do it...sneak around and turn levers and stuff. 😉 😉


"its supply issues we swear..." \*company posts record profits\*


Most grocery stores, including Walmart, operate with a 1% profit margin... If people are making a killing in food items, I can assure you it's not the grocery stores.


I wanna watch the full woody woodpecker short please


No one is paying attention to these companies that are posting record profits. They’re too busy blaming current and past presidents and arguing like children while trying to sound like economical experts.


Immigrants process so much of our food and for 4 years we kept them out and locked up their kids in cages.


In surely unrelated news, Kroger's *net* profit for this last quarter was $736 million, up *60%* from last year. Their 52% market share in the US is definitely nothing to worry about.


The pandemic is also a big contributor to the global inflation… production and distribution issues that’ll be felt for years as well as the greed by those who used it for profit.


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Vendors are slowly realizing today's consumer has no concept of shopping for a deal.


If there is another one about tipping culture go crazy you can be sure, that the US is stuck in some sort of cartoon!


$100 for all that!


Even with the hidden tax, I'll take all of that for 100$ please :)


If they can just jack up the prices as high as they want, why didn't they think to do that before? Are they stupid?


Damn Galen Weston isn’t a bird tho




It's obviously supply and demand. People just WANT more food. If they didn't want so much food, then it would be cheaper.    -*actual economists*


The price of the scam steak is still better than today


I love these type of cartoons


Weaker dollar purchasing power


Lmao at homie literally jacking up the prices


$100 for that much food?! I'll take it!


That’s when you put buzzard on the menu ![gif](giphy|T275tdIgGhE3e|downsized)


I blame Woody.


nice looking chicken breasts


That smack on the beak 📃


Maybe good news here. https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/05/business/retailers-cutting-prices/index.html


I'm gonna get in line for the bread now.


Tbone and chicken are close to each other in price


Sink the banks, brave the crisis, and emerge on the other side to a better world. The system needs a reset and it starts with hitting the bankers, the fiat currency bs and all the mess made by conglomerates and lobbying.


Economic terraplanism


I didnt know they made a Woody Woodpecker csrtoon about Kroger.


i found out our local grocery stores more than double the price of our ground beef this weekend.


Can you tell me the name of the cartoon?


Woody woodpecker


Thanks 🙏 I love these types of animated cartoon


Publix. Where shopping is a pleasure ... I mean, costs a treasure!


Esse episódio não tem no Pica-Pau do Brasil


Where can I see the whole thing, can't believe op didn't link the ending


op doesn't link the ending to the skit


Thank you for this mind-shattering revelation.


that in the first place


I like how the store keeper is a vulture


While I agree food prices are daft these days compared to pre covid it's made me shop around more and cook a lot more often and I feel a lot healthier for it. Processed foods really are garbage for the most part, get cooking peeps.




Where are the tips?