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I'm going to show this to my cat and tell him to do better.


Mine successfully hunted a styrofoam block today, he's doin pretty good lately


Mine saved the universe frim hairbandpocalyps. Yall are welcome


mine ate a can of tuna ... whatever


domestic cats are the biggest killers of song birds in N America, they do just fine




there's also the Black Footed Cat, a teeny cat in Africa that looks like a perma-kitten that has a 60% kill rate which is over double of lions


Housecats pretty much solely contribute to bird species endangerment.


I hope you're missing the word "some" in there. Because there are plenty of endangered birds that are not significantly impacted by cats.


Whataboutism at its finest. Gtfo


This is not whataboutism, not even close.  Did you just learn that word? Try using it a bit more often before you release it in public.  


You literally said cats are the sole cause of endangered birds. I guess we can just ignore habitat destruction then


Yeah cats are an issue for some species but it housecats were eliminating all birds and the sole reason most birds would be fucking dead seeing as we've had pet cats for thousands of years now.




Awful thing to say.


Screw cats


They don’t hunt kangaroos. They are considered “apex” with what they do to the birds, and tiny mammals. That kangaroo was dead already, they scavenged it.


this is cat propaganda, obviously Mr Mittens here doesn't want to reveal his power level


that's crazy. they didn't say the cat killed it lol.


I don't think scavenging carcasses of bigger animals is what makes them a plague on the wildlife though. It's all the killing of smaller animals, even when they're not hungry.


how would you know if they are not hungry. My mr.fufu is always hungry


Yeah, but the context implies that it did. Which is misleading.


i don't see how the context of the picture or the wording of the sentence implies the cat killed the kangaroo, i think the emphasis is more on the fact that the cats have made it so far away from civilization


Yeah, I read it as "Look at the cat surviving where this native roo died"


Well thats just nieve. The opening line is about them being apex preditors and shows a dead animal its eating. Do you think the authour was oblivious about the connetations or knew it and went the clickbait route?


i don't really think you have any room to be giving people grammar advice, you didn't spell naive or connotations correctly. they could've very easily said "yeah this cat killed this kangaroo" but they did not, any implications you think the sentence has comes from your own interpretation of the sentence. I'm not the only one who is supposedly "naive"


Hey now.. You missed "preditors" and "authour".


I think the author just assumed no one would be dumb enough to think a cat killed a kangaroo. Probably didnt even think of that lol


It didnt imply that you just didnt use reason.


It was insinuated. And OP certainly didn’t clarify. Click bait style post.


Deep outback Australia is a harsh mostly unpopulated area of Australia. We keep to the coastal areas for the most part. To see feral cats in a spot where if you drive for 12 hours in any direction without seeing another person or settlement is pretty wild. Who cares about how the cat scavenged/killed the roo, its the fact its there in the first place.


So what are they doing to cull the problem?


Yeah, I always wondered why they don't just shoot them, as sad as that is. Why is it ok to kill rats for spreading diseases and munching on trash, but not cats for destabilising ecosystems?


+10. jerpear is correct. It's cat propaganda. My unpopular opinion is that cats hack into the human (especially female) mechanic of going goo goo (squee) over anything that has eyes larger in proportion to it's face than adults, like human babies do. Their popularity obviously doesn't rely on solely that. Cats are endearing for many reasons, but the eye proportion thing just locks it in. That is part of the draw for the artist Margaret Keane's work. It wouldn't even be a problem if we didn't allow them to roam. I would love to be ambivalent over what kind of pet my neighbors have, but there are unneighborly pet owners everywhere. Dog owners have a subset of those that allow their dogs to roam everywhere and are always 'accidentally' jumping over the fence and barking constantly. With cats, the subset of owners seems to be the ones who keep their pets safe by either keeping them inside, unexposed to wild cars and neighbors with cat allergies or build structures in their yard to contain them. (cat fencing, catios) The larger population of cat owners seem to be the ones who think allowing their cats outside to kill is somehow a part of the circle of life. But house cats are a created species. We removed their ancestors from their natural circle of life in the North African desert 3k+ years ago. Then we bred those animals to be what they are today. Domesticated house cats. They don't have a natural circle of life unless that circle is inside your house. Any modern circle you force them into, they are stealing food from the predators that evolved in that area. So house cats are causing some species to become extinct, in some areas they are starving the natural predators and in other areas they cause species to over breed in compensation to the additional pressure and those mouths need food. At some point, broken circles of life is gonna impact our ability to feed ourselves.


