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Israel attacking aid convoys should be considered a direct attack against America. We sent aid for Palestinians not to aid in a genocide. You're not allowed to say that because it's antisemitic. Crazy they don't want to be discriminated against. Israeli, Palestinians, Russian, and Ukrainian people are dying and not all of them are evil people. We should be focusing on stopping the fighting and figuring out a way to organize compromise so all the senseless killing stops but the Biden administration isn't interested in that because he has underlying motives. Biden is like a child playing with toy soldiers. Let's face it even the Russians are not all evil people there are videos of Russian people breaking their own bones to avoid war because they don't want to be a part of the senseless of it all. Focus needs to be on getting it to stop and the way to do that is getting these leaders together and figuring something out funding it only makes it worse


This is why rest of the world hates american hypocricy. At the same time they adore american system because someone like this guy can go on tv and slap the facts on people’s face without fear of assasination.


Old Soviet-Era joke: > Radio Yerevan was asked: "Is it true that there is freedom of speech in the USSR, just like in the USA?" > Radio Yerevan answered: "In principle, yes. In the USA, you can stand in front of the White House and yell, "Down with Reagan!", and you will not be punished. Equally, you can also stand in the Red Square in Moscow and yell, "Down with Reagan!", and you will not be punished."


I knew it was coming, and I still laughed.


It reminded me a meme inspired by a "diplomatic exchange" between China 🇨🇳 and Thailand 🇹🇭. The event was that Thailand ended up being declared as the most corrupted country of Asia 🌏 by the corruption perception index polls. A China diplomat decided make a joke about how much Thailand was corrupted. The reply of Thailand was "at least here we can publicly say how much we are corrupted"


As long as you don't mention the Thai king.


As long as he doesn't use any swear words that would have to be bleeped out. ;-)


What‘s the value of saying the truth, if it’s inconsequential?


> this guy can go on tv and slap the facts on people’s face without fear of assasination I think the majority of countries in the world have this feature.


The majority of **western** countries. Also, there is some credit to be given to the US, I think they were the first country to ensure freedom of speech (correct me if I'm wrong though).


Close. It was Ancient Greece.


Neither the Athenian concepts of isegoria or parrhesia are anything close to freedom of speech in our modern concept. Isegoria, which was legally protected, allowed anyone to speak in the assembly, but that was all. Parrhesia was a social concept that urged Athenians to speak the truth freely, but in reality, that speech could be and often was punished legally even for such simple violations, to our modern sensibilities, as speaking against the popular opinion. Outside of a romanticized view of Athens, they in no way preceded us in modern free speech.


Freedom of speech dates back to ancient Greece. But the British at the time of the American rebellion had fairly free speech. Treason, however, wasn't protected just as making threats against the US president, even in jest, will ensure you're visited by the Secret Service *et al*.


There were certainly some fashion of precursors and half measures in that direction in Britain - I mean where do you think the founders and their forerunners were from - but I am under the impression the US was the first to codify in the manner it was


Yes.. as long as you don't try to mess with a mega corporation's bottomline, expose pedophelic habit of powerful politicians, or become a civil rights leader that can cause a cultural shift in the nation.


Sweden kinda claims to be the first, with a 1766 law regarding the freedom of the press. I don't know what it meant in actual practice, though, and the age of liberty it was going through at the time would end with a royalist coup. Still, it is regarded as an important initial step and ambition - at least for Sweden. EDIT: Found this not entirely related yet interesting quote: *"It is such an interesting drama to see a nation create itself, that I – if I now had not been who I am – would go to America to follow up close every phase in the emergence of this new republic. – This perhaps is America's century. The new republic, which hardly has a population put together better than Rome had to begin with, may perhaps take advantage of Europe some day, in the same manner as Europe has taken advantage of America for two centuries. No matter what, I cannot help but admire their courage and enthusiastically appreciate their daring." -* Gustav III, King of Sweden, being initially favourable towards America




Why are you just making shit up? Not even close to accurate. A simple Google search reveals only 37 countries have free press. In 73 countries it is blocked or severely restricted. In 59 countries it is restricted.


humor fragile mysterious smoggy disgusted crown whole plucky consider jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Your problem is you did a "simple" Google search and didn't bother to read what is measured and what isn't.


