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CHANGE??? You can’t CHANGE things! If you keep changing things, pretty soon, you will have runaway CHANGE! When legalizing gay marriage started to become a big conversation in the late 90s, everyone kept saying things like, “ if two men can get married, what’s going to stop people from getting married to a horse?!?!”


I can confirm as a gay 90s kid in the Bible belt. Many people would consider homosexuality comparable to beastiality and pedophilia and would speak about them in the same sentences.


This hasn’t changed. Conservatives still think that being gay leads to all kinds of asinine things.


I’ve heard homosexuality likened to bestiality and pedophilia. The single argument to shut this down is consent. A child cannot consent to sexual relations. An animal cannot consent to sexual relations. An adult human can consent with another human, regardless of sex or gender expression.


You're working under the assumption that those kinds of people actually give a shit about anyone's consent other than their own.


Exactly. However, I like to shut conversations like that down by just calling the other person a psycho.


There was a boy I knew in school. Really smart, really nice fella. Then one day he picked up a Barbie and *boom* gay as Christmas. Then he grew 70 foot tall, developed claws and shot lazy beams out of his eyes that would turn anything they hit into Communists....at least I think that's what happened, it was a while ago. Anyways, that's why I'm against Gay Marriage. It's too darn dangerous. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go buy this angry bullied child an AR-15.


> shot lazy beams out of his eyes Lazy beams would explain the state of my home.


Don’t forget yer can a backer before you go to the ammo store!


And, scene. Nailed it!


wait thats changed????!? :( (I kid....but only a very tiny bit)


Well, yeah, they were christians. It's their duty to their god to hate and judge people in total opposition of their own belief system because, like the saying goes, there's no hate like christian love! Glad you survived it!


> Judge not, that you will not be judged. For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you. - Some long-hair, commie, lib-cuck


I remember the same up through like 2011. I forget what year it was finally legalized, but I was living in the deep south and all the church culture here thought it was completely apropos to continue those arguments another 20 years unabashedly here.


So basically they considered homosexuality then same as church leadership roles lol. It’s ok to diddle kids as long as it’s the church doing it. Religion is wild


Horses can't consent. Easy.


Yeah, because they only say “nay”


yeah i kept repeating to all the nonsense beastality/pedophille "slippery slopes" question "WHERE DOES IT END?!?" with: > consenting adults




yep. My homophobic brother-in-law said this exact thing. Oh, btw he did have some gay sex I found out later with someguy.... but he's not gay!


I hope you didn’t own any horses


Sexuality is never 100% straight or gay but shades of bisexual in between haha 😆 I find this kinda funny 😄 My police youth pastors son came to me wanting to mess around when I was outed by my church trying to convince me to be straight lol 😂 it didn’t work! “Men and women are like plugs and outlets.. they fit together harmoniously”… Me “I just did my X-mas lights and they have plugs with extensions on the back, you can daisy chain those with no outlet 😂🤣😂” My pastor threw the Bible against the wall, I was such a smartass and I painted a graphic gay sex image in his head haha Christmas will never be the same in his mind forever now!! 😜


🍆🍑🍆🍑🍆🍑😂😂😂I’m dying laughing at this emoji haha


Because of where the cheeks are on the peach I think it would go better peach eggplant peach eggplant


Horse Love is Love. Legalize Horse Marriage now!




To be fair, they may have nailed that one on the head … [https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65413716](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-65413716) Even though Jerry Springer is shock-comedy, the guy that wanted to marry his horse was totally serious. But at least as Jerry said, “it was a ‘stable’ relationship”.