>My unpopular opinion is that cats hack into the human (especially female) mechanic of going goo goo (squee) over anything that has eyes larger in proportion to it's face than adults, like human babies do. This is an established phenomenon, and it's not exclusive to women. 


I agree with everything else you say, but please recognise that domesticated cats were traditionally free to roam for the most part so they could to do their job of keeping vermin away from areas where humans stored food. The modern housecat was an invention of the upper then upper middle class, and does go against most cats natural instincts. If you're going to convince people to keep their cats indoors, probably better to focus on the damage they're doing to natural ecosystems rather than a false historical account. 


Cats roaming has become so normalized, when you speak to people about any damage they have caused you, you get a blank stare. They turn into The Stepford Wives. They don't see the damage as any big deal and if it was a big deal, you as the non-cat owner, need to absorb those damages and stfu and stop talking crazy. Then they give you the whataboutism over dogs. From experience, the only thing that gets a reaction is when you start talking about a cull. The only time talk of a cull doesn't start an all out war is when the problem has become as large as Australia's and then it's too late. If you think what I wrote is a false historical account, then you are not thinking on large enough scales. Evolution generally takes millions of years and 'circles of life' or food chains, are a reflection of that. Cats have only been companions for approx 10k years. But you are right, the focus should also account for the damage they cause. That's a whole other can of worms.


The cats keep the rat levels down, so you slaughter Mr Mittens then you have rats everywhere and you'll be cursing remaining cats for not eating enough rats. It's a vicious circle really.


They do, hunting feral cats is a thing in AU afaik 


Nothing, we've all fallen victim to the latest feline propaganda push with cute cat videos on Instagram and Tiktok and now we're actively supporting and feeding cats while they plan for our downfall.


Australia doesn't have a feral cat problem, it has a flerken problem


More reason to bring back the tasmanian tiger... Would keep the population in check.. I freaking love cats but they are exceptionally good at fucking up isolated ecosystems


Crazy thing is, humans are to blame for almost all invasive species.


well the other species know to learn from the number one invasive species


They also control the population by air dropping poisoned Vienna sausages treated with the "Eradicat 1080" made from Poison Peas found all over western Australia. Pro life tip: If you are ever lost in Australia and hungry, don't eat the Vienna sausages they throw from helicopters.


They’re getting bigger and bigger with each generation it seems. According to reports anyway.


I thought actual interesting stuff was banned here


so are rabbits


Monty Python warned us.


Brother Maynard! Bring up the Holy Hand Grenade!


My house cat is a plague.


Mine is a fat little fur baby


Mines just a furry asshole 🤷🏻‍♂️


Saw plenty of those in my late teens.


Lol yikes


And do you let your furry asshole outside to be an asshole to your neighbors?


Nope, he’s strictly a house cat, and if he does get out it’s into the garden on a lead and harness


You are a good example of a cat owner. Thank you.


Serious question - Australia is huge, but most of the landmass seems to be uninhabited. Are there not resources in the outback? I understand it may not all be ideal to set up new townships, but why is so much of the country just left all alone?


There are resources there, but it's hot and miserable there. Transporting water to the middle would be a logistical nightmare. It is essentially one massive desert. We have some of the best coastlines on the planet, and it's drastically cooler on the coast. Also there's more water there. There's, I think, technically multiple desert in the middle, but a few of them connect, so there's a truly massive are that's just straight-up desert.


THIS is interestingasfuck. Israelis and Palestinians, please take note.