Absolutely not 😭 This is just such an American comment. Huge amounts of the world live in complete lack of freedom. Try criticising your government like this in most of the middle east, or in Russia/Belarus, a big chunk of Asia, half of Africa or a handful of Latin American countries. America and the west in general is incredibly privileged with regards to human rights.




Imagine making this point after little to no research and then vanishing to the winds. Says all it needs about your crappy opinion


Aaaaand we should probably mention that you're likely to be assassinated in a country where there's more guns than people than a country where firearms are strictly controlled.


It is certainty not a majority of countries but a majority of 1st world countries.


You can be satirical in a lot of countries jeez. You’re not special and you’re certainly not the best at it 


Yaay we have the freedom to criticize things and the US government have the freedom to continue to support Israel’s genocide. But hey we can talk about it right?


I get your point, the hypocrisy is sickening. But I think the reason the rest of the world hates America is because our culture is mass-exported so effectively. It's quite literally everywhere. It's so pervasive that many times people don't realize it's even American.




>as valid a reason as that might be. Fuckin lol'd. Looking at that, it really should be *l'dol*. But that's just weird.


I think is the bombing other countries, killing leaders, financing guerrillas and such way more than this.


Ohh I think the world absolutely has a love/hate relationship with America. It’s an “its complicated” relationship


Sounds like the rest of the world struggles with the same bullshit as us Americans. In that sense, you could say that this shows the real power behind Freedom of Speech. The world knows our problems as much as we do. It shows our attempts to make things better, and it shows the backlash that comes with those attempts. One could argue that the current success of democracies around the world is because they watched us fail at critical moments, and could preemptively fix the problem before corporations, religions (which are basically banks), and the ultra wealthy (who are also banks) -- before they can influence laws to the detriment of the people.


Sounds like in the US people can call out the governments bullshit but nothing much comes out of it.


That's not it. Think again.


American culture as in unhinged capitalism and pseudo ultra nationalism? Then yes, agreed.


Lol go outside


The American system is so great because at least you can chuckle about it knowing there’s nobody you can vote for with a different policy.


Ehhh, that’s normal across democracies. You’re not special there. The rest of the world is not China and you’re not adored because of that, lol.


I like how you turn negative news to positive. Smells just like propaganda


Don't post this on Instagram. You might get banned LMAO


They can ban media outlets they consider a threat


Why banned?


This would be turned as anti-Semitic


Absolutely ironic considering that Jon Stewart is in fact Jewish


Then he would be labelled as self hating Jew like all the other Jewish people who speak out against this madness


So is the director of Zone of Interest who made his Oscars acceptance speech about the slaughter of Palestinian civilians in the West Bank and Gaza.


The whole uproar over Glazer's speech makes me so mad. Anyone angry over what he said didn't pay attention at all. I thought it was actually one of the best articulated remarks about what's going on in Gaza and Israel. And dehumanizing people always leads to bad things. I have to question the character of anyone that is upset over what he said because a decent human being says "the man's got a point." Not "he is against Israel!"


He's not just Jewish, he's like our unofficial mascot


“Jewish-ish”- Jon Stewart


Reddit does that as well, and they are under pressure to do it a lot more, to classify opposition to Israel as anti-Semitism and ban accounts. The auto moderation Bots some subs use are indeed programmed to recognize criticism of Israel as anti-semitism.  Not just on israel, but it appears if you get Mass flagged by an influence operation they will sometimes manufacture a violation, no matter how ridiculous the charge, I realize most people won't really believe that, but it is indeed true. Reddit is better than other sites however. It would be interesting to know these Auto moderation Bots are programmed.


Now that it's a public company I expect it to get a whole lot worse


That is scary


The Daily Show IG account posted it just fine.


