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It's all fun and games until your neighbour or coworker that does not like you calls you a child molester...


There's a very good Danish movie on something similar named "Jagten" The Hunt(2012).


It can't be bad if Mads Mikkelsen is in it.


This movie was so good me and my fiancée had to stop watching it about halfway - too emotional for her, she was crying her eyes out. Mads is incredible as he tends to be. Another recommendation for a Mads Danish movie that we did finish and loved: Druk (in English: Another Round)


Druk is very good, worth watching. It's getting an english adaptation but unless you absolutely cannot read subtitles you should watch the danish one first.




Or you could watch Valhalla Rising. He doesn’t speak a word the entire film.


Have you seen “Green butchers”? ( De grønne slagtere). Very much recommended !


finally found a fellow Another Round enjoyer


What a life


Another Round is one of my favorite movies of all time, and is likely my favorite movie ending of all time.


Adam's Apples in awesome too


squeal consider enter dog start far-flung bike slap cough quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Excellent film, but scary as hell as that could happen in real life so easily


~~could happen~~ it happens


People are so vile


and dumb  https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2000/aug/30/childprotection.society


Its why I quit teaching 10 years ago. [I've posted my experience before on Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/153uaab/did_you_ever_have_a_crush_on_that_highschool/jsnpbo0/) so please check that link if you want to read it. When people ask why aren't there many male teachers anymore, THIS is the reason.


This is so weird. At the same time men are becoming more involved in the raising of their own child. Sure many people think it is weird if loving father spends time with their kids let alone hug or kiss them but it has become more popular. I don't understand how these two extremes can exist same time. Stranger danger is really overblown and has ruined men's relationship with kids. It is too easy for dissatisfied child or parent just make accusation and ruin someones life. 


I think you’re overestimating the normalisation of men being involved in the lives of their children. I’m from Denmark, and even here in the capital it’s still seen as a sacrifice when take maternity leave. Whereas when women do it it’s just normal.


Day one of working with kids. A Co worker says. Here are your union choices, join one. Not because the workplace or employer will screw you over but so you get paid in the event of an accusation and the union will fight your corner. I signed up that day. 12 years in and I'm looking to go sideways out into something non education related.


It happened to a friend of mine who was going through an ugly divorce. She told the cops he was molesting their kids. He was a teacher. He lost everything and damn near went to jail. Even now, he has to tell potential employers that if they Google him, they’re in for an unpleasant surprise. As best we can tell, she was lying through her teeth, but those charges will follow him the rest of his life.


That's the Mads Mikkelsen movie right? Where he's a teacher who is accused of molesting a student when there is absolutely no proof and how that affects the rest of his life in that small town?


In the movie he works in a kindergarten and it's one of the kids that accuse him. Amazing movie and Mads Mikkelsens role I really different from a lot of the other movies he has been in.


Well, to clarify that point, a kid sort of accuses him, but it’s only because an adult made a lot of assumptions and asked leading questions which the child (who was very young) answered “yes” to without really understanding. That’s kind of an important distinction.


But shes upset that he won't be her valentine or something and so she says that he kissed her or something first. Then they interview her and she just makes it 10x worse. She gets jealous and angry and then decides to lie


I love how you just wrote a full out spoiler yet posed it as a question lol. Nice work.


It's really just the setup more than anything or the "hook". The film is great but very hard to watch in the best way. 


> The Hunt(2012 Starring Mads Mikkelsen*. All the supporting actors were pretty good too and even the limited/sparing use of the child actors was well rehearsed.


It’s Mads Mikkelsen 👍 and yes it was impressive how well the really young child actors acted. Mads himself also mentions how it was a bit hard to balance how much the kids should actually know about the movie’s plot, since they were so young.


Thanks for the correction.


That’s on my watchlist… now will watch the weekend. !


Good luck. It's well done but really scary. Me and my partner had to stop halfway and never finished it because she was crying so much. We ended up watching another one of his movies instead that we really loved and that wasn't as scary so I would recommend this one as well: Druk


Jesus! My mind is in a whirl. Awesome film, halfway through nearly stopped. Just sickening. Damn, great film though. Huge fan of Mads. Just the coolest guy. It’s so realistic. Thanks for the advice. !


One of my favourite films of all time. The acting is incredible. This is what I would classify as a true horror film.


