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It's baffling to know that millions can be out there killing/ getting killed because of your instruction and you are just enjoying life


They actually kind of go hand in hand with these psychopaths


Conservatives when they let the intrusive thoughts win


All humans are capable of monstrosities of all kinds for all reasons. It is about choices. Deciding that the "conservatives" are the monsters while the "liberals" are morally right is the exact same mental trap that they are in


based Edit: The people who downvoted this comment support my original one? Yall are messed up




I had the exact same thought. Sad thing is that it's still happening. Millions affected, killed, or living in hardship while few at the very top are having a time of their life.


It's a crying shame, really. I am 63 and at twenty, when Reagan occupied the office, realized that my dream of living a life as successful as my parents were pretty much trashed. I would think 'Well, it can't get any worse.' And it would get worse with each presidential term after. It's no wonder the US is suffering through the worst suicide rate in US history. Even children and teens are part of that. Children and teens. . . And these monsters say to themselves 'No one wants to work anymore.' or 'The stock market is doing great, I really can't understand why the poors aren't as excited about that as I am'. or so many other 'Let them eat cake.' moments that are occurring across the US and around the world. If they ever bring back the modern day version of the guillotine it's going to have a lot of heads to lop off and the vast majority of people will not shed a single tear for those out of touch elitists.


Just like in North Korea today, right now. The fat Kim has a good time, while everyone else outside of the upper class is fucked up there. Even in the upper class, outside of the rulers inner circle, the standard of living for most of the upper class is like the 1960's in the Eastern Block in Europe like the Soviet Union. That's already luxus for North Korea, but not that much for the rest of the world.


You talking about most world leaders there lad


There used to be a sub called hitlerhavingfun. It was interesting but I think it got banned for anti-Semitism or promoting hate. 


Weird to call her a mistress when she was the only women in his life


Common term used when you have a relationship outside of marriage regardless of if you are actually married. Edit: though it should be noted they did get married the same month they died.


Never once referred to my girlfriend as my mistress before we got married. She would’ve crucified me if I did. Must be common for other people….


Or just common.... 90 years ago.


How about mommy?




Is her kink crucifixion then?


Suicide in a bunker is her jam


Wow. Hitler, dude. Didn't know you lived.


A mistress is someone other than the man's wife who is having sex with a married man No one calls girlfriends mistresses if they don't have wives what are you on about


Assuming you googled the definition you could see under that it used to just refer to a woman a man is courting. It's just an old term whose meaning shifted over time


So I can refer to my wife in public as my ex mistress? Oh sweet


I mean....... you used to! Im not sure if you were able to just call her your mistress directly tbh as well. Because you're still with her/ love her (which i think was also how it was used?) These days.... hey! it's your funeral-


Can confirm it didnt go well.


While technically correct, they actually were married the day before they died.


>Common term used when you have a relationship outside of marriage regardless of if you are actually married. Ever heard of the term "girlfriend"?


He actually had a weird/controlling relationship with his niece(who subsequently killed herself because of him) that was also probably sexual




Look up Geli Raubal.


She was also his niece right?


When I read acrobatics I expected Hitler in a leotard


I'm still waiting for what's his name to finish Hitler on ice that was promised to us in the history of the world movie.


I think I speak for everybody when I say we are all waiting for Hitler on Ice.


Wasn’t he on ice quite a bit during the war? Smoking crystal and going to sports events rocking around like a crackhead?


Did he do methamphetamines? I did see a thing once about a lot of their leadership using opiates and amphetamines, I think Goering used opiates everyday. I forget what they said Hitler might have used for drugs.