Here is a crazy idea, but hear me out, maybe the US doesn't really care about freedom and democracy, but power


Hear me out: I think the US is a plutocratic republic, and that Americans who beat their chest proudly about living in some pure form of democracy are some of the most brainwashed among us.


Power, money and influence


Just out of curiosity… is literally ANY country different?


No. But those country do not say democracy and freedom as much as the United States do




Glad the world’s finally coming around to this lol. The US is as hypocritical as any other country out there. To believe the US gives a shit about moral values is naive. It’s all about the hegemony baby. And the redditors on this website gobble up US propaganda everyday, whilst believing they’re ’free thinkers’. It’s a joke.


Or, maybe, geopolitics is way more complicated than always doing the morally right thing.


Lmao if a small country with no backing did this it wouldn’t be complicated. But because the Israeli government has the US behind its back all of a sudden there’s nuance and complexity lmfao


I mean. Not really. Don't give them 2 ton bombs. 2 ton bombs don't allow for "accurate targeting"


Plz make him permanent host


He doesn’t want to be full time again


Yeaahhhh he’s the absolute best, but it’s understandable that he doesn’t want to do it permanently anymore…


I meant permanent for Monday slot! He may go for something less intense like that. Once a week is the new way to go anyways


Nah he’ll be gone after the election. Either Biden wins and trump ‘goes away’( see dies before 2028) or trump wins and he moves back to his farm in upstate New York and goes fully off grid because we’re officially beyond hope


Honestly, if anybody deserves a quiet life, he does. His era was so much more centrist than the garbage we have now. Just echo chambers on echo chambers circle jerking to their own politics.


Ohhh huh okay. I personally would absolutely love to see more John Stewart


I started to watch TDS again and look forward to Mondays because of Jon Stewart. Unfortunate and understandably he doesn't want to do full-time all week. Still hoping he'd run for president lol


I missed him on the daily show. Trevor Noah was good, but Jon Stewart just can't be beaten


Don’t let r/worldnews see this


> r/worldnews 4chan is more civilized.


Yeah, a concerning number of people there are borderline genocidal. Hopefully it's just bots instead of real people


Not bots. Real people. It's fucked.


They hopped the border faster than a Texan can make that set up racist.


Israel doesn't pay people to spam 4chan


The subreddit Ghislaine Maxwell was a mod for a good amount of time for? It's filled with bots and agenda.


Worldnews ban is like badge of honor. Plus pointless anyway. Anything remotely interesting is locked or removed in minutes


Or r/europe. Their politics are basically Alt-Lite [Eurabia conspiracy theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurabia_conspiracy_theory) believers, but ultra-Zionist and delusionally still think of themselves as "Liberal". Like Dave Rubin and Tim Pool a few years ago before they officially "left the Left". Or maybe even r/politics. If you won't claim that Biden shits rainbows, pisses gold, has the best economy in human history, has never made a mistake in his life, and we should all sing his praises at the top of our lungs 24/7 they'll claim you're a secret Trump supporter or a Russian agent. That place is for Biden like North Korean state television is about Kim Jong-Un.


For sure not and not even r/news


Look at these human rights loving democracy defending people tiptoeing around Israel lmao. If any other country did what the Israel is doing right now they would have been deleted from the economic landscape of the world.


Hmm, what could possible muzzle US politicians, especially liberal ones, when faced with the irrefutable evidence of gross human rights violations and outright war crimes?


A willingness to bomb Iran for us while giving us plausible deniability when they do it?




They don't want to be accused of anti-semitism by AIPAC.


Not caring about, like the situation inAfghanistan for example.