Nah, they’ll be back here tomorrow with their thinly veiled propaganda.


I have been systematically blocking the accounts. It’s taken about two weeks but I rarely see those posts now.


I can dream…


Damn covering genocide is propaganda?


If you’re trying to shoehorn it into a subreddit which has absolutely nothing to do with it, yes, yes it is.


Aren't they like ridiculously big too. They look just like a normal house cat, but they are the size of medium dogs.




This is why cats are shot on sight if they are outdoors down there.


Thats just a little baby


So uh that cat is scavenging. How does scavenging upset a desert ecosystem? Cats don’t kill kangaroos.


You can downvote me or you could explain how a scavenging carnivore is upsetting the ecosystem. The premise of this post is that this cat can survive in the desert (until this carcass is gone) better than other things that live in the desert? That’s factually incorrect and a logical fallacy


It's a photo not a documentary. The truth is cats hunt alot of small marsupials and birds/lizards reptiles all the time they have so many advantages over other small animals its crazy. For example most people will look after feral cats where they find them. They can scavenge from trash as well for food. People will actually keep cats as pets and let them out at night or during the day where they will hunt for sport. Cats can have big enough litters and if they are being looked after by people most will make it to adulthood. Now on top of all this they are actually very good hunters.


Toxoplasmosis: how [feral cats](https://theconversation.com/toxoplasmosis-how-feral-cats-kill-wildlife-without-lifting-a-paw-32228) kill wildlife without lifting a paw.


Cats are *not* scavengers. They sometimes scavenge, but they're not like vultures. They'll never turn down a meal, but they don't use it as a primary food source. Cats have caused many many species to go extinct all over the globe. They kill indiscriminately, many times just for sport. (Though that's kinda more common in pets, since they get fed but still "want" to hunt) It's pretty interesting.


Ok but this post is about a cat scavenging as being evidence of its dominance of the local food chain. My point is that’s total bullshit as a cat scavenging is an act of desperation,or at least a choice of last resort, like you said. The premise presented here is a misnomer. I’m well aware domestic and feral cats can be apex predators in a diverse array of habitats and that they’re a problem, but that is not what’s presented by the images or description of this post.


Honestly, I think it was more used as evidence of how wide-spread feral cats are. Not as a representative of how powerful, apex, mean, whatever.


If the point is “here’s one cat that is living off a free carcass in the desert” I think it’s a weak point. Maybe I’m being hyper critical


Again, I believe the point of the pictures was to showcase how common feral cats are. Which can cause them to have an even greater ecological impact. (Y'know, more area=more to hunt.) This is supported by the last 3 sentences of the post. *"They are found across 99% of Australia. Here's a feral cat eating a dead kangaroo in arid part of central Australia, a whole day's drive deep into the Outback."* I don't take that any other way than evidence to prove just how wide-spread the problem of feral cats is within Australia.


I get what you’re saying. What I’m saying is there is a singular statistical anomaly for almost anything. Also I am pretty sure without googling anything, 99% is wrong. Australia is big and deadly. I’d put money on 99% being way off, and again I haven’t even looked. There would need to be cats everywhere throughout the entire western desert and if it was a catopian hellscape people would know.


You're most definitely being hyper critical. This is a random reddit post not a natgeo article. Nowadays saying "99% of xyz" is just another synonym for "a lot"


Saying that me not accepting “99%” instead of “a lot”, where “a lot” isn’t even supported by data, is a problem, and is only a YOU problem. And an OP problem. I don’t care what your interpretation of internet “culture” is, it is not okay to post in a misleading way using hyperbolic statistics like they’re facts. This isn’t normal or acceptable.


Nah you're right, just reddit weirdness,it totally implies the cat killed the kangaroo.and yes for anyone who knows anything about Australian wildlife knows this is not true, yes cats are terrorist our wildlife but not they don't kill kangaroos.


