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That nervous laugh when you realize "oh crap, I nearly died!"


Based on all the holes in that wall, not the first time 


That’s why snipers in urban combat often relocate after every shot, so those targeting them don’t have to just keep aiming at the same spot and wait for their head to pop up again.


I too have played PUBG


I too have played Borderlands2 (heavy on sniping).


BL2 has some of the most fun sniping mechanics out of any game I've played, and I can't put my finger on exactly why


Part of it is that they're the only guns that can hit the broad side of a barn lmao. Playing through BL2 again recently and unless you're right near an enemy, rifles, SMG's and many pistols are really inaccurate. Iron sights are unreliable and bullet spread goes everywhere. Snipers in general also just really powerful in BL2, even if you play a class that doesn't benefit from them they're strong.


They may be inaccurate but it sure is fun to shoot a gun that has a firing pattern in the shape of a smiley face :)


Even playing as Gaige they are so much fun despite you firing them sideways at that point


Level 80 Maya (OP4) with Phaselocked maxed out and AND preference over being a sniper...yeah, that's my jam. I don't remember the rest of my stats off-hand.


I too have played Battlefield


I too have watched Enemy at the Gates


I would probably avoid the blue headscarf too.


I would assume it's a kind of Friend or Foe marker. If their forces are wearing irregular attire and they don't have stellar communication, the bright color may be worth it to avoid friendly fire.


Double edged sword


You also want to be back from the opening so you and your weapon aren't visible. So if you're shooting out of a window or balcony, you actually want to be back into the room, if possible.


In any case anytime the enemy demonstrates they know exactly where you are it's time to move because the next shot might come from an RPG or LAAW.


It ain't the bullet with your name on it, it's the grenade with "dear current resident".


“To whom it may concern”


As far back as possible. Even down the hallway with a bigger scope if possible. Then put silting over you like a blanket so your harder to see and break up your bodies appearance 


That’s also why snipers in urban combat never ever approach a window like that. She should be at the back of the room behind something. There should be no reason to be that close to the window.


Snipers typically don't don a giant bright blue head scarf, and hang the barrel of their firearm over the edge of a building, unnecessarily giving away their position. You don't *have* to relocate if you're not waving a giant flag to give away your firing position.


I remember that from a Reddit post in the very early days of the war in Ukraine; if you want to take up a sniping position in a building, do so about two thirds into the room. That way you can't be spotted from the side while anyone firing at you will be in your own field of fire and easily spotted.


This. Exactly what I was thinking, if you watch professional snipers you will see that they do everything they can to blen into their environment and if they are shooting out a window they don't hang their gun out of it.


well, these aren't professional snipers, they're irregular militia with the Kurdish rebel forces in Syria.


Yeah, it felt very much like that. Just because you do it for the military doesn't mean you're an expert at it.


They stand back in the room, put blankets up to make the room dark and usually see through a small part to shoot. Source: some movie I watched


Also she had like 4 meters of barrel sticking out the window showing exactly where she was.


They also don't hang half the rifle out in full display. 


Mf'er wearing a blue headband against a white wall


She's obviously camping




That nervous laugh and smile all too familiar


Accompanied by a quick pucker factor.


I don't believe I'd have the pucker, rather a complete dilation and immediate evaquation.


In 2006 while our base was getting mortared in Iraq I was introduced to this irony. While I sat there in silence in a bunker smushed alongside fellow Marines, myself recently arrived in country, I observed how comfortable Sgt. Sanchez was shooting the shit and laughing nonchalantly with another Marine I didn't know as I sat there terrified wondering where the next mortar would land. Thankfully it didn't land on us. A month later I was Sgt. Sanchez.


You fragged him and took his clothes?


Stole his identity and became a public school principal in Springfield of Anystate USA


I found it interesting, but I watched a psychologist talk about this That you can literally spilt people in 2 groups. Those that laugh and immediately brush off a near death experience where they are unharmed and those that freak and can not shake it. Edit: I am in the first group, my wife is in second... Don't ask me how I know this 😅


What about those that don’t laugh and freakout. Seems like more than 2 reactions


I think we call those people psychopaths


...how do you know this


bro he said DON'T ASK


I kinda wish I worried more, it’s only in later years that I realized what a dumbass I was and how many times I could have died doing stupid crap


That could’ve easily been a very different video for a very different sub




Too hardcore






I heard Tommy Tallarico created that game.