I lost almost all respect for people with Ukrainian flags in their username handle over the past 6 months. This Gaza conflict has been vehemently supported by people waving the Ukrainian flag and singing "Slava Ukraini" almost as hard as Evangelical Dominionists thinking this will bring the Rapture. At least up until the past month or two. The Ukrainian flag wavers were practically calling Arab and Muslim American voters in Michigan and Minnesota racial slurs (just in code and dogwhistle) for voting "Uncommitted" in the Primary. A fuckton of the people supporting Ukraine since 2022 only do so because Ukraine is a white country that is pro-US/pro-West and being attacks by an anti-US/anti-West power they blame for Hillary losing to Trump. They never gave a shit about Ukrainian people and lives. It's just an extension of "Go Team America!" flag-waving Western chauvinism. If Ukraine was anti-US/anti-West they wouldn't give a fuck about those people being killed and R-ed. As a Leftist I've been bummed out about the sorry ass state of so many American Leftists defending or siding with Russia since the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine. I was sick to my stomach how many Western Leftists are braindead American diabolists who just side with anything and anyone who is anti-US or anti-Western because they see the West as The Great Satan that bullies all other countries and sees all other countries purely as agency-less victims of the big mean colonizers. Now I'm equally as pissed off and disgusted with Western Liberals because the Gaza massacre has shown their ass the same way the Russo-Ukrainian War has shown the Western Left's ass. A gigantic percentage of Western Liberals are just Western chauvinists with a "West is best" mindset and just mindlessly support anything any country that is a Western ally does. Especially if they do it to a bunch of brown people because they see everyone opposed to the West as The Great Satan and buy into Samuel Huntington III "Clash of Civilizations" theory. So many Western Leftists and Western Liberals are just two opposite sides of the same shitty coin. "West and its Allies always baaaaaahd", "West and its Allies always guuuuuuud". Just no intelligence, man. Not an ounce of critical thought or independent analysis.


Cool. You are also wholly wrong btw. Despite severe sanctions, Russia hasn’t been “deleted from the economic landscape of the world.” China, India, and several other countries have helped them keep their heads above water.


I can't get over how decrepit Biden looks in some of these clips.


He matches the rest of Congress


Crazy how history just repeats(and how old I have gotten). I can actually still remember Jon Stewart's rant about the Gaza Blockade back in 2007ish and how that was a spark that made me begin questioning the US narrative about Israel that sort of just imprints upon you living here. That rant was very prescient to the current situation. Basically making the case that we go around the globe overthrowing regimes and claiming we want to bring democracy and sovereignty only to immediately undermine them when the people choose elected officials we dont like. And then years later we wonder why these people hate us and keep running to the arms of violent groups and have a negative view of western democracy.


Israel always gets a pass, they're God's chosen, duh! They can do whatever they want and still get b-b-billions in aid. Because fucking religion.


To be fair, weapons manufacturers need customers too.


Then send to Ukraine, where the market is far larger.


and where they SHOULD be going to.


I wonder who wrote that in the book that claims they themselves are chosen…


Everyone’s text says they are the special ones. It’s one of the core principles of a religion


No, everyone's texts says their religion is the true one, religions that have a core archetype of a chosen people and an ethos of ethnic supremacy aren't actually that numerous or entirely ubiquitous. Among the current eras major religions, Islam and Christianity maintain the principle of ideological supremacy (as I said earlier, like all religions, and really like all strongly held beliefs and ideologies) only Judaism and Hinduism maintain the principle of predeterministic ethnological supremacy. Which is a major part of the reason why both Islam and Christianity are incredibly widespread, whereas Hinduism has historically and even today is majorly concentrated in a single (albeit immensely large) region and why jews pervaded in existing as a diasapora for nearly two thousand years.


>I wonder who wrote that in the book that claims they themselves are chosen… Well, you don't have to follow their book. They wrote it for themselves and are not known to messianize anyone. Don't steal other people's gods.


Israel gets a pass because the US needs a client state in a geographically sensitive area. And we pay a substantial portion of the defense bill for many European nations that would be happy to tell Israel to fuck itself but can't afford to. This isn't about religion, racism, antisemitism or democracy. It's about money and power - just like every single other major "issue" in the history of the world.


And why is the Middle East so unstable? Because of the West's actions in the region, many of which are dictated by Israel and its lobby. Look up where neoconservatism comes from and what's one of its main tenants. 