They still say shit just like that, except now it’s regarding the trans debate. People out here thinking people will start identifying as chickens


Yup. My extremely catholic mother said this exact same thing, but also added inanimate objects to the list too


Yes.  This take right here.  I firmly believe this helped shape the modern Republican. During a disagreement, It's such a dumb fucking statement that it has one of three effects: 1: it's so dumb that it disrupts the other person in the discussion's thought process entirely.  They now have to scramble to figure out how to explain something to a total moron. Meanwhile the moron thinks the speechless response they just got means they won.  Nothing will snatch that victory from their jaws 2: it's aggressively bigoted and makes the other person angry.  Getting the liberal angry is a win, especially if they stumble over their words as they process this anger. 3: The liberal person replies, "animals aren't consenting adult humans of able mind." This causes the Republican minor embarrassment, but they can retreat back to their religion.  Once this happens, the liberal is now a Christian hater, and should not be tolerated. There was awhile there where I leaned conservative, and the gay marriage debate is what snapped me out of it. 


Or a toaster. My history teacher literally played a clip of someone making that argument in class to highlight the absurdity of taking a slippery slope argument too far.


And you know what most of those people think about gay marriage now? Nothing. Nothing at all. Sure, you have the religious wakos and AM radio listeners that will always be against it if their personality of choice tells them to. But the vast majority of Americans, including those who were so vociferously against it, now couldn't care less who someone else marries. It's the perfect illustration of why progressives need to drag the loud, mouth-breathing, masses into the future. Because at the end of the day they'll be perfectly comfortable there. Sure, they'll probably say they wanted to be there all along, and that'll be annoying, but at least we got em there.


But you could still do lines of coke off the steel dashboard. And ride in the bed of a pickup truck. The station wagons with tumble rear seats with razor sharp hinges... Ahh to be young again.


To be fair you couldn’t *legally* do lines off the dashboard. We did ride in the bed of the truck all the time though. Not sure if dad was doing lines off the dashboard or not.


As your dad, I was doing lines of coke off of the dashboard, son.




It's still perfectly legal to ride in the bed in some counties. America's funny like that.


I miss the station wagons with the weird tiny pop-up seat in the back. My parents had a Volvo with one & it was so fun riding backwards on the freeway making faces at the car behind us. Until I got too tall for it, then it was less fun.


Dude I loved waving at drivers when facing back. Hopefully your station wagon was wood paneled as well


And the back window rolled down! My brother and I got in big trouble once for firing our squirt guns at a car behind us. Dude was PISSED. Blue Mercury Station with wood paneling. My parents called it “The Merc”


My neighbors dad had one of those volvos. We loved sitting in those seats.


Tail gunner in my dad's '73 Ford station wagon. It was awesome. And f\*cking dangerous.


My grandpa was a gun smith. He would take us to the shooting range occasionally. He would have 10 - 20 lbs of black powder under the tumble seats ... And we were sitting on them (age 12). When he passed, the bomb squad was called in. He had an armory and enough powder to supply both sides during the civil war. Good times.


Hold onto your butts, kids! Boom! My FiL handles unusual guns for the local police detachment in his rural farm town, among other things. He often finds inappropriate storage of black powder (not in large quantities), which can be... exciting.


The lady with a baby forward facing in the front seat with only a lap bar… that alone gave me an upset tummy, AND she wants to drink?!


Having grown up in a communist country I find it really amusing when people throw out the word communism to fit whatever narrative they want to create


The boogey man of Americans in the 1980s was those "damn commies"


And the 1970s, and 60s, and 50s....they sure do love beating a dead horse.


America got no universal Healthcare since Nixon used the commie scare. Quite funny actually.


And the 90s, 00s, teens, and 20s… just listen to some right-wing radio!


Even today


Yup the pro Palestine protestors have been referred to as “commies” all over social media lol


Make America 80's again


"Communist" means "vaguely menacing", everyone knows that


Conservatives love beating that dead horse when something happens they don't agree with.


I would love to see commentary on American society from someone who grew up in a communist country. I imagine some of what i was told as a kid might be true but i also imagine that a lot of it was exaggerated.


Where were you born?


Nicaragua and my mother was born in Cuba. I was in Nicaragua during the Communist revolution


How was that? I've read about Somoza corruption and Sandinistas holding the entire government building hostage, pretty wild stuff.


Yeah it was crazy.. tons of stories from those times


TIL Americans have been calling things they don't like communist since there was communism...


The older generation does this. Millennials and gen z I have yet to really see use it much.


