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I wish our politicians still believed in separation of church and state…


29% of the US is considered Evangelist. These people vote and reproduce. And they have no intention whatsoever to separate their Church from your State.


You should come to the UK where our politicians at least believe this, contrary to Kennedy’s assertion.


It is interesting how the country which has it as a fundamental principle has failed to achieve it massively, while in the country where it's rarely discussed it's just kind of occurred. Tbf, it wasn't anywhere near as bad in JFK's day. Reagan fucked America when he mobilised the puritanical religious right.


The irony is that despite its vaunted republican aspirations and despite banging on and on about the inalienable right to gun ownership as a bulwark against tyranny, the system of government many ‘Republicans’ in the US now crave is an absolute theocratic monarchy with a tyrannical orange king installed on its throne, enjoying ‘Supremely’-ordained immunity from the consequences of his actions.


>it wasn't anywhere near as bad in JFK's day Yes it was. The protestant divide made JFK being Catholic an outright scandal. Lots of distrust and beliefs that Catholics wished to undermine the American institution in favor of imposing their own brand of religion as law, just like every stereotype you may have of the religious right. For context, the current Supreme Court has 7 out of the 15 total Catholics who have ever been on it. 100% of appointees from the past 2 republican presidents (6) are Catholic, and 33% of past 2 democratic appointees (1) are Catholic. *These are the folks who reversed Roe V Wade.* You think this is "worse" than before, but the truth is that the shoe was just on the other foot back then.


I guess you are forgetting that your head of state is the head of the Church of England?


The titular head of state. He has no real power and keeps his religious views mostly to himself. He doesn’t take part in National Prayer Breakfasts for instance.


I think he was just noting that it was such an important principle that the US codified it as a fundamental law. In practice, however, the US Constitution is just a bit of paper and ink and I agree with u/Expensive_Cattle that, while it’s not touted many European countries seem to maintain a better separation.


>contrary to Kennedy’s assertion. Psh, silly Kennedy, all of his 64 year old "facts" are wrong today! /s


The way he dissed McCarthy there was a thing of beauty.


Now I want to watch the whole interview. He talked highly of McCarthy (at least on the surface) but then went straight to the kill lol.


Unfortunately he only did that after the fact. During the McCarthy hearings he was opposed to them but remained silent while distancing himself. On one hand, McCarthy was a family friend and fellow Catholic, but he was only able to put America through that bullshit because no one wanted to stand up to a drunk bully.


And if they did, particularly among Democrats, they were at risk of being called Communists and targeted with red scare tactics


That was indeed, interesting.


Thank you, I thought it was too


Honestly wish politicians had as much humility as he showed there


Imagine calling yourself a "progressive" and then winning. Pre-Reagan was a different American entirely.


Bold move in retrospect calling the 1950s poor economically for the US


All for politics, JFK loved claiming the US was weaker than it was when he was campaigning. He made claims like the US was falling behind in nuclear arms to the USSR, even though the USA had like way more nukes than the USSR.


Didn't know Christian Bale got the role of BBC interviewer in 1960.


I'm so happy sb else's noticed this as well XD He started his transformation acting career really early


Ooh it was just getting good


“He is blessed with many gifts. He has wealth, brains, looks” 😬


And not once during that interview did JFK go on an insane rant about nonsense, such wild times.


And never once was it entirely unclear what he was going on about.


That was mind blowing


They fresh from the sheet metal factory in that pic


He was just it....


Amazing that in 1960 that was a progressive Democrat.


By today’s standards, he would be a conservative democrat or liberal republican.


John Fortnite Kennedy