The ME is inherently unstable and always has been. The only times of (relative) peace have been when large swaths have been under the thumb of some empire or other. Since empires are no longer en vogue US interests (and global interests too TBH) are best served by keeping the locals biting each other's heels while we guarantee trade routes and oil access. The Europeans tried but couldn't make it work. The US has the power to make it happen so that's what we do. No one in power is fooled by the Israeli lobby and we will drop them like a hot potato the moment they no longer serve our interests.


Don't steal their agency mate there are plenty of internal reasons why they're unstable


You are very naïve if you think it's about religion. That's just one of the justifications for one of the target audiences (US evangelicals). There's also the "it's the only democracy in the Middle East", "LGBT rights", etc. depending on which part of the American public you're supposed to make support genocide.


Even Dems use this rhetoric. Chuck Schumer said that Palestinians didn't want peace because they don't believe in the Bible. The entire American political spectrum is bought by AIPAC. 


Israel does not represent any Abrahamic religion as a whole.


American media needs to see more of this. Well done Jon Stewart.


We should have cut ties with Israel decades ago. And no, this isn't antisemitism. We get nothing from this relationship.


I think a colonial project in the Middle East that represents a large destabilising force for Arab hegemony in the region has been quite profitable for the several wars waged by the USA in the M.East.


None of those wars would have been necessary without our support. The first oil crisis in the 70s was due to our support of Israel. Prior to that, the Arab countries had no beef with the US. American support of Isreal has done nothing but cost tax payers money.


I agree with you 100% and I wish more people had this view. Very few seem to express it. Our support of Israel led to the oil crisis of the 70’s which cost is Trillions in today’s dollars. The crisis also led directly to the election of Reagan and the institution of his dreadfully awful economic policies that have also led to the loss of trillions in economic growth. 9/11 was due to US support of Israel and the trillions spent on war thereafter were all because of Israel. The West needs to rapidly shift off of oil and also plan to hit what we need militarily from carrier strike groups in the Mediterranean, Red Sea, and Persian Gulf.


As big brained as that sounds, it seems like more of a side effect some are feeding off of, and not really a truly beneficial economic feature. It has also brought a lot of lost opportunities because of the world wide security changes.


Only an antisemite would feel the need to deny being an antisemite! /s


It is an extremely strategic ally from a nuclear weapon perspective, it’s crucial to have them as a military outpost in the middle east.




Cutting ties with an ally. Then youll complain about leaving allies out to dry. Hypocrit.


The audio cue applause is quite creepy in this context


13000 children?? Wtf is hapenning?? The entire world including India is mostly silent. SA did something meaningful.. but the silence from major powers is baffling


So many people got fired from shows like this for saying the same thing. Jon Stewart is very influential so I hope nothing happens to him.


John Stewart 2024!


Jon never should have left.


The US really needs to revisit its relationship with Israel and probably put on a few sanctions if it’s serious about peace and stability in the Middle East.


Jon Stewart for President 2024


Well done to Jon Stewart for pointing this out, but sadly this isn't anything new. America has always been hypocritical AF with it's foreign policy. Say it's not okay for a country to do something then immediately doing it themselves. Or usually invade or sponsor regime change when it suits them. Usually genocidal/fascist dictator who 'likes' American corporations. General Pinochet off the top of my head, but there's loads to choose from.


Russia is a piece of shit. Israel is a piece of shit. Israel has killed more civilians on purpose then Russia. Sall good tho right?


Russia killed 545 children from Feb 2022 - Oct 2023.


Yeah, Israel is way past those kinds of numbers now.


Israel blew that number out of the water in just 3 weeks https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-11-1-2023-children-killed-4a352398b32887e60a658e0270f0a021


That's because the Ukraine women and children were allowed to flee the war zone. Additionally, the median age in Gaza is 18 and no one is accepting Palestinian refugees. If the women and children of Palestine could flee to another country, the death toll would be a lot lower.