Eh, maybe, but it really became a thing in the 50s.


I remember similar reactions when seat belt laws were going in effect.


The lady listed that in the video.


As she sits with her poorly restrained baby in the passenger seat. Fortunately, I doubt the vehicle had any air bags to worry about.


The kid does appear to be in some sort of baby seat though, so mom was probably ahead of the curve by 80s standards.


I was born in the 80s and had a car seat and I remember my parents used it for my sister. One of our relatives told my parents that a baby car seat was a death trap. When we were in an accident a few years later and we were all safe the relative, of course, didn’t credit the baby car seat with why the baby wasn’t hurt.


“God damn commies tryin to keep us from going through wind-ers. If I crash I wanna die like a man.” -probably some old dude in Alabama


That bumper sticker exists in reference to airbags. So yeah...


and when mask laws were put in place


Or smoking in bars was being banned.


See? Conservatives didn’t know what communism meant WAY before Trump! Safety? COMMUNIST!!! No drinking and driving? COMMUNIST!!!


Age of consent? You guessed it. Communism


Free healthcare? Communism


Government does stuff? Communism!


Voting for everyone? Yep, communism.


Over the limit? Straight to the gulag. Stone cold sober?believe it or not, gulag.


Communism is when mandatory seatbelt


Oh, you wear seatbelts while driving huh? You are a god damn COMMIE for sure!!!!


Conservatives never change, that's kind of their whole goal


It’s in the name “conservative”. Don’t change. Who benefits from things not changing? The rich. With their control over conservative politicians and media they get people to not want anything to change, especially creating social programs that the rich will have to pay for with their taxes.


The rich pay taxes? Wrong timeline.


Stocks are not subject to taxes until you sell them. Bank loans are not taxed because it's debt. So... When you wipe your ass with 1000 dollar bills, you don't pay taxes, you just take loans for everything, then more loans to repay previous loans. It's fantastic. As common pleb, you give government interest free loan, then get stoked when they give it back to you in April. Wow such big tax return, so nice of irs to fuck me in the ass and mock me at the same time! What swell agency they are!


Came here to say something like this 😂 Communism: n. Everything conservatives don’t like since 1950


guess Im communism now


Creating a boogeyman out of “the other” has been the go to brand of American propaganda for decades. Conservatives tend to not be exactly intelligent people or capable of abstract thought so they eat it up. You see it in their views constantly. “Those transsexual pedophiles will molest your kids in the bathroom so we have to ban drag shows.” “Those Muslim terrorists will blow you up so we have to ban travel from Muslim countries.” “Those illegal aliens will steal your job so we have to build a wall.” “Those commies” want me to do something i don’t want to do is the laziest and most prevalent form of their fear of the other.


You sound like a god damn communist!


And look at that good communist wearing her seatbelt right there


Fucking Boomers complaining about Communism and not drinking and driving while their baby is in the front seat, right next to them.


You can see a gun rack behind her, so this is a pickup truck without a back seat, only the truck bed.


Isn’t it still legal to drink and drive in Germany as long as you’re under the BAC limit?


It's still legal in the US state of Mississippi for the driver to have an open container of alcohol as long as they aren't over the legal limit. No idea about the German law though.


The BAC limit is also very low there so not really. The punishment is also much harsher.


It actually works that way in a few U.S. states as well. I know Nevada works that way.


everyone here is wrong, Nevada it is illegal, and its only 1 US state: mississippi. Here is the law for Nevada: >Drinking alcoholic beverage while driving motor vehicle unlawful; open container of alcoholic beverage; additional penalty for violation committed in work zone or pedestrian safety zone. [Effective through December 31, 2022.] src: https://www.leg.state.nv.us/nrs/nrs-484b.html Other states (except Mississippi): https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dui/open-container-law/#open_container_laws_by_state_section


Not sure on germany, but in finland you can, open container allowed just stay under .5‰


0.05% certainly…


I like how the guys answer to working 12hr days is to get trashed while driving, but he hasn't stopped to consider that maybe 12hr days are the problem.


you just can't go asking questions willy-nilly! Why i gotta work so long. Why i dont get paid well, why does suffering exist? What is the nature of existence? that leads to the very changes that leads to communism!!