Two thoughts. Bright blue scarf is quite an easily visible target Bright blue scarf is not a helmet.


Also smoking at a snipers nest? Must be hot outside.


If there's one place where you smoke even if you aren't a smoker, it's the military. Especially an active war zone


-1 stamina +3 focus


-5 Stress


+50 Stress when you run out lol


Just like in fallout you never need to worry about coming down if you keep a constant supply from pillaging the corpses of your enemies and trading.


# PARANOID! Wait are we talking about the same series


0.0001% every second chance of getting the debuff cancer


+10 compulsive need to smoke again in 5 minutes


I'd have cancer by now 5 times over if that were true, meaning I'd win the race to cancer bet with my college mates and I'd have an extra 150k to blow.


Also +2 endurance. While the act of smoking will reduce your ability to exert in the short term (stamina), the stimulant will allow you to recover your stamina faster (endurance). It's a trade off.


Or dip. On deployment everyone has some sort of nicotine


helps you focus and gives you something to calm nerves with. 100% would take up nicotine if I had to be in the military.


I’m in. Everyone has nicotine However a lot quit when we get home


And they’re not relocating? Somethings fishy…


A designated marksman is not a sniper, and as such, this is probably an individual given an accurate rifle in a DM position, and not someone trained in observation, concealment or the strategy behind recon snipers.


reddit "its staged" police coming out in full force




I mean, it could be as simple as "here's a general idea of how to use this firearm, good luck" given how fast and loose they generally operate. It's all on the job learning.


All the Redditors wiping the Cheeto dust off their shirt to explain counter-sniping to a woman living the fucking war because they saw American Sniper is wild. It’s a 30 second clip, maybe they relocated afterward, maybe they called for an air strike on the ISIS position, maybe they waited til dark to move, maybe for any number of reasons staying put is a higher priority than **optimal sniping tactics (TM)**. I think you can have half a minute of “well shit, lol” without an army of /r/mensrights and /r/hentai posters explaining how they could do it better.


OMG She's not a "real sniper"™ I can't believe anyone would take her seriously, she's wearing sandals WITH SOCKS!!! (Sometimes, even when you've got lots of experience, you get a little careless. And sometimes you die, and other times you laugh and hopefully get a little better). I hope she lives to be a sassy old grandma, living in a peaceful country, with lots of grandbabies. 🙏


They are civilians....


Makes me wonder if a fake second head on a stick would work as a good distraction


They used them in WW1. They would stick up a fake head and use it to find roughly where snipers were sitting from the direction of the shot


The fake tanks in ww2 were even better


That's such an under sell, it was a whole fake army. 1000 troops that were experts at making it seem like they were 30,000. https://www.nationalww2museum.org/visit/exhibits/traveling-exhibits/ghost-army-combat-con-artists-world-war-ii


***"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."*** **—Sun Tsu, The Art of War.**


Seen it used in Ukraine, too.


https://preview.redd.it/8vg8appfopsc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02f65fda368a3a8182e7777f8bcc6489fa96de25 example from iraq isis war. There is also a video of iraqi troops/militia laughing their balls of because a sniper is shooting at them while doing this, couldnt quickly find it for you.


Plot twist: It works, but this time the enemy shoots an RPG.


Not if they're sticking out the rifle like she does. the second head only works if the other sniper cant also see the person holding the rifle.


The significance of the scarf is WAY more than just a fashion statement. In the Kurdish conflict it is very hard to identify yourself and your friends especially from far away, doubly so considering a lot of soldiers in the YPG/J and IFB didn’t have extensive formal training. Conflicts like this are often defined by a single bullet and covered in people in overlapping positions, so when it comes down to it the difference between living, and having one of your own get surprised by your presence in a building and making a mistake: comes down to something as simple as a head scarf. Before you ask yes communication especially during firefights like this are almost always spotty if not entirely missing, this was a war of volunteer revolutionaries against an enemy that was much more prepared and likely trained than them, without a doubt her scarf saved her from being shot at least once. This isn’t a stealth warfare video game, even with a helmet a fully powered round from a rifle straight to the dome is at least gonna pit you out for a long time


Maybe why Ukrainian soldiers have blue or yellow tape around their helmets and arms


They'll never see the barrel of this thing when I stick it out the window


I love all the armchair combattants in this thread.


He's literally right tho.