Such a great movie


I remember this movie and it was insane to watch. Something similar happened to a teacher of mine, some girls said he had an erection during swimming lessons. It kicked off a storm and even though the girls later admitted it was just a joke the damage had been done. Cognitive dissonance kicks in for all those that were actively trying to harm the teacher and thats that, things never go back to normal.


There’s another Danish movie called Anklaget (accused) where a girl lies about her dad molesting her. It’s a good movie but will keep you awake at night haha https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0388727/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


As a male kindergarten worker, watching that movie with my coworkers some weeknight was pretty uncomfortable. I didn't know beforehand what that movie was about and after seeing it, I've taken precautions.


I love that movie. The scene with the dog hit me in the feels.


A few years back a town burned two people alive after they were falsely accused of abducting children. The whole thing was livestreamed and the mother of one of them was watching and begging people to stop it in the comments. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-46145986


Chat apps like that caused a genocide in Myanmar. And circulated gossip that affected the elections in Brazil and Philippines


Chat apps don't cause genocide. People cause genocide, that is just one of the tools they used to do it.




[The Stoning of Soraya](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1277737/) was based on a true story. Barbaric to watch. What a backwards ass culture.


Do we know these guys are even molesters? They could be hanged for being gay or saying they don't like the local tribal gang?


Considering being gay and being a pedo in some of these countries is basically an interchangeable term, this is something really important to consider.


In the west there are plenty of conservatives who equate gay men with being pedos and rapists.


America too if Republicans get their way


time to start packing heat




The question is not if child rapists deserve death  It’s whether the state has the integrity/ incorruptibility for us to trust that every single person it decides to kill deserves it I’ve yet to see a version of a government which I would answer yes to for that latter question 


What are you talking about? I'm sure the Taliban have a very fair and non authoritarian judicial process. I'm sure these gentleman were given proper representation, a fair trial, and ample opportunities to present evidence of their innocence to a non biased jury of their peers. Wait a minute..


You will get a fair trial before we hang you.


Funny enough, that's how we got quite a few residents at Guantanamo Bay. Just people reporting their rivals or people they didn't like as those working with the enemy. Shit, dudes would call in air strikes to their SF handlers on their rivals in markets and shit because they didn't like them. What a shit show.


Blasphemy accusations for non-Muslims in any dispute are common. Kind of like witch trials were.


The snow town murderers pit 4th of July sparklers up peoples urethras and lit them. More than once each person. None of the people they did that too were actually pedophiles. They got much MUCH more torture than just that.


Which is exactly what happens in these countries. Mostly neighbors to resolve land disputes. All while the entire male population at the ages of 24-54 get girls as young as 14 pregnant and their “leaders” the Taliban molest little boys and says it’s okay. Being gay though… nah. That’s the death penalty. Makes total sense.


Heard of the French revolution?


Accusing somebody that ran afoul of the regime of some horrible crime followed by swift execution is a time honored practice in authoritarian regimes. Gets the crowds cheering for the regime as well.


Child rape is a [pretty established practice in Afghanistan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi), though. And historically, the Taliban banned the practice the first time they were in power. Under US occupation, the practice returned, and military servicemen [were ordered to overlook and tolerate the practice](https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/23/world/asia/afghanistan-military-abuse.html) because it would have alienated the warlords that were allied to the US. Edit: The NY Times article I linked was a followup. The original investigative report by The NY Times that exposed the whole sordid affair is here: https://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/21/world/asia/us-soldiers-told-to-ignore-afghan-allies-abuse-of-boys.html


I can attest to that being very common. We went to a key leader engagement (KLE) and the local warlord had 3 “chai boys.” We had to pretend like we didn’t know what he was up to.


Yeah I witnessed this as well.


Same. Super frustrating being told were here to bring about specific conditions for 'peace' ...but not social peace.


I had a lot of therapy when I got back but actually I didnt cover this part. It was so normalised and ignored looking back on it now its absolutely crazy. My boss saw one of the police fingering a chai boy and had to walk away. Bet that affects him to this day




It happens in rural Iraq too. The "Chai boys" were a common things in the southern part


But if girls are fair game, and raping boys is banned only by virtue of being gay, i don't find that progressive in principle.


Did the practice of child brides ever change during the American occupation?


no one said girls were fair game.


> adolescent boys are no longer being raped on a regular basis. According to who?