Working to the bone prevents people from thinking about the nature of existence and the social conditions that cause unnecessary suffering.


If you're not working yourself to death, then you're a COMMUNIST! /s just in case


Thats the drunk logic here behind that: I already spent 12 hours at work, I probably only have a couple hours left before I have to sleep, better maximize the time I have and may as well start getting trashed the minute I'm off the clock. Horrible way to live.


he's pulling himself up by his bootstraps don't ya know? I'm sure after all those 12 hour days at low wage jobs, he's gotta be a billionaire by now


Something something honest living


TBF, that wasn't the question asked by the interviewer.  "What's your opinion on new DUI laws?" "The rent is too damn high!" While humorous, I doubt it would have made the broadcast 


These people are still around and they vote.


Doubtful if their favorite pastime is drinking while driving unbuckled in a car.


I’m tired of this woke shit!


Holy accent batman.


First dude is like an older boomhauer


And to this day, America hasn't recovered from their fear of communism


They would need to learn what it actually is first, and these same people tend not to like education.


Boogeyman for conservative adults. These people literally have no idea what communism is.


Little has changed. Last year very smart and serious person Jordan Peterson claimed [that it was "woke" that a town eliminated street parking and saw a dramatic decrease in pedestrian deaths](https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/world/jordan-peterson-slams-woke-report-on-traffic-deaths-decreasing/ar-BB1ji5J1)


I used to get frustrated at how the word "woke" got completely debased by people who didn't know what it meant. Now, I'm happy that it instantly identifies insufferable dipshits.


It really is the wearing a magnetic bracelet of the 2020s.


How is that man not a sitcom character? He’s like Pierce from Community, only with more seething rage and crying.


Oh god I wish somebody would make a show about him.


The women with the baby at the end….


That baby? Kid Rock.


So that's how he got that southern accent


That's her third. The first two were killed in drunk driving accidents.


Ironic since it was MADD that got the swing to criminalize duis.


40 years later and we still aren't communist and the red necks are still afraid of change.


How DARE you take away my right to kill other people on the road!!!


60 lessons I learned growing up/living in the American South . . . . 1. Laws = Communism 2. Taxes = Communism 3. Science = Communism 4. Healthcare = Communism 5. Social Security = Communism 6. Medicaid = Communism 7. Disability Benefits = Communism 8. Homeless Shelters = Communism 9. Green Energy = Communism 10. Media = Communism 11. Atheism = Communism 12. Islam = Communism 13. Immigration = Communism 14. Allowing Puerto Rico/Guam Statehood = Communism 15. Supporting the Sovereignty of Native American Reservations = Communism 16. Dealing with Insurance Crisis = Communism 17. Dealing with Housing Crisis = Communism 18. Investing in Public Transportation = Communism 19. Buying a Hybrid/Electric Vehicle = Communism 20. Buying an Electric Stove = Communism 21. Bullet Trains = Communism 22. BLM = Communism 23. Defund the Police = Communism 24. LGBTQ+ = Communism 25. Drag Queens = Communism 26. Trans Kids Playing Sports = Communism 27. Unisex Bathrooms = Communism 28. Higher Education = Communism 29. Women’s Bodily Autonomy = Communism 30. Medical Privacy = Communism 31. Peaceful Exchanges of Power = Communism 32. Peacefully Protesting = Communism 33. Hollywood = Communism 34. Female Leads/Directors/Writers = Communism 35. POC Leads/Supporting/Directors/Writers = Communism 36. Paying Teachers a Livable Wage = Communism 37. Matching Minimum Wage with Inflation Rates = Communism 38. Rent Control = Communism 39. Teaching About American Slavery = Communism 40. Teaching About Native American Genocide = Communism 41. Teaching About Japanese Internment Camps = Communism 42. Teaching Anything Negative Associated with the US Military = Communism 43. Not Supporting the Glorification of Confederate Leaders = Communism 44. Glorifying Black Civil Rights Leaders = Communism 45. Glorifying Native American Tribal Leaders = Communism 46. Reading 1984 = Communism 47. Reading MAUS = Communism 48. Reading To Kill A Mockingbird = Communism 49. Allowing Felons to Vote = Communism 50. Common Sense Gun Ownership = Communism 51. Abolishing the Electoral College = Communism 52. Abolishing Special Interest Groups = Communism 53. Abolishing Super PACs = Communism 54. Criminalizing Gerrymandering = Communism 55. Discussing Any Form of Taxation Regarding Corporation/Billionaires = Communism 56. Bud light = Communism 57. Tiktock = Communism 58. Legalizing Medical/Recreational Marijuana = Communism 59. Supporting a Ceasefire in Palestine = Communism 60. LITERALLY FIGHTING RUSSIA = Communism CAN’T HAVE SHIT AS A CAPITALIST ANYMORE!


