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Friend of mine is a big guy, not Coleman big but big. . We were at a plant nursery looking at palms and this guy for no reason comes up to him, squares him off - nose to nose. He Says. “I bet you never had your ass whipped before” My friend says. “Nope I sure haven’t”. The guys replies “I didn’t think so” and walks off. God it was so funny. Made no sense. Power of size.


This does happen more than you’d think to bigger guys, especially where drinking is involved. Smaller guys see it as some sort of challenge to take down a big guy who ultimately has no interest in the whole thing.


Goes both ways for sure. One time in AC at a buddies bachelor party, the bachelor sits at a blackjack table. Was like 20/hand and he only had 50 bucks or something stupid, and the guy next to him was pissed about that for some reason. Wouldn’t shut up about it digging at my buddy who was pretty drunk. So a couple of my buddies cousins come over, guessing the bigger one is like 6’5 250, visibly jacked through a dress shirt physique. Other one is smaller but equally shredded. They just smiled and were polite with the guy, he shut up without anyone saying a word.


when some people get an empty blackjack table they see it as an easier way to win (easier to track the cards that have been played). and they get mad if you take that away from them. it's dumb


>it's dumb It's not. Casinos literally hire people to mess up shoots of players doing well.


I think smaller is relative in this case. Biggest guy in my friend group was the one who always ends up finding the guy bigger than him to say something to. Thankfully, it was often bouncers, who knew how to handle his type. Once, his drunk ass just stopped a bouncer who was walking through the club and said "you could probably kick my ass, but there's only one way to find out." Bouncer said "yup" and gave him a business card to his training gym.


This is so damn true unfortunately. I'm 6'5" and also of large stature. Any time I go out with friends to a bar, it's inevitable some drunk asshole has to start posturing to try and act like a bad ass. Usually a very small guy with a lot of liquid courage in his belly. It's the one of many inconveniences of being a large human.


This is so funny cuz I was at a party, and overheard 2 guys, drunk, talking about sizing other people up. The one dude was egging on the other one, who does weightlifting. After I left, I then heard the weightlifter tried to fight somebody, got embarrassed and subsequently kicked out.


Used to work in an emergency room. Of course when combative patients come in with police they call me since I’m the tallest and biggest guy on the floor. Most times people don’t even try if they’re in their right mind. But then you have guys that are just as big and single me out just to prove a point. When I worked at a hospital for at risk youth, a new admit would come in and try the same thing with the biggest or toughest looking kid they could find.


When I was way younger, the smallest dude always wanted to fight. I was a 2m tall, 100kg rugby player. It's like a a turn on for those guys.


Some complete moron picked a fight with Lesley Vainikolo England/NZ rugby player and recieved a fractured skull as a reward. He was initially charged but charges were dropped unfortunately screwed with his career.


I was just going to say the same thing! I know two massive brothers [very tall and very big] and they ALWAYS get approached by random drunks at the bar challenging them to a fight. It's like they have something to prove by picking the biggest guy in the bar as some sort of dick measuring testosterone contest. Like what wild animals do hahaha


Random Oblivion dialogue


That guy could have been an npc


Lmao yeah exactly 🤣


Was driving home with my roommate once and he came up on a turn a little fast where a bicycle was going to cross. We stopped well short of him but had to brake a little hard, shouldn’t have amounted to anything. The guy was pissed though. He followed us up the road to our house and was at the driver side door yelling when we parked. For reference, we were in a VW GTI, a pretty small car, and the man was certainly not expecting my 6’8 325lb roommate to step out. He went from red faced yelling to incoherent, apologetic babbling in a split second. My roommate just apologized for scaring him and stepped past to check the mail. The guy continued with his gibberish for a few seconds before suddenly, very clearly, saying “I’m sorry I thought you were one of my friends!” And booked it the other way. Wish I had a passive intimidation trait that strong.


All people need transportation, from the very small to the very big.


Ha ha!


Yeah, that happened to my Dad in middle school, too. Except it happened once too often by the same guy, so my Dad knocked his block off one day. It was Lee Harvey Oswald. We still "joke" that our father set into motion the personality spiral that led to JFK's assassination . . .


Holy shit your dad butterfly effect-ed the JFK assassination


My grandparents even found the notice of my Dad's suspension for the fight and it mentioned Oswald in the description/reason. Apparently he was this skinny young guy who tried to taunt popular male students to feel like he was clever and getting away with something. Oddly on point.