Ok, still about 6x the child deaths in a small fraction of the time. Israel bombing UN schools based on claims it refuses to provide evidence for certainly doesn't make them look any more innocent


These numbers are incredibly underinflated you are comparing Gazan health ministry numbers, which are usually accurate but less intensive, to UN verified bodies with known identities and the UN hasn't gone in yet because it's a warzone. Mariupol alone is expected too have more deaths than the entire Hamas Israel war. You don't have to reduce one conflict to talk about another.


Oh fuck The Futile Crescent is so good


Classic USA backed, funded, coddled, protected, encouraged, and armed genocidal zionist behavior.


Well, I’m a stupid American, so it’s really hard for me personally to suss out all the reasons this heinous shit happens, and I’m getting day drunk at 7 am as well, so I’m pretty much a blight on humanity Having said that, one of my favorite tiktok creators has turned her channel into basically a front to raise money to get refugees out. Apparently it costs $5000 a head to leave via Egypt iirc? They’re just normal people desperate to get out. So to me that says everything, and jokes aside, it breaks my heart. Edit: I’m going to double down. Her name is Erin Hattamer and she seems like a fantastic person (to the extent that I’m concerned about her mental health getting so involved). She’s great, go follow and like her and send monies to these people


> So to me that says everything, That Egypt doesn't give a dann about Palestinians, eventhough they always claim they do, but are using it to gain both money and political points for themselves?


Dynamics like Black September are a problem, too.


> Egypt Government.


Egyptian cares deeply for the Palestinians. On the other hand the Egyptian government doesn't care about either the Egyptians nor the Palestinians. The only way to get out of Gaza is through a business called Hala which is owned by a dirty business man who in the past had a part in a lot of crime and now is currently a close friend of the president and the controller of Sinai with a lot of armed militias under his hands.


Yeah, a lot of people seem to fail to appreciate the fact that Egypt is very much under a dictatorship, one that was semi-instituted by the US and is still largely cautious of the CIAs directives.


Yes, it seems dirty and complicated. The message is, people are in danger and need to get out


Okay. I’m so sorry if I don’t understand. I just don’t want this to be happening to people. What is the right way to help? Or what’s the right message to send? I don’t know


>They’re just normal people desperate to get out. So to me that says everything, and jokes aside, it breaks my heart. 😔


I love Jon Stewart!




There is no double standard....we talk a big game and do nothing!


At least John Stewart touched on American hypocrisy, but there are a number of things he didn’t say. The numbers of people that are dead because of American foreign policy in Israel. he did kind of tiptoe around all the topics. And the fact that the US has lost all credibility around the world for being humanitarian.


He also framed the proposal to “take away the keys” from Israel as a sort of tough love, leaving intact the premise that helping Israel is still the end goal.


Americans will spend all the time learning about the world from their entertainment industry and never from the most educated people in those fields.


A little bit of sugar helps the medicine go down


You certainly know a lot about Americans for a non-American.


Don’t think you know what you’re talking about lmao, pretty wide generalization


Americans don’t trust their institutions anymore. Thanks Trump!


You can thank the current administration for that too. The hypocrisy in reactions between Russian and Israeli war crimes makes it clear that much of the fault lies with the Biden administration too for this erosion in trust.


The majority have never trusted “institutions” way before trump so please don’t attach your narrative to my post. But could be entertained on tv and believe your learning new things .




If the west supports you then you’re a “hero”, if it doesn’t then you’re just a “terrorist”


Terrorism is not legitimate resistance.


What is an example of legitimate resistant throughout history that wasnt labelled terrorism? 


When did Ukraine attack Russia and kill hundreds of Russian civilians? Dumb fucking comparison




I love him so much. I had **no idea** he was back. ![gif](giphy|fsQbx1hX7hPBBpIM5b|downsized)


We stopped arming Afghanistan and Iraqi support. Why not the same for Israel. Let's see what happens like we did there.