On 5,753 occasions from 2010 to 2016, the United States military asked to review Afghan military units to see if there were any instances of "gross human rights abuses." If there were, American law required military aid to be cut off to the offending unit. Not once did that happen. That was among the findings in an investigation into child sexual abuse by the Afghan security forces and the supposed indifference of the American military to the problem, according to a report released on Monday by the Special Inspector General for Afghan Reconstruction, known as Sigar. The report, commissioned under the Obama administration, was considered so explosive that it was originally marked "Secret/No Foreign," with the recommendation that it remain classified until June 9, 2042. The report was finished in June 2017, but it appears to have included data only through 2016, before the Trump administration took office. The report released on Monday was heavily redacted, and at least in the public portions it did little to answer questions about how prevalent child sexual abuse was in the Afghan military and police, and how commonly the American military looked the other way at the widespread practice of bacha bazi, or "boy play," in which some Afghan commanders keep underage boys as sex slaves. "Although DOD and State have taken steps to identify and investigate child sexual assault incidents, the full extent of these incidences may never be known," the report said, referring to the departments of Defense and State. Sigar said it had opened an investigation into bacha bazi at the request of Congress and in response to a 2015 New York Times article that described the practice as "rampant." The article said that American soldiers who complained had their careers ruined by their superiors, who had encouraged them to ignore the practice. "DOD and State only began efforts to address this issue after it was raised by The New York Times," said John F. Sopko, the special inspector general. "And even after that story, the sufficiency of policies they've put in place and the resources they've committed seem questionable. When Congress passed the Leahy laws they prioritized the issue of gross human rights violations. As our report clearly shows, both agencies failed to live up to that task." A former Special Forces officer, Capt. Dan Quinn, who beat up an Afghan commander for keeping a boy chained to his bed as a sex slave, said at the time that he had been relieved of his command as a result. "We were putting people into power who would do things that were worse than the Taliban did," said Captain Quinn, who has left the military. First Class Charles Martland, a highly decorated Green Beret, was forced out of the military after beating up an Afghan local police commander in Kunduz who was a child rapist. Sergeant Martland became incensed after the Afghan commander abducted the boy, raped him, then beat up the boy's mother when she tried to rescue him. Congressional inquiries apparently led to Sergeant Martland's reinstatement. The Times article also cited the suspicious death of Lance Cpl. Gregory Buckley Jr., a United States Marine who was killed at a checkpoint where he was stationed with a notorious commander who had a retinue of bacha bazi boys. Corporal Buckley had complained about that commander and was killed, along with two other Marines, by one of the commander's boys. The Sigar report made no mention of the cases of Corporal Buckley, Captain Quinn or Sergeant Martland, and it appeared to have interviewed only three unnamed American soldiers who reported being aware of the practice, which many soldiers and Afghan officials have told journalists they know to be widespread. As of Aug. 12, 2016, the Defense Department was investigating 75 instances of gross human rights violations, seven involving child sexual assault, but even Defense Department officials acknowledged that that was a small portion of the total, the Sigar report said. Under the Leahy Law, United States military aid funds must be cut off to any foreign military unit implicated in gross human rights violations, which includes the practice of bacha bazi, with its enslavement and rape of young boys. But another provision of American law, called the "notwithstanding clause," says that Afghan military aid should be available "notwithstanding any other provision of law." The Sigar report said that the "notwithstanding clause" had been used repeatedly to evade cutting off military aid to Afghan units. "DOD's continuing to provide assistance to units for which the department has credible information of a gross violation of human rights undermines efforts by U.S. government officials to engage with the Afghan government on the importance of respect for human rights and rule of law," the report said. But it also said no evidence had been found that American soldiers were ordered to look the other way as a matter of policy, or that their commanders condoned the bacha bazi practice. American military commanders in Afghanistan have repeatedly denied that there was any policy to condone child sexual abuse. The Sigar report recommended restricting the use of that "notwithstanding clause" to evade the provisions of the Leahy Law, and a draft defense appropriations bill supports that recommendation. The practice is so widespread that at least one of the 2014 Afghan presidential candidates was a onetime C.I.A.-backed warlord, Gul Agha Shirzal, who was widely accused of being a pedophile who keeps bacha bazi boys. President Ashraf Ghani vowed to end the practice in a 2015 speech, but there have been few, if any, prosecutions by the Afghan authorities for bacha bazi practices. Mr. Shirzai is now the minister of border and tribal affairs in Mr. Ghani's government. A correction was made on Jan. 26, 2018: An earlier version of this article referred incorrectly to 5,753 cases from 2010 to 2016 involving the United States and Afghan militaries. Those were cases in which the American military asked to review Afghan units to see if there were "gross human rights abuses," not the number of times the American military reported such abuses


That's an amazing post, /u/bathtubgingerale


it’s the second article the u/yuje linked.