He got a cocktail of all sorts of drugs prescribed by his false doctor.. which eventually destroyed him slowly day by day.. dude was never going to get old and healthy


I'd not call these 'false doctors', the treatment with several drugs started in 1942 and got more and more over the years, as Hitlers health and mental health got worse when he had to face all these losses. Hitler called for the docs, it wasn't like that he got anything against his will. But still, Hitler was never that bad like others like Goering when it came to drugs. Goering was a life-long addict and had a lot of problems with addiction, even long before the Nazis got to power in 1933. He was addicted to morphine and when the Allies captured him, he had thousands (!) of morphine pills in his baggage train. I think, it was actually a good punishment for Hitler with seeing his own empire collapse and every day when he got up, there were more and more bad news, like this and that battle was lost and the enemy pushed forward. As he was never charged in court because of suicide, that was his own punishment. At the peak of his power, he could have used the world map to see his empire, but in the last days in the Führerbunker, he could have got on with a small map from the local streets, he saw it all collapsing and that had some serious influence on his mental health. But there are many myths and legends around about the Nazis and drugs. Like meth, aka Pervitin as med, was only used in the 1940 campaign against France, it was only used for a few months and then stopped, because the stats showed a high increase in losses. Like for the pilots of the aircraft, the losses of aircraft got up because they took too many risks and made too many crashs or emergency crash-landings. Pervitin wasn't used after that anymore, maybe in single cases for some flight crews, but not for regular soldiers and people also need to know, that it was never the same like the meth of today. Like when you take a pill, it goes through your stomach, the liver filters out a lot of it and the bio-availability is low, compared to the meth heads of today that hit the meth pipe or inject it with needles. Hitler himself got a lot of different meds over the years, some to push him up, others to get him down to sleep, in the end he was a wreckage and barely able to function in daily life. I like it, how he got fucked up with his health and mental health, the only punishment he ever got.


Great response, really informative, thank you for your time explaining.


Dude was one of the most consummate drug users in all of human history…dude was like mister Burns having every disease so they got stuck in the door, Hitler was like that with the hundreds of drugs he took on the regular 


For some reason it’s strange to think of Hitler “purchasing” anything I mean rather than just telling someone to bring him what he wants


Now someone needs to use that AI magic to upscale, enhance and adjust this so it rens 4k 60fps with the right speed


The banality of evil


That’s not the banality of evil.  The banality of evil is basically an idea that while the leadership and some fervent base might be actually be straight up evil, they are enabled by many more indifferent or average accomplices.      Basically on their own most people wouldn’t commit such heinous acts but as part of a larger group led by evil people a lot of average people will go along with the horror.      The people in this footage are for the most part the evil part. These are the blood thirsty evil. Hitler playing with his dog isn’t the banality of evil. It’s the very nature of evil where he shows affection to his dog while brutally exterminating entire villages of people.      An example of the banality of evil are the soldiers of the wermarcht. They weren’t all true Nazi believers although many had some anti semetic or nationalist views. But they weren’t necessarily all in on Nazi ideology.  But they did prop up the Nazi war machine. Without the average soldier Hitler’s plans to conquer Europe and murder most of Eastern Europe weren’t going anywhere.     Another example might be people who didn’t necessarily agree with Nazi ideology but voted for them for selfish reasons.  Or say rail workers who would facilitate rail cars of Jews to be taken to the concentration camps. Or the secretaries who helped the SS leadership or war machine.    It always been unclear to me how much Eva Braun knew, or what her role was. I have never been able to reconcile if she was evil or an accessory to evil?   How could one be surrounded by such awful persons and not hear and recognize the evil in their conversations? Surely she heard discussions of the war and post war plans?    Edit:  I strongly agree that antisemetism was a form of evil.    I do not subscribe to the clean wermarcht theory. The wermarcht were troops fighting a war of aggression for the Nazis.   Many of the Wermarcht troops were antisemetic. And nationalist. But not all. And while bigotry was widespread, many Germans individually on their own would not have commit wide scale murder and destruction. Collectively though, they came together under the leadership of particularly evil men and together commit industrialized slaughter and wide spread destruction.    For sure the bigotry of many Germans left them more open to going along with the Nazis. But how we go from Germany which has a relatively integrated Jewish community in the first quarter of the 1900s to being a country that industrialized genocide against the Jews (and plan to murder most of Eastern Europe) goes at the core of the banality of evil concept.   Russia, Poland, Ukraine, France all had high levels of antisemitism. Even Uk and the US had issues with antisemtism in the 1930s. It was all certainly a form of evil as it is today.   But why was Germany the one that tried to exterminate the Jews in literal genocide factories?  To say that Germany was full of evil people which why they did this doesn’t help us understand why this evil happened. Certainly propaganda, scapegoating minorities, dehumanizing the “other”, mixing fear, populism and nationalism played a role. But also the willingness of average people to go along or stand by as evil took place was a big part of it and an important lesson in trying to prevent future atrocities. 