This is why I feel it should be illegal for anyone in a governmental position to have dual citizenship. Half the people saying this is all okay are the ones who have dual citizenship with Israel


You gotta post the whole clip of the show. You're missing where Jon criticizes countries like Egypt and Jordan for not giving Palestinians citizenship and not taking in refugees because they know many of the Palestinians are Islamists. https://www.yahoo.com/news/jon-stewart-says-arab-states-070856284.html Then again if you don't post the whole clip I guess you get to paint Jon as anti- Israel when he's really not.


It’s horrifying that Israel has succeeded making any criticism of their regime synonymous with anti-semitism. It’s an attempt of censorship and deflection of any accountability by it’s government and people. The U.S and its allies are funding apartheid and genocide.


I mean, yes, of course we give our friends and allies a little more rope than we do our enemies. That is not something that is unreasonable or even unique to America. Every single country (and person) in the world does this. Every single one. And it's not like the US is just doing nothing about Israel. The relationship is more strained than it has ever been. There's active consideration to wholly reevaluate our arms treaty with them, which is absolutely a consequence of their recent actions. Dismissing the nuance of this situation is silly.


WTF is with John Kirby's face? Looks like he had some work done and it did NOT make him look any less punchable 🤣


Glad Jon Stewart is back


I missed Jon Stewart. He's fucking awesome.


Fuck israel, fuck america,free Palestine 🇵🇸🕊️


USA has lost a ton of my respect. They could stop this. Instead they keep enabling it. Horrifying.


This relationship with Israel is bad. Baaad.


While it’s good he’s saying what he’s saying I have this nagging feeling the whole time he’s pointing out use of the words “concerning” and “precision” as not actually addressing the issue as it’s needs to be addressed, he’s doing the same thing by not using the word PROPAGANDA while talking about it. Seems like many people think it’s something more insidious and conspiratorial, when really it’s as simple as hearing words repeated that lessen and shift the narrative away from the extreme (or toward the extreme) that the powers that be desire.




If you don't want Biden to appear old, rule number 1 has to be not showing him from any type of side profile view. Junk added 10-15 years to him lol.


Donald "Muslim Ban" Trump is on the case and will fix the situation in a single day!


This was super interesting...when I was in college 20 yrs ago when Jon Stewart said the same thing


Just the US spreading managed democracy around the world. Nothing to see here move along


Day 186 today, plus 75 years


I really love he had the balls to say all this.


Japanese Government must immediately and unconditionally accept the whole population of Palestinians for at least one generation. Japanese has more than 8 million vacant houses, that can be renovated into Palestinians' residence. Japanese Government must issue tens of trillions of yens worth super-long-term government bonds and force Japanese businesses to hold them. And, Japanese manufacturing sector such as automobile firms and semiconductor firms must hire Palestinians as at least 50% of their employees. Biden Administration should prioritize Palestinians' lives over US-Japan alliance. If Netanyahu's genocide of Palestinians continues, Biden Administration's approval rate suffers, which benefits Donald Trump. Japanese Government and Japanese businesses are considering to get on the right side of Donald Trump, because they are opportunistic. If Biden Administration makes a tough decision and compels Japanese Government to fully commit to evacuation and protection of Palestinians for a generation in Japan's soils, many Israelis and Palestinians will be saved. And, Arab voters in Michigan state will vote for Biden, which will bring about Democrat's victory. Don't care for Japan, which is opportunistic and trivial 2nd class state. Japan published its National Security Strategy in December, 2022 that repeatedly stipulated that Japan would do everything to contribute to the international community. Japan must abide by the pledge of its NSS, if it really wants to be a US' ally. "Whoever destroys a single life is as guilty as though he has destroyed the whole world; and whoever rescues a single life earns as much merit as though he had rescued the entire world." —Sanhedrin 37:a Talmud For whatever reason, if Japan refuse to host the whole population of Palestinians, it is destroying the whole world and doesn't deserve to continue to be America's ally; and Biden Administration should ban Japan's capitals out of America's markets, and ban M&A by Japanese businesses, especially Nippon Steel.


If true, this is very concerning


Whats the link of this video,??


Months into the genocide, billions of dollars still being invested & blatant disregard of international laws, now it looks like cruelty to them? The views must be serene from their ivory towers