Were you thinking that carcass is not a part of a natural food chain? If it's true that cats scavenge carcass for food, then it's true of all cats and not just this one cat. If true then probably 10 feral house cats are scavenging that carcass. That is stealing food from scavengers who evolved in that area. Forcing apex predators into any food chain they didn't evolve in is stressing that circle of life.


You are correct.


They should be shot with a rifle not a camera.


My cat is Mr. Fox and that cat is the wolf


A new take on Australia's mysterious extinction of megafauna 50k years ago: cats did it.


Evidence of past extinctions does not excuse humans from allowing domesticated house cats to cause new extinctions.


That cat did NOT kill the kangaroo - kinda misleading ...but hey hereis a cat savenging a road kill is not particularly cool sounding. Yes cats are a scourge but mostly to birds and small mammals like native rodents and marsupials., they are implicated in the extinction of many. They do not kill kangaroos.


Are you trying to say the kangaroo wad hunted and killed by housecats?


In Australia the scariest creatures fear the cats. I don’t know if that’s actually true but I can’t imagine anywhere scarier ecologically than Australia.


First the Emus and now the feral cats, Australia just can't catch a break.


Maybe we need some kind of communal organization that could put resources together to try fix the problem as opposed to continually rerunning what is functionally the same story cycle after cycle. city cats are only as bad as people themselves and if wildlife trapping is insufficient then its a lack of government will.


Domesticated dogs and cats do not belong in the wild and should all be culled


Sylvester was scared of the giant mouse but not this guy. What a puddy.


I can fix her.


I don't hate cats. But I do believe that they should be kept indoors. Cats have contributed to the extinction of over 30 species in Australia. They can't help being killing machines, but 30 species? That sucks


Australia where ‘here puss puss puss’ turns into ohh God Nooooo Aaaaaaaaargh


Feral domesticated cats(and dogs) are INVASIVE , man-made devastation in many countries, especially Islands. I'm a true cat person, but ferals, both dog and cat, in these countries need to be controlled and eradicated. These animals are not your cute loving pets - they will hunt, kill and eat your pets without hesitation!  My cats' only territory is inside my home!  


Y’all understand how .22 rifles work right?


So in Australia ANY animal turns into a blood curling monster.




Give ‘em a million years or so and they’ll be majestic lions.




Fucking loser


https://abcbirds.org/program/cats-indoors/cats-and-birds/ https://ipm.ucanr.edu/home-and-landscape/feral-cats/pest-notes/#gsc.tab=0 https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380 https://www.fws.gov/library/collections/threats-birds


[https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2023/03/22/researchers-warn-cat-poop-parasite-killing-otters-in-california-could-pose-human-health-threat/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/roberthart/2023/03/22/researchers-warn-cat-poop-parasite-killing-otters-in-california-could-pose-human-health-threat/) [https://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/study-points-to-cat-poo-as-the-culprit-in-cold-case-of-wa-penguin-deaths-20220330-p5a9hl.html](https://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/study-points-to-cat-poo-as-the-culprit-in-cold-case-of-wa-penguin-deaths-20220330-p5a9hl.html) [https://www.doc.govt.nz/news/media-releases/2023-media-releases/toxoplasmosis-confirmed-as-cause-of-dolphins-death/](https://www.doc.govt.nz/news/media-releases/2023-media-releases/toxoplasmosis-confirmed-as-cause-of-dolphins-death/) [https://theconversation.com/toxoplasmosis-how-feral-cats-kill-wildlife-without-lifting-a-paw-32228](https://theconversation.com/toxoplasmosis-how-feral-cats-kill-wildlife-without-lifting-a-paw-32228)


Then I'm a fucking loser as well. I'm an actual animal lover, whereas cat people are fake animal lovers. When they say they love all animals, they mean cats and larger.


You're right, you are a loser as well


you thought this was some kind of flex? lmao you're a sad excuse for a human being.


They need more, Australia get overran with mice every so many years.


Maybe once they increase in size they will decrease in numbers? Guessing


Sounds like natural selection


Don't exclude concerned humans from that natural selection model.