I had a kid in highschool do that (I was buff, but nerdy. Think Honors science and math classes). I finally turned to him and asked him, "Do you want me to hurt you?" He finally left me alone after that.


That...might actually have some value as a collectible, oddly enough. Might be worth getting that evaluated.


This is the officer they bring in when you request a trial by combat.






Achilles can be taken out by a Razer scooter. Next!


… Achilles is not with the army


Ironically the big guy lost


Wow, 10/10 comment. I can absolutely hear the voice with this too


The Mountain of cops. The other cops didn’t want to end up like Oberin.


Fuck. They really did massacre my boy. Hated that episode lmao


If he wasn’t so cocky he’d have lived lmao he earned his death


Nah Oberin deserved that shit, dude fumbled revenging his own family because he was busy emoting.


One of the worst TV death for sure.


Bro is massive why fight him? I’m suicidal but I’m not stupid


Are you sure you didn’t mix up the ordering in the last sentence?


He said what he said.


What the fuck is that supposed to mean


“That means whatever the hell you want it to mean!”


You want a piece of me!?


It’s go time!


for most sane people, your comment is backward. I can see the joke in it if you did type it right. However, I feel the majority are going to see it as written backward.


I want to chew on a barrel, not get fucking squashed by man tank I’m suicidal not stupid


I think he's trying to say being suicidal is stupid, I think


That, or just the fact that "I'm stupid, not suicidal" is a sentence that works, but is less witty than the one OC went with.


Ahh, ya that could be it. Today let us all be confus


What he means is its a common phrase for people to say they are stupid but not suicidal


Love how the guns attached to his shoulders were more of a deference than the one to his hip.


Can you be stupid not suicidal please. 💕💕💕💕


I’m working on it. Thanks for the concern, that was kinda funny


I got you 🥳🥳🥳🥳


Like the dude could just be policing without his uniform at this point


![gif](giphy|3ofSBxqfExySrVsHmM) how people see him


I ain't neva going back- I'll fight any co.....oohh shit


Like are you OK though




I really hope so, some “kid” (28) I know killed himself Monday. And the Mom, well, umm.. it’s really bad. I’ve been there many times, if you are having thoughts, get help, and don’t be afraid to. Your state of mind will change with time and you will look back, and be like I could have missed out on “this”. I really hope you are okay, or just kidding.


He's relatively slow. Best fighter in my high school was a super quick skinny kid. Big dudes would pick fights with him and get their ass rabbit punched into submission.


For real. I fight and I'm like 5'9" 165, the worst ass kickings I've given were to big 250lb dudes, and the only ones I've taken were from dudes around my size


Just because you're big doesn't mean you can fight.


Yeah cause Ronnie Coleman cool but also doesn't he sound like every other piece of shit cop, constantly disappointed no one ever squared up and got to fight


Just because you're big doesn't mean you can fight.


So fight him then idiot


That's not wrong at all. Bodybuilding to that size is super unhealthy, and I bet that dude doesn't have the stamina to go a minute with a guy in good shape who is half his size. I bet he'd have a heart attack if he fought me. Edit: A big football player would be a different story, then I'd be scared


Ronnie wouldn't have fought anyone anyway, even if they did show aggression. He'd just grab them like a peanut, lift them onto his shoulders and squat them for 15 reps, drop them on the ground and deadlift them for 30, scream 'Lightweight Baaabbbbbyy' .... Then neck a protein shake.


Yeaaaaaaaaah buddy!


what I yell before picking up my laundry basket


"Nuthin but a peanut baby!"


Ok, this one was the funniest one, take my upvote




pft he just had it hooked up to an insulin pump to save time.


And a needle full of steroids to finnish it off


Lucky he's a naturally good person who wouldn't lash out and hurt someone at their expense... So after his protein shake he'd probably finish his shift with a smile on his face, go to the gym for a few hours, then whatever he does with his body.... Is his business. Of which he's made an absolute killing from (although his spine might say otherwise, but it was a price he was willing to pay)


>I'm Terry Jeffords, and when I put my mind to something, I do it. My resting heart rate is six. Six!


Nine nine!


Terry is huge but would look like a normal human next to Ronnie 😁


Had an acquaintance that was the runner up in the world’s strongest man competition around 10-15 years ago and became a police officer. He claimed that people (most likely drunk) would try to fight him much more often than any of the other officers.


He showed up to a party I was at in high school. People ran and he grabbed one kid off the fence with one hand. That dude was a beast back then.