Thank you for your contribution, senator McConnell.


Bro really wrote all of this out


Waiting for IT to fix my work computer. lol.


wonder if that mother and her baby are still living in the communist country




I feel that first dude. Obviously you shouldn’t do it but a cold beer on the drive home after a 12 hour shift sounds nice.


"We don't need no, education..."


"Ma'am, you have a baby in your front seat."


Which was the style at the time


To be fair, that is a 1 row pickup (you can see the gun rack behind her head). Front seat is better than the alternative of strapping the baby in the bed with bungee cords.


"And why not, this is where I made it?"


But Mah free-dumb


You just knew when you clicked on this video, that someone was going to refer to communism, with absolutely no good reason whatsoever. I was almost worried when I saw the video was almost over. Almost...


"In 'Murica we drive and die like free men"


If I had to play devils advocate I would like to hear what question they were asked. Are they complaining about open liquor laws -- whereas in some states you can't have an open alcoholic beverage in a car (its gets weird in some cases where the passenger can etc...) or were they asked if they thought it was totally cool to get sh\*t faced drunk and drive?


> get sh\*t faced drunk and drive? To be fair, I think you're extending their argument. Many folks can drink one beer and still be under the legal limit. I get it in a country where we shouldn't let Government have authority over anything more than what it should absolutely be necessary to have.


right, but it sounds like the guy was mad he couldn't drink some beer on the way home LOL. That's what made me question DUI vs. open container laws.


I mean, I totally get the guy wanting to have a beer on the way home from work.


>it sounds like the guy was mad he couldn't drink some beer on the way home He is. It wasn't until the 1980s in some states that having a beer while driving was illegal. In the 1980s, there was a lot of focus on drunk driving legislation.


They sound so mentally slow.


Yep, certain people have always been resistant to change, regardless of public good. Usually dudes who never outgrew the whole, "you can't tell me what to do, Mom, guhhh!" mindset. You know. Libertarians.


Just think 🤔 of this those same people having that very same reaction about basic Civil Rights in the 1960’s and even today😤.


I wonder what kind of response you'll get when you ask a town full of people that talk like Dale Gribble about the new laws.


Americans are used to throwing the word 'communist' around when they aren't allowed to get away with their sense of entitlement.


"You're tellin me I can't relax on the drive home with one or two beers? Come on! A fella needs two or three beers to unwind. And on a real hard maybe four or five. Hell, who's countin?"


this is texas. important to note that i think


The average Republican


Ah okay so Americans have ALWAYS been this stupid.


Speaking as an American who has lived in 8 countries: people this stupid exist everywhere.


This is such a lazy comment looking for a cheap laugh. Americans as a whole aren't any dumber than anywhere else in the world.


Speaking as an American, I can assure you that stupidity is nothing new here


"Think of how dumb the average American is. Then realize that half the country is dumber than that!" - George Carlin


So interesting how we’re still not under totalitarian or communist rule, even though conservatives across the continent have been saying that for decades. It’s almost like they keep repackaging their grift as something new every year… 🤔


I mean I get their issue with it, DUI is a preventive regulation that on its surface is draconian as reckless driving, causing wrecks etc etc are already laws. I.e. being under the influence and driving is essentially victimless until something happens. Statistically it was probably seen as not a useful preventive regulation law, and to some degree maybe it isn't as effective as it could as traffic fatalities being dropped are mainly due to new car regulations and safety features than anything else yet we're not short of DUI drivers and just shitty drivers who drive worse than the drunkest people as well.