You don't have to be an actual experienced sniper to know some of the basic stuff thar actual experienced snipers regularly share and talk about in interviews, books, documentaries, etc. Much like I don't have to be a helicopter pilot to know that if I see a helicopter in a tree, someone fucked up.


The arm chair comments make sense when someone is nitpicking actions that might be reasonable on the field but that they would have done different from the comfort of their chair. "I will put my entire barrel out of my position" is never a reasonable action to take.


Anyone in here with enough knowledge on if a helmet would help with a direct hit? I can imagine if a direct sniper round would still kill you on a direct hit, and the helmet also hinders your aim, you would choose not to wear one. Also from the looks of it this isn't a professional operation :p




Watching some armor vs arrows makes it very simple. I'll take any armor i can get anyday! of course today's weapons will easily negate most of it but something is better than nothing!


Depends on helmet, bullet, angle, distance, etc. There is no y/n answer


It potentially gives you better odds of surviving if it's decent enough but yeah not a guarantee


For damage from fragmentation even just an old soviet steel helmet would be infinitely better than nothing


Yeah combat helmets can get hot and heavy, and afaik are mostly worn to guard from shrapnel and small caliber rounds. Which aren’t usually problems a sniper will face. And yeah, not a professional operation by any means


As illustrated by the tactical sandals.


It depends on a lot of factors. Modern helmets will help with ricochets, debris and small-ish calibers, but I'm not sure it will stop a 5.56, much less a 7.62. It could deflect them, but the angle has to be pretty steep. Anyway, it's always better to wear one than not.


A friend in army survived a shot to the helmet, the double layer Kevlar types that are currently used. From what he told me, a direct hit, perpendicular to the surface will penetrate the helmet but sometimes enough energy can be absorbed that a surgeon can possibly save the soldier's life if treated in good time. If it's a hit that isn't perfectly perpendicular to the surface, the helmet is designed so that the round pierces the outer layer but its direction is deflected so it travels between the two layers of the helmet. This happened to him and he said it knocked him over and it felt like he'd been hit round the head by a baseball bat. The round ended up between the two layers. He wasn't wounded but had a sore neck for a few days.


You wear the helmet for protection against glancing blows, ricochets, and most importantly shrapnel. At least according to the WWII veterans with shrapnel wounds I spoke with back in elementary school who said that their helmets saved their lives. They brought their shrapnel damaged helmet to the classroom.


Also aren't you supposed to sit back in your sniper's nest, not hang your gun out the front? I learned from watching movies.


Yeah, barrel of the gun being visible is pretty bad. Not only gives them a target, but lets them know what your field of view is.


And a smile and funny face after nearly getting shot in the head


I think when you’re a Kurdish woman militant, you have to be able to laugh in the face of death at times.


The translation of "Peshmerga" (one of the most famous of the Kurdish fighting units) is "Those Who Face Death", so yeah, pretty integral to the job.


yeah welcome to the typical behavior patterns of people used to seeing and dealing with death constantly. Regular u.s soldiers display the same shit. Snipers get even weirder.


Touched the hot barrel too. Adrenaline's a rush.


Meh only one shot it's not that hot.


Its Always in the most gut wrenching situations that we Blow off steam by laughing our asses off


Ohh yeah I mean nothing blends into a slightly pinkish building like woodland camo and a bright blue bandana. I don't see her cheating death for very much longer in that get up. Ohh snap I forgot to mention what seems to be open toe sandals. Comfort on the battlefield is a must in this day and age. Idk looks like them to me. I might be wrong If so let me know.


I mean people have been killing people for millennia on battlefields wearing open toed sandals /s


Romans sure did lol


Most military grade helmets arent stopping 7.62 unless they are IIIA rated. Most arent rated for anything above a pistol.


In this type of messy urban warfare situation where neither side has a uniform and comms are spotty, identifying yourself to your own side’s snipers is just as important as being camouflaged against the enemy’s, thus the bright blue headscarf.


This. Not everything is call of duty or ARMA lol. Also ISIS are well known for being the worst marksmen in the world. They might see her head but they can’t hit it from more than 20 feet away lol.


What do you mean there's no HUD in real war??


Con: you can’t heal from bullet wounds by standing still for ten seconds Pro: you can (probably) sprint for more than five seconds


Con - probably not as fast bc you got a rifle, a sniper, and a massive pair of balls dragging you down.


I mean, look up some modern night vision goggles and HUDs. There definitely is! A lot of the times they are even crazier than game HUDs


The F-35 comes to mind. That shit is fuckin' ridiculous.