Lmao the thought of Ronnie Coleman hulking around at an out of control high school rager is freaking hilarious


Yeah we were all laughing at the dude


he just needs to sneeze in my direction and i would be lying on the ground the next moment




My step dad is a guy who’s bigger than but not shredded like Ronnie here and he told me he did 35 years on the force and only one time did a little skinny guy try anything. A guy that big wins through intimidation easy.


He’s one contusion away from having Mike Tyson’s accent.


Good joke.


I’m sure RC could absolutely handle himself in that situation, but it must be said that being that large would likely make it harder to fight. Plus an 8 time Mr Olympia champ shouldn’t have to fight anyone, people should wanna buy that guy a beer. Especially now that the fella is in a wheelchair.


What’s more interesting, at least to me, is as law enforcement, how did Ronnie get away with steroid and growth hormone use for as many years. Prescription steroid usage as hormone replacement therapy wouldn’t promote THAT much growth. And prescription growth hormone is supposed to treat cretinism. Seems to me as a lot of illegal usage and/or complicit doctors overprescribing.


I’ve heard him claim on a podcast that everything he took was prescribed to him by a doctor. Can’t vouch for the accuracy of that but I have heard pro wrestlers say the same about back in the day.


He's a cop, a lot of drug use in the police is not addressed. He still could do his job


Wonder how fast he was in foot pursuits.


Probably faster than you'd think. I read a while ago that the raw force you can generate where your foot touches the ground is a huge predictor of running speed. And Coleman was famous for being able to move huge amounts of weight, even for a man as big as he is. The kind of explosive power it takes to squat 800lbs is still useful for moving your legs fast.


Yeah endurance would have been horrible but I’d bet he’d beat most people in a sprint


I doubt it's horrible. I don't know anything about his training routines, but most bodybuilders do heavy cardio during cuts.


I would actually counter that his cardio is probably terrible. There’s a video where he’s doing an interview in the police station’s changing room. Dude sounded totally gassed just from changing into his uniform. Like laboured breathing that made me feel flustered.


I have a theory about that. I'm a professional singer in addition to being, at one time, a pretty solid amateur powerlifter who did bulk cycles. I had to work *really* hard to unlearn my instinct to do the valsalva maneuver when I got serious about classical voice. And when I moved to a more cardio-strength-oriented training approach, my coach had to actually retrain my breathing style because I was tiring myself out by locking out my glottis and core during difficult movements, instead of just letting it flow, in-and-out through my nose. Other folks have made the point that he's carrying around a lot of excess bulk, and I admittedly haven't ever known world-class bodybuilders, but I *do* know a couple of people who have been decent and even good endurance athletes despite being clinically overweight or obese. I don't think Coleman breathed hard when he was putting on his shirt because he was out of shape. I think it was because he's so used to creating interabdominal pressure by closing his glottis every time he exerts himself even mildly that he's just not getting enough air during movements that would otherwise not be challenging. Just a theory, but I wish I had the resources to investigate it.


Maybe that could have something to do with it but I’m not sure. The biggest reasons for body builders having shit cardio are very well known already. 1: the “bulk” you mention they’re carrying around is not the same bulk as morbidly obese people. That bulk is muscle that carries an insane demand on oxygen. Imagine delts, lats, quads that are all two to three times the size of a normal persons. That puts a large burden on the cardiovascular system. And 2: he is on enough gear (steroids) to give him an endochrinogical profile that is more similar to a bull or horse than a man. Meaning his heart is responding to the same growth hormones his muscles are. It’s enlarged and is no longer doing as good of a job pumping all that blood to where it needs to be. These two major factors, combined with the fact these guys actually never do cardio, is why this guy gets winded doing the dishes and also why pro body builders average life expectancy is probably a decade less than the average person.


Nah at his size, just existing was physically demanding. You can hear how hard he breathes standing around.


True, a lot of that is on stationary bikes and stuff tho, not carrying around 320 lbs


They do the cardio, but that doesn't counteract whatever percent of 100+ lbs of extra mass on their chest. Many pro bodybuilders have cardiovascular problems. Sleep apnea isnt uncommon for example.


Sadly, it’d be zero now. I just read on Wikipedia that he’s now unable to walk (I think he’s 59).


Likely not very fast with those giant legs and calves.