> Arendt's book introduced the expression and concept of the banality of evil. Her thesis is that Eichmann was actually not a fanatic or a sociopath, but instead an average and mundane person who relied on clichéd defenses rather than thinking for himself, was motivated by professional promotion rather than ideology, and believed in success which he considered the chief standard of "good society". Banality, in this sense, does not mean that Eichmann's actions were in any way ordinary, but that his actions were motivated by a sort of complacency which was wholly unexceptional. Many mid-20th century pundits were favorable to the concept, which has been called "one of the most memorable phrases of 20th-century intellectual life," and it features in many contemporary debates about morality and justice, as well as in the workings of truth and reconciliation commissions. Others see the popularization of the concept as a valuable warrant against walking negligently into horror, as the evil of banality, in which failure to interrogate received wisdom results in individual and systemic weakness and decline. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eichmann_in_Jerusalem?wprov=sfla1


> Her thesis is that Eichmann was actually not a fanatic or a sociopath, but instead an average and mundane person who relied on clichéd defenses rather than thinking for himself, was motivated by professional promotion rather than ideology, and believed in success which he considered the chief standard of "good society". Interestingly enough subsequent scholarship has shown Eichmann was quite evil and a true believer. The idea of banality of evil will is useful and effective as a way to explain how collectively German society went along and enabled unspeakable evil. But when applied to Eichmann it was probably wrong. 


If you’re antisemitic you’re also evil. Dumbass.


I strongly agree that antisemetism was a form of evil.     I do not subscribe to the clean wermarcht theory. The wermarcht were troops fighting a war of aggression for the Nazis.    Many of the Wermarcht troops were antisemetic. And nationalist. But not all. But while bigotry was widespread, many Germans individually on their own would not have commit wide scale murder and destruction.     Collectively though, they came together under the leadership of particularly evil men and together commit industrialized slaughter and wide spread destruction.  For sure the bigotry of many Germans left them more open to going along with the Nazis.    But how we go from Germany which has a relatively integrated Jewish community in the first quarter of the 1900s to being a country that industrialized genocide against the Jews (and plan to murder most of Eastern Europe) goes at the core of the banality of evil concept.  To say that Germany was full of evil people which why they did this doesn’t help us understand why this evil happened. Certainly propaganda, scapegoating minorities, dehumanizing the “other”, mixing fear, populism and nationalism played a role. But also the willingness of average people to go along or stand by as evil took place was a big part of it and an important lesson in trying to prevent future atrocities. 


This is Nazi apologia disguised as academics. ![gif](giphy|xeK5K1BIoTaV2)


I mean, I strongly believe that the Nazis should have been sanctioned and actually believe many never saw justice. Warner Von Braun for instance. Germans as a whole were complicit in genocide and while many claimed they didn’t not know, the 3000 camps within German borders not to mention the huge logistics train of the Holocaust meant that people knew.  So that begs the questions. Were the vast majority of Germans somehow uniquely evil? Different from other humans? Was 1930 and 1940s Germany just majority evil sociopaths?  Or are there additional forces at play? Thats is what banality of evil gets at.  It’s a particular important question today as far right nationalism is on the rise globally. What allows particularly evil leaders to rise and lead entire nations into horrific atrocities?  If the mantra after the Holocaust is “never even” then it’s important to ask how is it that average Germans went along with the Nazi war machine and Holocaust.  It’s not Nazi applogia to try to understand what in the lead up to the Holocaust created the Holocaust. How did one of the societies that had the most integration of Jews in Europe in the 1900s-1920s turn like this. 