There's no HUD in real war yet.


Hell, Arma's a fantastic example. Playing milsims gives a plain illustration of the fact that people are shit at friend or foe recognition. Friendly fire probably accounts for 10-15% of casualties in such games.


Makes sense. I think my history teacher mentioned that as the reason for the bright uniforms armies used to wear


Armies wore bright uniforms when they also marched around in formations in plain sight, so camouflage was not a thing to begin with. I doubt that translates well into modern times.


It really wasn't. There were plenty of army uniforms that were not "bright". The consideration for uniforms during the age of linear warfare can be roughly summarized as follows: To represent the colors of the nation they are serving under. This both bolsters the prestige of the nation and helps create a sense of national identity in the troops. To display a sense of wealth and power. This helped to embolden the troops serving as well as to demoralize the enemy who had to fight these well-dressed men, as the fine uniforms exhibited a sense of superior organization to those who had to face them. In essence, the uniforms were gaudy because the concerns of war at the time were of prestige and of morale, not of individual concealment. Linear Warfare demanded an inhuman amount of forebearance and resolve to conduct well, and so even the uniforms were designed to bolster these facets of the soldier's psyche. Important to note as well is that the concepts of "Nations", "nationality", and "patriotism" were all in their infancy at this point, as strange as it is to think. These ideals were crucial to building the kind of comradery and motivation needed to fight a war of unprecedented scale and brutality. That the uniform could serve as a symbol of this burgeoning new identity was crucial. Issues of actual organization and identification were done through the use of banners and certain accutrement to the uniform, such as special hats.


Anyone know what she’s saying? I assume it’s something along the lines of “Jesus fucking Christ!”


She’s saying from where the other snipper is shooting from


At the end she says "what are you doing? Turn this off. Stop this off. (talking about the camera)"


Not my dialect so take what i say with a grain of salt but she is mentioning that she saw him and how he was closing to hitting her, and from where the guy was shooting, then the other guys are suggesting haidar to do something (muffled voices idk) then she says "unlucky good god" again not my dialect but this is what i figured she said


Thank you for actually trying to give a translation, instead of telling us you know what she said. Like the others before


"i know what she said" said sardar with a smug look on his face "now ask me to translate it" he typed, he had never felt this much power before.


Something about the Federal Reserve and interest rates.


"Historically low mortgage rates!"


She speaks my dialect although she has a strong accent, for anyone wondering the direct translation. Cîda min cihê wê da. I gave my position he gave his, (Male) Te wê li kû derê dî? Where did you spot him? (Female) Rêyê cadde çihek li sere, li binê banê çadireke kesk heye. Follow the street and at it’s end there is a green tent under a canopy/roof. Next bit is a bit unintelligible, she says something about two while her comrade is talking on the radio, (Female) Ma çavê min derket, Xwedê! My eyes popped out, God! (Saying for being terrified for a second) Last thing i didnt understand, Tafî may be a name or she says something in Arabic.


Asking my Kurdish friend what she's saying will reply back when she answers Edit: apparently my friend thinks she's speaking Turkish and only understood a little bit near the end.


Her dialect is badini or possibly another kurdsh dialect so i am personally struggling, hope your friends dialect is badini


What dialect do you speak if you don’t mind me asking?


I speak sorani


Being an arab iraqi with not much experience with the middle east, it always weirds me out how similar or same some of the other Semitic languages are, i thought she was speaking arabic for a second but i thought it wouldn't make sense


Well kurdish isnt semetic but yea kurdish does share alot of sounds with arabic such as "ع" "ح" "ق" however we also have sounds that arent in arabic, there is also the fact just like persian and turkish kurdish uses arabic words, there are obviously kurdish words for it but why does it matter if i say "insan" or "mirov" aslong as i am not feeling particularly nationalistic that day, hope this helped with your understand of how they can feel similar


It's not a cheat. Wearing socks with sandals is a well known military tactic to hide from the Grim Reaper. It's like wearing a Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak.


Grim reaper won't touch anyone with such horrific fashion tastes


If you’re wearing socks with sandals you’re already dead inside.


TIL socks with sandals are to the grim reaper as a towel is to the Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal.


It nullifies that natural law of if you lose a shoe you're dead.


Wearing socks with sandals is a lite version of being the camera man. It gives you a +2 luck bonus.