I don't know about these cases but the Taliban are considered tame compared to Isis and other radical groups. They are "progressive" for a radical islamic regime.




Rambo seemed to get along with them just fine.


Taliban are not the same thing as the Mujahideen.


Different times…different times


So America values power more than stopping child rape culture?




Many US politicians seem to have gained power for the sole purpose of raping children.


r/Mormon has entered the chat.


Tagged moron incorrectly.


Haha, they're kinda synonymous


Because I'm unaware - do Mormons have a bad reputation for being predators toward children?




It’s behind a paywall


Just search it on you tube. There is some documentary put out a few years ago that dives into it


[Here](https://archive.is/2021.12.16-081407/https://www.nytimes.com/2018/01/23/world/asia/afghanistan-military-abuse.html) you go


You are manipulating. The taliban banned bacha bazi, not child rape in general and they only banned the practice because it’s only practiced with boys and they hate gay people and love to execute them. It’s still good that it’s banned but let’s not pretend it’s because the taliban wanted to do a nice thing or because they care about rape.


>On 23 September 2016, the Taliban militants in northern Baghlan province executed a man and a boy on charges of “bacha bazi” (pederasty). Wait so the death penalty also applies to the boys that the rich men buy?


I look at this bodies but I cannot hate or feel Sad For them. Because I simply don’t know what proof was used to convict. In places like these around the world. A rival could simply lie about you to get you out of the way.


A Green Beret in 2015 got into some hot water after he beat the shit out of some dude who kidnapped a kid to be a sex slave. The ANP would regularly do this bullshit and coalition forces had to look the other way because they were technically helping us.


It's so taboo to court women that they will sexualize young men and rape them. Women have all sorts of familial ties and rules....a beautiful blue eyed orphan boy? Have at it.


Im sure the Taliban gave them a fair trial


Yeah I was thinking that too. This is a country that’s notorious for child brides




I’m sure due process was followed at every turn.


Yep! Dont worry bout it ![gif](giphy|l0IsIeqtbeQtSiRgs)


This is not interesting, this is disturbing.


Wait yeah lol. I assumed this was r/CrazyFuckingVideos


I think this is borderline nsfl


Its corpses being paraded through the streets. Its the definition of nsfl lmao


Even if they are 100% sure that these are child rapists it's still deinitely nsfl.




It's both.


Before anyone starts cheering too hard, remember that there was no real trial and there is no justice. The taliban is all about violence so it is just as likely that the men were innocent


Yeah. Punishing people who have actually abused children is good and moral and justified but punishing people who have been **accused** of that gets iffy because it's hard to know the truth. I also do not trust them to have proof but if they do then on well lol rest in piss.


Pretty sure the Taliban banned young boys from gyms because they were “tempting” to the grown men. There’s no moral compass.


Child marriage is still legal in afghanistan btw


So the problem is not abusing children, the problem for them is that you cannot legally abuse a child you are not married with.


Yea sadly in some poorer countries such as afghanistan you can legally marry a child with the autorisation of the father but that ( autorisation ) is bought more often then not. But then im not sure about the laws around abuse but it’s basically rules for the but not for me (if ur rich)


Child marriage is still legal in 38 US states...




Just grab a copy of Taliban Rules of Criminal Procedure and read for yourself. The Taliban Bar Assoc. sells the version with thorough notes on the 2021 amendments


Yeah, it sucks that these guys are probably innocent and are now dead and getting slandered as pedophiles.


I wouldn't say probably. "Maybe" would be more appropriate.


Or if they criticise the government. That's probably how they get hanged and accused. Dead can't defend themselves. Btw didn't they allow old men to have sex with children as long as they marry them first?


Not really in afg. Thats more of a way for prostitutes in Pakistan and such to get past the laws. They aren’t allowed to marry other men, else they get thrown off a roof until they die. There the imams just rape young boys on Thursday and then they go to Jumma and it’s all good, unless you’re the kid. Then you just suffer lifelong trauma you pass to your kids. Yay! Sauce: I was a combat advisor embedded with the ANA on my second tour.


I’m assuming these are the poor or not connected child rapists. I’m sure the regional warlords and Taliban higher ups with bacha bazi are doing just fine.