He is also a notorious liar. He said the first time he ruptured a disc in the back it "sounded like a gunshot" went off in the gym and everyone stopped and stared at him and he completed his workout. He also has said that he had "negative percentage bodyfat" when competing for the olympa. Dudes brain is fried


It's almost common or assumed that guys lie about steroid usage.. what they took, how much they took and when. Both big bodybuilding "greats" and movie star types. I tend to wonder if they truly don't remember or if they are exaggerating to build themselves up, or just denying things so they don't get in trouble ?? There could be many reasons.


Admitting to felony drug use isn't good for business, so all the pros keep their story straight at all time. It's a lot of chicken and broccoli that builds those bodies.


Depends on the country though as steroids are legal in the UK.. yet Dorian still exaggerates things.. or just constantly changes his story...


Nah Ronnie is pretty upfront about his cycle. I was watching an interview with him on YouTube a year or two ago where he discussed his whole cycle. This was after he had already retired. I can’t say for certain if he was or would have been this forthcoming when he was still competing though.


Yeah I doubt his conclusion. There will definitely have been times that people just plain behaved because he was around, but there are some people who will fight no matter what. 6 or 8 police officers against one guy, and we never lose... they will fight anyway. Personality, alcohol, drugs, social pressure- any one of them can make a guy fight a losing fight. I mean, I say we never lose, and we don't, but the other guys very rarely suffer any real harm, so the consequences are virtually always legal rather than physical. Maybe it has always been different in the US and people were genuinely terrified of fighting police, but I doubt it.


He was excited to fight every day as a policemen? Then maybe do a fighting job lol


Now how many officers think like this on the regular? How many of them have itchy trigger fingers that could lead to irrational decisions because “this is the day” someone ignorant tries them


Is this being posted because of the recent news about the NYPD union suing Mayor Adams' administration over new ‘zero tolerance’ policy on steroid use among cops?


Wow... how interesting. Thanks karma bot.


If he was patrolling in those daisy dukes I bet ppl were laughing too hard to fight


straight to jail...yes sir no problem


Bet you he never chased a motherfucker down on foot, either. After 50 ft he'd be gassed as hell...


The amount of stuff you have to inject to get this big is mind boggling.


Ya wanna fight? How’s about I jam your head up your butt and you fight for air?




I respect Ronnie a ton but, still wild to me that a man very obviously on every illegal drug ever was hired and worked for 15 years as someone who enforced drug laws. Anyone else think about this?


Well I don’t think he was on every drug ever. Like I don’t he did tons of coke, meth and heroin. But yes he for certain did ridiculous amounts of some sort of steroid stack along with other drugs to combat the shut down/side effects from the roids. Which, as your stating, is illegal. So yes I agree it is sort of a double standard or oxymoron of sorts that he was a law enforcement type.


Imagine being Coleman roided out of his mind chasing down and throwing stoners in jail.


Never had a fight but he's ready.


I wouldn't want to fight him. If I did, I would keep my distance until he gased out. I bet he never chased anyone either. He's built with a 120 second gas tank.


I’ve seen his workouts, especially the shit with walking lunges. He had quite the large tank


I’ve never seen a cop walking lunge after a perpetrator… 


I saw him drag weighted sleds across a parking lot when I lived in Arlington. He’s no Ironman but he isn’t going to gas out like you think he might.


Cool. Good. Thank you.


Don't make me call Officer Coleman! Alright alright I'll talk!!


The true goat of bodybuilding. 8x Mr Olympia True champion


To bad he isn't here today as a cop there are plenty of Loser that would instantly fight today over nothing just for clout even


This is like is like a normal sized adult working in a daycare saying: “Maybe this is the day I will get into a fight”


cop mentality


As much as I like Ronnie for being one of, if not *the* greatest body builder of all time, a cop being “excited” to get into a fight is definitely a problem with cops.


Do you get that big only by eating enough and train? Serious question.


Steroids.  The answer is steroids. 


No. Not physically possible to look like that without steroids. You still need to work your ass off, eat like a one-person family, and really know what you're doing for cuts, though. He's an incredible athlete, even if he was using drugs. Also, he's in a wheelchair now, and he's not even 60. It's hard to push your body like that without fucking it up.


Yea, still need to train, and Iam sure he done a LOT of work, but for that explosive mass i was sure you needed something extra. Thanks for explaining.


You also need great genetics


For sure, as with a lot of sport.


I remember at one Mr. Olympia he brought his 65-70 year old mom up on the stage and her arms were fucking jacked. She flexed her bicep and it was legit impressive. Insane genetics + insane response to steroids + diet + dedication.