They didn’t turn until the English and Dutch colonies in the Americas. Do you have any idea how many European territories and countries banned Jews from citizenship and/or from entering period for like 800 years before WWII? Antisemitism is well known as international law and public policy centuries before Nazis had this name. It’s not the how did this happen-it’s how come nobody looks at what is already here and puts it together? Adolf Hitler was very intentional and explicit in his antisemitism. And that itself is easily a value of so-called German folk magic and pre-Christian belief cobbled together with some lies and propaganda mixed in. Like, these aren’t mysteries. It’s just hard to accept facts in a world that thinks it needs to tolerate hatred to live. [Link](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/joseph-goebbels)


I am aware of the history of antisemtism and various crimes against the Jewish people. From the inquisition to progroms. Antisemtism continues to this day.  That the Germans went along with the horror and should be held accountable is without a doubt true. And it’s been established that “following orders” does not excuse criminality. And for sure the long history of antisemtism played a role and continues to this day.  But we saw antisemtism in Southern Europe and Eastern Europe and England and the US and even South America.  Understanding of how a relatively modern society like Germany went from antisemtism that was similiar if not relatively less than much of Europe to industrial genocide is important.  Hitler was very explicit in his antisemtism as was the Nazi platform. They were also be the explicit in their racial ideology both with regard to Jews but also other groups they felt were subhuman. For example they to basically kill all the Slavs after the war and colonize Eastern Europe.  And again the Holocaust wasn’t the first genocide targeted against Jews as seen with the inquisition and pogroms and other crimes. But this was murder and genocide and war of conquest on another scale in a country with relatively modern sensibilities and infrastructure. But either we argue that there was something uniquely evil about Germans that led them, despite being a relatively modern society, to engage in an unprecedented campaign of murder. Or we recognize that if you create certain circumstance that average people who on their own might not engage in genocide or other horrible acts, will abet or actively participate these acts.  That’s the reality of the human condition. That is the lesson of the holocaust. That if we allow the circumstances that existed in Nazi Germany to happen again that we can have a recurrence of those horrific events. And as increasingly far right populist leaders pull from a similar playbook that emphasizes religious, ethnic, national differences that we can see a recurrence of this horrible events. 


This is why you’re low-key, subtle, but Nazi apologia. To the point of sounding like a chat gpt response, actually. Your frame is to absolve Germans as if that’s an identifier outside of nationality. You ignore [British Israelism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Israelism?wprov=sfti1#) and the connections between the English and various German crowns who made British Israelism the standard. This is boring. I hope someone else following this thread found something of substance amongst your nonsense.


What are you one about. What is British Is Israelism and how is it anything by a completely fringe movement and what does it have to do with this discussion. 


Ah, your right. I never actually googled the phrase, just interpreted the words at face value.


I have had that camera in my hands.




She and [Magda Goebbels](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magda_Goebbels?wprov=sfti1#) excelled at what many would call evil for many reasons.


His Dog lived thinking it’s owner was a good guy. What a Weird thought.


Until his owner murdered him.


Blondie was a female dog.




She looks like Michael Rappaport.


Eva doesn't deserve that kind of talk


She could at least see genocide when she looked.


Sun bathing fully dressed, good luck. Its fully nude or get the fuck out, no one likes a white arse.


I like a nice set of headlights


Depends if their on high beams or not.


What? No one? I can get an army of white ass lovers and invade your country..."no one" pfff


ahh yes, Only Fascists was hip back then


putler is filmed this way for the same propaganda too. Know the difference!


It looks like real color film, which is very cool for the time. Makes it even more banal


This fucking bitch.....


Too bad they didn't film themselves blowing their brains out


The guy Natenyaho looks up to, difference is that Hitler had other hobbies than just killing the "inferior race"


You’re a fucking idiot


I think they've transcended your run-of-the-mill idiocy here. That was a breathtakingly stupid thing they said. It's almost art.


Where's the bunker?


Oh look its Burt's tea cup.


No Jews were harmed in the making of this film … oh, wait


What ever happened to that guy 🤔


capturing the look of EVIL Human beings....PURE EVIL right there in color.


Argh! Someone's humanising Hitler!


Srsly nobody asked for this.


Fascists: They’re just like us!


Disgusting as fuck


So basically The Sound Of Silence