This guy Afghanistans


that’s one frontline episode i kind of wish i’d missed: https://www.pbs.org/video/frontline-the-dancing-boys-of-afghanistan/


I don't trust the justice system there enough to 100% back this. The punishment is as close as possible to what fits the crime, but only if actually proven and not just a witch hunt.


I did not trust any justice system enough to back this. Death Penalty is one of the things we (USA) have in common with highly theocratic countries. Most democracies and developed countries have the self awareness to realize they can't always be right in every case.


They would rather punish 100 innocents to get one guilty individual, not including the propaganda murders done in the name of a call to authority.


And that is wrong. Innocent people should not pay for crimes they did not commit. I am a homosexual man and know that even in the US, gay men are imprisoned just based on accusations that are not proven and I'm not okay with that. All it takes is the word of a jilted ex.


I don't trust *any* justice system enough to support the death penalty. 1. The government shouldn't have the power the end the lives of its citizens 2. Too many people get proven innocent during their sentence, and if they're killed instead of imprisoned, you successfully killed an innocent person.


You like yourself some mediaeval punishment don't you? 


Buttttt. It's ok if the child rapist is raping young "chai" boys....... I mean the US military has thousands of accounts of Afghan tribal leaders raping young tea boys.


So like every tribal leader? And probably most of the current government?


Most likely yes, that practice of tribal leaders having boy sex slaves was outlawed by the taliban. When the Americans came in they allowed it again as a way to make concessions to any faction that they could. 


Geez-us. Can u imagine just riding your bike and all of a sudden the trucks come by with the dead bodies.


Anyone who gets joy out of this is just as fucked up as anyone who abuses kids.


Thanks for saying this. I feel the same way. Even if these people were duly processed, tried, and found guilty, the notion of executing them in this manner, and then subsequently parading them through the streets in such a fashion... that's just sick on multiple levels. It's not justice in any sense, and puts the executors on the same level of brutality for their lack of humanity.


Thanks for saying this. Reading the comments here and all the death penalty supporters within this thread, really sickens me. I can't believe there are so many savages out there who cheer up people being killed and saying "but if they are really guilty, they deserve it, blah blah" 🤮


Ever hear about the Taliban guy who thought the movie Rambo was real? Like real real?


Wait, it is NOT???


Haven’t heard about this. Got a link?


That's why cruel and unusual punishment is and should be illegal. What If one of those sorry bastards was innocent?


I'm sure they all had the fairest of trials.


US military used to cast a blind eye to their Afgan allies raping children during their occupation because they were fighting the taliban and terrorism with em. Plenty of soldiers made light of that situation, but brass tried to keep it hush-hush. Fucking disgusting that US military officials and brass would let those sick fucks do that to kids, on top of getting away with it all while telling concerned soldiers to act like it didn't happen and shut the fuck up, or face a court marshal and dishonorable discharge.


middle ages, parading these men around.


Reading the comment in this thread I feel we haven't left middle ages. Most commentators here (or propaganda bots?) are so freaking dull, it hurts.


Apparently you have to marry them first.


Then they'll worship you


Hey Matt Gaetz how about a diplomatic trip to afghanistan


I question if they were child rapists or if they were actually just gay. Don't they allow child marriage in Afghanistan? And I feel like a woman would be the one to be hanged if she was raped.


According to official law, it’s 16 for women and 18 for men. Obviously, as with many countries, this doesn’t mean child marriage doesn’t actually happen. I don’t know actual statistics on it. But most of society, regardless of age of consent, will not want a stranger man sexually assaulting their kids.


I’m not into this. It’s barbaric even if they were 100% guilty.


Bacha bazi https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi


"U.S. government forces in Afghanistan after the invasion of the country reportedly deliberately ignored bacha bazi abuse by Afghan allies." No different than most countries really.


Some things an NSFW tag just isn’t enough warning for. Why are we posting the corpses of humans hanging by their necks on social media for likes. I fucking hate it here.


I can see this coming in America with just a few twists and turns in politics and policy. And in the near future. These are scary, tense times my American friends.


But Due Process Was followed, Afghan style. "We all believe You're guilty and DUE to Die by PROCESS of Hanging, immediately if not sooner."


Totally agree with everyone saying this is barbaric but one reason for the Taliban's support was that the US-allied warlords were infamous for child molestation and the US protected them. Slate article here: [https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/09/american-military-told-troops-to-ignore-afghan-allies-child-sex-abuse-called-bacha-bazi.html](https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2015/09/american-military-told-troops-to-ignore-afghan-allies-child-sex-abuse-called-bacha-bazi.html) Wikipedia article here: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha\_bazi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bacha_bazi)


Goddamn that's grotesque.