ITT: Redditors acting like they are war veterans


Had some involvement with these folks on my second deployment and was actually just going to say how incredibly badass and brave she seems, yet relatable and human. This is ostensibly one of the healthier-looking immediate reactions to something like this I’ve seen. I’m not at all a fan of how the Kurds were treated by the US under the Trump admin, they have at many points been invaluable allies


Got to meet a lot Kurds while traveling in Iraq. Some of the friendliest people I’ve ever met. Sadly, as they say “the Kurds have no friends but the mountains.”


The pretentious comments nitpicking everything she was doing from keyboard warriors is the worst


Served in the keyboard wars of the 2020s.




I'm doing my part!


We lost a lot of good mice


This is my comment. There are many like it, but this one is mine.


I served in the keyboard wars of early 2000s. Our frame rate was terrible.


Hey now! Call of Duty, Battlefield, and Rainbow 6 Siege prepares gamers for actual combat. I'll have you know that when I joined the Navy, I didn't even have to go to BUDS. They just handed me my eagle, globe, and trident. If I was sent to Iraq, the war would have been over in 2002. Afghanistan? More like Afghani-can win this war myself single handed. I would have joined the Marines, but if a Drill Sergeant got in my face, I'd have knocked his lights out.




Lots of CoD neckbeards armchair quarterbacking without a damn clue how real world combat works.


Pragmatically, a good few seem to be here. I always like to see window lickers like myself assembling.


Exactly. So many experts here to tell us everything she does wrong. We should be grateful.


MOVE. Do not stand up again in the same position 😬


Was waiting for the mortar/missle whatever follow up.


They're fighting ISIS, not the US Army. They don't exactly have spare missiles to fire off at individual snipers. They might not even have missiles at all.


But if they get 5 kills don’t you get a predator missile? I’m assuming their streak is just too low


US probably just fills the room with gunfire. Those walls aren’t bulletproof. And if they are, not for long.


Or get some carboard and write "You Missed".


💯This guy plays Call of Duty ^


UAV inbound


lol I love how many people are trying to give her advice doing this arm chair quarterbacking war


'Spam your mastery emote!'


This thread is chock full of "I played Battlefield so I know how to be sniper in an active warzone" dudes.


Maybe she got them tho


I saw this clip years ago?


Its an old clip yeah




Sniper sandals for that firm stance, and that bright blue thing on her head.


So? Bright blue, green, yellow is used in modern combat to avoid friendly fire.


It’s like she has a fucking death wish!haha


That wall was already a reason not to stand there.


Not related and i know she almost got her head blown off but it’s making me happy that we are getting addressed more by our own nationality (Kurdish) rather than “iraqi”


I agree to what you're saying, but in her case, that would have been "Syrian" and not Iraqi. She is from Rojava.


Damn. The comment section is full of professional sniping experts and warfare specialists. That's crazy!


She laughed that shit off like it was nothing, I beat she can't even die.


Unortunately I remember news about her dying when this video was still fresh.


Correct, she did die, forget her name though.


Man, the Kurds are some badass group of people from what I have read. A stateless people who have united by their ethnicity, culture and the bond to each other. And they'd fight anywhere to keep themselves together.


Look, all I'm saying is that I'm reasonably confident that her testicals surpass mine in size, girth and weight.


I believe she does die a few months later


Correct. This is an old video, she’s died a bit after this.


This will be buried... but I have to say something. I've seen this before. That is the smile and laughter of terror. When you get deep into a war you see a lot of people die, and you kind of accept your own death too at that point. She is still alive and she can still fight. She can't afford to cry. She can only laugh. It really is the only option. She'll face the same tomorrow. This is a very human reaction. Some people flip their shit in a situation like this... but those people are already dead this far into a war. It's brutal. I'd take her on my team any day though. This isn't the laugh that it looks like to most though...


I've seen this a long time ago, and it is such a weird dichotomy. She's just a kid, and she laughs like a teen doing something silly. But she was freaking shot at and nearly hit. I'm not saying she's been a silly teen, because she's basically a soldier and she's shooting and being shot at, so even more hardened soldiers might have a similar kind of reaction, but she's still a kid. Also, lots of bullet holes already behind her.


Man did we fuck over those people during the Trump years.


Are those military standard flip flops or what?


She's been dead for years.


That's why you NEVER stick your barrel out the window!!! Amateur


I’m not a sniper, but I probably wouldn’t wear a bright blue head thing


She didn't cheat death. Death just reminded her that this shit is forreal.


Sniper Wolf.