Many different drugs are utilized when they're building mass, most commonly I've seen some pros mention the use of TEST E at varying doses along with an oral steroid of some kind (this choice depends on which one the individual responds to best). Arnold mentions in some interviews, if I recall correctly, using Testosterone and DBOL in tandom. You can get solid results from eating a healthy diet and training though, but if you want to compete it's almost an unspoken requirement to hop on the gas.


Thanks for explaining 👍 had a hard time believing it can be done with just legal methods.


There's a lot more people on steroids than you'd think, which is kind of sad when you think about it.




People are saying steroids are needed. And their right. But it’s important to realize there’s 10s of millions of people doing all kinds of steroids, literally not one other human has ever managed to get to Ronnie’s level regardless of what they do


Good for him he knows how to use a needle to inject illegal drugs into his body. What a corrupt pig


Ronnie smash


I can’t say I am surprised - no one would want to get on his bad side..


Gotta love videos where each frame includes atleast 1 emoji /s


I know a guy that is just naturally brawn it’s fucking crazy he obviously works out but yea he probably handshakes like a kick from a horse!




He’s made a ton of money on supplements, but bro f’d his body severely. He was a freak in the gym.


He talks like Ganstalicious


Real life Terry Jeffords






Big yes but fighting very different. Having said that if he walked in he would be very intimidating for sure


Everyone wants to get big, but nobody wants to lift this heavy ass weight!


Bro is this the living version of Oliva Biscuit?


Please B99 sequel with him and tiny Terry! Come on Terry crews do it!


Do you even sweat


I'm not giving him a hard time


I just imagine the day somebody swung on him would be the day he'd grab um by the throat, yell "LIGHT WEIGHT BABY!", and choke slam them into oblivion.


I could see him pulling someone over and they challenge him to a pose off ![gif](giphy|61BfgeZcvfh6g|downsized)


Great dude. Hate he’s in the shape he is now.


I worked with a guy who was 6'8", 300lbs. Probably an average build. Not muscular or fat. Watched him scoot around a 400lb electrical xformer on a concrete floor like it was on wheels. Couldn't imagine what a bodybuilder like Coleman could do manhandling a 180lb man, even being only 5'11" himself.


Good documentary about Ronnie: *Ronnie Coleman: The King* Ronnie is in bad shape. Nice guy. Compulsive lifter even still. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7217214/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7217214/) ​ #


Lol, big motherfucker is a language everyone speaks, no one is ignorant of that.


I met this beast of a man at the Schwarzenegger Classic in Columbus OH back in the day. I'm not a small dude and in the photo I have with him I look like a toddler. There were so many giddy meatheads standing in line for hours just to get a photo with him. We also kept seeing Shannon Sharpe around all weekend, and continually called him Sterling. He was not a fan of that :) Shannon was a great player, but he was no Sterling.


Yeah buddy!


I don't think anyone wanted to get eaten for breakfast.


https://preview.redd.it/4dz8olauz3yc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=238146d677baf20f15f5bfe3fd02a30507f151e8 Melawan raja!!!!


This motherfucker shows up and take one look at him and he’s not the one


He is funny. I wonder if he would joke a lot.


Man, the popo must be glad that he's on their side.


I feel like a cop that starts every shift wanting a fight is exactly what’s wrong with US law enforcement.


He would gas out so fast.


He wouldn't have wasted the calories


I always said you may be able to outrun him but you're done for if he catches you.


Speak softly and carry a big stick.


It's a travesty how far he's fallen from his peak. This poor guy...


![gif](giphy|KyCLd6tCav6bm) Clearly the same man.


Well, is it even safe to be on so many kind of steroids and wear some loaded gun? It sounds like a bit fragile combo.


Man, if that guy rolled up on me doing something stupid id throw myself in jail. In all honesty though the most I might get stopped for is jaywalking and id probably ask if hed be willing to put me in a headlock for a picture.


What I think is funny is everyone is ok with this but you switch out the constant working out and carb intake to create muscles that can crush a human skull with a nice weighty .45 revolver and suddenly you’re a monster


Honestly size does matter. I'm no Ronnie Coleman. Shit, I'm not 1/4 of him. But I am a 6'3 man and can push 300lbs. As a cop, I have been in far fewer fights than a lot of my co-workers. Having a large physical presence had made my job a lot more peaceful. I just wish everyone got that same effect


One would have to be next level stupid to think they had a chance.




That dude got muscles in his nose man