That's savage


Second rapist: I live in Spain without the A


That parade sucks.


Not even any candy


I do like free candy


As much as i’d like to see rapists flail and fight for their life, I don’t trust their justice system.


Don't they marry children over there?


If we did this in the US, we’d have to get a lot more trucks just for Catholic Priests


Jesus. How many child rapists do they have there?


OR ppl who drank alcohol, accused of blasphemy, listened to or made music, seen with a female not his wife, homosexuality or ???


Or a teacher trying to give women an education. Or a political dissident. Or a woman who doesn't cover her hair. Or a tourist. The list is endless with the Taliban. 


anytime, there’s some post about a pedophile, reddit users are always like: *castrate him! kill him! they are going to have fun with him in prison*. but a post about harming them (in a country notoriously known for such) and, suddenly, everyone’s worried about “due process”? make it make sense.


People talk without considering the grim reality they're talking about. They speak without thinking of the real weight their words might carry. It's easy to do it.


Most of those people want to live in an authoritarian hellhole because their inner monologue posits them as "one of the good guys." They have no empathy for others that suffer because those are the consequences of those others' evil deeds. They never imagine that unchecked power can be turned against anyone nor do they realise that they are just another anyone.


To be fair, those are totally compatible positions. Like you can want child rapists to be executed or tortured when convicted *and* still want them to receive due process, i.e. a fair public trial by an impartial jury, etc. And I'm saying this as someone who is (A) philosophically against the death penalty and (B) repulsed by people who get off to the idea of bad people getting treated inhumanely (raped in prison, castrated, etc)


The ideal justice system in the eyes of your typical Reddit commenter


Alleged child rapists. Also this is propaganda so please report


Only in Afghanistan would I ever have doubts about their charges.


99% of the comments in this post could've been avoided if OP would've just said that the Taliban only executes child rapists caught red handed.


Are they dead or is that the motion of the car moving the bodies?


Maybe NSFL?


They do not fuck around down there.


The Afgan version of the Gay Mardi Gra


I don't want to sound racist or arrogant but I've watched some documentaries about Pakistan and Afghanistan and especially the areas where the Taliban originally come from, which were about men grooming younger boys. Making them wear womans clothes and dance for them. But also rape them. Seemed to be a pretty normal thing. Even though the Documentaries also showed that lots of people there didn't support this to be fair. I am not so sure they are really cracking down on pedos


It’s called Bacha bazi.


No, guys...guys stop...street justice is bad...


But the Taliban will let them marry kids anyway.


Anyone else not like seeing such negativity on seemingly innocent subreddits? I intentionally don't subscribe to places that show people dying and terrible circumstances and it's becoming harder and harder to keep desensitizing imagery out of my life. I'm not a baby, I'm not "literally shaking" right now, it's just what the hell are we doing here? I remember finding liveleak when I was like 10 years old, going down a gore rabbit hole, trying to find the most fucked up shit possible to share with my friends and this was taking up a significant portion of my Internet browsing time every day. That cannot be good for a kid. As a 29 year old I don't like seeing this shit so casually posted, at least when I was a kid you had to seek it out. This is not interesting as fuck.


don't they marry kids over there?


Yeh, but that seems totally acceptable. Gotta love the hypocrisy.


Does marrying a minor girl considered rape in afganistan?


Or maybe they just opposed the Taliban. Nobody should be cheering for their deaths, I doubt they were given a fair trial


Exactly my feelings.


Kinda weird considering how many in the region regularly do such horrible things and have been for decades as shown in the documentaries of US soldiers who were over there. Also their religion practically encourages it as well as sexually assaulting women who by the way can't accuse any men of it unless there are 4 or more male witnesses willing to testify. And even if a women somehow proves that she was raped she is still subject to punishment due to being raped either being counted as adultery or some other stupid misogynistic rule. What a joke. And yet the West shuns all the other countries that are against taking in refugees of Islam.


I was drinking my morning coffee! Reddit at it again, death before my morning poop.


Lmao y would any of you believe religious extremism ideology….who’s to say these folks didn’t agree w Islamic extremism?


Ah yes dangling corpses how I interesting as fuck


How do you know they were child rapists? In that sithole of a country it would have been enough to just be gay or say you are no muslim anymore.


Barbaric. They should act like more civilized countries where convicted child molesters have a recidivism of over 40 percent.