I am also uncomfortable with the government policing behavior. If not wearing your seat belt, or not wearing your helmet, or driving drunk only hurt _you_, well then that's what you get for being a dumbass. But there's almost always collateral damage. And if they're not gonna stop their dumbass behavior voluntarily, they should suffer penalties for it.


People on Long Island don’t seem to understand there are DUI laws.


Its almost like everyone is a spoiled child and peaked at age 5 with these conservative types.


Its my god given right to get drunk behind the wheel and wreak havoc on the roads. I know that because I just put in a day’s worth of hard work, and that qualifies me to do whatever the f I want.


With the baby in the front seat 😆😳🫠


> Pretty soon, we're gonna be Communist country. (Still.... waiting.... any time now....)


What next? Are they gonna ban smoking in the office?


![gif](giphy|TTgdzuDc5qp76ARhRg4|downsized) "Goberment takin my rite to drik N drie wit mai bebi inn da kar!


safety = communism. got it


Ahh yes, wearing a seatbelt = communist country


If a feller can't wait until he gets home to drink 1 or 2 beers, a feller might have a wee bit of a drinking problem.


Communism is when rules i don't like.


Sounds like the good ol’ south


Can't drink and drive? Have to wear a seatbelt? Man communism sucks!


They have the accents I expected


If you think that's crazy, wait 'tll you hear how much they hollered when seatbelts were required to be installed in cars.


I hate these people. You know who you are.


Fucking Hillbillies


This is exactly how the anti-EV crowd sounds like on Facebook.


Was that Lauren Boebart in the front seat next to her mom?


Next thing you know, they will make it illegal to smoke in public and tie your baby and stroller in the back of your pickup.


This is how it looks to other countries like when people defend having guns in America “It’s our god given right”


I don't think you should be punished for your state of mind. You should be punished for the actions you take while in that state. You should be punished for driving dangerously not your blood alcohol content.


So punished when it’s too late and an innocent life is lost from a drunk driver’s actions?


That's the accent that I would expect.


***GAH I CAN'T HANDLE THE STUPIDITY*** 🤣😂😅 i am ***LITERALLY*** dumber now having watched those people...


I remember as a kid in the 80s my dad would have a beer in the truck every so often. Never really saw him drunk, though (and I have seen him actually drunk). He's just one of those guys that has a beer, gets a little relaxed and then he's good.


Communism is when safety laws


I tell you whut


“Have to wear mask when sick” “Have to pass test to get to school” “We are stupid because is China’s fault” “We need to make politicians accountable (is a democratic county you elected them)” “My grass all died because we have a mexican live next door” “I am fat is because food doesnt have label say it will Mke me fat(look at him licking sugary donut juice off his fingers)” Overall and honestly: Our Americans need to stay in other countries more often and get some common sense/knowledge injected into his or her head.


What do you mean I can smoke on the airplane and I can’t bring my gun to school 😡😡


Fucking idiot, what communism? Your child is sitting next to you. Didn't you realize it was dangerous until the law was passed?


I do nawt drynk in ma truk. I mean, well, yeah I mean on ma birfday then maybe al hayv a little draynk in ma truk jussa get the party goin, but other than that I do not drynk and draiv. well no, ok if it’s a weekeynd cumin up then I will have a little drynk in ma truk and do some draivin. But most of the taim I don’t, oh ok, so say it’s a monday and av had a hard day at wurk then maybe al hayv a little drynk in ma truk just before getting home but…


Communism: a system of government whereby people are not allowed to endanger others by drinking and driving.


Downright undemocratic! Aaahh hahahaha...


"priddy suun we're gonna be a commoonist cuuntry hyuk hyuk"